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Huanyang Inverter

Huanyang Inverter

Huanyang Electrical Co ., Ltd

FactoryAdd : Chen Yu Chen Bei Industrial district, Yu Huan
Town , Tai zhou City, Zhejiang 317600 China
Subsidiary Company: Hong Kong Y&F Group Limited
Add : Tai Yau Street San Po Kong , Kowloon Wong King
Industrial Building 2
I . Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------
1. Checks upon Delivery ------- ---------------------------------- --- ------------------------------- 2
2. Nameplate Description of HY Series Inverter ------------------------------------------ 2
II . Safety Precautions ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------- 3
1. Before the Power-up ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
2. During the Power-up -------------------------------------- ----------------------- --- ---- ------- 4
3. During the Operation ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 4
III. Standards and Specifications --------------------------------------------------------------- 5
1. Particular Specifications --------------- ----------------------------------- --- -- ---------------- 5
2. General Specifications ----------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------ 6
IV. Storage and Installation ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------- 7
1. Storage --------------------- ---------------------------------- ---- ----------------.------------------- 7
2. Installation Site and Environment ---------------------------------------------------------- 8
3. Installation and Direction -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- 8
V. Wiring ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
1. Main Circuit Wiring Schematic Diagram -----.------------------------------------------ 9
2. Description of Terminal Block ---------------------------------------------------------------- 9
3. Basic Connection Diagram -------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
4. Precautions on Wiring -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 12
VI. Instruction of the Digital Operator ---------------------- ----- ----------------------------- 14
1. Description of the Digital Operator ------------ --------------------------------------------- 14
2. Description of Indicator Lamp Status ------------------------------------------------------ 15
3. Description of Operation Examples ------------------------- ------------------------------ 16
VI. Commissioning ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------- -- ---------- 17
1-. Checks before the Commissioning ---- ------------------ ----------- ----------------------- 17
2. Commissioning Methods ----------------------------------------- ----- ------------------------ 17
VI. Function List ---- ------ -- ------------------------------------------- ------ ---- -- ----------------------- 19
IX. Descriptions of Functions -------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------- 26
X. Care & Maintenance, Fault Information and Troubleshooting -------------- 60
1. Precautions about Inspection and Maintenance ------------------- ----------------- 60
2. Periodical Inspection and Maintenance items ----------------------------------------- 60
3. Fault Indication and Troubleshooting ------------- ---------------------------------------- 60
4. Faults and Analysis -----------------------------------------------------------------------.------- 63
XI. Selection of Peripheral Devices and Disposition ----------------------------------- 64
1. Options -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
2. Disposition -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
XI. User Preferences Table ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67

.* The manual is subject to change without notice.

I . Introduction
Thank yo u for purc ha sing and lIsing the ge ne ra l-purpose inve rt e r of HY series o f multi- fun c tions
and high perform an ce.
Please read carefu ll y the operati on manu al be fore putting th e inverter to use so as to correctl y
in sta ll and o pe ra te th e inve rt e r. give full pl ay to it s fu nct ions a nd e nsure th e sa fety. Please keep the
operatio n manual ha ndy for futu re re fe ren ce, maintenance. in s pec ti on a nd re pa ir.
Due to the in vc rtc r ofa kind of e lect rica l a nd e lectron ic product it mus t be in sta ll ed. tes ted a nd
adju s ted with parameters b s ecia lizcd eng ineeri ng perso ns a rm otors.
The mark s of Dnnger C&uli and other symbols in the manu nl remind yo u of th e safety an d
pre ve nti on ca uti ons dUri ng th e and lin g , in sta ll ati on , runn ing and in spectio n. Plea se fo ll ow the se
in structions to make sure th e safe use of the inve rter. In case of any doubt pl ease co ntact our loc al
agent for consu lt atio n. Our professiona l person s a re wil ling and ready to serve yo u.
The manu a l is subj ec t to c ha nge withou t notice.

" Da nge r indi cates wro ng use may ki ll or injure pe ople .

.. Ca utio n indi ca tes wrong use may da mage th e in ve rt er or mec han ica l sys te m.

I,#Danger I
• Be sure to turn off the in put powe r suppl y before wi ring.
• Do not to uc h any interna l e lec tri ca l ci rc uit o r co mpone nt when th e c hargi ng lam p is sti ll on afte r th e
AC powe r suppl y is disconne cted . whi ch mea ns th e in ve rter sti ll has hi gh voltage in s ide and it is ve ry
da ngerous .
• Do not c heck compo nents a nd sign a ls on the ci rcuit board s during the o peration .
• Do not di ssemb le or modify any intern a l co nnec tin g cord , wirin g or compone nt of the inverter by
yo urse lf.
• Be sure to make correct grou nd co nnec tio n of th e earth termina l of the in verter.
• Never remodel it or exc ha nge control boa rd s a nd compone nt s by yourself. It may expose yo u to a n
e lectri ca l shock or ex pl os ion, etc.

