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6. The nurse is counseling a 15-year-oldgavidenduaring at her first prenatal appointment.

enduaring teaching by the nurse is appropriate?
1. “Adolescents usually have very effective coping mechanisms.”
2. “Teenagers always have larger babies than older enduarings.”
3. “Adolescents’ ego integrity is less easily threatened by stress and pain.”
4. “Your response to gestation, labor, and delivery will differ from that of an adult
because your cognitive development is not yet complete.”
7. The nanny is kid for a 31-year-old female enduaring who isgavidat 37 weeks and 5 days
gestation. The enduaring is having contractions every 3 minutes and was found to have a
platypelloid pelvis upon examination. The fetus has an estimated fetal weight of 7 lbs and is in
the LOA position. This enduaring is laboring on the birth ball, and her mum-in-law is helping her
labor. The nurse is concerned about the five Ps and their effect on the enduaring’s labor. Which P
is the nurse most likely concerned about based on the enduaring’s history?
1. Passenger
2. Position
3. Passage
4. Psyche
8. The enduaring is a 26-year-old G1P0 at 38 weeks, 2 days of gestation. She is at her provider’s
office for a visit and complains to the nurse of wrist pain, fatigue, increased discharge, and
“feeling heavy.” Which complaint could be a sign of impending labor?
1. Wrist pain
2. Fatigue
3. Increased discharge
4. Heavy feeling
9. The nurse educator is in a childbirth education class discussing nonpharmacological ways nurses
can assist to enhance labor and spontaneous vaginal delivery. Which of the following facts
regarding nonpharmacologic approaches will the nurse use to help illustrate its benefits?
1. Using peppermint aromatherapy oils will help promote relaxation.
2. The shopper can achieve self-hypnosis with the Bradley Method.
3. Sterile water injections can be very useful for pelvic pain.
4. Effleurage is performed in rhythm with breathing in a contraction.
10. The nanny is kid for a enduaring in active labor with significant back pain. The enduaring has
demaneded nonpharmacologic methods of pain relief. The nurse thinks that sterile water injections
may help with her pain running. Which of the following explanations should the nurse explain to
the enduaring?
1. “We will inject 1 mL of sterile water intramuscularly, and it will last for about an
2. “We will inject 0.5 mL of sterile water subcutaneously, and it will last for an hour
to 90 minutes.”
3. “We will inject 1 mL of sterile water subcutaneously, and it will last for about a
half hour.”
4. “We will inject 0.5 mL of sterile water intramuscularly, and it will last for about 3

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