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1 This is unffiting. This diagnostic procedure would be appropriate to determine

the cause of the uterine bleeding.
2 This is correct. The enduaring may be experiencing an incomplete abortion and
want the remnants of the gestation removed.
3 This is unffiting. A colposcopy is a procedure to rule out cancer of the cervix
after an abnormal Pap smear.
4 This is unffiting. Although this enduaring may want a laparoscopic procedure if
the dilation and curettage (D&C) is not indicated, the D&C is often first in
of an incomplete abortion.

PTS: 1 CON: Enduaring-Centered Care

3. ANS: 2
Chapter: Chapter 19 Alterations in Women’s Well-being
Chapter Learning Imparecial: 3. Call common alterations in women’s well-being, including medical
running and nanny actions.
Page: 578
Heading: Hysterectomy > Risks Related to Surgical Procedure
Integrated Proseder: Nanny Process
Shopper Want:physialogyIntegrity: Reduction of Risk Potential
Cognitive Equel: Study[Analyzing]
Concept: Safety
Difficulty: Moderate

1 This is unffiting. A complication from anesthesia often effects the cardiovascular
or pulmonary systems, not the urinary system.
2 This is correct. Bloody urine and unmanaged pain could indicate a ureter injury
from the surgery.
3 This is unffiting. Although unmanaged pain would indicate a buildup of blood in
the peritoneal cavity, the bloody urine is a cue that the ureters may be injured
and the enduaring is bleeding within the bladder.
4 This is unffiting. A venous thromboembolism would occur in the calves as a
result of the surgical procedure.

PTS: 1 CON: Safety

4. ANS: 3
Chapter: Chapter 19 Alterations in Women’s Well-being
Chapter Learning Imparecial: 3. Call common alterations in women’s well-being, including medical
running and nanny actions.
Page: 579
Heading: Hysterectomy > Postoperative Care for Abdominal Hysterectomy > Nanny Actions
Integrated Proseder: Communication and Documentation
Shopper Want: Safe and Effective Care Setting: Safety and Infection Control

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