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AIRBUS User Guide Reference :UG1900847

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eTech 3D Repair

User Guide

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction 5
2. Launching the software and login to your session 5
3. Submenus’ layouts 9
4.Main workflow 15
4.1 Create / Edit Damages 15
4.1.1 Create damages manually 15
4.1.2 Import damages from GSE tools 18
4.2 Create / Edit Assessments 21
4.3 Create / Edit Repairs 24
4.4 Create / Edit Approvals 26
4.5 Additional information on forms 30
4.6 Report Generation 33
4.6.1 Aircraft status report 34
4.6.2 External Surface Damage 34
4.6.3 Aircraft External Defect/Repair 37
4.6.4 Dent & Buckle chart 38

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1. Introduction
This user guide explains how to best use the software 3D Repair from the login page to the report

2. Launching the software and login to your session

Prior to launching the eTech 3D Repair software ensure that the PC / Tablet/iPad to be used is
connected to the internet.

1. Double click on the software shortcut available from the desktop to launch it;
2. Log onto your session using following method:
a. Via the Airbus login portal using Airbusworld credentials with eTech 3D Repair access;
b. Read carefully Note related to Export control data as highlighted below before attaching any
technical documentation to 3D Repair.

Note: When using the Airbus login portal, a new pop-up window will appear from which the user
can enter his/her credentials via the button “Sign in with your corporate ID”

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3. Once signed in the user is prompted to the next step;

4. Select your airline from the dropdown list;
5. And Click on ‘Submit’ to access to the software’s front page.

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The front page enables access to the software menus. Access to those is directly linked to the
user’s profile. Indeed, it has 6 profiles with various types of accreditation. Users with full
accreditation will be able to access all the menus presented below.
The various access rights per profile are presented in the table below:
Features Pilot Mechanic Supervisor Engineer Admin /


Manage Damage


Manage Repairs

Manage Approvals

Generate Report

Part Management

Depending on the feature, users profile will be able to perform given operation as described

● Consultation: Enables only the consultation of all the features;

● Manage Damage: Enables the consultation, creation, modification and deletion (protected) of
Enables the edition and deletion of reports;
● Manage Assessments: Enables the consultation, modification of assessments;
● Manage Repairs: Enables the consultation, creation, modification, and deletion (protected) of
● Manage Approvals:Enables the consultation, modification of approvals;
● Generate Report: Enables the generation of Aircraft Status Report.
● Part Management: Enables the rotable management to Move, Export or Remove.

From the front page, users can always access the login tab.

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1. Click on the login icon on the top right-hand side of the front page;
2. The tab gives access to logout / change airline / quit the software / settings / legal information;
3. Simply click on any of those to carry out the action.

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3. Submenus’ layouts
The submenus are simply accessible by clicking on their respective icons.

All submenus apart from the ‘Reports’ one, have similar layouts. Here is an explanation on how to
use the interface. When prompted to the submenu, the user first access the filter page. From
there, the search can be launched for a given MSN and within a given period of time.

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1. Click on the “Aircraft Registration Code / Extended MSN” field to access the list of available aircrafts;
2. Select the aircraft of interest by clicking on its designation;
3. Determine the period during which the search as to be carried out by selecting one of the 5 available
options (Last 24 hours / Last 7 days / Last 30 days / Until Today / Custom);
Note: When using the “Custom” option, a calendar will be prompted to select the starting and
ending dates of the search.

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4. User can select “Damage status” to load specific damages related to Open, Draft, deferred, etc.. to view
5. User can select “Damage Origin” to load specific damages related to Concession, In service, etc…to view
6. User can select “ATA Chapter” to load specific damages related to ‘53’, ’53-21’, ’53-21-11’, etc… to view
7. User can also load specific SDR by entering the “SDR Reference”

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8. Click on “Apply filters” to launch the search to obtain the view of the selected Aircraft with its reported
damages (available during the selected period) as well as their respective status.
The layout of the “Damage Management’’ is divided in 5 blocks:

A. Main software ribbon: gives information about the module being in use and the path followed;
B. Collapsed filter menu: enables access back to the filter choices to reselect an aircraft and a period of
C. Summary menu: provides a summary of the selected damage from the aircraft view showing its
current status;
D. Summary ribbon: displays the aircraft type and MSN chosen from the filter menu, together with a
summary of the available damages within the period chosen ( draft, open, total);
E. Aircraft view: displays the 3D view of the selected aircraft together with the available
damages within the period chosen at their respective location.

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The layout of the three other modules (Assessment / Repair / Approval) is slightly different.

A. Main software ribbon: unchanged;

B. Collapsed filter menu: unchanged;
C. Summary menu: only displays the list of damages linked to the module in use
(assessment, repairs, approvals);
D. Summary ribbon: only displays the aircraft type and MSN chosen from the filter
menu, and the action button available depending on the module in use
Create / Edit assessment
Create repair
Create / Edit approval
E. Aircraft view: only displays the damages linked to the module in use
(assessment, repairs, approvals);
F. Bottom panel: provides a summary of the selected damage from the
summary menu or the aircraft view showing its current status.

