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Février 2022
Note: ---------/ 40 SECTION: Lettres
DUREE: 2 HEURES NOM: --------------------------------------- Number: ---------


1. A “brain drain” or “human capital flight” is an emigration of highly-skilled individuals to other nations due
to conflicts, lack of opportunity, health hazards in their home countries investment in higher education is
lost and futile when a trained individual leaves and doesn’t return also, whatever capital the individual has
been a part of is reduced by his or her departure the term brain drain was used to describe the outflow of
scientists and technologists to Canada and the USA in the 1950’s.

2. Its counterpart is brain gain in the areas to which talented people migrate. Brain drain can occur either when
individuals who study abroad do not return to their home country or when individuals educated in their
home country or when individuals educated in their home country emigrate for higher wages and better
living conditions. The second form is worse because it drains more resources from the home country.

3. This phenomenon is perhaps more problematic for developing nations where it is widespread. In these
countries, higher education and professional certification are often viewed as the surest path to escape from
a troubled economy or difficult political situation.

4. Even though little has been said about the implications of the brain drain in Africa, it is believed to be one of
the biggest issues to the developing nations. It has cost the African continent over $ 4 billion in the
employment of 150.000 expatriate professionals annually. Ethiopia for instance has lost 75% of its skilled
work force between 1980 and 1991, which harms the ability of such nations to get out of poverty.

5. Nigeria, Kenya and Ethiopia are believed to be the most affected. In the case of Ethiopia, the country
produced many excellent doctors but there are more Ethiopian doctors in Chicago than there are in Ethiopia.
Thabo Mbeki, the South African president, said in his 1998”African Renaissance” speech: “I dream of the
day when these intellectuals will return to add to the African pool of brain power, to enquire into and find
solutions to Africa’s problems, to open the African door to the world of knowledge, to elevate Africa’s place
within the universe of research, new knowledge, education and information.”

Adapted from the Internet


1. Tick (√) the right alternative (1 mark)

The text is mainly about: - The benefits of the brain drain to developing nations. 
- The drawbacks of the brain drain to the developing. 
- The drawbacks of the brain drain to the developed. 

2. focus on paragraph 1 and complete the following table (3 marks)

Debated issue Causes (mention only 1) People concerned Main destinations
(mention only 1)
-.................................... -............................. -........................
The brain drain ............................ ............................. ........................

3. Find in the text details showing that the following statements are FALSE: (3 marks)
a. Students who are educated in their countries are not fascinated by wealthy countries. (parag 1)
b. Brain drain has no effect on the economic growth of Ethiopia. (parag 2)
c. Reverse brain drain has no benefits to the African nations. (parag 4)
4. Find in the text words or expressions meaning nearly the same as (2 marks)
a. useless (parag 1): ………………………………………………
b. effect (parag 4): ………………………………………………
5. What does the underlined word refer to? (2 marks)
a. It (parag 3): ……………………………………….……………………

b. I (parag 4): ……………………………………….……………………

6. Give a personal justified answer to the following question: (1 mark)

Would you leave your home country and move to another country to live and work? Why
or Why not? ……………………………….…………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………….…… .

II. LANGUAGE ( 10 marks) Score

1. Circle the correct alternative: (3.5 marks)

the poem Daffodils is also known by the title ‘ I wandered lonely as a cloud’, a lyrical poem
written by William Wordsworth in 1804. It was [publishing – published – created] in
1815 in ‘Collected poems’ with four stanzas. William Wordsworth is a well – [knew –
knowing – known] romantic poet who believed [ in – at – on ] conveying simple and
creative expressions through his poems. He had quoted’ poetry is the spontaneous overflow
of [power – powerful – weak] feelings: it takes its origin from emotions recollected in
tranquillity. [ Thus – There – But] , Daffodils is one of the most [popularity – popular –
populous] poems of the Romantic Age, unfolding the poet’s [ exiting – excitement – hate]
,love and praise for a field blossoming with daffodils.

2. Complete the paragraph with words from the box. There are TWO extra words:

(3.5 marks)

smokers / success / tough/ addictive / will/ cancer/ drawbacks / maintain/ of

Quitting cigarettes is really a .…………………… action to take. Majority of .

…………………… want to quit smoking, but find it difficult to do so as nicotine is very .
…………………… and hard to get rid of. Yet, it’s never impossible if several measures are
taken into consideration. You just ought to face the fact that you need to follow, finish and .
…………………… a quit smoking plan. There are three major steps that will determine
your .…………………… in quitting smoking; 1. strong .…………………… to quit, 2.
deep conviction of its .…………………… and 3. finding the right alternatives.

3. Supply the correct tense or form of the bracketed words: (3 marks)

While voices are rising constantly for the (protect) .…………………… of Planet Earth
from various (ecology) .…………………… threats, these same voices seem to show an
amazing tolerance for a form of pollution that is a growing problem: noise. Airplane
traffic is increasing by five percent a year. Urban noise is doubling every ten years and is
getting increasingly diverse as city life becomes more (dependence) .……………………
on technology and robotics. By air, land and sea, we are facing an onslaught of noise that
is (threat) .…………………… our ability to survive (safe) .…………………… in this
world. It is high time that we (make) .…………………… firm decisions to stop this
from getting worse.

III. WRITING (15 marks) Score
1. Use the following notes to write a short biography of Canadian immunologist Ralph M.
Steinman (5 marks)
Birth: 1943/ Montreal, Canada
Education: 1968 : receiving his M.D. (Medical Doctor ) / Harvard Medical School.
Achievement: discovery of “the dendritic cell and its role in adaptive immunity.”
before / death / use / own discoveries /treat himself / cancer.
Awards: Medicine Nobel Prize 2011
Death: 2011/ New York, USA.
……………………………………………………. …………………………………………………
…………………………………………………. …………………………………………………….
……………………………………………………. ……………………………………… …………
…………………………… ………………………………… ……………………………………….
……………………………………………………………..…………… ……………………………

2. Essay (10 marks)

-One day your family decided to move to the countryside where the quality of life is better.
Write a 12-line letter to your friend and talk about the things you are enjoying in the countryside.
--------------------------------------------------------------- .
Adherence to task and content adequacy: 3 marks
Lexical appropriacy and grammar accuracy: 3 marks
Mechanical accuracy (punctuation, capitalization and spelling): 2 marks

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