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Final English 2 Project

INSTRUCTIONS: Record a creative video describing the following topic.

In your opinion, what was the coolest invention in history?

In your video you must use as much as possible the grammar and vocabulary elements used
during the course.

BE CREATIVE, use images, apps or the digital tool of your choice.

You must appear in the video.

. The video must last 1.5 to 2.5 minutes.

You must name the video with YOUR FULL NAME

Click the following link to watch and listen to an example of a student:

Upload your video to the file named with your career in the following link:

(link to be provided)

Excellent Good Needs improvement

The student talks for at The student talks for The student talks for
Time least 1.5 minutes. more than 1 min but less less than 1 minute.
4 points than 1.5 minutes. 1 points
2 points
Pronunciation and The student has an Pronunciation and The student has an
fluency. acceptable fluency. acceptable
pronunciation and pronunciation and
fluency 2 points fluency
4 points 1 point

The student uses The student uses The student doesn’t use
Use of vocabulary grammar and grammar and or almost doesn’t use
vocabulary used in the vocabulary used in the grammar and
text (at least 5 words) text (at least 3-4 words) vocabulary used in the
5 points 3-4 points text ( 1-2 words)
0-2 points

Creativity The student makes a The student makes a The student makes a
creative video good video but isn’t video that lacks
4 points very creative creativity
2-3 points 0-2 points

Instructions The student follows The student follows The student doesn’t
instructions completely some of the instructions follow the instructions
3 points 1-2 points 0 points

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