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Name: Selma Seila Amelia Putri Swarno

NIM: 212101060043
Class: PBI 2

DIGITAL LITERACY: Challanges and Opportunities

A. Defining Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is the ability to use digital tools and technologies effectively to find,
evaluate, create, and communicate information. It goes beyond technical skills and
encompasses critical thinking, problem-solving, and ethical considerations in the digital

 Finding Information
With so much data available online, digital literacy allows yu to effectively search
and find relevant information.
 Evaluating Information
Digital literacy helps you to distinguish between reliable and unreliable
information, avoiding fake news and scams.
B. The Challanges
The challanges of digital literacy are:
1. Unreliable Sources
Determining what is a trustworthy source can be a challange for students.
2. Time Management
Leaving students unable to manage their time is very dangerous
3. Critical Thinking
Assisting studentsto be aware of the data source is critical.
C. The Opportunities
1. Students-centered learning
Digital tools enable learning experiences to be personalized to meet students
individual needs, so they can learn at their own pace, ask question, and get feedback.
2. Digital Portofolios
Digital portofolios allow students to showcase their best work and track progress over
D. The Accessibility
1. Digital Libraries
Students now have access to a world of information, including mutimedia resources,
scholarly articles, and eBooks.
2. Online Courses
Online courses provide opportunities for students to learn with experts from around
the world.

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