Advanced Dark Heresy - Character Sheet - Career - Guardsman Advances Part - Fillable

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Characteristic Inter-

Simple Trained Expert TOTAL XP SPENT XP TO SPEND

Advances (+5%) mediate

Guardsman Weapon Skill 100 250 500 750

Ballistic Skill 100 250 500 750
Current Rank: Strength 100 250 500 500 Elite Advances At Rank XP cost
Toughness 250 500 750 1000
Agility 250 500 750 1000
<- Rank number is marked into the box when the rank is achieved
Intelligence 500 750 1000 2500
Conscript Alternative Background
XP Level: Perception 250 500 750 1000
0–499 Willpower 300 600 1000 2500
Fellowship 300 600 1000 2500
Guard Contact Name At Rank XP cost
XP Level:

XP Level:
1000–1999 Conscript Advances XP 0-499 Guard Advances XP 500-999
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Sergeant Awareness 100 S — Chem-Use +Basic 30 S —
XP Level:
Blather +Basic 30 S — Ciphers (Acolyte) 100 S —
Drive (Ground Vehicle) 100 S — Ciphers (War Cant) 100 S —
Veteran Common Lore (Imperial Guard) 100 S —
Drive (Walker) 200 S —
XP Level:
3000–5999 Swim 100 S — Common Lore (War) 200 S —

Basic Weapon Training (Las) 100 T — Dodge 100 S —

Lieutenant Scout Drive (Ground
Veteran Basic Weapon Training (Primitive) 100 T — Drive (Ground Vehicle) +10 100 S
XP Level: XP Level: XP Level:
Basic Weapon Training (SP) 100 T —
6000–7999 6000–7999 6000–7999 Drive (Walker) +10 200 S Drive (Walker)
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive) 100 T — Inquiry 200 S —
Shock Trooper Captain Marksman
Pistol Training (Las) 100 T — Literacy +Basic 30 S Int 25
XP Level: XP Level: XP Level:
8000–9999 8000–9999 8000–9999 Pistol Training (Primitive) 100 T — Medicae +Basic 30 S —
Pistol Training (SP) 100 T — Survival 100 S —
Storm Trooper Commander Sniper
Sound Constitution 100 T — Swim +10 100 S Swim
XP Level: XP Level: XP Level:
10000–14999 10000–14999 10000–14999 Sound Constitution 100 T — Basic Weapon Training (Launcher) 100 T —

Altenative Rank Replaces Rank Sound Constitution 100 T — Heavy Weapon Training (SP) 200 T —

Thrown Weapon Training (Primitive) 100 T — Light Sleeper 200 T Per 40

Many ranks within Guardsman’s career provide skill at only Basic level Quick Draw 100 T Ag 30
instead of Trained as usual. In all such cases there is ”+Basic” added after Sound Constitution 100 T —
the skill name in these ranks. Some choices may require these “+Basic” lines
Two-Weapon Wielder (Ballistic) 200 T BS 35, Ag 35
as prerequisites, in which case the “+Basic” must be taken even when the
character would otherwise have the Basic level or better acquired already.
Sergeant Advances XP 2000-2999
Armsman Advances XP 1000 - 1999 Veteran Advances XP 3000-5999
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Carouse 200 S —
Barter 300 S — Chem-Use 250 S Chem-Use +Basic
Ciphers (War Cant) +10 100 S Ciphers (War Cant)
Climb 200 S — Ciphers (Acolyte) +10 100 S Ciphers (Acolyte)
Common Lore (Imperial Creed) 100 S —
Ciphers (Inquisition) 300 S —
Common Lore (Imperium) 200 S — Common Lore
Common Lore (Imperial Guard) +10 100 S Ciphers (War Cant)
(Imperial Guard) Ciphers (War Cant) +20 100 S
Common Lore (Imperial Navy) +Basic 20 S — +10
Common Lore (Tech) +Basic 30 S —
Concealment 200 S Int 30 Command 100 S —