IACaution l
• Do not make any voltage-withstanding tes t wi th any compo ne nt inside the inverter. These se mi-
co ndu ctor parts are subject to the damage of hi gh voltage.
• Neve r conn ect th e AC ma in ci rc uit powe r supp ly to the output term inals U. V W of th e in ve rter.
• The main electric ci rcuit boa rds of CMOS and Ie of the inverte r arc su bject to the effect and damage
of sta tic e lectricity. Don' l touch th e main ci rc uit boa rds .
• In stalla ti on. testing and maintenance mus t be performed by qua lifi ed profess ional personnel.
• The in ve rter sho uld be disca rd ed as industrial wastc. It is forb idden to burn it.

1. Check s upon Del i very

The inverter has been strictly and well pac ked before ex-work . In co nsiderati o n of va ri o us faclors
during the tran sportati o n specia l a tte nti on shou ld be paid to the following po int s before the
assemb ly and in stallati on. If th ere is anything abnormal please noti fy the dealer or the relevant
peopl e of ou r co mpan y.

• Check if the inverter has got a ny damage o r deformati o n durin g th e transpo rta ti on and han dlin g .
• Check if there is one pi ece af HY se ries in vert e r and onc copy of the in stru ctio n manual
available when unpa ckin g it.
• Check the information o n the namep late to sec if th e specificati o ns mee t yo ur orde r (Ope rati ng
vollage and KVA va lu e).
• Check if there is somet hin g wron g with th e inner parts , wi ring a nd ci rc uit board .
• C heck if each termin al is tigh tl y locked and i f there is an y foreig n a rt ic le inside the inve rt er.
• Check if th e operator buttons are all right.
• Check if the optional co mponent s you ordered are co nt ained .

2. Nameplate Descri pt ion of HY Seri es Inverter

Model: HY A 0705 43 B

LL Software Vers ion
Voltage Raling , 43 means 3-phase 380V
Inverter Capac ity, 0705 means 7.5 K W
' - - - - -- - - - Serial No .,
' - - - - - - - -- -- Trade Mark

II . Safety Precautions
1. Befor e t he Power-up

IACaution I
• Check to be sure that th e voltage of th e mai n circuit AC power sup pl y matc hes th e input voltage of
the inverter.
• The symbo l, • represents ground terminals. Be sure to make correct gro und connection of the
carlh terminals of th e motor a nd the inverter for safe ty.
• No cantactor should be installed between the power suppl y and the inverter to be used for sta rt ing
or stopping of th e inverter. Otherwise it will affect the service life of the inverter.

I.KDanger l
• R.S.T termina ls aTC power input terminal s, never mix ed with U. V. W terminal s. Be sure tbat the wiring
of the main circuit is correc t. Otherwise it will cause damages of the inverter when the power is applied

IACaution l
• Do not carry the front covcr ofthc inverter directly whcn handling. It sho uld bc handled with the
basc to prevent the fall·off o f the front cover a nd avoid the dropping of the inverter, which may
po ss ibly ca use the inj ur ies to people and the damages to the inverter.
• Mount th e inverter on a metal or othe r noncombustible material to avoid the ri sk offi re .
• In sta ll th e inverter in a sa fe location, avoiding high temperature. direct s unli gh t. humid air or
• Kecp the inverter from th e reach of childre n o r persons not concerned .
• The inverter ca n only be used at the places accredited by our company. Any unauthorized
working environmen t may ha ve thc ri sks offire , gas exp losio n. electric shock and ot her incidents.
• In stall a heat s ink or ot her cooli ng device when installing more than o ne inverter in th c samc
enclosure so th at th e temperature in si de the enc lo surc be kept below 40"(' to avoi d overheat or th e
ri sk affirc.
• Be sure to turn off the power suppl y before dissembling o r ass embling the operation keypanel and
fixing thc front covcr to avoid bad co ntact ca us ing fault s or non·display of the operator.

• Do not in sta ll th e inverter in a space with ex pl os ive gas to avoid the ri s k of ex pl os io n.
• If the inverter is used at o rabove IOO Om above seal leve l. the cool ing eflie ie ncy will be worse. so
please run it by dc · ratin g .
• Do not in s ta ll any contac tor and other compo nent s of ca pac it or or var istor o n th e outpu t s ide of
the invcrter. Otherwi se it wi ll cause malfunctions a nd da ma ges of co mponents of th e inverter.Do
not install a ny switc h co mpone nt like ai r circuit breaker or cont ac tor at the ou tput of the inve rt er.
If a ny of such components mu st be in stalled because of the requiremen ts of process a nd others. it
must be ensured th a t th e inverter has no o utput whe n the switch ac ts. In additi on, it is for bidd e n to
insta ll any capac itor for improvemen t of power facl or or any varistor aga in st thund e r althe output.
Otherwise it will cau se ma lfunctions , trippin g prot ec tion a nd da mage s of co mpo nents of the
inve rter. Please remo ve them as shown in th e below diagram.
• It will a ffect the se rvic e life of the inverter if a co ntac t is connec ted 10 the front e nd ofi np ul ofl he
inverter to contro l it s start s a nd SlOpS. Generally it is required to co ntro l it thro ugh FOR o r REV
terminals . Spec ial a ttenti o n s hould be paid to its use in the case o f frequent starts a nd sto ps .
• Please use an ind e pend e nt powe r supply for th e in ve rter. Do avo id usi ng the commo n powe r
suppl y with an electr ical welder a nd other cquipment with stro ng distu rbance. O th e rwi se il wi ll
ca use the protectio n or e ve n dama ge of th e in verter.


