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Mechanics of Materials Lab

Submitted by: Muhammad Mohid Khan (2022-ME-81)



Experiment 1
Study of hydraulic bench and calculating flow rate
 To study the Hydraulic Bench
 To calculate the volumetric flow rate

Apparatus used:
 Hydraulic bench
 Stop watch

Hydraulic bench:
A key tool for investigating fluid behavior under varied flow conditions in fluid
mechanics experiments is the hydraulic bench. It allows a controlled setting for carrying
out studies including the measurement of fluid flow, pressure, and velocity. A service
module known as the hydraulics bench is made to fit a variety of accessories, each of
which illustrates a different part of hydraulic theory.

Parts of Hydraulic bench

Water Reservoir: Stores the working fluid

Pump: Pumps water from reservoir

Flow Control Valve: enables accurate water flow rate regulation

Pressure Gauge: used for detailed pressure monitoring.

Pressure Relief Valve: to prevent over-pressurization and may be adjustable for
different pressure settings.

Manometer Tubes: Transparent tubes for precise pressure measurements

Pipes and Fittings: Facilitates fluid flow

Test Section: The hydraulic bench's main component, suited for complex experiments
and maybe with more specialized attachments and modification options
Circuit Breaker: Ensures electrical safety by protecting against electrical faults
Scale: This increases the hydraulic bench's adaptability by being used to measure
things like force or weight in particular studies.

1. Verify that the pump is working and that the hydraulic bench is linked to a water source
2. Write down the flow meter's first measurement, which is typically 0 when there is no
water flowing through the system. This is important for precise measurements.
3. Gradually open the hydraulic bench's flow control valve to let water into the system.
Before continuing, make sure that the flow rate is constant and reliable.
4. Begin the stopwatch or timer when you start filling the graduated cylinder or container
with water. When the side scale reads five liters, stop the watch.
5. Turn off the hydraulic bench's flow control valve to stop the flow.
6. Calculate the volume flow rate (Q) using the formula:

Q = Volume flow rate
V = Volume of water
t = Time of flow
Group Volume Time Flow rate
numbers (V) (m3) (t) (Q)
1 0.005 16.96 0.00029481

We calculated volume in liters so in order to convert its value into cubic

meter/meter cube we can simply divide the obtain value in liters by 1000

To determine the validity of Bernoulli’s equation (Bernoulli’s

Apparatus used:
 Hydraulics Bench
 Bernoulli’s Apparatus
 stopwatch

1. Connect the Bernoulli’s apparatus to hydraulic bench
2. Start the pump and open the bench valve to allow water to push air out of duct and tubes
3. Open apparatus flow control valve, close the air valve by air bleed screw and close bench
valve when air is fully removed
4. After air is removed from ducts and tubes, open the air valve slowly to allow air to enter
the top of water in manometer to set them at a level. After that close the air valve and
attach cap on it.
5. We will take the initial observations at the highest flow rate and then lower the height of
the diverging section by around 50mm.
6. Take readings of static head from manometers and measure the volume flow rate by
timed volume collection.
7. The total head distribution can then be measured by moving the total pressure probe
along the test section's length. A good starting point is 1 cm upstream of the start of the
14-degree tapered section, and measurements should be taken at intervals of 1 cm until
the end.
The Bernoulli equation for incompressible fluids can be derived by either integrating newtons
second law of motion or by applying the law of conservation of energy, ignoring viscosity,
compressibility, and thermal effects.

p = static pressure
ρv2/2 = dynamic pressure
ρg = hydrostatic pressure
Dividing by ρg we will get:

Flow rate calculated
Number of V(m3) T (s) Flow rate
1 0.001 9.57 1.044x10-4

Height Volume Area Static Velocity Dynamic Total Time (s) Distance
(m3) of head (m/s) head head from Duct
duct (m) (10 m) calculated (m)
H1 0.001 490 0.275 0.234 2.791 0.278 8.77 0
H2 0.001 151.7 0.265 0.757 29.20 0.294 8.77 0.0603
H3 0.001 109.4 0.235 1.051 56.2 0.291 8.77 0.0687
H4 0.001 89.9 0.200 1.277 83.3 0.283 8.77 0.0732
H5 0.001 78.5 0.160 1.462 108.94 0.268 8.77 0.0811

According to the data that we calculated, we can conclude that pressure will be lower when flow
rate is high. Similarly, pressure will be higher when flow rates low.
Another thing worth mentioning is that Bernoulli’s Principle is the foundation for this
experiment to find out the relation between pressure, velocity and height.
We also proved that the sum of static head, velocity head and elevation head is constant
Experiment 3
To determine the coefficient of velocity of two small orifices (Orifice
and Jet Apparatus)

To determine the value of Cv

 hydraulic Bench.
 F1-17 Orifice and Jet Apparatus.
 Adjustable Needle and paper apparatus.
 Orifice plate of diameter 6mm.

 Attach the apparatus to the hydraulic bench. Before beginning the experiment, attach the
orifice to the tank and tightly shut it.
 Start the centrifugal pump to fill the tank with water, then connect the overflow reservoir
to it.
 Observe the fluid head while adjusting the overflow reservoir screw.
 Water begins to shoot out in a projectile.
 Now adjust the heights of needles in such a way that its bottom touches the fluid
 Mark all the points on the paper. Now measure all vertical heights y of needles with
respect to the horizontal distances x.
 Note all the observations in the table and make graph.
 Find out the value of discharge rate Cv from slope of the graph.

For x component:

At intial Xo=0

By second equation,

So the final equation becomes,

In above equation, x is the horizontal distance of tubes from one end that
is taken as a reference point.
y is the difference in the vertical height for each tube.
h is the head that is from top of the tank to the center of the reservoir.

Sr Diamete head Horizonta Vertical Underroo Coefficien
n r of l distance distanc t t of
o orifice e yh velocity
D h x y Cv
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
1 0.006 0.319 0.0135 0 0

2 0.006 0.319 0.0635 0.006 0.04277 0.74234276

3 0.006 0.319 0.1135 0.017 0.072 0.78819444

4 0.006 0.319 0.1635 0.03 0.09565 0.85467852

5 0.006 0.319 0.2135 0.052 0.1269364 0.84097233

6 0.006 0.319 0.2635 0.075 0.1512448 0.87110433








0.0135 0.0635 0.1135 0.1635 0.21

Distance in X direction (horizontal)

Formula used:

Using a graphical technique, the large orifice discharge coefficient is
determined. This chart shows the difference between the real and
theoretical volumetric flow. The actual velocity is lower than the
predicted velocity due to energy losses.

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