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Read Lily’s diary.

Form questions using the words in the box,

as in the example. The phrases in bold type are the answers.

Dear Diary, Tomorrow (6) we are going to ski at

I’m so happy! It’s Christmas Day Blue Mountain (7). I must go now.
today (1). There are twenty people Dad’s calling me because we’re going
(2) at my house. They are my to have Christmas dinner (8).
parents’ friends. It’s very noisy but
I like it. My brothers and I look at Bye until tomorrow,
our presents under the tree every
five minutes (3). The big present Lily
(4) is mine, not the small one. The
small one is my mother’s (5). It’s a
bottle of perfume! We can’t
wait to open our presents.

1. What day is it today?

2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
How often
4. ___________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________ Whose
6. ___________________________________________ When

7. ___________________________________________ How many

8. ___________________________________________ Which

2. How many people are there at her house?

3. How often do they look at their presents under the tree?
4. Which present is hers? / Which is her present?
5. Whose is the small present?
6. When are they going to ski?
7. Where are they going to ski?
8. Why is Dad calling her?

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