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26. His latest _________ is a racehorse.

27. Lacks expressiveness, fluency and ____appropriacy____: inaccurate use of the language resulting
in breakdown in communication. ( appropriate)
28. The reason for Bruce Lee’s death was sleeping pill ___overdosage______. (dosage)
29. This statue _____commemorates____ the soldiers who died in the war. (memory)
30. What a terrible film! It’s really ___overrated______ in my view. (rate)
31. The troops were thoroughly ___demoralised______ by this set-back.(moral)
32. We try to ensure the __well-being_______ of our employees. (be)
33. There’s nothing to match the warmth and ____coziness_____ of a genuine log-fire. (cozy)
34. At schools, the teachers are ____besieged_____ by the urgent needs of a large number of
children clamoring for attention, and the frequent overcrowding of classrooms. (siege)
35. The air stewardess made it clear how ____contemptuous_____ she was of his behavior.
36. She left the theatre feeling that two hours had been __gainfully ____ spent (gain)
37. John always knows how to ____enliven_____ the party with his jokes. (lively)
38. Have you got a ____requisite____ visa to enter Canada ? (require)
39. Please ensure that your child’s sports clothes are clearly marked in __indelible_______ ink.
40. The police took _____disciplinary____ action against that player, who was involved in the match-
fixing scandal. (discipline)
41. It is very (think) of you to play the piano so loudly so late at night.
42. To his great loss , his wife died in ( birth )childbirth when he was only 24.
43. That is a highly ( reputation ) hotel in our city
44. Jane has succeeded in making himself ____indispensible___ to Mr. Parker, She does everything
for him. (dispense)
45. Parents who want outgoing children are threatened by very quiet ones and may deny their
children's _timidity_____. (timid)
46. As a result of this conflict, he lost both his home and his means of _____livelihood_____. (LIFE)
47. A new book claims to have proved that _____anti-aging_____ moisturing creams really can help to make your
skin look younger. (AGE)
48. His intellect and mental ______agility____ have never been in doubt. (AGILE)
49. He examined the parcel ___suspeciously_______, as he had no idea what it would be. (SUSPECT)
50. Jackie suffered as a child from a very strict ____upbringing______. (BRING)
51. I was ____intimidated______ by Angelina’s loud and aggressive voice and so chose to remain silent
throughout the discussion. (TIMID)
52. Fishing is said to be the most popular ____participatory______ sport in the UK. (PARTICIPANT)
53. “Have you got any ______misgivings____ about the corporation?” ~ “Oh, no, I’m sure it will be successful.”
54. To the couple’s expectation, the birth of their ____long awaited______ baby lighted up the house with
laughter. (LONG)
55. Don’t ..........dramatize..............! Nothing bad really happened. (DRAMA)
56. I’m unable to .......................between these perfumes, they all smell the same. (DIFFERENT)
57. We’ve run out of .......................floss so we must remember to buy some. (DENTIST)
58. My grandma .............................. a natural ............................ (DIE)
59. It is a tough task to _______ the bomb (act)
60. They give her morphine to ...................the pain.(DEAD)
61. Her ........................ in helping the poor earned her admiration in the neighbourhood. (SELF)
62. ________ drinking is strongly disapproved of in some cultures. (age)
63. The ................................... of his work lies in the materials he uses.(ORIGIN)
64. Thousands of African children are undernourished, they suffered from _________ .(nutrition)
65. A UN force has been sent in to try and ____________________ the area affected by the war.
66. Nothing ______ farmers more than having people going indiscriminately over their land.(fury)
67. We are all ____________________ to you for your help. (DEBT)
68. They’ve got a model village that you can visit, with all the buildings and roads in
____________________. (MINI)
69. They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a(n) ____________________
manipulation of statistics. (FRAUD)
70. The streets were ____________________ on new year ‘s eve. (LUMINOUS)
71. In our shop, 80% who used ______ the said that it was pleasant to use and 65% said that
they would use it again. (odour)
72. Falling coffee prices have ____________________ many Third World economies.
73. ____________________ patients are often given exercises to help prevent their muscles
from becoming stiff. (BED)
74. Modern fire-fighters are equipped with fire extinguishers and (flame)........ clothing
75. How can you ( just)..... the fact that some people live in mansions while others live in
76. There was a heavy (pour).... yesterday afternoon which completely ruined the garden
77. Do you think these children are ( nourish)............. ? They look very thin.
78. I've never met such a strong man. His energy seems (exhaust)............
79. The monument was erected in_____________________________ of the fallen soldiers for
posteritỵ (remember)
80. Please put the books back to where you took them.Don't ________________ any of them(PLACE)
81. You'll be punished for all your_______________________(DO)

