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Topological Methods In Differential Equation

Abhishek Kaintura

School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences


5 Dec, 2023

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation


1 Introduction

2 C 1 -Mapping Degree

3 Brouwer Degree

4 Elementary Applications of Brouwer Degree

Fundamental theorem of algebra
Brouwer fixed point theorem
Periodic orbits in planar systems of differential equations

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation


Let f : Ω → Rn be a continuous function, we want to know does f(x)=0

has a solution in Ω ? It is also of interest to know how many solutions are
distributed in Ω. To motivate the idea, assume for a simple closed contour
γ and f : X → C and γ ⊂ X we have by argument principle
Z ′
1 f (z) X
w (f (γ), 0)) = dz = βi .
2πι γ f (z)

Where zi are the zeros of f in the region enclosed by γ and βi are the
multiplicities of corresponding zeros. So we may say that f has at least
w (f (γ), 0)) zeros in X. In 1912, Brouwer introduced the Brouwer degree
in Rn . That tells us how many times domain of function wraps around the
range se tunder the image of f .

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

C 1 -Mapping Degree I

Definition (Regular Values)

For a function g : Rn → Rn , value p = g(x) is called a regular value of g
if Jg (x) ̸= 0 for all x ∈ g −1 (p) and p is called a critical value, or singular
value if Jg (x) = 0 for some x ∈ g −1 (p).

/ g (∂Ω) be a regular value. Then, g −1 (p) ⊂ Ω consists of finitely
Let p ∈
many points.

We can now define the C 1 -mapping degree for a regular value p ∈
/ g (∂Ω)
by X
deg (g , Ω, p) = sign(Jg (x)). (1)
x∈g −1 (p)

Which is integer valued.

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

C 1 -Mapping Degree II
Let t → gt , t ∈ [0, 1] be continuous map in C 1 (Ω̄). Suppose p is a
regular value for both g0 and g1 , then deg (g0 , Ω, p) = deg (g1 , Ω, p).

Example: Consider the mapping g (x1 , x2 ) = (x12 , x2 ) on the standard disk

D2 then g (D2 ) = {p = (x1 , x2 ) ∈ R2 : x12 + x22 ≤ 1, x1 ≥ 0}.

The image of the boundary ∂D2 is homeomorphic to a semi-circle and

R2 \g (D2 ) is connected, we can see g (∂D2 ) ̸= ∂g (D2 ).

By the homotopy invariance the degree can be evaluated by choosing a

/ g (∂D2 ).
regular value p ∈

If we choose a regular value p ∈ / g (∂D2 ) if p is outside the range of g

then degree is 0 if p is in the interior of range set let p = ( 14 , 0) then
g −1 (p) = {(‘ ± 12 , 0)}, which gives a positive and a negative determinant.
The sum is zero which confirms the previous calculation.

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

C 1 -Mapping Degree III

Figure: The standard disk D2 . Figure: Image of the standard disk D2

under g.

we can see there is a path connecting any point outside the range to a
point in the interior of range.

Therefore we can conclude that is R2 \g (∂Ω) is connected then degree is

0, for every regular value.
By the homotopy invariance property we have the following definition.

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

C 1 -Mapping Degree IV

Let A be a connected component of Rn \g (∂Ω) and p ∈ A is a regular
value. Then
deg (g , Ω, p) = lim deg (g , Ω, pn ).

Where pn → p and pn is regular for all n ∈ N.

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

C 1 -Mapping Degree V

Integral Representation
We can also define C 1 mapping degree as an integral. The integral formu-
lation is is also useful for establishing various properties analytically such
as the homotopy invariance.

Let ω : Rn → Rn be a continuous function such that support of ω is

contained in Br (p) for some p ∈ / g (∂Ω) choose r > 0 in such a way
Br (p) ⊂ Rn \g (∂Ω), a weight function ω satisfies
ω(ζ)dζ = 1.

Consider differential n-form ω = ω(y ) dy , and g ∗ ω = ω(g (y ))Jg (y )d y .

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

C 1 -Mapping Degree VI

Let p ∈
/ g (∂Ω) be a regular value and ω a weight function as before, then
C 1 mapping degree is
deg (g , Ω, p) = g ∗ ω. (2)


Let A ⊂ Rn \g (∂Ω) be a connected component and R let Rω, ′ω are two
compactly supported differential n-forms on A with ω = ω = 1 then
g ∗ω = g ∗ ω′ .