Demolition +Basic 30 S — Common Lore (Void Battles) +Basic 30 S — Common Lore (Imperial Navy) 100 S —
Demolition 100 S — Demolition +10 100 S Demolition
Drive (Ground
Drive (Ground Vehicle) +20 100 S
Vehicle) +10 Interrogation 200 S — Dodge +10 100 S Dodge +10
Intimidate +10 100 S Intimidate Gamble +10 200 S Gamble
Drive (Walker) +20 200 S Drive (Walker) +10
Navigation (Surface) +10 100 S Navigation (Surface) Medicae 200 S —
Gamble 200 S — Pilot (Military Craft)
Pilot (Military Craft) +10 100 S Pilot (Military Craft) Pilot (Military Craft) +20 100 S
Inquiry +10 200 S Inquiry +10
Scrutiny 200 S Int 35, Fel 30
Scholastic Lore (Legend) +Basic 60 S —
Intimidate 100 S — Secret Tongue (Military) 100 S —
Search 200 S —
Literacy 300 S — Tech-Use 200 S —
Secret Tongue
Trade (Mason) +Basic 60 S Int 30 Secret Tongue (Acolyte) +10 100 S
Navigation (Surface) 100 S — (Acolyte)
Trade (Smith) +Basic 60 S Int 30 Secret Tongue (Inquisition) 300 S —
Performer (Choose one) +Basic 40 S —
Int 30, Common Lore Secret Tongue
Pilot (Military Craft) 100 S — Secret Tongue (Military) +10 100 S
Trade (Technomat) +Basic 60 S (Tech) +Basic or Com- (Military)
mon Lore (Tech) Silent Move 300 S —
Secret Tongue (Acolyte) 200 S —
Wrangling 200 S Int 30 Survival +10 100 S Survival
Swim +20 100 S Swim +10
Athlectics 100 T — Tracking 300 S Tracking +Basic
Tech-Use +Basic 30 S —
Basic Weapon Training (Bolt) 100 T S 30 Trade (Wright) +Basic 60 S Int 30
Tracking +Basic 40 S Int 30, Per 30
Crushing Blow 200 T S 40 BS 30, Basic Weapon
Arms Master 100 T
Trade (Cook) +Basic 40 S — Ag 40, Two-Weapon Training (any two)
Dual Shot 300 T
Wielder (Ballistic) Basic Weapon Training (Melta) 100 T —
Wrangling +Basic 40 S —
Ag 40, Two-Weapon Basic Weapon Training (Plasma) 100 T —
Dual Strike 300 T
Ambidextrous 200 T Ag 30 Wielder (Melee)
Blind Fighting 100 T Per 30
Basic Weapon Training (Flame) 100 T — Heavy Weapon Training (Flame) 200 T —
Die Hard 100 T WP 40
Heavy Weapon Training (Primitive) 200 T —
Bulging Biceps 100 T S 45 Hatred (Xeno—choose one) 200 T —
Jaded 200 T Insanity over 1
Crippling Strike 100 T WS 50 Heavy Weapon Training (Bolt) 100 T —
Melee Weapon Training (Chain) 100 T —
Hard Target 200 T Ag 40 Heavy Weapons Training (Las) 100 T —
Pistol Training (Bolt) 100 T —
Hip Shooting 200 T BS 40, Ag 40 Heavy Weapons Training (Launcher) 100 T —
Resistance (Cold) 100 T —
Iron Jaw 200 T T 40
Melee Weapon Training (Shock) 200 T — Resistance (Fear) 100 T —
Sound Constitution 200 T —
Pistol Training (Flame) 100 T — Resistance (Heat) 100 T —
Sound Constitution 200 T —
Rapid Reload 100 T Ag 35 Sound Constitution 100 T —
Sound Constitution 200 T —
Sound Constitution 100 T — Sure Strike 200 T WS 30
Step Aside 100 T Ag 40, Dodge
Swift Attack 200 T WS 35 Takedown 100 T —
True Grit 100 T T 40
Two-Weapon Wielder (Melee) 200 T WS 35, Ag 35
Assault Veteran Advances XP 6000-7999 Storm Trooper Advances XP 10000-14999 Captain Advances XP 8000-9999
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites Advance Cost Type Prerequisites Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Common Lore Intimidate +20 100 S Intimidate +10 Common Lore
