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STR Final - Summer training report on ngo

Bachelors of Business Administration (Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University)

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Ms Venus Narang JATIN GUPTA





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I, Mr./Ms._______________________________, Roll No. ________________

certify that the Summer Training Report (Paper Code BCOM 309) entitled

“________________________________” is done by me and it is an authentic

work carried out by me at ___________________________ . The matter

embodied in this has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or

diploma to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature of the Student


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I Jatin gupta enrollment no 00224388820 , student of BCOM 5 TH semester of GURU


project on ‘’ Recruitment and selection ”, is an original and authenticated work

done by me. I further declare that it has been not submitted elsewhere by any

other person in any of the university for the award of any degree or diploma.



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A summer internship programme is a golden opportunity for learning and self

development of a student. I consider myself lucky and honored to have so many

wonderful people help in through in the completion of this project.

I wish to express my indebted gratitude and special thanks to Mr.Munish pundir ,

head of “AASHMAN FOUNDATION” who in spite of being extremely busy with

his duties, took time to hear and guide me. I would also like to thank Mr. Pradeep

kumar (Manager), whose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to

the final level enabled me to complete and develop an understanding of the

project. I express my deepest thanks to Ms. Venus Narang (Internal guide /

mentor) for her guide and support. She helped all the time whenever needed and

gave me the right direction towards completion of the project.

Lastly, I express my sincere thanks and regards to all of those who supported me in

any respect during the completion of the project.


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Chapter-1 1

2 - 19

Profile of the organization 20 - 27

Chapter -2 28

29 - 30
Objective of the study

Review of the literature 31 - 32

Research methodology 33

Limitation 34

Chapter-3 35

Analysis & Interpretation of data 36 - 37

Chapter-4 38

Conclusion and recommendation 39- 40

Appendix 41


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• Recruitment is the process of attracting the most suitable people for the position.
Selection is the process of choosing the best person for the position.

Induction is introducing the person to the position.This module is about how to approach recruitment,

selection and induction of the people in your business. It is designed for people starting to introduce a

more formal business approach, perhaps as more staff are taken on and the complexity of the farm

business grows, and for those employers wishing to improve their current approaches.

• This module is describes a series of well-tested steps to help you identify the right person, to

ensure he or she will fit well with your farm business, and to meet the various legal obligations of

an employer.

Recruitment is the process of creating a large pool of application of the applicants for the job. Selection is

the process of selecting suitable candidate out of applicants for the job. Recruitment is a positive process

and selection is a negative process.

• Most employers recognize the fact that their staff are their asset, and right induction and

processes vital in ensuring that the new employee becomes effective in the shortest time. The

success of any organization depends on right recruitment of the staff, with the right skills and

abilities. Organizations may have a dedicated personnel/human resource function overseeing this

process, or they may devolve these responsibilities to line managers and supervisors. Many

people may be involved, and all should be aware of principle of good practices. Even it is

essential to involve others in the task of recruitment and induction.


Manpower planning is a continuous process. It includes forecasting, developing and controlling —by

which a firm ensures that it has the right number of people and the right kind of people at the right

places at the right time doing work for which they are economically most useful.


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All said and done, it cannot be define that the quality of manpower can be responsible for significant

differences in the short and long run performance among companies. As Ralph Besse said, “There is

nothing we can do about performance of past management or the qualification of today’s management

can be as good as today’s manager care to make it.”

Herber H Mayer emphasized the importance of human assets and their utilization as under:

“The efficient utilization of human resources may very well be the most important determiner of success

in the business world in the coming decade. I think that the companies that prosper in the future will be

those that do the best job in fully utilizing their human resources.”

All organizations are basically human organizations. They need people to carry out the organizational

mission, goals and objectives. Every organization need to recruit people. The recruitment policy should,

therefore, address itself to the key question; what are the personnel human resource requirement of the

organization in terms of number, skills, levels to meet present and future need of production and

technical and other changes planned or anticipated in the next years.


Higher education is a human resource intensive enterprise. It is not surprising, then, that recruitment and

selection of staff should be very high pripority in most if not all units and divisions of student affairs.

Recruitment and selection should include procedures directed to analysis the need and purpose of a

positio , the culture of the institution, and ultimately to select and hire the person that best fit to the

position. Recruitment and selection policy should then, be directed toward the following objectives:

• Hire the right person

• Contract a wide and extensive search of the potential position candidate.

• Recent staff members who are competable with the college or university environment and



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• Hire individuals by using a model that focuses on student education and learning of the whole


Place individuals in positions with responsibilities that will enhance their personal development

Issues in recruitment and selection:-

• Do not discard applicants who “stopped out” to provide care for a child, or for maternity


• Consider the dynamic of the interview- is the representative of the office

• Understand questions that cannot be asked regarding family, children, pregnancy, etc.

