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Implementation of the use Grammarly application to learn the writing skills of TBI students at Universitas Islam Negeri Prof.

K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

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Chaoro Lutfia Amalia , Anggun Fifi Mu’alifah , Refi Mariska , Wiwit Haniah
English Education Study Program, State Islamic University of Prof. K. H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto, Indonesia
English Education Study Program, State Islamic University of Prof. K. H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto, Indonesia
English Education Study Program, State Islamic University of Prof. K. H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto, Indonesia
English Education Study Program, State Islamic University of Prof. K. H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto, Indonesia

Corresponding author’s email:


The abstract should be clear and informative in one paragraph (not exceeding 200 words, in 12-pt Cambria, with single space). It should succinctly describe

your entire paper which contains the introduction, objective, method, and findings. The abstract should stand alone, which means that no citation or no

references in the abstract. It should tell the prospective readers what you did and highlight the key findings. Avoid using technical jargon and uncommon

abbreviations. The abstract must appear on the top of the first page after the title, author(s) name and affiliation, and corresponding author’s email address.

Mention a corresponding author (who will handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, also post-publication; this responsibility includes

answering any future queries about Methodology and Materials) of the paper. Keywords are the labels of your manuscript and critical to correct indexing and

searching. They should be well selected and closely related to the topic to facilitate the reader's search and should represent the content and highlight of your

article. Use only abbreviations that are firmly established in the field. There must be 3-5 keywords (phrases). Each phrase in Keywords should be separated by

a semicolon (;).

Keywords: keyword; keyword; keyword; keyword (3-5 keywords)


Currently, technological development is very rapid. In today's digital era, technology is increasingly becoming a part of the learning process. Therefore,

technology is very important for the world of education because it can be useful as a learning medium between teachers and students. In the field of

education, technology has participated in new trends in language teaching and language evaluation (Parra G & Calero S, 2019). Currently, technology has had

various impacts on the teaching and learning process, especially in English lessons. In learning English, learning requires media to help students learn the

language effectively. In this case, the use of technology is really needed in the modern era like now to support students' English language skills by adapting to

the learning process. Technology is very useful for knowing the various skills of students in Indonesia.

The majority of students in Indonesia have not mastered all English skills, one of which is writing skills. Writing is a written communication skill, whether to

express thoughts, feelings or anything else, so you need a skill to write well. Suriamiharja (1996:2) believes that writing is a communication activity to

express thoughts, feelings and desires to other people in writing. Richards and Renandya (2002: 303), emphasize that writing skills are very complex,

therefore, proficiency in various skills is needed to write effectively.

Currently, English language teachers in Indonesia are required to have good writing skills, there are at least five elements of writing that must be mastered,

including the first main idea, second organization, third supporting material, fourth expression, word choice, and point of view, third. Four spelling, grammar

and punctuation. Every teacher needs to have this ability to correct or provide feedback on their students' writing.

Many students in Indonesia today find it difficult to write because their language skills are weak. Richards and Renandya also suspect that if their language

skills are weak, they will face great difficulties in writing. Therefore, every error in student writing must be corrected immediately so that students know

where the error is. However, students also need guidance and direction from lecturers, one of which is by providing written corrective feedback. Based on

interviews conducted with several lecturers, they concluded that providing feedback is not considered something easy. Because the majority of students do

CELTI (Conference on English Language Teaching)

not pay attention to the correct choice of words, they also fail to use article references correctly. This fact is supported by the results of research conducted by

Wigati, in Unsika in June 2013, which shows that students are faced primarily with a lack of vocabulary and a lack of ability to operate English grammar,

incorrect use of verbs, incorrect verb formation, sentence structure. wrong, wrong and awkward word order, wrong formation or use of passive, unclear

message, use of wrong subject-verb or missing or even incorrect articles, plural/singular noun problems, and wrong word choice, including prepositions . In

this way, lecturers will find it difficult to understand the meaning or message conveyed by their students through writing. And of course it takes a lot of time

to correct their writing mistakes. This makes lecturers feel tired when correcting and giving feedback to their students.