Common Lore (Imperial Creed) +10 100 S Common Lore (Imperial Guard) +20 100 S
(Imperial Creed) (Imperial Guard) + 10
Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) +Basic 50 S —
Common Lore
Common Lore (War) +10 200 S Battle Rage 300 T Frenzy Common Lore
(War) Common Lore (Imperial Navy) +10 150 S
(Imperial Navy)
Demolition +20 100 S Demolition +10 Berserk Charge 200 T —
Common Lore
Dodge +20 200 S Dodge +10 Deflect Shot 200 T Ag 40, WS 40 Common Lore (Void Battles) 200 S
(Imperial Navy)
Performer (As Athlectics (+10) 300 T Athlectics
Performer (Choose one) 200 S Diplomacy 300 S Fel 35
Chosen) +Basic
Exotic Weapon Training (Web Pistol) 200 T —
Survival +20 100 S Survival +10 Interrogation +10 100 S Interrogation
Exotic Weapon Training (Webber) 200 T —
Trade (Armourer) +Basic 70 S Int 30
Fearless and Insanity 1d5+2 200 T — Logic 300 S —
Trade (Tanner) +Basic 70 S Int 30
Insanely Faithful 200 T — Common Lore
Blademaster 300 T WS 30 Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) 100 S
Pistol Training (Launcher) 200 T — (Imperial Creed) +10
Combat Master 300 T WS 30
Pistol Training (Melta) 200 T — Scholastic Lore (Legend) 150 S —
Counter-Attack 200 T WS 40, Ag 40
Pistol Training (Plasma) 200 T — Scholastic Lore
Double Team 100 T — Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) +10 100 S
Sound Constitution 300 T — (Tactica Imperialis)
Frenzy and Insanity 1 100 T Insanity 10 Secret Tongue
Sound Constitution 300 T — Secret Tongue (Military) +20 100 S
Furious Assault 100 T WS 35 (Military) +10
Technical Knock 200 T —
Leap Up 100 T Ag 30 Trade (Wright) 300 S Trade (Wright) +Basic
Lightning Attack 300 T Swift Attack Liutenant Advances XP 6000-7999
Air of Authority 100 T Fel 35
Melee Weapon Training (Power) 100 T — Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Blather 300 S — Exotic Weapon Training (Web Pistol) 200 T —
Precise Blow 100 T —
Sound Constitution 200 T — Charm 300 S — Hatred (Psykers) 100 T —
Chem-Use 200 S —
Iron Discipline 200 T WP 30, Command
Command +10 100 S Command
Shock Trooper Advances XP 8000-9999 Lightning Attack 300 T Swift Attack
Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy) 100 S —
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Common Lore Nerves of Steel 200 T —
Carouse +10 200 S Carouse Common Lore (Imperial Creed) +10 100 S
(Imperial Creed)
Chem-Use +10 200 S Chem-Use Peer (Military) 100 T —
Common Lore
Common Lore (War) +10 200 S
Common Lore (Tech) 200 S — (War) Pistol Training (Melta) 100 T —
Concealment +10 200 S Concealment Deceive 300 S —
Resistance (Psychic Powers) 300 T —
Navigation Evaluate 300 S —
Navigation (Surface) +20 200 S Sound Constitution 200 T —
(Surface) +10 Interrogation 100 S —
Trade (Armourer) Literacy +10 200 S Literacy Sound Constitution 200 T —
Trade (Armourer) 150 S
Trade (Tanner) Medicae +10 200 S Medicae WP 30, Resistance
Trade (Tanner) 150 S Strong-minded 100 T
+Basic Navigation (Psychic Powers)
Navigation (Surface) +20 100 S
Basic Weapon (Surface) +10
Cleanse and Purify 200 T Talented (Blather) 200 T Blather
Training (Flame) Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) 100 S —
Hardy 200 T T 40 Talented (Charm) 200 T Charm
Scrutiny +10 200 S Scrutiny