• Provide medical insurance that covers the full range of medical need of women employees,

including reproductive health care.

• Provide paid sick-leave policies for employees illness and illness of spouses , lifetime partner ,

dependent children , and elderly parents.

• Provide life insurance, disability and pension programs that are nondiscriminatory on the

basis of gender.

Before attempting to diversify a staff and make it more gender equitable, you must tackle issues

such as, ‘gender stereotyping, discrimination in hiring pay, and promotions; family issues , sexual

orientation discrimination.


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There are five areas critical to this process:

1. Open communication

2. A commitment to creating an inclusive environment

3. Clear preconceived expectations based on gender

4. A netural supervisor who can observe different styles and facilitate

communication when a conflict arises.

5. Training sexual harassment as well as gender issues training .


Recruitment need to keep abreast of changes in the labor market to ensure that their recruitment efforts

are not wasted or directed at too small a pool of labor. Skill shortage may occur unexpectedly and

recruitment & training process need to kept flexible. It is o good idea for any organization to plan its labor

force requirement, matching available supply against forecast demand. A skill audit of existing staff will

increase knowledge of the skills the organization has available and those which are lacking, and thus help

organizations to:

• Asses future recruitment need

• Formulate training program

• Develop promotion and career development policies

• Anticipate and where possible, avoid redundancies

• Develop a flexible workforce to meet ensuring salaries remain competitive

• Access future requirements for capital equipment, technology and premises.


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Management is responsible for producing the human resources plan, senior management for supporting

it. Implementation is likely to be most effective if it carries the support of the workforce, normally

achieved through consultation with trade union or other employee representatives.

Producing a human resource plan involves;

• Forecasting staffing requirement against business objectives

• Assessing the available supply of people to meet those requirements

• Matching available supply against forecast demand


In recruiting new employees management must consider the nature of the labor market what sort of

potential labor are available and look for work.

The factor affecting can be summed up under the following heads:

 Labour market boundaries:- The knowledge of the boundaries help management in estimating

the available supply of qualified personnel form, which it might recruit. A labor market consist of

a geographical area in which the forces of demand and supply interact and thus affect the price

of labor.

 Available skills: -company must locate the aria where they can find employees who fit the jobs

according to there skills.

• Economic condition: - economic condition also affect recruitment Unemployment worker may

swamp a new plan located in a depressed labor market where as a firm trying

• to establish it or to expend in an aria where a few qualified worker are out of work has quite a

different a recruitment problem.


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Attractiveness of the company: - the attractiveness of the company in the terms of higher
wages, clean works, better fringe benefits and rapid promotions serves as influencing factor in

Recruiting who are wrong for the organization can lead to increased the labor turnover,increased cost foe

the organization, and lowering of moral in the existing work for. Such people are likely to be

discontented,unlikely to give there best,and endup leaving voluntarily or in voluntarily when there

unsuitability becomes evident .They will not offer the flexibility and commitment that many organization


Manger and supervisors will have to spend extra time on further recruitment exercises, when it is needed

and the first place is a systematic process to assess the role to be filled, and the type of skills and most

recruitment system will be simple, with stages that can be followed as a routine whenever there is a

vacancy to be filled, and which can be monitored and adopted in light of experience.

The booklet describes the main features of such system, and other related issues.

System should be:-

 Efficient-cost effective in methods and sources

 Effective-producing enough suitable candidate without access and ensuring the identification of

the best fitted for the job and the organization

 Fair-ensuring the right thruogh the process decisions are made on merit alone. Fair-ensuring the
right thruogh the process decisions are made on merit alone.


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A vacancy presents an opportunity to consider restructuring, or to reassess the requirement of the job.

This assessment is valid whether to fill and existing job or new one.

Recruitment begins by specifying the human resource, initialzing activities and action to identify the

possible sources form where they can be met, then communicating the information about the jobs,

terms and conditions and prospectus they offer, and enthause the people who meet the recruitment to

respond to the invitation by applying for jobs. There after selection process begins.

The process is as follows:

Decide on how many people you really need:-

If everything is being done to improve performance and still there is a gap between what the current

performance is and the goal set, then the best way to recruit more people.

Analyzing the job:-

Analyzing the job is the process of assembling and studying information relating to all aspects of a

particular post. Analysis is done to find possible details about:-

 Purpose: identify the aims and objectives of the job and what the employee is expected to

achieve with in the department and company.

 Position: the job title, its position in the hierarchy and for whom it is responsible ought to be

recorded. A simple organization chart may be useful for this purpose.

 Main duties: A list of key tasks any be written out; standards that need to be reached and

maintained must also be maintained .Methods of recording, assessing and recording the key

tasks must be determined.

 The work environment : study the physical and social environment in which the work is out

because the work environment influences the quantity and quality of work.