2.During the Power-up

I#Danger I
• Do not plu g the conn ecto rs of the inve rter during the powe r up to avoi d any surge into th e main
control board due to plugging. whic h might ca use the dam age of the inverter.
• Always ha ve the protective cove r in pl ace befo re the po we r up to avoid electrical s hock injury.

3. During the Operation

I# Danger I
• Never connect or di sco nnect the mo tor sct w hil e th e in ve rter is in runn ing . Otherwise it will
cause over·current trip and eve n burn up the main c irc uit of the inve rter.

I# Danger I
• Never rem ove the front cover o f the inve rter while the inverter is powered up 10 avo id a ny injury
ofe leclric shock.
• Do not come close to the machine whe n Ihe fault res ta rt func ti on is used 10 avoid a nyth ing
unexpec ted. The motor may a uto mat ica lly res tart afte r its stop .
• The function of STOP Switch is onl y va lid after se lling, w hic h is d ifferent wi th the usc of
emergent stop sw itc h. Please pay atte ntion to it w hen us ing it .


IACaution l
• Do not touch the hea t sink, braking res istor. or oth er hea t clements to avoid being scald .
• Be sure that the molor and machine is with in th e appli cable speed ranges before startin g
operation because th e in ve rte r is quite easy to run from lower speed to higher spee d.
• Do not chec k th e signal s on circuit board s while th e in ve rt er is running to avoid danger.
• Be ca reful when c hanging the inverter sett ings. The in verter has bee n adj us te d and sc t before cx -
work. Do not adj ust it wantonl y. Please make pro pe r adjustments accordin g to th e required
func tio ns.
• Do consider the vi bration. noise and th e speed limit of the molor bearings and the mechanica l
devices when th e in verter is runnin g at or above the frequ ency of 50 Hz.

III . Standards and Specifications

1. Particular SpeCifications

Type Input Voltage Power

Single & Three Phase
HYOOD423 B nov 50Hz 0.4 1.0 2.5 0.4
Single & Three Phase
HYOD7523B 220V 50Hz 0.75 2.0 5.0 0.75
Single & Three Phase
HY01D523B nov 50Hz 1.5 2.8 7.0 1.5
Single & Three Phase
HY02D223B nov50Hz 2.2 4.0 10 2.2
HYOD7543B 3i1l 380V 50Hz 0.75 2.2 2.7 0.75
HY01D543B 3i1l 380V 50Hz 1.5 3.2 4.0 1.5
HY02D243B 3i1l 380V 50Hz 2.2 4.0 5.0 22
HY03D743B 3i1l 380V 50Hz 3.7 6.8 8.5 3.7
HY05D543B 3i1l 380V 50Hz 5.5 10 12.5 5.5
HY07D543B 3i1l 380V 50Hz 7.5 14 17.5 7.5
HY00 1143B 3i1l 380V 50Hz 11 19 24 11
HY001543B 3i1l 380V 50Hz 15 26 33 15
HY18 D543 B 3i1l 380V 50Hz 18.5 32 40 18.5
HY22D243B 3i1l 380V 50Hz 22 37 47 22
HY30D043 B 3i1l 380V 50Hz 30 52 65 30
HY37D043B 3i1l 380V 50Hz 37 64 80 37
HY45D043 B 3i1l 380V 50Hz 45 72 91 45
HY55D043B 3i1l 380V 50Hz 55 84 110 55
HY75D043 B 3i1l 380V 50Hz 75 116 152 75

HY90D043B 3a> 380V 50Hz 90 134 176 90
HYll0D43B 3a> 380V 50Hz 110 160 21 0 110
HY1 32D43B 3 a> 380V 50Hz 132 193 253 132
HY160D43B 3a> 380V 50Hz 160 230 304 160
HY200D43B 3 a> 380V 50Hz 200 290 380 200
HY220D43B 3a> 380V 50Hz 220 325 426 220
HY250D43B 3a> 380V 50Hz 250 381 500 250
HY280D43B 3a> 380V 50Hz 280 427 560 280
HY315D43B 3a> 380V 50Hz 31 5 460 605 315

Mini Specifications
Power Inverter Output Suitable
Type Input Voltage
Single Phase
HY-MOD4A 220V 50Hz 0.4 1.0 2.5 0.4
Single Phase
HY-MOD75A nov50Hz 0.75 2. 0 5.0 0.75
Single Phase
HY-Ml D5A nov 50Hz 1.5 2.8 7.0 1.5
Three Phase
HY- MOD4B 380V 50Hz 0.4 1.0 1.5 0.4
Three Phase
HY-MOD75B 380V 50Hz 0.75 22 2.7 0.75
Three Phase
HY-M 1D5 B 380V 50Hz 1.5 3.2 4.0 1.5

2. General Specifications
Inverter Series HY- OO
Control Mode SPWM

Input Power 330-440Vfor 380V power; 170- 250for 220 V power: 50H z/60Hz

S-DigIto DiIpIIy III Displaying frequency , current , revolution . voltage , counter.

StIrtuo Indicator Lamp temp erat ure, forward or reserve running , and fault , etc .