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

C 1 -Mapping Degree VII

g ∗ω =
The function g → Ω Ω
ω(g (ζ))Jg (ζ)dζ is continuous with respect
to g ∈ C 1 (Ω).

Theorem (Homotopy Invariance)

Let for t ∈ [0, 1], t → gt and t → ωRt be continuous paths and suup(ωt ) ⊂
Rn \g (∂Ω)) for all t ∈ [0, 1]. Then Ω gt∗ ωt is constant.

Let for t ∈ [0, 1], t → gt and t → pt be continuous paths and assume
pt ∈
/ gt (∂Ω) for all t ∈ [0, 1]. then deg (gt , Ω, pt ), is a continuous function
of t and therefore a constant.

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

Brouwer Degree I
The mapping degree we defined requires that g is differentiable, the ho-
motopy invariance can be used to extended to the degree of continuous
functions in Rn . Using approximations of g by smooth functions and ho-
motopy invariance leads the definition of Brouwer degree.
Let g be C 0 (Ω) and let p ∈/ g (∂Ω) then for any sequence gk ∈ C 1 (Ω)
converges to g, then define

deg (g , Ω, p) = lim deg (gk Ω, p),


the brouwer degree of triple (g , Ω, p).

We can always find such a converging sequence because C 1 (Ω) is dense in

C 0 (Ω) and brouwer degree is independent of the choosen sequence.

The Brouwer degree is continuous in with respect to g ∈ C 0 (Ω).

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

Brouwer Degree II

Let t 7→ gt in C 0 (Ω) with g0 = g and p ∈
/ gt (∂Ω), for all t ∈ [0, 1] then
deg (gt , Ω, p) = deg (g , Ω, p)

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

Application Of Brouwer Degree I

From complex analysis theory it follows that zeroes of holomorphic func-

tions are isolated, or the function is identically equal to zero. Hence we
can define the degree of holomorphic function.

Let w : Ω → C is a holomorphic function, not identically zero, and w (u) =
0 for some u ∈ Ω, then there exist an r > 0 and Br (u) ⊂ Ω such that
w (z) ̸= 0 for all z ∈ Br (u)\{u}, then

deg (w , Br (u), 0) = n ≥ 1,

where n is the order of the zero of u.

Every non-constant polynomial q(w ) = w n + bn−1 w n−1 + . . . + b0 with
complex co-efficient bi , has n complex roots with counted with multiplici-

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

Application Of Brouwer Degree II
Write q(w ) = w n + r (w ), then |q(w )| ≥ ||w n | − |r (w )||.
Also on the circle |w | = R > 0, for sufficiently large R, we have
|r (w )| ≤ CR n−1 , and thus |q(w )| ≥ ||w n | − |r (w )|| ≥ R n − CR n−1 > 0,
which prooves that all the zeros are in BR (0) and , degree
deg (q, BR (0), 0) is well defined .

Then by homotopy invariance for qt (w ) = w n + tr (w ), t ∈ [0, 1]. we

have deg (q, BR (0), 0) = deg (w n , BR (0), 0) = n > 0. This implies q(w)
has a root in BR (0) ⊂ C.

A classical application of the Brouwer degree is the Brouwer fixed point

theorem for continuous maps of the n-disc. A fixed point for a mapping
f : Rn → Rn is a point x ∈ Rn which satisfies the equation

f (x) = x.

The Brouwer fixed point theorem can be stated for sets homeomorphic to
the n-disc, or closed unit ball B1 (0).

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

Application Of Brouwer Degree III
Theorem (Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem)
Let Ω ⊂ Rn be an open subset such that Ω̄ is homeomorphic to B1 (0),
and let f : Ω̄ → Rn be any continuous map. If f (Ω̄) ⊂ Ω̄, then f has a
fixed point in Ω̄.

Proof: Let φ : Ω̄ → B1 (0) be a homeomorphism. Then the mapping

g := φ ◦ f ◦ φ−1 : B1 (0) → B1 (0) is continuous. The maps f and g are
conjugate and thus f has a fixed point if and only g has a fixed point.

The Brouwer fixed point theorem can be proved by showing the theorem
holds for g . Suppose that g has no fixed points in B1 (0), then g (x) ̸= x,
for all x ∈ B1 (0).

Consider the homotopy ht (x) = x − tg (x). We have

In particular, g (x) ̸= x for x ∈ ∂B1 (0). This implies that 0 ∈/ h1 (x).
Observe that tg (x) ∈ B1 (0) for all 0 < t < 1 since |tx|2 < 1.