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After job analysis is done, job description is made, job description describes the job. The job description

decides upon the exact knowledge, skills and experience needed to do the job.

Job description must be drafted around these heading:

 Job title

 Responsible to

 Responsible for

 Purpose of job

 Duties

 Responsibility

 Signature and date


For evaluation of future needs manpower is drafting .A manpower plan evolves studying the make-up of

present workforce, assessing forthcoming changes and calculating future workforce, which is required.

Manpower planning helps in devising long-term recruitment plans.


These refers to persons already employed in the organization. Promoting person from lower levels may

fill up vacancies at higher levels. Shortage of manpower in one branch may be met by transferring surplus

staff from another branch. Promotion means shifting an employee to higher post caring greater salary,

status and responsibility. On the other hand transfer refer to the shifting an employee with salary, status,

responsibility. Some time ex-employee of the company may be re-employed.


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1. Filling vacancies for higher job by promoting employees from with in the organization helps to

motivate and improved the morale of the employees. This includes loyalty among them.

2. Internal requirement has to minimize labor turnover and absentism. People wait for promotion

and workforce more satisfied.

3. Candidate working within the organization do not require induction training. They are already

familier with the organization and people working in it.


There may be inbreeding, as fresh talent from outside is not obtained. Internal candidates may not be

given a new outlook and fresh ideas to business.

1. Unsuitable candidates may not be promoted to the position of higher responsibility because the

choice is limited.

2. The employees may become lethargic if they are sure of time bound promotion. There may be

infighting among those who aspires for promotion with in the organization.

3. Internal recruitment cannot be complete method in itself. The enterprise has to resort external

recruitment at some stages because all vacancies cannot be filled from with in the organizatio

It refers to the recruitment of employees from outside the organization. External sources provide wide

choice of the required number of the employees having the desired qualification. It also provides the

people with new ideas and specialized skills required to cope with new challenge and to ensure growth

of the organization. Internal competitors have to compete with the outside. However, existing employees

resent the policy of filling higher-level vacancies from outsiders. Moreover it is time consuming and

expensive to recruit peoples from outside. Recruitment from the outside May create frustration among

the existing employees that aspires from promotions.

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There is no guarantee that the organization will attract sufficient number of suitable candidate.


1. The entry of fresh talent in the organization is encouraged. New employees bring new ideas to

the organization.

2. External sources provide wider sources of personnel to choose form.

3. Requisite type of personnel having the required qualifications, training and skill are available

from the external sources.


As with any work activity it is recommended that recruitment and induction process be reviewed for its

effectiveness. If any stage of the recruitment process failed to produced the expected result, if the

advertising method has produced too many candidates, you may want to examine what happened and

why in order to make it more efficient in the future. Future recruitment exercises may require

modification to the methods used a successful recruitment for one job does not automatically mean the

same method will be successful again. This is particularly true if the labor market changes, with for

instance fewer school leavers but more mature worker being available recruitment and induction may be

a continuous process in organization, necessitating more or less constant monitoring. Monitoring

regularly will also ensure equal opportunity are being actively pursued, and that

All methods of recruitment can be put into three categories:-

Direct method

Indirect method

Third party method

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These includes campus interview and keeping a live register of job seekers. Usually under this

method, information about job and profile of person are available for jobs is exchanged and

preliminary screening is done. The short listed candidates are then subjected to the reminder of

the selection process.

Some organization maintain live register or record of applicants and refers to them as and when

the need arises.


They cover advertising in newspaper, on the radio, in trade and professional journals, technical

journals and brochoures.

When qualified and experienced person are not available through other sources, advertising in

newspaper and professional journalizing made. Whereas all type of advertisement can made in

newspapers and magzines, only particular type of posts should be advertised in the professional and

technical journals. A well thought out and planned advertisement for appointments reduces the

possibility of unqualified people applying. If advertise is clear and to the point, candidates can assess

their abilities and suitability for the position and only those who possess the requisite position will



Various agencies of recruitment used under these methods. These includes commercial and

private agencies, and placement offices of schools, colleges and professional associations,

recruiting firms, management consulting firms, indoctrination seminars for college professors,

friends and relatives.

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They are specializing in specific occupation like general office help, salesman, technical workers,

accountant , computer staff, engineers and executives and suitable persons are available for a job.

Because of their specialization, they can interpret the need of their client and seek particular type of



They also knew as employement or labor exchanges, are the main agencies for public employement.

They also provide a wide range of services, counseling, assistance in job, information about labor

market, labor and wage rates.


They maintain a complete information record about employed executives and recommended person for

higher caliber for managerial, marketing and production engineer’s post. These agencies are looked upon

as “head hunters”, “raiders”, and “pirates”.

The employer to supply whatever additional employees may be needed often call on trade union. Unions

may be asked for recommendations largely as a matter of courtesy and an evidence of goodwill and


They may provide leads and clues in providing promising candidates for engineering, technical and

management positions, Some of these maintain amil order placement services.