One solution to this problem is the existence of current technology which is expected to be able to help teachers, including lecturers, in dealing with problems

like the one above, one of which is using the Grammarly application. Many researchers have proven the success of Grammarly in improving writing with

corrective feedback (Barrot, 2021; Barrot & Agdeppa, 2021; Barrot & Gabinete, 2021; Dembsey, 2017; Gain, Rao, & Bhat, 2019; Kotsyuk, 2015). Grammarly is

a program that adopts the AWE (Automated Writing Evaluation) system to check the grammar of a piece of writing with the ability to scan almost 250

grammar rules (Daniels & Leslie, 2013). Grammarly can make it easier for students or teachers to detect writing errors in English.

Research related to the use of the Grammarly application for learning English with writing skills has been carried out by previous researchers. They are Nia

Pujiawati FKIP Singaperbangsa University Karawang in 2018, Sarah Aslamiyah and Sisilia Halimi Setiawati University of Indonesia in 2023, Dahlia Hasan

University of Bosowa in 2022. They have researched through their lecturers or tutors. So far no research has been found regarding the use of the Grammarly

application with the subject of students or students.

The purpose of this research is to determine the implementation of the use of the Grammarly application among students, especially TBI students at the State

Islamic University. Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto with the title "Implementation of the use of Grammarly application to determine the writing skills of

TBI students at Prof. The use of the Grammarly application in the English-based study program at UIN SAIZU Purwokerto has inspired students to improve

the grammar and spelling of English words, one of which is by using the Grammarly application.


This section is used to limit the scope of the relevant data by focusing on specific variables and defining the specific viewpoint (framework) that the

researcher will take in analyzing and interpreting the data to be gathered, understanding concepts and variables according to the given definitions, and

building knowledge by validating or challenging theoretical assumptions. (Cambria, 12-point, 1.0 Spacing).


In general, Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL), which is a specialty in m-learning, has been differentiated from computer assisted language learning

in the use of personal and portable devices such as mobile phones, MP3/MP4 players, PDAs, smart devices, and so on. mobile phones, and tablet computers

(Kukulska-Hulme & Shield, 2008) and is defined as the use of “mobile technology in language learning, especially in situations where the portability of the

device offers certain advantages” (Kukulska-Hulme, 2013: 3701). MALL is a mobile device that can be an effective tool for delivering language learning

materials to learners (Thornton & Houser, 2005). In this research, using mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) is a research subfield in the field of mobile

learning (mLearning) that is currently developing and increasingly attracting the attention of scholars. Studies analyzing the use of mobile technology in

various aspects of language learning have supported the idea that mobile technology can improve learners' mastery of second and foreign languages, as well

as learners' attitudes toward technology. their intention to use it, and the various integrated uses of mobile technology in second and foreign language

learning are the dominating research focus (Chang & Hsu, 2011; Cheng et al., 2010 etc.) benefits of language learning in the use of MALL, such as integrating

technology mobile in formal and informal contexts, 'fun' moments when engaging learners in authentic learning contexts: learner contributions to the

creation of learning content; use of mobile devices to support the practice of achieving effective listening and speaking skills, etc.


This research uses the Grammarly application. Grammarly is a technology company that develops applications that can check writing in an article or paper.

Apart from being able to check for errors in writing, Grammarly also functions to improve English writing so that it complies with English grammar or

grammatical rules as well as a spell checker on language structure. According to Hafiz (2015) "Grammarly can provide users with input on the correct

spelling, so that the context of the sentence is correct, correcting embarrassing mistakes in word usage such as: "worth" becomes "worth it", many people

misspell the word, so it confuses people. who reads." As quoted from Lubi (2014), the application checks the text to determine the correct use of words with

more than 250 current grammar rules, covering everything from subject-verbs to the need for creating articles to provide proper placement. In addition, the

application can provide input on correct spelling, so that the sentence context is correct, correct word usage errors, and with Grammarly recommendations,

CELTI (Conference on English Language Teaching)

the user's vocabulary will increase. According to (Lailika, 2019), the grammar checker shows misspelled words and terms difficult to understand. For writers

or students, a grammar checker is enough beneficial.


