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 Theory The First Rule of Looksmaxxing (2 Viewers)

 Deleted member 4562 ·  Jan 1, 2020

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Deleted member 4562

D .

Jan 1, 2020  #1

The first rule of looksmaxxing is the most important. You must internalize it, and truly believe it
before you can begin your looksmaxxing journey, while simultaneously making the most of
your results. This applies not only to looksmaxxing, but any and all forms of self-improvement
that you will do throughout your life.

The first rule of looksmaxxing is: You do not talk about looksmaxxing.

“Why is that?” you might ask. The answer is clear. People, whether they admit it or not, have
certain ideas, thoughts, and preferences in their heads that they can’t control.

An “implicit bias” if you will.

Why do you think there is an infatuation with so called “prodigies” in our society?

Do people revere the person who works hard all their life, learning and studying to improve
themselves, or do they admire the one mysterious somebody who makes it all look easy and
natural, as if they were born to do it?

Do people want to hear about the guy who gave it his all in college and spent endless nights
studying to get the A, just like everyone else, or do they only want to hear about the kid who
does it all without even needing to try?

Do people admire the guy who is fascinated by different cultures and languages, and spent all
of his life learning about them, or do they only want to hear about the guy who has been able
to speak to almost anyone since he was 13?
If you’re wondering why I’m asking all of the rhetorical questions, it’s because I’m trying to
prove a point, a point that you probably already know, but fail to enact.

People want successful people who make it look easy. They want people who make it looks
easy. They want naturals.

Unfortunately for many people, they don’t fall into any of these categories. Most people are
painfully average, living monotonous lives, giving it their all to be just another drop in the
bucket, making it obvious to others just how hard they’re trying in order to even just stay

Others manage to make a splash, a splash large enough to offset them from the rest of the
flock, but still manage to make the fatal mistake of telling people about how hard it was to get

In an even smaller group, you have people who have a natural aptitude to certain activities,
and excel at them with ease. The first two groups love these people, they are infatuated with
them. They’re the naturals, the prodigies.

And finally, we have the last group, the group who has no choice but to work just as hard as
the first two, gets the results of the second but gets all of the same admiration as the third.


By shutting the fuck up about how much effort they’re putting in or how hard they

Both the third and fourth group of people have the exact same social value in the eyes of the
flock, because the fourth group has learned the art of shutting the fuck up. By not telling
others about what they’re working on, or have worked on, people admire them in the same
way that they do the naturals, because in eyes of the flock, they’re no different.

The flock doesn’t just want people who look good or do things well, the want people who
look good and do things well without even needing to try.

Have you ever enthusiastically told others about starting a new diet, or elaborating to others
about some newfound plan about how you are going to improve your life, and all of a sudden
they start to tear you down in subtle ways, or start to treat you differently?

It’s because of that implicit bias. They don’t like tryhards, they don’t like frauds, and they
don’t like people who aren’t naturals. They don’t like people who weren’t born with it.

You avoid this by not talking about your efforts, by not showing to others, either explicitly or
implicitly, all the work you put into taking care of and improving yourself.

The Italians, one of the most stereotypically romantic and charismatic ethnicity, the Italians,
have a word for this idea. In fact they have had a word for it for almost 500 years. They call it
sprezzatura. Sprezzatura is described as a ‘studied carelessness’. Most people apply it
towards fashion, but the first time it was described by Baldassare Castiglione, it applied to all
aspects of a person’s life, desires, feelings, thoughts, and more importantly, actions. It’s an
effort to make every aspect of your life, including the parts worthy of admiration that, while in
reality took large amounts of effort and time, look easy and natural.

See, when you employ sprezzatura during your looksmaxxing journey, and more importantly
throughout your entire life, even after you’re ‘done’ looksmaxxing, you reap its benefits in the
form of admiration and praise for being, living, and acting in a way that others want you to be,
and wish they were.

reality, it’s the one way of ascending when you aren’t already ascended.
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It allows you to

burn away the dead underbrush, and allow for new branches and leaves to grow. It allows you
to shed all of your baggage and become something new. You begin to truly believe that you
had it in you all along, and your actions and characteristics soon follow suit.

