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Project Objectives:

Our SQL project centered on the analysis of a ten-year dataset comprising Chicago traffic
crashes. The primary objective was to extract insights and patterns from the extensive data,
aiming to understand the dynamics of road safety and traffic incidents in the city. Our focus
was on identifying trends related to the frequency, severity, and distribution of traffic
crashes over the decade. We sought to explore factors contributing to these incidents, such
as weather conditions, time of day, and geographic locations. Using SQL queries and data
manipulation techniques, we aimed to create a structured database for efficient data
retrieval and analysis.

The project aimed to provide valuable insights into the patterns and determinants of traffic
crashes in Chicago, supporting evidence-based strategies for improving road safety in the

SQL features and functionalities used:

In our project, we worked on a variety of SQL functions and functionalities to extract
meaningful insights from the extensive Chicago traffic crashes dataset spanning a decade.
The 'MIN' and 'MAX' functions were employed to determine the minimum and maximum
values within specific data sets, providing key metrics for analysis. The 'AS' clause allowed us
to assign user-defined aliases to result set columns, enhancing the readability of our

The 'WHERE' clause was instrumental in filtering data based on specified conditions,
enabling us to focus on relevant subsets of information. The 'GROUP BY' clause facilitated
the aggregation of data, allowing us to explore trends and patterns within distinct groups.
'JOIN' operations were crucial for combining data from multiple tables, enabling a more
comprehensive analysis of the relationships between different aspects of traffic incidents.

To enhance the presentation of our results, we utilized the 'ORDER BY' clause to sort the
output in ascending or descending order, and the 'LIMIT' clause helped control the number
of records displayed. The 'WHEN', 'ELSE', and 'END AS' clauses were employed within 'CASE'
statements to perform conditional logic, aiding in the classification and categorization of

Furthermore, the 'DISTINCT' keyword allowed us to retrieve unique values from specific
columns, providing a clearer understanding of the dataset's diversity. In summary, these SQL
functions and functionalities played a crucial role in the extraction, manipulation, and
analysis of data, empowering us to derive valuable insights into the patterns and trends of
traffic crashes in Chicago over the ten-year period.

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