The majority of students in Indonesia have not mastered all English skills, one of which is writing skills. Writing is a written communication skill, whether to

express thoughts, feelings or anything else, so you need a skill to write well. Suriamiharja (1996:2) believes that writing is a communication activity to

express thoughts, feelings and desires to other people in writing. Richards and Renandya (2002: 303), emphasize that writing skills are very complex,

therefore, proficiency in various skills is needed to write effectively. Many students in Indonesia currently find it difficult to write because of their weak

language skills and lack of motivation to write. Richards and Renandya also suspect that if their language skills are weak, they will face great difficulties in

writing. Therefore teachers must really pay attention to their students by continuing to practice their writing skills, providing written corrective feedback,

and providing high motivation to their students. Tharir (2016) writing activities are a skill area that is difficult to teach and evaluated. In fact, writing is a

complex skill, with many factors underlying difficulties in writing. Factors such as grammar, writing and punctuation, text linguistics and thinking skills.


Research Design

This research uses a qualitative research method that focuses on focused interviews regarding the implementation of the use of the Grammarly application as

a learning medium to learn student writing skills among UIN Prof. students. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto, especially students of the English Tadris study

program. Research is carried out directly by visiting research subjects through a face-to-face question and answer process. The aim of this research is to

obtain clear data regarding the use of the Grammarly application as a learning medium and to determine the writing skills of Tadris English students at UIN

SAIZU Purwokerto.


In this research, researchers conducted interviews with students from the TBI study program at UIN Saizu Purwokerto, with 20 students from the Tadris

English study program as participants. The selected participants will be asked for data through a centralized interview process regarding the use of the

Grammarly application as a learning medium.

Data Collection

This research uses discourse analysis data techniques. In this case the researcher will conduct interviews to collect data. Researchers will ask several

questions regarding the use of the use Grammarly app and identifying the use preceptions of using Grammarly application for writing skill

Data Analyst

This research uses discourse analysis data techniques. In this case, researchers will conduct interviews to collect data. Researchers will ask several questions

related to the use of the Grammarly application in everyday life.


Hasan, Dahlia. 2021. “The use of the Grammarly Application to Improve Students”Grammar Mastery at SMAN 18 Makassar. Skripsi. Makassar: Universitas


Aslamiyah, Sarah, and Sisilia Halimi Setiawati. "Penggunaan Program Grammarly dan Kegiatan Noticing untuk Mengevaluasi Keterampilan Menulis Tulisan

Akademik Mahasiswa". Jurnal Pendidikan Humaniora 11(1), 2023: 33-50.

Pujiawati, Nia. "Mengintegrasikan Automatic Grammar Checker Dalam Pembelajaran Menulis". JUDIKA (Jurnal Pendidikan UNSIKA). Vol. 6, No. 1, Maret 2018:

hal. 1-11.

Barrot, 2021; Barrot & Agdeppa, 2021; Barrot & Gabinete, 2021; Dembsey, 2017; Gain, Rao, & Bhat, 2019; Kotsyuk, 2015. Grammarly is a program that adopts

the AWE (Automated Writing Evaluation).

CELTI (Conference on English Language Teaching)

Question :

1. What the Grammarly application been effectively implemented at UIN SAIZU Purwokerto, especially the Tadris English study program?

2. How do you think, the Grammarly application able to find out students' writing skills yes or not?

3. How do you know that the Grammarly application learn students' writing skills?

4. Why can the Grammarly application be said to be good for learning writing?

5. Where can you access the Grammarly application?

6. Who besides you or UIN SAIZU students can use the Grammarly application?

7. What is the general overview of using the Grammarly application in your class?

8. Have you ever used the Grammarly app as a learning medium in class?

10. When do you usually use Grammarly app?

11. What benefits do you get after using the Grammarly app?

12. What do you think are the advantages of the Grammarly app in writing skills?

13. What are the disadvantages you encounter when using the Grammarly app?

CELTI (Conference on English Language Teaching)

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