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Whatever from the application take, there may be need to shift them before moving for the interview

stages. Such a shift serves to match the applicants as closely as possible to the job and person

specification and to provide a shortlist of people to interview.

To avoid any possibility of bias, such shifting should be undertaken by two or three people, and it should

involve direct line manager as well as personnel. The shifting stage can also help the organization by

providing feedback on advertising process and the suitability of the application form. It can also identify

people who might be useful elsewhere in the organization. If reference or medicals are to taken up

before the invitation of interview stage, it should be made clear on application form sent to the applicant.

If your organization believes that pre-employement health screening is necessary you must make sure it

is carried out in a non- discriminatory way: for instance, do not single out disabled people for medical

assessment. If report from any individual’s then permission must be given by the individual, they have

the right to see the report.

The candidates who best match with specification may then be invited for interview. The invitation letter

should tell candidate that they should advice the organization in advance if any particular arrangement

needs to be made to accommodate them on arrival during the interview.The invitation letter should also

clearly state whether the organization will pay the candidate’s reasonable travel expenses for the


“It is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify those with a greater likelihood

of success in a job”.

Selection process assumes and right, that there are more number of candidates actually selected

candidates are made available through recruitment process.

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The main objective of selection are to hire people having competences and commitment. This objective

is often defeated because of certain barriers. The impediments, which check effectiveness of selection,

are perception, fairness, validity, reliability and pressure.

FAIRNESS:- fairness is selection requires that no individual should be discriminated against on the basis

of selection religion, region, race or gender. But the low number of women and other less-preveileged

sectors of the society in middle and senior management positions and open discrimination on the basis

of age in job advertisement and in the selection process would suggest that all the efforts to minimize

inequity have not been very effective.

RELIABILITY:-A reliable method is one that will produce consistent result when repeated in similar

situations, like a validated test, a reliable test may fail to predict job performance with precision.

PRESSURE:- Pressure is brought on the selectors by politicians, bureaucrats, relatives, friends and

peers to select particular candidate. Candidates selected because of compulsions are obviously not the

right ones. Appointments to public sector undertakings generally take place under such pressures.

The selection procedure is concerned with securing information about an applicant.

Thisinformation is secured in a number of steps and stages. The objective of selection process is to

determine whether an applicant needs the qualification for a specific job and to choose the applicant

who is most likely to perform in that job.

The hiring procedures not a single act but it is secured about the applicant. At each stage, facts may come

to light, which lead to the rejection of the applicant. A procedure may be considered to a series of

successive hurdles or barriers, which an applicant must cross.

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These are indented and they are designed to eliminate an unqualified applicant at any point of the

process. That technique is known as the successive hurdle technique not all selection process includes all

these hurdles. The complexity of process usually increases with the level and responsibility of the

position to be fulfilled.

A well-organized selection procedure should be designed to select sustainable candidates for various

jobs. Each stepin the selection process should help in getting more and more information about the

candidate. There is no idle selection procedure appropriate for all cases.

Step in the selection process:

o Preliminary Screening

o Application Blank

o Employment Test

o Selection Interview

o Medical or Physical Examination

o Checking reference

 Final approval

Preliminary screening:

This is essentially to check whether the candidate fulfills the minimum qualification the preliminary

interview is generally quite brief. Its aim is to eliminate the unsuitable candidate. The job seekers are

received at the reception counter of the company. The receptionists or other official interviews the

candidates to determine whether he is worthwhile or the candidate to fill up the application blank.

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Candidates processing the minimum qualification and having some chances of being selected are given

the prescribed application form known as application blank.

Application blank:

The candidates are required to give full information about there age, qualification, experience, family

background , aptitude and interests act in the application blank. The application blank provides a written

record the candidate. The application form should be designed to obtain all relevant information about

the candidates. All application received from the candidates are carefully scrutinized. After the scrutiny

more suitable candidates among the application are short-listed for written tests and others are rejected.

Employement test:-
Candidate are asked to appear for written or other tests. Test have become popular screening advices.

These tests are based on the assumption that human traits and work behaviors can be predicted by

sampling, however test are not fully reliable and they also involve time and money. Test is more useful in

identifying and elimination of unsuitable candidates therefore should be used only as supplements rather

than an independent technique of selection. The main type of tests are:

o Intelligence test

o Aptitude test

o Interest test

o Personality test

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Selection interview:It involves face to face conversation between the employer and the candidate. The

selector asks job related and general questions. The objective of the interview are as following:

o They find out candidate’s overall suitability of the job

o To cross-check information obtained through application blank and test, and

o To give an accurate picture of the job and the company

Interview is more widely used step in employee selection. However, interview suffers from several


Firstly, it is a time consuming and expensive device. Secondly, it can test only the personality of the

candidate no his skills for the job. Thirdly, the interviewer may not be an expert and may fill to extract all

relevant information from the candidate. Fourthly, the personal judgment and bias of the interviewer

may make the result of interviews inaccurate. Interview should be properly conducted in proper physical

environment. The interview room should be free from noise and interruptions. The environment should

be confined and quite. People generally talk freely and frankly when there is privacy and comfort.

