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Since there were few to no internet examples for the new subject we had
to teach, it was initially challenging to create different kinds of
assessments suitable for the grade level that was assigned to us. My
partner and I struggled to come up with questions that would add depth
to our activity and topic, leading to mistakes in the main activity where
the analysis section was created. It became frustrating because, as a
pair, we had never created a detailed lesson plan before. Instead, we had
always done it in groups, as directed by our previous professors, which
made it easier.

Even though we learned a lot, I still wonder if I will ever be able to create
a lesson plan on my own without the assistance of a partner or a
classmate. But I guess I can, considering I have remembered, known, and
experienced a lot. Demonstrating was also challenging. It was difficult to
complete all the assessments in the allotted 50 minutes, and keeping
track of time during the demo was tough. It's similar to experiencing
what instructors go through every day when they have to complete
every task on the lesson plan in just one hour of instruction. Even though
it was only a demo teaching, it felt nice since it illustrated what real
teaching is like, despite the challenges.


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