As Castiglione talks about in his book, one of sprezzatura’s greatest virtues is that it allows
you to get lost in, and eventually become, one with your nonchalance and charisma; a true

It’s a difficult road, trust me. People are fundamentally social animals. We all want to talk with
others about how we’re going to improve, how hard we’ve worked, and how much better off
we are for it. They’re also hilariously judgmental, in the ways I’ve talked about previously. They
don’t like to see plateaus, or the inevitable stagnation that you have to break through when
improving yourself, all they want to see are results. It really is the duality of man.

But doing so is the most important part of really beginning your looksmaxxing journey.

Hopefully I’ve shed some insight on the type of mentality you need to put yourself in, in order
to truly maximize and reap the rewards of your looksmaxxing, and more generally any form of

yellowrice, MainstreamAV, Tr0ubLe and 154 others

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fuckedupmanlet, aspiringexcel, Xyjarz and 18 others

B Kraken

Jan 2, 2020  #3

Many word greycel, many words

yellowrice, mogstars, aspiringexcel and 21 others

N Master

Jan 2, 2020  #4

So many words unable to be read

aspiringexcel, Anchor_Ship, balding17yomanletcel and 3 others

R Zephir

Jan 2, 2020  #5

I’m here to inform you that I did not read

aspiringexcel, Arsene, BugeyeBigNoseCurry and 5 others
Deleted member 2846
D Kraken

Jan 2, 2020  #6


also, when u write ur looksmax goals here, you’re giving youself the sense of self
accomplishment and dopamine. don’t write them here.

aesthedick, aspiringexcel, Arsene and 32 others

H Diamond

Jan 2, 2020  #7

Extremely well said.

BaldingBabyFace, Tasty17, AscendingHero and 1 other person

B Kraken
Jan 2, 2020  #8

ɯᴉsǝɹɐupnɯ said: 

The first rule of looksmaxxing is the most important. You must internalize it, and truly believe it before
you can begin your looksmaxxing journey, while simultaneously making the most of your results. This
applies not only to looksmaxxing, but any and all forms of self-improvement that you will do throughout
your life.

The first rule of looksmaxxing is: You do not talk about looksmaxxing.

“Why is that?” you might ask. The answer isClick

toPeople, whether they admit it or not, have certain
ideas, thoughts, and preferences in their heads that they can’t control.

For me personally, knowing it wasnt natural and everything was forced takes the validation
away from me.

Before I would say I inherently deserved said thing but now I doubt myself and tell myswlf I
got lucky bc I truly did

Strong first post tho, hope you make more

yellowrice, angelo, A23ghskung and 2 others

Sharpness Theory [] Animesthetics = Everything

Jan 2, 2020  #9


angelo, Tasty17, Marsiere214 and 9 others

Jan 2, 2020  #10

PrettyBoyMaxxing said: 


also, when u write ur looksmax goals here, you’re giving youself the sense of self accomplishment and
dopamine. don’t write them here.

we both know you didn't read all of that

mmdnohi and RichardSpencel

B Kraken

Jan 2, 2020  #11

PrettyBoyMaxxing said: 


also, when u write ur looksmax goals here, you’re giving youself the sense of self accomplishment and
dopamine. don’t write them here.

Why shouldnt we write them here? I dont see anything wrong with what you said.

Deleted member 2846

D Kraken
Jan 2, 2020  #12

BigBoy said: 

Why shouldnt we write them here? I dont see anything wrong with that.

Why shouldnt we write them here? I dont see anything wrong with that.

bc it gives false sense of accomplishment. you get dopamine from ppl reacting and
commenting back and you didn’t do anything expect write them down.

if ur serious about it, you shouldn’t tell anyone. that’s also why those “my looksmax goals” are
so fun and addicting to write.

angelo, Deleted member 23554, Marsiere214 and 6 others


Jan 2, 2020  #13

good thread

Deleted member 1973

Not Knowledgeable

Jan 2, 2020  #14

legit thread no one outside of these forums will ever know anything i do to looksmax

Pawye, AsGoodAsItGets, Deleted member 4946 and 15 others

B Kraken
Jan 2, 2020  #15

PrettyBoyMaxxing said: 

bc it gives false sense of accomplishment. you get dopamine from ppl reacting and commenting back
and you didn’t do anything expect write them down.

if ur serious about it, you shouldn’t tell anyone. that’s also why those “my looksmax goals” are so fun
and addicting to write.