Therefore, candidate should be put as ease. The interviewer should pay full attention to what the

candidate have to say.

Medical and physical examination:

Candidate who are found suitable after interview are called for physical examination. A panel of doctor to

insure that they are healthy and physically fit for the job does a medical check-up of such candidate if

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required to state in the application will also ensure that the candidates. Aproper physical examination

ensure that the candidate selected do not suffer from any serious desirous which may create problem in


Checking Reference:

The candidates who are found suitable after the medical check-up and background investigation are

formally appointed by issuing appointment letter to them. They are asked to join the duty by the

specified date. No selection procedure is fullproof and the best way to judge a person by observing him

working on job. Candidate who gives satisfactory during the probationary period are made permanent.

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AASMAAN Foundation was started in the year 2009, as a group of people who wanted to give something
back to the society in some or the other way. Later in the year 2012 it got registered as a Non-
Governmental Organization.
AASMAAN Foundation is working for the upliftment and betterment of the less-privileged kids. It works in
the field of child's education, health and his rights.
Started as a group of 10 friends, today AASMAAN Foundation has more than 100 volunteers who work
hard round the year for the betterment of the society.
Over the years, AASMAAN Foundation has conducted plethora of projects which not only includes grass-
root level projects which are directly related to the kids but also includes fundraising events.

Aashman Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organization which is providing internships to anyone that

is willing to help the less privileged in any way possible, almost 10 different departments and in each
department each person is assigned a very unique task that is to be carried out carefully and with precise
The main theme of this organization is to provide a less painful life for the less privileged all around India,
to make sure that they are in great spirits no matter what has happened to them in the past.
The organization works mostly in the field of child’s education, health for both genders and the rights
that each and every one is supposed to have in this life.
The main goal of this organization is to work unconditionally on Women Empowerment, Single income
families and underprivileged children through relevant healthcare, innovative education and
environmental based livelihood programs.
In this organization, everybody involved plays a huge role in keeping the company stable with the day to
day work that happens, a lot of activities are prepared, important decisions have to be made and for that,
one needs to have a role in order to complete all tasks and in this report all those roles, important details,
activities as well as personnel are covered as it is the final report.
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What does Aashman foundation do?

Aashman Foundation, a non-profit organization which works for upliftment of the families of single
income widows and supports the women by empowering them with skills that enable them to become
the bread earners of their family. Skills like stitching, beauty parlor, patient care, computers etc are taught
by the NGO.

‘Let’s be ready for Red’ a campaign by Aashman Foundation distributes sanitary napkins as well as
underwear’s to the women who are underprivileged and do not have the means to purchase such
commodities. The campaign rests at the heart of the issue that many women in India do not even have
the privilege of owning underwear and helping them understand more about menstrual hygiene would
lead to a better standard of living.

The brand ambassador of the foundation VJ Aman, has played a pivotal role in the campaign as she
voices the concerns of such women through her videos and helps spread awareness about the campaign
on the social media platforms to gain momentum in the public eye.

Aashman Foundation and VJ Aman visited Toka in Haryana and discovered that none of the women used
sanitary napkins because they did not have underwears. Aashman Foundation distributed underwears as
well as sanitary napkins to the women living in Toka. Many such endeavors are planned by the
foundation in the coming times to help the cause of sanitary napkins.

We are Aashman Foundation a joint efforts from a group of human towards Humanity with mission that
every weak human must have support so that he or she must recover from hard time with positive
energy and in skilled way. Team Aashman is working wholeheartedly towards empowering women from
society so that they can live with pride and respect and most important EMPOWERED with some skill and
capacity to portray her thoughts to world and contribute in her way. Another big concern area of focus is
Health Empowerment for Team Aashman as unfortunate human falls in with critical diseases like Cancer
& Kidney related problem which is quite high these days and the Major gigantic black hole is Malnutrition
in 0 to 6 years along with pregnant females in the different segment of society.

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Project under taken by Aashman Foundation

Ability Development
Skills transform lives and drive economies. Without adequate investment in skills, people languish on the
margins of society, technological progress does not translate into economic growth, and a society is
unable to compete in an increasingly knowledge-based global arena.
People with poor skills face a much greater risk of experiencing economic disadvantage, and a higher
likelihood of unemployment and dependency on social benefits. Skills affect people’s lives and the well-
being of nations also in ways that go far beyond what can be measured by labor-market earnings and
economic growth.