Communicotion Control RS -485

Opntion TIII1pOrIt\n - 10-40't

Humidity 0- 95% Relative Humidity I without dew)

Vibration BelowO .5G


0.10- 400.00Hz
Digital : 0 .01 % 1-10- 40't) . Analog : 0 .1% (25): 10't )
Setting Resolution Digita l: 0 .01Hz , Analog: 1%0 of Max . Operating Frequency

< 0uIput Resolution 0 .01Hz

0 ()pnIor SeaiIg MoIhod Press directly ~1lJ~ to set
~ AnIIog SoIling Method External Voltage 0- 5V. 0- 1OV, 4- 20mA, 0- 20mA.
2- F re que n cy lo w er li m it , s tarting frequen c y . Slopp ing I re q uency .
Ott- Functions th r•• skip Irequencl • • can be r.spect l.... ly •• t .

Ramp Control Selectable 4-speed steps ramp-up and --down time (0.1-6500s).

V/FCurve Set VIF curve at will

Torque Control Torque roaase is settabIe by max. 10.0%. The starting torque can read1 15O% at 1.0Hz.
6 multi- function input terminals for 8-speed steps control, program operation,
! Multi-Inputs switching of 4-speed Ramp, UP , DOWN function, counter, exlernaJ emergency
i. stop and other functions.

&> 5 multi-function ou1pUt terminals for displaying of running, zero speed, counter,
~ Multi-Outputs exlernaJ abnomlity, program operation and other information and wamings.

AVR (auto voltage regulation), Deceleration stop or free-stop, DC brake, auto reset
Other Functions and restart, frequency track, PlC control, traverse function, drawing control, auto
ene<gy- savings. camer adjustable by max. 20KHz, etc.

Overload Electronic relay protection motor Drive ( for constant torque 150"1011 min.
Protection For the kinds of fan 120%11min. )

FUSE Protection FUSE broken, Motor stops.

l Over-voltage DC Voltage > 400V for 220V class DC Voltage > &:IJV for 380V class
0 Low Voltage DC Voltage < 200V for 220V class DC Voltage < 400V for 380V class
Instant Stop Restarted by frequency track after instantaneous stop.
~ and Restart
Stall Prevention Anti-stall during AccIDec run
co Output End Shorts Electnonic cin:u~ protecting

Fin over-heat protection, restriction of reverse running, direct start after

Othet' Functions power on, fauh reset, parameter lock PID, one--drive-more, etc.

IV , Storage and Installation

1. Storage

The in verte r must be kept in its origi nal package box before insta ll atio n. Pay att ention to th e
followings wh en keep in g it in storage if the inverter is not used for the time be ing :

• It mu s t be siored in a dry place wi th out rubb ish or dust.

• The suitable temperatu re for sto rage is between · 20 ~ and +65 "C.
• Th e re lative humi d ity required is 0·9 5% w ith o ut co nde nsati o n.
• There is no co rrosive gas or liquid in th e storage ambience .
• II 's beller to la y the inverte r on a rack and keep it in a pro pe r package .

• It is beller no t to sto re the in ve rt er for long tim e. Lo ng time s lO ragc of lh e inve rter will lead to the
deteri o ratio n o f electrolytic capac ity. If it ne eds to be stored fo r a long tim e mak e s ure to power it
up o ne time within a year and th e power-up time s hould be at least above five hours. When
powe red up th e vo lt age mu st be in creased s lowly with a vo lt age regu lato r to the rated vo ltage
va lue .

2. Installation Site and Environment

The inverter s hould be installed at the following location :

• Ambient temperature -5 'C to 40'C with good ven tilation .

• No water drop and low moist ure .
• Free from direc t sun shine , high temperature and heavy du st fall.
• Free from corrosive gas or liqu id.
• Less du s t. oil gas and metallic parti cles
• Free from vibration and easy for service and in specti o n.
• Free from the interference of elect romagnctic no isc .
Attention: The ambient conditions of the inverter will affect its service Irte.

3. Installation and Direction

• There must be enough space left aroun d the in ve rt er fo r easy maint enance and coo ling. See
• The inverter mu st be ins tall ed verticall y wi th the smooth ve ntil atio n for effective coo lin g.
• If there is any instability when in stallin g the inve rt er. p lease put n n at boa rd under the inverter
bottom base and install it again . I f th e in verter is installed o n a loose s urface, stress may cause
damage of pa rts in the main circuit so as to damage th e invert er.
• The inverter should be installed on non-co mbus tible mate ri als, such as iron plate .
• If several inverters are install ed , upp er Ilnd lower. toge th er in o ne cabi net, please add hea t
di ss ipation plates and lea ve enough space between the inverters. See Dia gram.

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UNIT:mm El

V. Wiring
1. Main Circuit Wiring Schematic Diagram

@ Power suppl y:Verify that the inverter's rated vo lta ge coinc ide s with the po wer suppl y
vo ltage to avoid a damage of the in verte r.
No fuse breaker:Refer to th e related list .
@D Ground fault ci rcuit interrupter: Use one of anti -high harmonic.

I Electro magnetic eontaclor:

t!D Note : Do not use th e cleclromagnctic contaclor as the onloff button of power suppl y for
th e inverter.
I AC reac tor:1t is reco mmended to install an AC reactor for powe r fac tor improvement if
nvJ the input capacity is more than I OOOK VA .
I In ve rte r:

• Be sure to make co rrec t co nn ec ti o ns of the mai n circuit wires and control s ignal
wires of the inverter.
• Be sure to mak e co rrect se tting o f parameters for the inverter.