Heavy Weapon Training (Melta) 200 T — Trade (Copyist) 100 S —
Heavy Weapon Training (Plasma) 200 T — Hatred (Mutants) 100 T —
Sound Constitution 200 T — Melee Weapon Training (Power) 100 T —
Sound Constitution 200 T — Pistol Training (Plasma) 200 T —
Talented (Chem-Use) 200 T Chem-Use Sound Constitution 200 T —
Commander Advances XP 10000-14999 Scout Advances XP 6000-7999 Sniper Advances XP 10000-14999
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites Advance Cost Type Prerequisites Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Carouse +10 200 S Carouse Awareness +10 100 S Awareness Awareness +20 100 S Awareness +10
Climb +10 200 S Climb
Command +20 100 S Command +10 Chem-Use +10 200 S Chem-Use
Concealment +10 200 S Concealment
Common Lore (War) Navigation Common Lore (Tech) 200 S —
Common Lore (War) +20 200 S Navigation (Surface) +20 100 S
+10 (Surface) +10 Common Lore (War) +10 200 S Common Lore (War)
Security 200 S —
Concealment +10 200 S Concealment Concealment +20 200 S Concealment +10
Silent Move 200 S —
Interrogation +20 100 S Interrogation +10 Logic 200 S —
Tracking +10 200 S Tracking
Scholastic Lore Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)
Trade (Armourer) +Basic 70 S Int 30 50 S —
Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) +20 100 S (Tactica Imperialis) +Basic
+10 Athlectics (+10) 300 T Athlectics
Silent Move +10 200 S Silent Move
Frenzy and Insanity 1d5 100 T Insanity 10 Deadeye Shot 200 T BS 30
Tracking +20 300 S Tracking +10
Good Reputation (Imperial Guard) 100 T Fel 30, Peer (Military) Heightened Senses (Hearing) 200 T —
Heightened Senses (Sight) 200 T — Crack Shot 300 T BS 40
Hatred (Cult: Choose One) 100 T —
Heightened Senses (Smell) 200 T — Exotic Weapon Training (Needle Rifle) 300 T —
Hatred (Cult: Choose One) 100 T — Leap Up 200 T Ag 30 Lightning Attack 300 T Swift Attack
Hatred (Xeno—choose one) 100 T — Melee Weapon Training (Power) 200 T —
Nerves of Steel 400 T —
Hatred (Xeno—choose one) 100 T — Sound Constitution 200 T —
XP 8000-9999 Pistol Training (Melta) 200 T —
Into the Jaws of Hell 200 T Iron Discipline
Marksman Advances
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites Pistol Training (Plasma) 200 T —
Leap Up 200 T Ag 30 Chem-Use +10 200 S Chem-Use Sound Constitution 300 T —

Litany of Hate 200 T Hatred (any) Concealment +10 200 S Concealment Sound Constitution 300 T —

Master Orator 200 T Fel 35 Disguise 300 S — Talented (Disguise) 100 T Disguise

Peer (Inquisition) 200 T Fel 30 Security +10 200 S Security Talented (Tracking) 100 T Tracking +20

Sound Constitution 300 T — Shadowing 300 S — BS 50, Sharpshooter,

Target Selection 500 T Deadeye Shot,
Sound Constitution 300 T — Survival +20 100 S Survival +10 Marksman
Talented (Deceive) 100 T Deceive Trade (Armourer)
Trade (Armourer) 200 S
Talented (Diplomacy) 300 T Diplomacy +Basic
Lightning Reflexes 200 T —
Total Recall 100 T Int 30
Marksman 300 T BS 35
Unshakable Faith 100 T —
Mighty Shot 100 T BS 40

Sharpshooter 300 T BS 40, Deadeye Shot

Sound Constitution 200 T —

Sound Constitution 200 T —

Talented (Shadowing) 200 T Shadowing

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