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Exercise 2.

Choose the answer that best suits the meaning of the word
combination. Explain the meaning of the rest expressions from Exercise 21.
Example: If you do research, you _____
a) study a subject in detail to discover or test new ideas
b) try something for the first time
Answer: a
If you make up your mind, you ______
a) decide to do something
b) are eager to do something
If you take notes, you _______
a) listen carefully
b) write something down
If you ask someone to do a favour, you ______
a) ask someone for advice
b) ask someone for help
When you make progress, you ______
a) improve something
b) het worse at doing something
If it makes no difference to you, it ______
a) doesn’t matter to you
b) makes sense
If you take something seriously, it ______
a) disappoints you
b) is worth your attention
When you make an effort, you ______
a) try very hard to do something
b) deny doing something
When people take something for granted, they _____
a) admit that something is true
b) expect it will always be there when they need it
Exercise 1. Rearrange the words to make correct word combinations.
Illustrate them in your own context.
Example: One of the requirements for a theses is to do research according to your
Research, a mistake, an effort, exams, a break, one’s best, progress,
exercises, well, notes, a favour, a/no difference, into consideration, an experiment,
something seriously, up one’s mind, something for granted, a decision.
Do: research, _____________
Make: ____________
Take: ____________

1) You will do research and will develop a critical perspective.

2) to make a mistake in this task must not know the topic
3) to win the competition you need to take all your efforts with you
4) take the exam and go and enter the university
5) after taking a break, the children started to rejoice
6) master hairdresser makes you one”s best
7) you can make progress in your work
8) do exercises and go rest
9) if you do a well job, you will be richer
10) so as not to forget to make notes
11) And even if your contribution is minimal - it will make a difference!
12) It is important to think creatively and take into consideration any detail.
13) A husband and wife decided to do an experiment of their own.
14) The question of what it is to take something seriously has become very confused
15) Up one is mind
16) We take it as something totally granted.
17) We will review the situation and take a decision soon.

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