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

Application Of Brouwer Degree IV
For 0 < t < 1 and x ∈ ∂B1 (0) we get

|x − tg (x)| ≥ ||x| − t|g (x)|| > t||x| − |g (x)|| > 0.

Hence ht (x) = x − tg (x) ̸= 0 for all 0 < t < 1. And for t = 0 we have
/ ht (x) where x ∈ ∂B1 (0).

Consequently, if x ∈ ∂B1 (0), then ht (x) ̸= 0 for all 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. The

Brouwer degree deg (ht , B1 (0), 0) is well-defined and independent of t ∈
[0, 1]. For t = 0, deg (h0 , B1 (0), 0) = deg (Id, B1 (0), 0) = 1. On the other
hand, since g (x) ̸= x for all x ∈ B1 (0) we have that h1−1 (0) = ∅, which
implies that deg (h1 , B1 (0), 0) = 0, a contradiction.
Another proof we can achieve of the Brouwer fixed point theorem is based
on that continuous functions from B1 (0) to ∂B1 (0), which are the identity
functions when restricted to ∂B1 (0) do not exist.

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

Application Of Brouwer Degree V
Periodic orbits in planar systems of differential equations
Consider a system of differential equation given by
= r (1 − r )

= θ0 .

This system consist of an unstable fixed point at r = 0 and a stable

periodic orbit r = 1. All other non-trivial orbits converge to the stable
periodic orbit.
Consider a perturbed system

= r (1 − r ) + ζ(r , θ)

= θ0 + κ(r , θ).

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

Application Of Brouwer Degree VI

ζ(0, θ) = 0 and ζ is bounded and κ(r , θ) > −θ0 .

The solution of this purturbed system is a flow with respect to passage of

time. Is there still a periodic solution of the purturbed system?

By our assumption r=0 is still a unstable point. The solution of this system
defines a flow and is denoted by ϕ(t, .) the assumption of κ gives dθdt > 0.
Define L = {(x, 0) : x > 0} the flow curves of the above system intersects
B transversly, and for every point (x, 0) ∈ B, there exist a time τ = τ (x, 0)
such that flow curves return to B, because dθ dt > 0.

The function τ : B → R+ is continuous , define a function g for any

(x, 0) ∈ L by g (p) = ϕ(τ (p), p). The fixed point of g corresponds to
periodic orbit for ϕ.

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

Application Of Brouwer Degree VII
Define h(p) = g (p) − p, and h is continuous. Consider the homotopy
ht (p) = gt (p) − p, where gt is defined by

= r (1 − r ) + tζ(r , θ)

= θ0 + tκ(r , θ).

Where t ∈ [0, 1], we have h0−1 (0) = {r = 1} and the brouwer degree
deg (h0 , L, 0) > 0. By the homotopy invariance we conclude deg (h0 , L, 0) =
deg (h1 , L, 0) = deg (h1 , L, 0) > 0, which shows the existence of zero, hence
a periodic solution for ϕ.

Theorem (Hairy Ball Theorem)

Their exist a a non-vanishing tangent vector field f such that f (x) ̸=
0 , ∀x ∈ S k−1 on (k − 1)-sphere S k−1 if and only if k − 1 is odd.

Proof: Let v ∈ S k−1 , if k − 1 is odd a non-vanishing vector field is easily


Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

Application Of Brouwer Degree VIII

f (v ) = (−v2 , v1 , −v4 , v3 , . . . , −vn , vn−1 ) ,

which is tangent to S k−1 and f (v ) ̸= 0.

For converse suppose there exists a non-vanishing tangent vector field f (v )

on S k−1 , then normalization defines a unit tangent vector field w (v ) =
f (v )/∥f (v )∥. Consider

ht (v ) = cos(πt)v + sin(πt)w (v ).

It is clear, since ⟨v , w (v )⟩ = 0, that ∥ht (v )∥ = 1 and ht : S k−1 → S k−1

for all t ∈ [0, 1]. Moreover, h0 = Id and h1 = −Id and thus homotopic
mappings. it follows that deg (h1 ) = deg(−Id) = (−1)k . By the homo-
topy invariance of the degree, 1 = deg(Id, S k−1 , 0) = deg h0 , S K −1 , 0 =

deg h1 , S k−1 , 0 = (−1)k and thus k − 1 is odd. Where we used if

A ∈ GLn (R), then deg(A, Ω, 0) = sign(det(A)).

Abhishek Kaintura V22003 Topological Methods In Differential Equation

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