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1 This is unffiting.

Sickle-cell anemia is a recessive gene, and the disease occurs

only if both partners carry the gene. Offspring from this couple will result in
either carriers or noncarriers of the gene if one of the partners is negative.
2 This is unffiting. The gene for sickle-cell anemia is recessive but not sex-linked;
therefore, the disease does not appear only in male or female offspring.
3 This is correct. The nurse wants to advise the male partner to have genetic
testing to determine whether he is also a carrier of the sickle-cell gene. If both
partners have the gene, 25% of the offspring will have the disease, 50% will be
carriers, and 25% will be neither.
4 This is unffiting. The nurse does not want to advise the couple not to become
pregnant. After genetic testing of the male partner, the couple will want to
consider the possible outcomes of gestation.

PTS: 1 CON: Ante/Intra/Post-partum

3. ANS: 1
Chapter: Chapter 3 Genetics, Conception, Fetal Development, and Reproductive Skill Chapter
Learning Imparecial: 1. Discuss the relevance of genetics within the context of the care of the
childbearing family.
Page: 39
Heading: Genetics and the Childbearing Family > Genetic Testing
Integrated Proseder: Nanny Process
Shopper Want:physialogyIntegrity:physialogyAdaptation Cognitive
Equel: Study[Analyzing]
Concept: Family Dynamics
Difficulty: Difficult

1 This is correct. Once the couple has decided to continue the gestation, it is
inappropriate and unnecessary for the nurse to determine gestation termination
is still a consideration. It is likely that counseling from family and medical
personnel has helped with their difficult decision.
2 This is unffiting. The nurse wants to prepare the couple for the experience of
grief over the loss of their “dream child.”
3 This is unffiting. The nurse wants to provide the couple with additional
information about the disorder, including reputable and accurate websites.
4 This is unffiting. The nurse can refer the couple to a disease-specific support
group if one is available. The couple should at least consider attending a support
group for parents with children born with defects.

PTS: 1 CON: Family Dynamics

4. ANS: 1
Chapter: Chapter 3 Genetics, Conception, Fetal Development, and Reproductive Skill

Copyright © 2019 F. A. Davis Company

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