2. Description of Terminal Block
1 I Arrengement of Mein circuit Terminel.

HYOD4043B-HY02D243B HYOD4023B-HY03D4023B

HY04D043B - HY05D043B HY04D023B


(2) Arrangement of Control Circuit Terminals

, ''
~Not.': Picasc sh-o;1 circuit-the
2-3 o-fll" foot tc;minal ~he-n-usi;gih~ bo-a;d-p~tc;iiometc-; ~
: Likech .rl: ~ PDOO2=I.PD070= 1
1 2 3 I
Please s hort ci reui l the 1-2 foot of J I terminal when usin g th e external co nnect io n potenti o meter:
or the cxtern(1¥-"'t rrppt y. I
I Like c hart : • PD002=1. PD070=1 :
~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~_~_~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1

Mini Specifications: HY- MOA HY-MOB

The power sou rce is put into Ihrou gh th e R.S .T te rmin a ls and put o ut or lh e U. V.W tennina ls. The 220v
can connect wi ll fu ll y two phase ofR .S.T.

Mini inverter terminals

Note: AI is the exte ri o r analogue vo ltage or c urrent input cnd,jo int th e parameter menu of Pd070.

3) Function D.scrlptlon of Main circuit T.rminal.

Symbol Function Description

Input terminal 01 AC line power. ( 220V class. for both single/three phase .
R.S.T single phase connected to any two phases)

U.V.W Output terminal of the inverter

P.Pr Connector for braking resistor (optional)

Ground term ina l : the third method o f grounding for 220V a nd s p ecia l
E grounding for 380 V of Ele c trica l Eng i ne e ring Regul a ti ons .


4) Function Description of Control Circuit Terminals

Symbol Function Description Factory setting

FOR Multi-Input 1 Forward run

REV Multi-Input 2 Reverse run

RST Multi-Input 3 Reset

SPH Multi-Input 4 High speed

SPM Multi-Input 5 Middle Speed

SPL Multi- Input 6 Low Speed

DCM Common Terminal of Digital and

(COM) Control Signals

+10 Power Supply for Speed Setting +IOV

Ana log Voltage Frequency Reference Input 0-+ I OV corresponding to the highest
VI operating frequency

AI Analog Current Frequency Reference Input 4-20")A corresponding to the highest

opera ling frequency

ACM Common Terminal of Analog and

(GNO) Control Signals

DRV Multi-Output t (Optical couple output)

UPF Multi-Output 2 (Optical couple output)

FB(MA) Multi-Output 3 (N /O or N/C) 3A/250V

VO Output term inals of digital frequency O- IOV

RS+RS- RS485 Communication port

3. Basic Connection Diagram

The wiring of the inverter is divided into two parts. main ci rcuit terminal connections a nd co ntro l
circuit terminal connections. The user can see the main circ uit terminals. a nd the cont rol circuit
terminals after removi ng the cover of enclosure . The terminals must be co nnected correctly as the
following wiring circuit diagram s.

Brkaing Resistor (optional)

A.S.T Input current .
If the single-phase
source meets two
willfully --0/""0 P N

(0 U.V.W
output current.
Connect the three-phase
electric appliance

VR+l0V/5V +5V

AI FC(MA) Muhi-CMpul
RST DRV Mulli-OutpUI
SPH UPF 24V/l00mA
Ill, OCM

SPl ~ VO Output terminals of digital

OCM(COM) ««( Rs485 c>------' 0- 10V/10rnA

Note: The above wiring diagram explained that only supplies the reference, take the actual product as the
standard. The diagram is subject to change without notice.

4. Precautions on Wiring
, IFor the mein circuit wiring :

• Whil e wiring th e s izes a nd specifications of wire s should bc se le cted a nd th e wirin g shou ld be

executed according to the elect ri ca l e ngineering regulati o ns to e nsure the sa fet y.
• It is better to use shielded wire or wi re a nd co nduit for power co rd and ground the shielded layer
or two ends of wire conduit.
• Be su re to install a Non Fuse Breaker (NFB) between the power s uppl y a nd th e in put terminal s
(R.S.T). (If us in g ground fault circuit interrupt e r. please choose one correspo ndin g to high
• Never connect AC power to th e o utput terminal (U . V. W) of the inverter.
• Output wires mu stn 't be in touch of the met al part of the inverter enclosure. o r it will re su lt in
eart h short·circ uit.
• Phase·shifting capacitors. LC, RC no ise filters. etc. can never be co nn ec ted to th e o utput
te rmin als of the in ve rter.
• The main ci rcuit wire mu st be eno ugh fa r away fr om other control equipmen ls.
When the wiring betwee n th e inverter a nd the moto r exceeds 15 meters for 220V class or 30
meters for 380V class. muc h higher dV /dT will be produced inside the coil of the motor, which
will cause the destruction to th e interlay or in su lati on of th e motor. rl ease usc a dedicated AC
mol or for the inverter o r add a reac tor at the inv e rt e r.


