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P4 – Make Pinterest Work

An article titled 26 Ways to Make Pinterest Work for Your Business provides a long list of things
you can do to a Pinterest site to make it more effective as a business tool. Read the entire
article before completing this assignment.

Below is a list of the 26 items discussed in detail in the article. Your responsibility is to
document examples of each of these items. They do not need to all be on one site! Complete
the table below with your answers and documentation.

Ways to make Pinterest Document with explanation and image


#1: Add an On Hover Pin It

Button to Your Images
#2: Build Relationships With
#3: Convert Your Pinterest
Personal Page to a Business Page
#4: Designate Boards to
Represent Your Business
#5: Explore Rich Pins

#6: Follow Other Businesses

#7: Greet Commenters

#8: Heed Image Dimensions as

You Pin
#9: Invite Others to a Group
#10: Justify With the Facts

#11: Keep Your Pins Inspiring

#12: Leverage Your Website

#13: Moderate Your Use of Pin It
#14: Name Images Strategically

#15: Optimize Pinterest for SEO

#16: Promote Your Less-Followed

#17: Quote Comments From
#18: Reap the Benefits of
Multiple Platforms
#19: Stay Informed of Pinterest’s
Business Updates
#20: Title Boards With Keywords

#21: Use Different Types of

#22: Vary Board Position With
the Seasons
#23: Write a Good Business
#24: e(X)amine Pinterest
#25: Your Company Values and
Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) Initiatives
#26: Zero-in on Your Pinterest

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