Notes on the Aircraft view:

Damages close to each other are regrouped and displayed with a multicolour dot with the
number of damages included.
The hexagonal tool on the top right-hand side of the Aircraft view enables the user to change
the view from which to display the aircraft.

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The user can also change the aircraft display using his mouse
● Right click and mouse’s movements - changes the orientation
● Left click and drag or scroll wheel – enables zoom in and out
Double clicking on an aircraft section permits to display that given section details (removing
the skin and showing frames and stringers)
● Damages remain displayed
● Clicking anywhere on the section will prompt the location selected and shows the referenced
frame and stringer in blue
● Using the “Back to aircraft” button the user will be shown the complete aircraft

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4.Main workflow
4.1 Create / Edit Damages

4.1.1 Create damages manually

The procedure below gives the steps to follow to manually create a damage:

1. Click on the “Record” to open the module;

2. Select the aircraft from the “Aircraft Registration Code / Extended MSN” and the period of interest using
the filter option;
3. Double click on a section of the aircraft to access the details 3D model of the selected section to visualise
frames and stringers;
4. Perform either a long left-click or a right-click to create a damage at the chosen location;

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a. A popup window appears with a number of information about the area selected;
b. the damage to be added is displayed in blue (prior confirmation);

5. Click on “Create here” to confirm the damage or on “Cancel” to cancel the action;
a. If Cancelled, user is redirected to the section view;
b. If Confirmed, user is redirected to the report creation page;
6. Fill in at least the mandatory fields (*) of the form to move on to the damage creation page;
7. Click on “Create” to confirm the report or move back to the damage management page using Main
software ribbon the to cancel the action;

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8. Fill in at least the mandatory fields (*) of the form to move on to the damage creation page;
a. Some information will be prefilled, such as:
i. Creation and Last edition dates;
ii. Title (New damage by default);
iii. Damage location information (section name, Part type, Position (external / internal),
reference against frame and stringer and related Part name and ATA Chapter);

Notes on damage management:

As long as the damage is at the “Draft” status it can be reopened and amended.
Once the damage is moved to the status “Ready for assessment”, it is considered as
A confirmed damage can be amended as long as it is not assessed using the “Not ready for
assessment” button. In this case the process as to be reapplied to that damage.
Once a damage is assessed it is impossible to amend or delete it.
b. The damage location can be can be adjusted if need be from the damage location section,
either using the damage picker function via:
i. the (1) View button: opening the 3D aircraft view to reselect and confirm the damage
ii. the importing (2) Linemap data button: opening a window to select the data to
import from the available list;

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c. At this stage the damage can still be saved as draft or deleted;

9. Add damage(s) to the report if necessary, using the button and by selecting the method to add a
damage: Manually or Import from GSE tools;
a. if the manual option is chosen, follow the steps above;
b. if the import from GSE tool is chosen, refer to section 4.1.2;
c. additional damages appear on the same report as a new tabulation;
10. Click on “Save” to save the damage(s) as draft or on “Ready for assessment” to
confirm the damage(s).

4.1.2 Import damages from GSE tools

The procedure below gives the steps to import damages from GSE tools. This can be done at two
different stages: from the front page or within a report creation.

1. Click on the “Manage Damages” to open the module;

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2. Select the aircraft from the “Aircraft Registration Code / Extended MSN” and the period of interest using
the filter option;
3. Click on the “GSE Import” button from the Summary ribbon;
4. Select a set of available data from the pop-up window;

Note: The user can have a preview of the data by selecting one of the available files.

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5. Click on “Import” to load the data and be redirected to the report creation page
6. Follow steps 6 and 7 from section 4.1.1 to be redirected to the damage creation page
a. damage collected using the GSE tool will be created in the report;
b. if the folder contains more than one damage, they will all be available in the same report on
various tabulations;
c. available information from the tool will be automatically embedded in the damage form;
7. Follow steps 8 to 10 from section 4.1.1 to finalise the damage creation.

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4.2 Create / Edit Assessments

The procedure below gives the steps to perform an assessment.

1. Click on the “Record” to open the module; Click on the “Assess” to open the module;
2. Select the aircraft from the “Aircraft 1. Select the aircraft from the “Aircraft
Registration Code / Extended MSN” and the Registration Code / Extended MSN” and the
period of interest using the filter option; period of interest using the filter option;
3. Pick a damage to review and assess; 2. Pick a damage from the list displayed in the
4. Select “View Assessment” using the option Summary menu;
button on the top right-hand side of the 3. Click on the “Create / Edit Assessment”
Summary menu; button from the Summary ribbon;

5. Once prompted to the Assessment page, fill in

at least the mandatory fields (*) of the form;
6. “Save as draft” to amend it at a later stage or
“Confirm Assessment”;

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Notes on assessment management:

As long as the assessment is at the “Draft” status it can be reopened and amended.
Once the assessment is moved to the “Confirmed” status, it cannot be amended unless it is
“Un-confirmed” first.
Once an assessment is moved to a Repair, it is impossible to amend or delete it.
Depending on the Outcome selected the form will be slightly different as follows:
Allowable or Repair in SRM

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Consult Airbus

Consult Third Party

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4.3 Create / Edit Repairs

The procedure below gives the steps to perform a repair.