82. How can you treat your brother like that? He's your own flesh and _____.

A. skin B. blood C. bone

83. I can't come to the meeting, but I need you to keep me in the ______.

A. pan B. race C. loop

84. You knew you could get in trouble for this. Now you have to _____ the music.

A. play B. enjoy C. face

85. The faith healer can't really cure people. It's all just smoke and _____. A. mirrors B.
ashes C. smog

86. The way she looked at me sent ______ down my spine. A. cold B.
malice C. shivers

87. This not a good essay" said the lecture. "I find your argument (CONVINCE)"
88. Our tomatoes are (RIPE) nicely, they'll be ready to eat in about a week.
89. A right amount of calcium added to our food'll help to (SOLID) our weak bones.
90. Marie Curie's offers us a profound and fascinating______________ into the changing world of
women in science and academia. ( SIGHT)
91.Nevertheless, its training programme remains strictly in keeping with the traditions of Kachasart,
the ancient method of studying elephants, and the mahouts the work with the elephants build up a
close, ____________ relationship with them, founded on mutual respect and love. (LIFE)
92. While it may not be ideal to keep such magnificent beasts in _______________ - and the centre
has come in for plenty of criticism - extensive deforestation. (CAPTURE)
93. _______________ as the first clocks used the length of the Sun's shadow to mark the passing of
the day. (SUN)
94. The ___________ in Little Lucie's paintings in highly appreciated by many adults. (ART)
95. The impression is borne out by the existence of the longest sheer rockface in Africa, demanding
for even the most skilled (MOUNTAIN)__________________
96. The ground moves ________ even on days when there isn’t a significant earthquake. (perception)
97. He stood no chance of passing his exams.
(INEVITABLE) ....................................................................................................
98. The boy does whatever his father wants in an obedient way. (attendance)
.................................................................................................... 99.
Not a word came out of her mouth
(LOST) ....................................................................................................
100. I am not a solitary person, Im sociable.
(RATHER) ....................................................................................................
101. You cannot choose which hotel you stay at on this package holiday.
(OPTION) ...................................................
102. I certainly won’t change my mind about resigning. (QUESTION)
103. You couldn’t do anything more stupid than to give up your job now. (HEIGHT)
104. I really don’t know what you are talking about. (FAINTEST)
105. She had completely forgotten him. (MIND)
106. Many people will congratulate her if she wins. (SHOWERED)