Oh I misread. I thought you said not write about after ascending.

Deleted member 2846

Deleted member 1973
Jan 2, 2020  #16

@ɯᴉsǝɹɐupnɯ is already becoming the best user.

BigBoy said: 

Strong first post tho, hope you make more

chadpreetinthemaking said: 


Norwooder said: 

So many words unable to be read

Rift678 said: 

I did not read

If you can't read,
at least listen.

Vocaroo | Online voice recorder

Vocaroo is a quick and easy way to share voice messages over the interwebs.

Last edited: Jan 2, 2020


Jan 2, 2020  #17


You'll never become a true natural, but you sure as hell can make people believe you are one.
Perhaps you'll be able to convince yourself someday.

aspiringexcel, JeromeMorrow, Tallooksmaxxer and 3 others

Deleted member 39
The Inferior

Jan 2, 2020  #18

Great post. Walk the walk but don't do the talk.

Tallooksmaxxer, AscendingHero, BigBoy and 1 other person

Deleted member 209


Jan 2, 2020  #19

ok, wahts the 2nd?

I Wish I Never Swallowed The BlackPill

Jan 2, 2020  #20

Great post.
Law 30 from the book 48 laws of power ;
Make your accomplishments seem effortless.

JeromeMorrow, angelo, AsGoodAsItGets and 13 others

KDA Player

Jan 2, 2020  #21

It's actually a law of power but your development was high eq

angelo and BigBoy

Deleted member 2721


Jan 2, 2020  #22

High IQ post


Jan 2, 2020  #23

Good post OP, I support aloof-maxxing.

PrettyBoyMaxxing said: 


also, when u write ur looksmax goals here, you’re giving youself the sense of self accomplishment and
dopamine. don’t write them here.

Agreed, although you're guilty of doing this...

Deleted member 2846

Deleted member 4310

D Kraken
Jan 2, 2020  #24

Looksmax like your life depends on it (because it kinda does)

djaberbod and PenileFacialSurgery

Taking the Yellow Pill

Jan 2, 2020  #25

Agree with conclusion, disagree with the reasoning used to get there.

Society has always respected the plucky underdog who worked hard more than the overdog
who was born better. Normies want to cope that life is completely just, or else destroy what
they see as an unfair advantage. Look at current political rhetoric, conservatives tend to hype
the hard work of rich people, democrats hype their luck and want to see them knocked down
a few pegs. Hell, look at IT and incels for an example of this at play: "Chads are attractive
because of their personality or other traits which are achievable through effort" vs "Life is
unfair because Chads are born and not made, let's remake society so everything is fair

Floyd Mayweather, Will Smith, Donald Trump, and countless others have freely admitted to
the hard work they did (or sometimes didn't do) because it makes them seem more relatable
to average people. People want to see themselves as hard workers, so they look for that in
others as well.

For most things, it's best to pretend you worked hard even if you didn't.

The thing is, this doesn't apply for looksmaxxing or personalitymaxxing.

The reason it doesn't apply to looksmaxxing is that vanity is considered taboo in society. We
are supposed to pretend to play the game that 'looks don't matter', and seeing somebody put
an abnormal amount of effort into their looks reminds the normies that looks matter, which
makes them uncomfortable. That's why you see people say "I do X for myself" and believe it.

The reason it doesn't apply to personalitymaxxing is because people don't like feeling like
they are being deceived. This is why society is so obsessed with 'authenticity' today. If you
told somebody you read and applied The Charisma Myth, they would feel like you were lying
to them about your actual personality. Ironically the only way people respect manufactured
personalities is if you tell them you were shy and worked really hard to become more
confident (but not specific techniques to learn to appeal to people, god forbid you be fake).

