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21.06.2011 09:47

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A Beginner's Guide to Using pyGTK and Glade Issue 113 From Issue #113 September 2003 Aug 31, 2003 By Dave Aitel in Software pyGTK and Glade allow anyone to create functional GUIs quickly and easily. The beauty of pyGTK and Glade is they have opened up cross-platform, professional-quality GUI development to those of us who'd rather be doing other things but who still need a GUI on top of it all. Not only does pyGTK allow neophytes to create great GUIs, it also allows professionals to create flexible, dynamic and powerful user interfaces faster than ever before. If you've ever wanted to create a quick user interface that looks good without a lot of work, and you don't have any GUI experience, read on. This article is the direct result of a learning process that occurred while programming Immunity CANVAS ( Much of what was learned while developing the GUI from scratch was put in the pyGTK FAQ, located at / Another URL you no doubt will be using a lot if you delve deeply into pyGTK is the documentation at It is fair to say that for a small company, using pyGTK over other GUI development environments, such as native C, is a competitive advantage. Hopefully, after reading this article, everyone should be able to put together a GUI using Python, the easiest of all languages to learn. As a metric, the CANVAS GUI was written from scratch, in about two weeks, with no prior knowledge of pyGTK. It then was ported from GTK v1 to GTK v2 (more on that later) in a day,
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Poetnike Vodi Koritenje pyGTK i Glade Broj 113 Od izdavanja # 113 Rujna 2003 31 kolovoz 2003 Dave Aitel u Softver pyGTK i Glade dopustiti da bilo tko za stvaranje funkcionalne GUIs brzo i jednostavno. Ljepota pyGTK i Glade je da su otvorena crossplatforma, profesionalne kvalitete GUI razvoj one od nas koji radije se drugim stvarima, ali koje jo uvijek je potrebno grafiko suelje na vrhu svega. Ne samo da pyGTK dopustiti neofita za stvaranje velike GUIs, ona takoer omoguuje strunjacima za stvaranje fleksibilnih, dinamian i snaan korisnikih suelja bre nego ikada prije. Ako ste ikada eljeli stvoriti brzo korisniko suelje koje izgleda dobro bez puno posla, a nemate niti GUI iskustva, itajte dalje. Ovaj lanak je izravan rezultat procesa uenja koja se dogodila dok je programiranje Imunitet platnu ( / platno). Veinu onoga to je nauio tijekom razvoja GUI od nule je stavljena u pyGTK FAQ, koji se nalazi na / Jo jedan URL koji ste bez sumnje e se koristiti puno ako kopati duboko u pyGTK je dokumentacija na ~ James / pygtk-docs. To je poteno rei da je za male tvrtke, koristei pyGTK nad drugim GUI razvojnim okruenjima, kao to su native C, konkurentsku prednost. Nadajmo se, nakon itanja ovog lanka, svi bi trebali biti u mogunosti sastaviti GUI koriste Python, najlaki od svih jezika za nauiti. Kao podatak, platno GUI je napisao ispoetka, u oko dva tjedna, bez prethodnog znanja o pyGTK. On je tada bio prenesen sa GTK v1 do v2 GTK (vie o tome kasnije) u jednom danu, a sada je angairan na oba sustava Microsoft Windows i Linux korisnika. Cross-platforma Priroda pyGTK
21.06.2011 09:47

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21.06.2011 09:47

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