1. Many people often make a _____ between London and New York
2. This book ______ as a series of lectures about shipwrecks, which were given two decades ago.
3. There are power stations across Europe that use the _____ rise and fall of the ocean tides.
4. If you weren't so ______ of Ben, he'd be happier to spend time with you.
5. Don't you find it _____ how Jeremy always comes to work looking so untidy?
6. Doctors say a glass of warm milk before bedtime can result in a more _____ night's sleep.
7. Tim-Berners Lee has received many awards as the ______ of the world wide web.
8. On the final day, we visited the _____ Victoria Falls and then flew home.
9. Helen Weldon has been totally_____ as an a historian after it was shown she invented
quotations. ( credit )
10. They had to obey the decisions taken by the _____ of the party. LEAD
11. The news ______ has just finished and there was no mention of it. TRANSMIT
12. A ____ angel is believed to be a good spirit that protects each of us. GUARD
13.They tested the _____ of water in the village wells. TRANSPARENT
14.They have announced _____ the for the Oscars. NOMINATE
15.Psychologists show more _____ into human character and behaviour. SIGHT
16.She spoke with ____ of his impudent behaviour. DISAPPROVE
17.Unfortunately, _____ still exists in some parts of the world. SLAVE
18.The thieves have stolen all my ______ . JEWEL
19.The Princess looked ______ beautiful at the wedding. STUN
20. I counted on your _____ and you let me down. DISCREET
21. The baby had ______ eyes when he had measles. WATER
22. Suddenly we saw a _____ figure in the darkened room. GHOST
23. We need extra _____ place either in the loft or in the cellar. STORE
24. She has had this scar on her forehead since _______. BABY
25. As a result of ______ this shirt is now too small to wear. SHRINK
26. Oxygen is a ____ element of paramount importance for life. GAS
1. Scientists from Russia, America and Japan have recently filled the periodic table’s seventh row with
four _________ chemical elements. (HEAVE)
2. It is a misconception that _________ human blood is blue. (OXYGEN)
3. The house is painted in such a(n) _________ style. (SAVOUR)
4. In this modern day, you have to keep yourself _________ so as not to lag behind others. (DATE)
5. This book is _________. You can find information about the varieties of plants around the world
here. (EMBRACE)
6. The little rainfall ________ a poor crop for farmers in this village. (BODE)
7. That word is such a(n) ________. It is not easy to pronouce at all. (JAW)
8. _________ and disinfectants are widely used in hospital to kill the bacteria. (SEPTIC)
9. Due to the prolonged _________, the goods arrived later than we had expected. (CONTENT)
10. Found in ________ condition, the house is intended to be demolished. (DOWN)
11. ________ of violence has been possible by means of television. (DOCTRINE)
12. He laid his desk _________. It is untidily filled with all kinds of stuff. (HEAP)
13. It is ________ that he will press ahead with his project. Nothing can prevent him. (ODD)
14. X-rays, known as a form of ________, are widely utilized nowadays to diagnose medical
conditions. (RADIAL)
15. His misunderstanding of the situation resulted in his _________. Everyone could make out the
embarassing remarks on his face. (COMPOSE)
16. The minister _________ the fight against hunger in his opening speech. (ACCENT)
17. Even the most _________ equipment cannot replace the role of the teachers in the future. (ART)
18. America is considered one of the biggest _________ in the world. (POWER)
19. The water ________ in the building is of great concern. It can damage the walls if not managed
properly and timely. (FILL)
20. He took off his hat and a pigeon flew out. It was ________ a trick. (GUILE)
21. In a _________ manner, he stepped into the room and shouted at the top of his voice. (DOUBT)
22. You should not assess a situation from such a(n) ________ side. (LATERAL)
23. The homless woman pleaded for a shelter from the rain in a(n) _________ tone. (PASSION)
24. The man reported than he had seen a(n) _________ object, which might well be a UFO. (EGG)
25. The coal cellar needs to be equipped with _________ system in order to prevent suffocation.
26. The advent of Internet is an important __________ in human history. (MARK)
27. His face showed the remark of _________ even when we were talking about seriously. ( FLIP)
28. What you know is rather __________. And it is unfair to judge just through a cursory glance.
29. Moving _________ is moving in a direction opposite to the direction the hands of the clock moves.
30. Reta is studying animal __________ at the Oxford university. (GENE)
31. The crews fortuitously dicovered a __________ in the ship’s cool chamber. (STOW)
32. The man was _________ on a medal for bravely taking a child out of the burning house. (STOW)
33. The report has _________ the cause of global warming in the past decades. (POINT)
34. It may take more than a month to deliver our car from Germany to VietNam as it is _________.
35. “Titanic” is an example of _________ romance. (SHIP)
36. The machine cannot work properly as a direct result of _________. (ALIGN)
37. There used to be a __________ in Quang Tri, whose remains now become a historical site. (HOLD)
38. Andy was ___________ from the volunteer group due to his poor attitude. (COMMUNICATE)
39. I was so ____________ that even a spider scared me. (KNEE)
40. The government ____________ its responsibility in the leakage of confidential information.
41. Try not to be ___________ even if you are tremendously successful. (VAIN)
42. Bob is a(n) ___________ of an intelligent student. (TYPE)