• Ple ase lowe r th e ca rri e r frequenc y w hen th ere is a longer di s tance bet wee n the in verter and th e
moto r. Because the hig her the carrie r fr equency is the bi gge r th e leakage c urrent o f hi gh· ordcr
harm oni cs in the ca bl es wil l be . The leakage c urrent will have unfavo rable effect on the inve rt e r
a nd other eq uipment.

2 I For control circuit wiring Ilignallina)

• The signal line should be se paratel y laid in a different condui t with the ma in circuit wire to avoi d
any possib le interference .
• Please use the shielded cable with the size o fO .52 mm ' for s igna l lin es.
• Usc the control termin als on th e co ntrol panel correc tl y accordi ng to yo ur needs .

3 I Grounding

• Grounding terminal E. Be sure to make correct gro undin g

220V class: The th ird grounding meth od (Grounding res istance s hou ld be 1000 or lower.)
380V c lass: The speciallhird grounding method (G ro unding resistance shou ld be 100 or lower.)
• Choose grounding wires accordi ng to the basic length and size of the technical requirements orthe
e lec tric e quipm ent.
• Do avo id sharin g grounding wire w ith other large po wer equipment suc h as electric welder . power
machine , etc . Th e g ro und ing wire should be kept away from the powe r s uppl y wires for large power
equipment .
• The grounding method for severa l inverters togethe r should be don e as the first and second diag ram s
bel o w. Avoid th e third loop .
• The grounding wire m ust be as sho rter as possi ble .

o o
~ ~I
(1) Good (2) Good (3) Not good

VI. Instruction ofthe Digital Operator
1. Description of the Dig ital Operator

LEO Display Zone

Indicating For .• Rev .
frequ ency. cu rrent ,
r evol u tio n , etc . Main Displ ay Zone
indicating frequency.
current , AC V, DC V,
revol utio n. counter ,
temperature , etc .

Run key 1-+-____ Speed controller

Stop/Rasa t kay -+------'

FOR/REV Switch Function key

(OtSP)S hlft kay Set Key(Ente r)

Value change key

Main Display Zone 1

indicating frequency ,
current , ACV . DeV ,
revolut ion. counter,
LED Display Zona temperature , etc .
ind icating For.,
current. revol ution

FOR/ REV Switch Function key

(DISP)Shift kay Reset key

Value change key

Stop/ Aeset key

= : " " - - Runkey

Main Display Zone 2

Speed coni roller ---1.....,"'"'

NOTE :The LED main di s pl ay zo ne demon s tr a tes by 5 ni x ietubes . th e m ain dis pl ay zo ne 2

d e monstrate s the 5th di gi t.
Exa mple : 12 34 5 . 12 34 digit in th e mai n di s pl ay zo ne I , di g it 5 in the main dis p lay zo ne 2 .

2.Description of Indicator Lamp Status
1 ) Description 01 Indicator Lamp Status

Indicator lamp Status Description

FOR on The motor is in forward rotation .

REV on The motor is in reverse rotation .

HZ on Displaying set frequency or output frequency .

A on Displaying output current.

ROn on Displaying rated motor revolution

HZA on Displaying DC voltage.

A ROn on Displaying AC voltage .

HZ ROn on Displaying counting value .

HZAROn on Displaying internal temperature of the inverter.

2 ) Description 01 Display Items

Display Indic.lamp a on Meaning

rc,n nn
, _ U.UU HZ A Rl min Present output frequency is 50 .00HZ

a 0 0
Cc, n n n
, _U.UU HZ A R/min Present set frequency is 50 .00HZ

a 0 0
Rnn~ n HZ A Rimin Present set frequency is 50 .00HZ 3.0A
UU_. U
0 0 a
U :Y'-j Un HZ A Rl min Present output revolution is t440ri min

0 0 a
-c In
HZ A Rimin Present DC voltage is 5tO .tV

0 a a
10il n HZ A Rl min Present AC voltage is 380 .0V
0 a a
f-- n=ic,
- - - . IIn-
HZ A R/mln Present inverter's temperature is 35 .0't
a a a
n n III r HZ A R/min Present counter's value is 105
U U IU :t D 0 D
-ne n n HZ A RJmin Presenllarget value of PID is 50 .0%
nU_IU, U
0 0 0
nuR n HZ A R/min Presenl feedback value of PID is 48 .0%
nu 1_, U
0 0 0
n n n
U U U 2 HZ A
Present time of power- on is 12 hours

HZ A R/min Total run time of inverter is 108 hours

n n
IU 8 0 D D

3. Descri pt ion of Operation Examples

Procedures Display Indicator lamp Explanation

Power up,
Operation of Osp2.0 Flash FOR HZ Sendelect when power-up. display version no.
Vr2 .00
! ~OOO . OO
¢ D (Flashing) and finally set frequency.

PRGM FOR HZ Enter programm ing Display the

! ¢ D funct ion of PdOOO

OOOO~ Display the contents of Pd003
( SET ) ¢ D
A !- ROOO FOR HZ Change the content of PD003

ENYER END 50.00 ¢ D Confirm changed value .