Women Empowerment Centre

To promote or undertake activities for the promotion of, or to provide credit as an instrument of socio-
economic change and development through the provision of financial and social development services
for the upliftment of women. To support women to become
independent in spirit, in thought, in action and have full control over their lives rather than be the victim
of the actions of others. This particular project by the organisation aims to achieve socio economic
empowerment of women through their operational units.

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Widow Support

The NGO supports widows by providing them with monthly grocery, medical treatment, and also
education to their children. Apart from this they support them through their project called Socio-
Economic Empowerment of Women. They provide them with rural based skill training to make them self
sufficient and further aide them manage credits so that they can safeguard their hard earned money and
multiply their savings. Upliftment of widows socially and financially is one of their primary objectives.

Vision of Aashman Foundation

• With the help of common man, Corporates & Established Institutions we will create values;

enhance skillful environment & Uplift social & financial level into the different segment of society

& Bring change into the lives of people with the Emotional, Financial & Social development

Support so that they can feel and be empowered.

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• Human life is the most valuable asset of any Nation. Aashman team will go extra mile to help the

underprivileged human being to support prevent them from the evil of malnutrition into children

(0-6 Year), pregnant females & surviving income less family members after dismissal of only

earning hand.

• Furthermore we will try to increase the expectancy of life for the people who are suffering from

unfortunate diseases like Cancer & Kidney related Issues.

• them into the Health segment and

Mission of Aashman Foundation

•The dream of Aashman Foundation is to work unconditionally on Women Empowerment, Single

Income families and underprivileged children through relevant healthcare, innovative education
and environmental based livelihood programs.

SWOT Analysis of the foundation

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis is a framework used to evaluate a

organisation competitive position and to develop strategic planning. SWOT analysis assesses internal and

external factors, as well as current and future potential.

A SWOT analysis is designed to facilitate a realistic, fact-based, data-driven look at the strengths and

weaknesses of an organization, its initiatives, or an industry. The organization needs to keep the analysis

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accurate by avoiding pre-conceived beliefs or gray areas and instead focusing on real-life contexts.

Companies should use it as a guide and not necessarily as a prescription



o NGOs are volunteer manpower which supplies organisation’s with substantial amount of free

labour and huge savings on staff costs.

o NGO in many countries are eligible for tax discounts which could be listed as another strength of

your organization.

o AASHMAN FOUNDATION as an NGO keeps receiving people from different area

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o who are interested in helping either financially or academically and other various kind of
assistance needed.
o Positive word of mouth from people and promotion is strength to the AASHMAN FOUNDATION.

o Valuable services provided by AASHMAN FOUNDATION

o Better impact from people who are offered different kind of services by AASHMAN


o Clear vision, mission and goals of the organizational benefit members.


o The most common problem for most NGO, especially ones in their first years, is the lack of

financial stability in terms of income, expenditure and reserve levels

o Small volunteer base of organization constrains AASHMAN FOUNDATION in different aspects as

they want many manpower to accomplish different tasks and programs.

o Volunteer and staff turnover, this also limit AASHMAN FOUNDATION as they lost some volunteers

whom they were working with.

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o Lack of communication internally and externally which lead to less commitment between

employees and organizer.

o Poor organization record-keeping. it’s make employees/ trainer hopeless and resign.

o Work from home may not gain full knowledge, skills and less experience .


o Positive Service impact

o Community passion about the AASHMAN FOUNDATION service and program

o Targeting 30 – 60 year old women for volunteering and donations.

o Support from donors and other organizations

o Support and buy in from the community

o Support from the media and other advocacy organizations


o NGOs and other similar non-profit organisations are particularly vulnerable to financial threats

and shocks. This is because non-profit organisation’s often have less secure income streams

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combined with often just a few months of financial reserves result in NGOs that can be perilously

prone to major economic shifts.

o Changes in priorities from a major grant provider or local authority could mean an

o NGO is suddenly without its major revenue stream with no backup plan

o Not simple to measure impact of AASHMAN FOUNDATIONs and its programs.

o Opportunity is not sustainable due to lack of funding.

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Primary objective:
To study the effectiveness of recruitment and selection process in Aashman foundation

Secondary objectives:

• To study the various sources of recruitment.

• To study the factors influencing the recruitment and selection procedure.

• To study the present and future manpower requirements of the WSNE consulting.


• To Increase the effectiveness of different recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job

applicants in the organization.

• To identify the various sources of recruitment.

• To obtain the number and quality of employees that can be selected in order to help the

organization to achieve its goals and objectives

Learning Objectives/Internship Objectives

• One can learn a lot from any internship, especially from an NGO, from gaining interactive skills

to working with an unselfish attitude and having cultural awareness as NGOs do not see the

caste or religion of the people for whom they work.