So fight club still applies to the blackpill, but not for the reason you think it does.

Also @PrettyBoyMaxxing

Telling people your goals helps you follow through due to prosocial emotions, which are
stronger than willpower alone. You don't want to be a failure, or worse, somebody who didn't
even try. You also want the dopamine from writing down your goals, because it is a taste of
the dopamine of actually achieving them.

What you don't want is the dopamine you get from writing this kind of post. I will never get
back the 15 minutes I spent writing something that doesn't benefit my long term goals.

JeromeMorrow, angelo, MSEinvestigator and 22 others

Get off my lawn!

Jan 3, 2020  #26

tldr: The first rule of looksmaxxing is you don't talk about looksmaxxing

Informationcapitali, AscendingHero, LastHopeForNorman and 1 other person

Deleted member 4464

If you do not fight, life will never be won
Jan 3, 2020  #27

ɯᴉsǝɹɐupnɯ said: 

The first rule of looksmaxxing is the most important. You must internalize it, and truly believe it before
you can begin your looksmaxxing journey, while simultaneously making the most of your results. This
applies not only to looksmaxxing, but any and all forms of self-improvement that you will do throughout
your life.

The first rule of looksmaxxing is: You do not talk about looksmaxxing.

“Why is that?” you might ask. The answer isClick

toPeople, whether they admit it or not, have certain
ideas, thoughts, and preferences in their heads that they can’t control.

good thread

Fuck PSL

Jan 3, 2020  #28

I gave you a like because I like the message that I got from the first two sentences.

I'm not climbing that wall of a post tho



Jan 3, 2020  #29

This is a legit thread my man, well done. I won't talk about my self improvement to anyone
from now on, except people directly involved in it.

Deleted member 4562


Jan 3, 2020  #30

High IQ thread

Will o longer discuss LooksMaxing on this forum, I’ll pretend it doesn’t exist

This post is also legit I bookmarked both.

BlackPillChad said: 

Agree with conclusion, disagree with the reasoning used to get there.

Society has always respected the plucky underdog who worked hard more than the overdog who was
born better. Normies want to cope that life is completely just, or else destroy what they see as an unfair
advantage. Look at current political rhetoric, conservatives tend to hype the hard work of rich people,
democrats hype their luck and want to see them knocked down a few pegs. Hell, look at IT and incels
for an example of this at play: "Chads are attractive because of their personality or other traits which
are achievable through effort" vs "Life is unfair because
Click Chads are born and not made, let's remake
to expand...
society so everything is fair again".

G Retired

Mar 9, 2020  #31

Bump for the newCels to read

in a void of omnipresent Chaos

Mar 9, 2020  #32

How can I not talk about looksmaxxing when one day I will take paid time off from work and
return with a chiseled face and I'll be questioned by all my coworkers?
G Retired

Mar 9, 2020  #33

Peachy said: 

How can I not talk about looksmaxxing when one day I will take paid time off from work and return with
a chiseled face and I'll be questioned by all my coworkers?

Fuck your coWorkers they’re gonna gossip about you if you don’t tell them and will hate you if
you do tell them the truth. I’m 90% sure my roomies will know I got some form of non surgery
expansion or surgery but idc I’m just gonna tell them I lost weight, started hitting the gym,
eating healthier and drinking more water, sleeping 10+ hours a day to fix my moon cratered
dark circles

Deleted member 3962

The Tribe

Mar 9, 2020  #34

the first rule of looksmaxxing is that there are no rules

Deleted member 1707


Mar 9, 2020  #35

Pin this ASAP

Deleted member 3043

Life is about hapiness and i love you all.
Dec 25, 2020  #36

Still a greycel, i see

WadlowMaxxing and Deleted member 4562

M Kraken

Dec 25, 2020  #37

Indeed. And the ones who taked this rule most serious are body builders.
Niggas who are as big as Arnold are claiming natural in this era.

angelo and Deleted member 4562

Deleted member 9274

D God amongst gods

Dec 26, 2020  #38

legit thread. Should be one of the mottos on this site

angelo, LooksmaxxHopeful and Deleted member 4562

Deleted member 4562

D .

