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Descriptive Prep Today 1

Essay 103 Topic : Combating Ragging for a

Safe and Inclusive Learning Environment

Educational institutions are intended to be havens of learning and growth,

fostering a nurturing environment where students can pursue their academic
endeavours without fear or intimidation. However, the insidious practice of
ragging casts a dark shadow on this idyllic image, transforming these
institutions into breeding grounds of harassment and humiliation. Preventing
ragging is not just a matter of upholding discipline; it is a crucial step towards
safeguarding the well-being and holistic development of students.

Ragging, in its various forms, manifests as a power play, where seniors impose
their dominance over juniors, subjecting them to physical, verbal, and
psychological abuse. This toxic culture not only disrupts the academic journey
but also leaves deep psychological scars on the victims. The fear of ragging
can lead to anxiety, depression, and even suicide.

To effectively combat this menace, a multi-pronged approach is essential.

Educational institutions must establish zero-tolerance policies and implement
strict disciplinary measures, ensuring that ragging incidents are not tolerated
or swept under the rug. Anti-ragging committees should be formed,
comprising representatives from students, faculty, and management, to
provide a platform for grievance redressal and initiate sensitization programs.
Open communication channels should be established, encouraging students
to report ragging incidents without fear of reprisal. Counselling services

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