• One becomes more responsible as you become more aware of everything that

surrounds the earth, the importance of it all as it needs to be appreciated dearly as well as
having a workload and doing it, even after knowing you will not get too much in return, just like
that you develop a sense of responsibility.

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• When going through such an internship you get to acquire the quality of completing tasks

without looking for profit in every single thing.

• Such an internship broadens ones thinking because when you work for your own self, your

thinking spectrum gets limited and never do you think beyond the enclosure of your life and

gains but when working in Aashman Foundation or any NGO you are forced to think for people,

this widens ones thinking spectrum so that in future when working elsewhere you can think of

the group or on a company level which then enhances your credibility and reputation.

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Anupama Gupta (2010) explained the consequences of the challenges faced by the Human resource
management in context with the current economic status and the challenges faced should be taken in
consideration. This article insists on the challenges in the short fall of talented employees. This also
emphasis on how Human resources Management tackles the problems handled on a day to day activities.
It also suggested some important points to handle things better.
Saini R.R. (2010) this article explains Management in United Commercial Bank which is a case study of
Chandigarh State which elaborates HRD rules and regulations. Basically this study explains the hurdles in
the process of framing the rules and process of executing it. This analytical study contains a sample size
of 100 people and analyzed their opinion about HRD rules and regulations. As a result of this study is
qualification plays a important role in recruitment in top, middle and low level management. The practice
of selecting right candidate for the level of management helps the organization to achieve more and
retain employees in the organization.
Kundu. Subhash C., Divya Malhan (2009) in their article on "Human Resources Management Practices in
Insurance Companies: The study was made in Indian and MNC’s and explains the benefits of the
organization is generated only by Human Resources .However the advantage of giving insurance to the
Human Resources is one of the employee benefits issued by the Human Resource Management. The
findings of the study says that both domestic and international Insurance companies have to improve
more on their HR practices like performance appraisal, HR planning and Recruitment.
Tripathy (2008) explained that the organization have the optimum usage of Human resources in the

organization. They follow the 3 C concept (i.e) Competencies, commitment and culture. By following

these 3 C culture in the work organization give the positive results in the organization. This practice is

considered to be the best result earning which resulted in the increase in the financial growth

Singh S.K (2008) in this study he explained that for a good organizational growth employee should
maintain their involvement to yield high productivity. Employee’s dedication helps him to achieve his
target, and increases his quality of work. Organization should also help the employee in training him to
develop his interpersonal skills. Both Employer and Employee should equally contribute each for
individual’s growth.
Patil, Kallinath S. (2007) The development of facility management industry has an important place in
the growth of the country. Life Insurance Corporation is one of the major service providers in which they
provide the best service. The Transmission doesn’t come in a day. For that employees have put in lot of
efforts to bring the service in the field of service.
Hemant Rao (2007) in his study he explained the changes in the role Human Resources. There was an
extraordinary change in the role of Human resource department. They should work in the organization
such that they should treat the employees irrespective to cast, religion, gender etc. The productivity of
the company is based on the quality of work done by the employees in the organization.
Sharma and Jyoti (2006) in this article they have explained about the Job Satisfaction that they finalize
it the best and effective reason for an employee in the working situation. They also explain that this
emotional factor helps the employee in the organization to yield best results. Dissatisfaction is one of the

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main reasons for attrition of employee in the organization. So, job satisfaction is the primary reason of an
employee’s carrier growth and development of an organization.
Subramanian, V. (2005) he express that the recruitment and selection process in the organization and
selecting the right candidate for the correct position helps employees to work in the organization in a
very positive mode. The interview process should be relevant to the job profile so that the candidates will
be interested in the job profile.
G.V. Chalam and L. Srinivas (2005) in his article he have made a Human Resources Department survey
across 120 branches of State Bank of India at Andhra Pradesh, and defines the gender where he paper
made an attempt to explore the basic gender difference. He finds that the women employees have much
more concern that the male employees. Female employees have higher attitude of respecting the
organization and Human resource department. They also have good source of Loyalty towards Bank
Maitin,T.P. (2003) In his study he explains the Human Resource Development shows the progress of the
organizational growth with different process like recruitment and selection, payroll processing and
maintains the rules and regulations of the office. By the way of best approach towards the employees
which the in the high productive of the employees.
Vidya A. Salokhe (2002) in her study he explained the Human Resource department have several
processes to improve the employee’s individual growth in the organization. It also helps the organization
to achieve more in the profit with their effective smart work. Employees are the asset of any organization
which they make profit out of them.
Mishra and Bhardwaj (2002) in his research he made an empirical study on the Private companies and
their nature of work in Human resources Department. A random sample of 107 managers with different
levels like low level, middle level and top level management are taken into consideration. A questionnaire
was circulated to them to know about the Human Resource department and analyzed. As a result the
situation present in the HRD is

T.V. Rao (1999) the study in his book explains that the audit conducted describes the methods and ideas
which have to be implemented in the Human Resource Audit. His framework helps to estimate the
different criteria like core competency, culture and value of the organization. By evaluating the
employee’s interpersonal skills, they can improve in some of the factors which are they lacking in the
system. They also have broadminded people in the top level management which helps the low and
middle level employees to know about their concerns. So they each and every employee in the
organization helps them to achieve more by increasing the productivity.

