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FRESCO Schedule Code: SW2B5

Instructor: SALIMA A. LUMNA, RSW Deadline Date: MAY 06, 2022

General Objectives:

(Christian Row) The Client will be able to receive a financial support through the University of Tooling's Student Assistance
Programs and Services and connect The Client to other Government Welfare and Services Offices where he can seek financial
assistance if the school support program does not suit, for allowing the client not to worry about his financial so that he can focus on
his schoolwork in order to graduate next year. Provide a constant communication and advice in preparation for his job seeking that
aligned to his course which is the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and also how to budget his allowance daily

Time Frame/Specific Activities Persons Expected Outcomes

Objectives Responsible

-May-June - One on one small talk to the -President of the - The client has received a Financial grant in the
2022 President of the University University of Tooling amount of 30,000 pesos per month from the
about the financial assistance for Student’s University of Tooling's Student Assistance
1. To seek financial for the client Assistance Programs Programs and Services.
assistance grant from and Services
the University
and other - One on one small talk to all - All the President of - The client has received a Financial grant in the
Government Welfare the President of other Government Welfare amount of 10,000 pesos per month to all the
and Services Offices Government Welfare and and Services Offices Government Welfare and Services Offices.
for the client Services Offices about the
financial assistance for the -Client
-Social Worker
- July 2022
-Social Worker
2. Program for - The client is so expert to budget his allowance
managing allowance -Teach the client how to -Client daily.
properly budget his allowance
properly -Financial Coach

Constant communication
through the following: - The client was able to put up his Software
- One on one Small Talk -Social Worker Developer and Programmer online business with
the help of experts or organizations.
3. August-September -Link the client with
2022 organization or a person that -Client
has entrepreneurship experts
for entrepreneurship advices -The client is employed in a company/corporation
and guides for his -Agencies where his expertise is utilized and that he received
conceptualization and a salary enough for him and for his family.
preparation for his Software
Developer and Programmer
online business plan.

Constant monitoring to get -Social Worker

4.October-November updates on the development of
2022 his plans/actions and give -Client -Monitoring and Evaluation is conducted.
advices if needed.
-Social Worker -The client is now a regular employee in a legit
5. December - Evaluation and End of company, his business was so abundance, so
2022 Helping process. -Client blessed and now he is helping his family and also
those working student like him before fully in every
single day.
Name: ISIDORE L. FRESCO Schedule Code: SW2B5

Instructor: SALIMA A. LUMNA, RSW Deadline Date: MAY 06, 2022

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