Dec 26, 2020  #39

GODmaxxing said: 

legit thread. Should be one of the mottos on this site

Dec 26, 2020  #40

There are people who have been browsing here for months and still fat LMAO

Hasta pronto

Apr 11, 2021  #41

ɯᴉsǝɹɐupnɯ said: 

The Italians, one of the most stereotypically romantic and charismatic ethnicity, the Italians, have a
word for this idea. In fact they have had a word for it for almost 500 years. They call it sprezzatura.
Sprezzatura is described as a ‘studied carelessness’. Most people apply it towards fashion, but the first
time it was described by Baldassare Castiglione

I'm italian and I didn't know this word, jfl at my culture

Good thread btw

angelo, Deleted member 26116, Tallooksmaxxer and 3 others

Deleted member 4562

D .

Apr 11, 2021  #42

gamma said: 

I'm italian and I didn't know this word, jfl at my culture

Good thread btw

Tallooksmaxxer and gamma

God's Favorite

Apr 11, 2021  #43


ɯᴉsǝɹɐupnɯ said: 

The first rule of looksmaxxing is the most important. You must internalize it, and truly believe it before
you can begin your looksmaxxing journey, while simultaneously making the most of your results. This
applies not only to looksmaxxing, but any and all forms of self-improvement that you will do throughout
your life.

The first rule of looksmaxxing is: You do not talk about looksmaxxing.

“Why is that?” you might ask. The answer isClick

toPeople, whether they admit it or not, have certain
ideas, thoughts, and preferences in their heads that they can’t control.

mirin brah.

Deleted member 4562

God's Favorite

Apr 11, 2021  #44

gamma said: 

I'm italian and I didn't know this word, jfl at my culture

Good thread btw

For a beautiful example, check out Gianni Agnelli the former heir of Fiat Group. He is
considered one of the timeless examples of sprezzatura. Not only his style but also his whole
way fo life. Classic italian gentleman.

Also you will benefit froma studying the works of courtiers like Baldassare.

God's Favorite

Apr 11, 2021  #45

BlackPillChad said: 

Agree with conclusion, disagree with the reasoning used to get there.

Society has always respected the plucky underdog who worked hard more than the overdog who was
born better. Normies want to cope that life is completely just, or else destroy what they see as an unfair
advantage. Look at current political rhetoric, conservatives tend to hype the hard work of rich people,
democrats hype their luck and want to see them knocked down a few pegs. Hell, look at IT and incels
for an example of this at play: "Chads are attractive because of their personality or other traits which
are achievable through effort" vs "Life is unfair because
Click Chads are born and not made, let's remake
to expand...
society so everything is fair again".

Mirin the balance to the originla post by putting into words what i was feeling tbh.

A Bronze

Oct 22, 2021  #46

Really good post, deserves a bump.



Oct 22, 2021  #47

only normies have a burning desire to share every little aspect of their subhuman lives with
their subhuman cattle 'friends' normies basically have hole tier brains with their
incessant babble

Deleted member 17311 and Deleted member 16371


Oct 22, 2021  #48

BlackPillChad said: 

People want to see themselves as hard workers

idk about you but I want to see myself as a ldaring chad with a top tier jb


Apr 16, 2022  #49

Very good thread.

Deleted member 2816

D Bronze

Jun 12, 2022  #50

BlackPillChad said: 

Agree with conclusion, disagree with the reasoning used to get there.

Society has always respected the plucky underdog who worked hard more than the overdog who was
born better. Normies want to cope that life is completely just, or else destroy what they see as an unfair
advantage. Look at current political rhetoric, conservatives tend to hype the hard work of rich people,
democrats hype their luck and want to see them knocked down a few pegs. Hell, look at IT and incels
for an example of this at play: "Chads are attractive because of their personality or other traits which
are achievable through effort" vs "Life is unfair because
Click Chads are born and not made, let's remake
to expand...
society so everything is fair again".


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