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Research methodology is a systematic process of identifying and formulating by setting objective and

method for collecting, editing and tabulating to find solution.

Research design:

The problem that follows the task of defining the research problem is the preparation of the design of

the research project is called as research design.

The research design undertaken by researcher is Descriptive research design. This research design

concerned with the research studies with a focus on the portrayal of the characteristics of a group of

individual or a situation.


• Secondary data


The secondary data used in this research are

• Books referred and

• websites

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• The duration of the study was limited and hence elaborate and comprehensive project survey

was not undertaken.

• The personal biases of the respondents might have entered into their response.

• Because of a small period of time only small sample had to be considered which doesn’t actually

reflect and accurate picture

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The data collected has to be processed and analyzed for the purpose of developing the research plan.

This is essential for a scientific study and for ensuring that we have all the relevant data. Processing

implies editing, coding, classification, and tabulation of collected data and so that they acquiescent to


The term analysis refers to the computation of certain measures along with searching for patterns of

relationship that exists among data groups. Thus,” In the process of analysis, relationships with original

or new hypothesis should be subjected to statistical tests of significance to determine with that validity

data can say as to indicate any conclusions.

Analysis of data in a general way involves a number of closely related operation that are performed

with the purpose of summarizing the collected data and organizing them in such a manner that answer

the research questions.

The whole chapter of analysis and interpretation is based on the responses of 150 respondents who

were administered with a questionnaire which contain the personal data their views about the

recruitment and selection process and procedure.


1. MALE 57 38
2. FEMALE 93 62
TOTAL 150 100
Source: Secondary data

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Male; 38; 38.00%

Female; 62; 62.00%

Among 150 respondents 62 per cent of respondents come under female category and rest of them
belongs to male.

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Most of the analysis is based on how Aashman Foundation is an NGO working for single income family
widows, women empowerment and child education, Aashman Foundation supports single income family
widows by supporting them with monthly groceries and they are currently supporting 1,000 plus widows
across India.
Aashman Foundation believes in empowering widows and females.

They are running different schools by the name of nishulak pathshala, they have 16 schools in 11 states
of India where over 4,500 students are taking free education along with moral development and these
students are all provided with the necessary tools that they need to complete their education smoothly.
Aashman Foundation offers a lot of important roles and positions, each member functions according to
how the management rules out the policies and guidelines and it is mandatory that everyone follows the
In conclusion, the planning process is a disciplined and time taking process; it produces fundamental
decisions and actions that shape the organization
It was an worthwile experience working as aashman foundation. The management had created a space
for me that allowed me with ample opportunities to learn and know myself as a part of the NGOs.
This experience brought out my strengths and also the areas i needed to improvise. It has adder more

confidence to my professional approach, built a stronger positive attitude and taught me how to be a

team player as an overall.

The primary objective of an internship is to a gather a real life working experience and apply our bookish

knowledge we learnt in classroom to put it out to practice in the business world. I am grateful to the

entire team of HRD of the NGO for their unprecedented support to make me realize my competences and

level understanding regarding the human resources.

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On completion of this internship period, i came to know about the importance of human resources and
the role of HR managers, HR Supervisor, and hiring manager in a NGO.
Hence i can sum up by saying that my virtual internship experience was a milestone to my academic and
professional experience. I throughly enjoyed the challenge that came along every single day. I could also
bring some minor improvisation during my internship as well


Some changes can be implemented in recruitment policies

Should go for campus awareness programme in order to make people more aware to improve the
organization effectiveness.

Should work on increasing its digital footprints

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Anupama Gupta ― Retailing Human Resource Challenges Ahead, ‗Synthesis‘ 5(2), ‖ july 2007, pp.


G.V. Chalam and L. Srinivas, ―Gender wise perception and Attitudes on HRD Climate in Indian

Banking Sector, The Indian Journal of Commerce, 58(4), Oct-Dec ‖ 2005.

. Kundu, Subhash C, and Divya Malhan (2009). HRM Practices in Insurance

Companies: A Study of Indian and Multinational Companies. Managing Global

Transitions. Volume 7 · Number 2 2009

Singh, S.K(2008) "HRD Climate: Interventions and challenges", Human resource development: HRD-IR

interface approach. Atlantic Publishers & distributors, New

Delhi 2008
Tripathy, p. Kumar (2008), ―HRD Climate in Indian organizations: A Study in few selected

Units of West Bengal , HRM Review Magazine November2008‖

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