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Theoretical Framework

Considering the main objective of this study is to determine the capability of the city disaster risk

reduction and management office of Legazpi City, three theories were considered on which this

study was anchored namely: Haddow and Bullock’s (2005) Emergency Management Theory,

Contingency theory of Leadership by Fred Edward Fiedler and Disaster Crunch Theory which

was developed by Blaikie, et al (1994).

The Emergency Management Theory is based on eight principles: a. comprehensive; b.

progressive; c. risk-driven; d. integrated; e. collaborative; f. coordinated; g. flexible; and h.

professional, with the goal of protecting communities and integrating all activities required to

improve capability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from threatened or actual natural

disasters, terrorist attacks, or other man-made disasters.

The theory of Emergency Management is applicable to the current study since it is

focused on enhancing capabilities to reduce underlying risk factors and increase disaster

preparedness for effective response at all levels. It also engages in the assessment of

organizations and implementers that work to pinpoint and gauge the development of disaster-

related programs. The theory is centered on how to prevent, prepare, respond and recover from

disaster which is also the focus of the study.

The study is supported by the Contingency Theory of leadership introduced by Fred

Edward Fiedler in 1964. Fiedler argues that there is no best way to organize an agency, to lead an

organization, or to make decisions. rather, the best course of action depends on both the internal

and external circumstances. Contingent leaders are adaptable in their decision-making and
selection of concise methods to fit changes in the environment at a specific point in the

organization's operation.

Contingency theory asserts that there is no ideal structure for a leadership style, or

decision-making process. Contingent leaders are adaptable in their decision-making and

selection of concise methods to fit changes in the environment at a specific point in the

organization's operation. Contingency theory has significant implications in relation to

determining the governance of city disaster risk reduction management of Legazpi City in terms

of their organizational structure, composition, function and funding resources. It also provides a

framework on determining the capability of implementers in enacting programs in concern with

disaster risk reduction management and the practices they use to sustain DRRM programs.

The Disaster Crunch Theory was introduced by Blaikie, et al (1994). This theory suggests

that a disaster is most likely to occur when a hazard affects vulnerable people. The theory

proposed that disaster happens if the two elements mentioned were combined together. Likewise,

even though a population may have been at risk for a long time, there would be no calamity

unless there is a triggering event like hazard, an event that potentially results in danger, damage,

or harm like earthquake, a major a earthquake can result in the death of many people in one

region of the world. as well as the devastation of structures, roads, and bridges.

However, a similar earthquake with the same strength hit in another nation may result in

significantly less destruction. This could be due to stronger structures, better-trained

communities, or not many individuals reside there. natural phenomena become hazards only

when they pose a threat to a person or property. it only results in a disaster if it coincides with

vulnerable conditions. (Knowledge Introduction, n.d.). Therefore, a hazard by itself is not a

disaster, Disasters only occur when a hazard comes into contact with a vulnerable circumstance.
The Disaster Crunch Theory is pertinent to this study because it provides an idea that a

number of factors influence vulnerability to disaster. The theory identified series of elements that

is at risks because it is unable to withstand the impact of hazards. This vulnerability might be:

Economic such as unstable livelihood, Natural such as dependence on natural resources,

Constructed such as houses, Individual such as lacking of skills and knowledge and Social such

as disorganized or fragmented society. The theory also pin point ‘pressures’ which are the

structures that create vulnerable conditions. vulnerable condition exists because of pressures

acting on individual and communities and they are difficult to challenge. for example, who is

responsible for creating vulnerable conditions, this might be an organization such as local

government departments, companies or individuals. These are called structures, another one, how

these structures affect the vulnerable conditions, it can be through policies and practices. these

are called the processes. considering the factors stated earlier the theory provides the process

involved in the formulation of comprehensive view of this study.






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