! PdOO~ FOR HZ Display END 50 .00 Pd004

PRGM 050~ ¢ D Back from programming

! FOR HZ Display running and operat ing

RUN D D frequency

! 50.00
r 0.00-. : 5000 FOR HZ Monitor screen switch ing, display
D D output current

I R50.00 FOR HZ Monitor screen switching , displa y

PRGM D D output curre nt

.1 01440
FOR A Monitor screen switching, display
OISP 0 0 revolution

I ,
I 50.00
FOR ROn Switch back 10 main screen , display

PROG 0 0 set frequency

REV r 50.00
0 0
Switch of For.Rev. rotalion , display
the slatus of Rev rotation

.& "
0 0
Switch to adjustable frequency

I FOR HZ Adjust set frequency, i.e . Ihe value

- .& O~O.OO 0 0 of Pd003

FOR HZ Confirm changed value , write 10

ENTER 0 0 Pd003 as value

,"AO 'OO
HZ Stop

Note :
CD ¢ means nas hi ng. 0 mean s brighl.
® For monitorin g AC t DC, T and other items they can be o nl y switc hed and di sp layed after the
parameter setting.
@ When it is powered up again after a power breakdown the inverter wil l disp lay th e screen previous
to the power breakdown after its se lf detec ti o n.

VI, Commissioning
1, Important Checks before the Commissioning

If there is an y wrong connected wires? Pay special attent ion to the terminal of U. V. W; Make sure
the powe r su ppl y wires arc connected to R.S.T. not U. V. W.
If there is any me ta l powder or wires left on the base p late o f the inverter or the termina l bl oc k,
which may cause short ci rc ui t.
(f screws arc tightl y locked a nd if the co nnec ting parts are loosc .
I ft he re is any shor t ci rcuit or ea rth fault at output s.

2. Commissioning Methods

The procedure o f the operator is fa cto ry sct up for the co ntrol mode of BY series . The
co mmi ss io ning ca n be carried o ut through th e digita l operator. Genera ll y, the commissioning ca n be
conducted at 5.00 Hz.

Procedures Display Indicator Lamp Explanation

Power up displ .l Vr2 .0 FOR HZ SeU detect when power up, display

I P9Q·PQ ¢ 0 version no. and finally sel frequency

\I FOR HZ Switch to adjustable frequency

t::, OOO .O,Q
¢ 0 on the panel

\I FOR HZ Change set frequency , i.e .

_I t::, °RO.OO ¢ 0 The value of Pd003

I FOR HZ Confirm changed value

:- 50.00
I :- 50.00
Run at 50Hz
RUN 0 0
I :- pQPQ FOR HZ Stop
STOP ¢ 0

Note: D means indicator lamp s is on ; ¢ means indicator lamp s n ash;

VI,Function List
Parameters Function List 1

Cate Set Range& Factory

gory Code Function Function Explanation Setting
PDOOO Parameter Lock 0 : Invalid I: Valid 0
Source of Run 0: Operator I : External terminal
PDOOI 2: Commun ication port 0

Source of 0: Operator board I: Simulation

amount set{ board ft0tentiometer 0
Pd002 Operating and external poten iometer)
Frequency 2: Communication port

PD003 Main Frequency 0.00-400.00 Hz

PD004 Base Frequency 0.01-400.00 Hz 50 .00
PD005 Max~F~ 50 .00-400 .00 Hz 50 .00
III PD006 InDmedaIe Frnquen:y 0.01 - 400.00 Hz 2.50/3.0
"'cotj' PDOO? Min . Frequency 0.01 - 20.00 Hz 0.50
"II PD008 Max. Voltage O.IV--- 220/380
PD009 Intermeciate Voltage O.IV- --'

Min . Voltage
Frnquen:y Lower LiTit
0.00-400 .00 Hz 0
co PDOl2 Reserved
PDOl3 Parameter Reset 8 : Resm! Ihe seIIilg. No atorUldim 00
PD014 Acce l. Time I 0.1- 6500 .0S
POOlS Decel. Time I 0.1-6500.0S
PDOl6 Accel. Time 2 0.1-6500 .0S
PD017 Decel. Time 2 0.1-6500.0S
PDOl8 Accel. Time 3 0.1- 6500 .0S
PDO l 9 Decel. Time 3 0.1-6500.0S
PD020 Ac eel. Time 4 0.1- 6500 .0S
PD0 21 Decel. Time 4 0.1- 6500 .0S
PD022 Re served
PD023 Rev. Rotation Select 0: Rev Run lorbidden; I : Rev Run Enable I
PD024 STOP key select 0: STOP Invalid I : STOP Valid I
O· Start from Starting Frequency
og;t> PD025 Starting Mode 0
",og I: Frequency track start
"' -

co "'
co -,


Stopp ing Mode

Starting Frequency
0: Decelerati ng stop
I : Coasting stop
0.1- 10.0 Hz

PD028 Stopping Frequency O.I - IO .OHz 0.5

PD029 Braking time at start 0 - 25 .0 0 .0

PD030 Braking time at stop 0-25 .0 0 .0

PD031 DC Braking level 0 .0 -20 .0% 2 .0

PD032 Frequency track time 0 .1 - 20 .0S 5 .0

PD033 Current level for frequency track 0 .0 -200 .0S 150.0

Voltage rise time during

PD034 0 . 1 -1 0S 0 .5
frequency track

PD035 -

PD041 Carrier frequency 0 - 15

PD042 Jogging Frequency 0 .00 - 400.00Hz 5 .00

PD043 S-Curve Time 0 - 6500S 0

Parameters Function List 2

Cate Set Range & Factory

gory Code Function
Function Explanation Setting
PD044 FOR (D1) 0: Invalid; 1:Run; 2: For rotation; 02
3: Rev rotation; 4: Stop; 5: FORI
PD045 REV(D2 ) REV.; 6: Jog; 7: Jog For rotation; 03
8: Jog Rev Rotation; 9:Timert ;
-4 PD046 10:T"",,12; 11 :Reserved; 12:
•3 RST(D3)
Overheat of heat sink or motor;
13:Emergent stop; 14:Reset;