43. The goverment’s policy to soothe the anger among people was ___________. It should have
happened earlier. (CHRONOLOGY)
44. Tom’s collection is such a(n) ___________. There is no connection between things. (MASH)
45. I was completely ___________ by the fact that he was going to get married. (MUSE)
46. Sleeping during day and working when night comes sounds seemingly __________. (SCIENCE)
I question whether a spectacle so fantastic and impressive was ever dealtwith, even in the pages of
__________ fiction. (SCIENCE)
48. Adam’s gait is a(n) __________ for his strong personality. (WORD)
49. The apricot blossom __________ during spring. (GERM)
50. In an _________ world, people have to change to get into the swing of the environment. (EVOLVE)
51. I __________ the distance from my house to the Ann’s hospital and arrived there rather late.
52. Harry Porter’s personality is successfully ___________ by J.K.Rowling throughout her series.
53. Your __________ saying last night could hurt other people’s feelings although you might not
intend to say so. (SENSE)
54. What Thuy Minh said has provoked violent __________ from critics as well as celebrities. (BLAST)
55. You are becoming a(n) ___________. Just go outside and see what happens. (LAY)
56. A ___________ is an instrument that separates light into a frequency spectrum and records the
signal using a camera. (SPECTRUM)
57. Cindy showed ___________ support at Josh’s project. She always believes him. (FALTER)
58. Securing a ___________ job is most people’s dreams. (CLERK)
59. This place is an ___________ zone, which is restricted to people who work in the Parliamentary
House only. (EXCLUDE)
60. He was ___________ by the darkness and got lost in the forest. (NIGHT)
61. He was ___________ with intelligence but he tried hard to make up for it. (ENDOW)
62. Any ___________ gimmicks are forbidden in this competition. (MALICE)
63. Surely all women must have ___________ instinct or the human race would die out. (MOTHER)
64. Putting up with noise coming from the neighbor is probably the most ____________ thing. (TO)
65. The leader was taken into custody, which brought an end to the _____________. (SURGE)
66. The spectacular view of Sa Pa has _____________ many visitors. (RAPTURE)
67. Andy has received such _____________ fame after he tried himself in the school’s play. (WONT)
68. The aridity in that area _____________ a poor crop. (TOKEN)
69. Some people argue that money has _____________ football. (BASE)
70. This remote village bore the _____________ of the storm. (PREDATOR)
71. “People” is a ____________ word. (SYLLABLE)
72. The young boy was _____________ by the two men who then asked the innocent for money.
73. Taking that old lady for a ride is _____________. (CONSCIENCE)
74. To achieve the _____________ logic, you have to employ certain techniques of using connectives
like ‘and’, ‘or’ in the right place within the sentence. (SENTENCE)
75. This chair is almost too ____________, so replace it with a new one! (ANNUAL)
76. Underground nuclear _____________ are believed to have been carried out. (TONE)
77. The opponents of nuclear power may object to the scheme for some ______________ reasons.
78. Every point in his speech is _____________, which allows the audience to follow easily. (PERSPEX)
79. The ______________ is used to measured the smallest things! (MICRO)
80. His ______________ talking annoys the teachers a lot. (TERMINAL)
81. Many ______________ policies have come into force to boost the economic development.
82. A(n) _____________ schedule assists me in passing the day smoothly. (ARRANGE)
83. Allowing yourself anything you like makes you a ____________ figure. (INDULGE)
84. Mary ______________ with her husband about his budget this month. (POSTULATE)
85. It is impossible to _______________ his excellence at work. (SAY)
86. People in coastal area live mainy on the ______________, which allows them to earn a great deal
of money from the sea products (CULTURE)
87. People felt a great pity for the time spent to see such a(n) _____________ film. (ABYSS)
88. Every book has a ______________ including what the authors say about their masterpiece.
89. I cannot imagine why there are such ______________ people in this world. Don’t they feel any
sympathy for the homeless? (HEART)
90. I will bring my unbrella along on the _____________ that it rains. (CHANCE)
91. The dramatic decrease in the ________________ of this factory can be a direct result of
underpayment. (PUT)
92. The contaminated drinking water in Flint, Michigan can cause ______________ consequences.
93. It is a _____________ fact that the vegeterian sausages were invented during World War I.
94. His recent unpredictable mood ____________ him from his friends. (STRANGE)
95. I was ______________ and fell in love with her immediately at first sight. (LOVE)
96. The camera must be clean with a soft ____________ cloth. Otherwise, the water will permeate
and cause damage. (WRING)
97. His recent ups and downs made the criminal more ____________ than ever. (BITE)
98. John Cena used to be in his _____________ in WWE but since his dislocation, he had to leave for
operation and it would take him a long time to make a full recovery. (DAY)
99. Bats use ______________ to navigate in the dark when hunting prey. (LOCATION)
100. He was lying, indicated by the _______________ sign that his hands were shivering. (TELL)

Read more: https://tienganh247.info/131-cau-luyen-tap-ve-cau-tao-tu-nang-cao-co-dap-an-a1279.html#ixzz8FdL3TiLG

Read more: https://tienganh247.info/131-cau-luyen-tap-ve-cau-tao-tu-nang-cao-co-dap-an-a1279.html#ixzz8FdKlAvlJ

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