1. Straight after completing a damage 1. Click on the “Repair” to open the module;
assessment while still on the Manage 2. Select the aircraft from the “Aircraft
Assessments module, click on the “Create Registration Code / Extended MSN”, the
Repair” button from the Summary ribbon; period of interest and the repair status of
interest using the filter option;
3. Pick a damage from the list displayed in the
Summary menu;
4. Click on the “Create Repair” button from the
Summary ribbon;

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5. Once prompted to the Repair page, fill in at least the mandatory fields (*) of the form;
6. “Save” as draft to amend it at a later stage or confirm the repair by clicking on “Ready for Approval”;

Notes on repair management:

As long as the repair is at the “Draft” status it can be reopened and amended.
Once the repair is moved to the “Confirmed” status, all the fields are greyed out and the form
becomes read-only.
To amend a confirmed repair, it has to be recovered as a “Not ready for Approval” repair.
Once a repair is moved to an Approval, it is impossible to amend or delete it.

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4.4 Create / Edit Approvals

The procedure below gives the steps to perform a repair.

1. Straight after completing a repair while still on 1. Click on the “Approve” to open the module;
the Manage Repairs module, click on the “Go 2. Select the aircraft from the “Aircraft
to approval” button from the Repair form; Registration Code / Extended MSN” and the
period of interest using the filter option;

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3. Pick a damage from the list displayed in the

Summary menu;
4. Click on the “Create approval” button from
the Summary ribbon;

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5. Once prompted to the Approval page, fill in at least the mandatory fields (*) of the form;
6. “Save” as draft to amend it at a later stage or confirm the Approval by clicking on “Confirm Approval”;

Notes on approval management:

Once an approval is confirmed it cannot be undone.
Once an approval is confirmed, the damage’s status changes to closed and it is displayed as a
green dot in the Aircraft 3D view and report.

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Once an approval is confirmed, all the fields are greyed out and the form becomes read-only.

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4.5 Additional information on forms

If when trying to submit the forms, those are not properly filled (meaning the mandatory fields
are not completed) an error window will pop-up listing the errors to correct prior to resubmitting

After clicking OK on the error window, information about the fields to be corrected will appear
underneath each single one in red.

The user can also access external tools from the forms, such as: TechRequest, SRM, etc.
1. from the damage location section of the damage creation form, the user can
access internal or external documentation and drawings (depending on the
area selected);
a. click on “Open documentation”;
b. select the browser either AirnavX or e-Doc (for internal
documentation) or the file of interest (for external
documentation), user will be prompted to the login page to enter
his credentials;

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c. User can access to the Supplier manuals directly which are uploaded using the website of 3D
Repair in case the location of the damage is on the supplier components

2. from the assessment form, if the “Consult Airbus” option is selected, the
user can then “Create Tech Request”;
a. click on “Create Tech Request” button;
b. enter user’s credentials in the popup window to log onto the
Airbus External portal;
c. the tech request will be prefilled, and saved as a draft;
d. back to the 3D Repair assessment page, the field “Tech
Request Dossier #” will be prefilled with the adequate

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4.6 Report Generation

The procedure below explains how to generate various reports:
● Aircraft status report
● External surface damage chart
● Aircraft External Defect/Repair
● Dent & buckle chart

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4.6.1 Aircraft status report

1. Click on “Reports” to access the report options;

2. Click on “Aircraft Status Report” to open the module;
3. Fill in the Aircraft EMSN (mandatory fields (*)) and the other field to filter some of the available
information from the report;
4. Click on “Generate report”;
a. a report will be compiled, generated (in PDF format) and opened on the user screen
b. the information available on the report will be based on the filters used from the previous window
c. the report will be automatically saved in the software directory:
C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\3D Repair\PDF Exports

4.6.2 External Surface Damage

1. Click on “Reports” to access the report options;

2. Click on “External Surface Damage Chart” to open the module;
3. Fill in the Aircraft EMSN (mandatory fields (*));
4. Click on “Generate report”;
a. a report will be compiled, generated (in PDF
format) and opened on the user screen
b. the report will be automatically saved in the software directory:
C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\3D Repair\PDF Exports

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4.6.3 Aircraft External Defect/Repair

1. Click on “Reports” to access the report options;
2. Click on “Aircraft External Defect/Repair” to open the module;
3. Fill in the Aircraft MSN (mandatory fields (*));
4. Click on “Generate report”;
a. a report will be compiled, generated (in PDF
format) and opened on the user screen
b. the report will be automatically saved in the software directory:
C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\3D Repair\PDF Exports

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4.6.4 Dent & Buckle chart

1. In any of the other modules, select a damage and click on “View Report” using the option
button on the top right-hand side of the Summary menu or Bottom panel;
2. Click on the “Dent & Buckle chart” in the report page prompted
a. a report will be compiled, generated (in PDF format) and opened on the user screen
b. the report will be automatically saved in the software directory:
C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\3D Repair\PDF Exports

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