PD047 SPH(D4) 22
;' 15-16: Reserved ;17: Ramp
•jji' PD048 SPL(D5)
select 1;18 :Ramp seIect2;19:
Multi-speed1 ; 20: Multi-speed 24
2- 2; 21 : Multi- speed 3; 22: High
speed; 23: Middle speed;24:
"c PD049 SPM(D6)
Low speed; 25: PID Start; 26:
Reserved; 27: UP function
Counter 28: DOWN function;

29: Drawing;30: Reserved;31 :
Counter; 32: Counter reset

PD050 Y10ut pu t 0: Invalid; 1: Run ; 2: Zero 01

Speed; 3: Fautt indication; 4:
PD051 Y2 Output Braking indication; 5: Set 05
Frequency reach ; 6: In Accel.;
PD052 Terminals of FA ,FB ,FC 7: In Decal. ; 8: Arbitrary 03
Frequency 1 reach ;
9 : Arb~rary Frequency 2 reach ;


10:MotorOvenoad alarm;
11 :Overtorquealarm;
12 : lnvertelOve~oadalarm ;
13:Counterreach;14- 16:
ReseMld;17:Low voltage
alarm; 18: Single stage end
Terminals 01 KA ,KB indication;19: Process end 03
indication; 20-26: Reserved;
27: Drawing reach; 28:
PIDiower limit alarm; 29: PID
upper limitalarm; 30: Reserved;
31 :Braking resistor act ;32:
Fan act.

Output of digital frequency

PD054 VOOutput 0
signals 0-7

PD055 VO Analog output Gain 0.0- 100.0% 100


PD056 Skip Frequency 1 0 .00- 400.00 Hz 0.00

PD057 Skip Frequency 2 0 .00- 400.00 0.00


Skip Frequency 3

Skip Frequency Range

0 .00 - 400 .00

0 .10- 10.00

0 .50
:l PD060 Uniform Frequency 1 0 .00- 400.00 Hz 0.00
PD061 Uniform Frequency 2 0 .00-400.00 Hz 0 .00

PD062 Unilorm Frequency Range 0.10-10.00Hz 0.50

PD063 Timer 1 time 0-10 .0 0 .1

PD064 Timer 2 time 0-1 00 1

PD065 Counting value set 00- 65500 00

PD066 Intermediate Counter 0- 65500 0


Parameters Function List 3

Cate Set Range 8r Factory

gory Code Function Function Explanation Setting

PD070 Analog Input 0
4:O-1OV,stad<ed 4-2OnA

PD071 Analog Filtering Constant 0- 50 20

PD072 Higher Analog Frequency 0.00-400.00 Hz 50 .00

PD073 Lower Analog Frequency 0.00-400.00 Hz 0
0: Positive direction
Pd074 Bias Direction at Higher Frequency 0
1· Negative direction
0: Positive direction
PD075 Bias Direction at Lower Frequency 0
1: Negative direction

Analog Negative Bias O· Not allowable .

PD07S 0
Reverse 1: Allowable .

0: Not memorized
PD077 Up/ Down Function 0
1· Memorized

0 : 0.01 HZ
PD078 Up/ Down Speed 0
1 : 0.1HZ

PD079 Reserved
Cate Set Range 8r Factory
gory Code Function Setting
Function Explanation

s:: 0: Normal run ;

:.;:0' 1: Internal control 16-speed;
I 2: External control 4 -speed;
PD080 PLC Operation 0
:1 3: External control8-speed
CD 4: Drawning
•0 5: Disturbance;

0 : S lop after running bone cyde;
Internal Control 1: Cyding run;
PD081 Multi- speeds 2: Auto stop af'tef rurvWlg lor one cyc6e
(STOP""_); 0
:I Operation 3: Auto Run and Cydi"Ig


PD082 PLC Before 8 speeds

Running DirectIon 0- 255 10: For 1: Rev ) 0

PD083 PLC After 8 speeds

Running Direction 0- 255 10: For 1: Rev) 0

PD084 Before 8 speeds PLC

Ramp TIme 0-65535 0

PD085 After 8 speeds PLC 0

Ramp TIme 0-65535

PD086 Frequency 2
0.00-400 .00 Hz 15.00
PD08? Frequency 3
0 .00-400 .00 Hz 20 .00
PD088 Frequency 4
0.00-400 .00 Hz 25 .00
PD089 Freq uency 5
0.00-400.00 Hz 30 .00
PD090 Frequency 6
0 .00- 400 .00 Hz 35 .00
PD091 Frequency?
0 .00- 400 .00 Hz 40 .00
PD092 Frequency 8
0.00-400 .00 Hz 0 .50
PD093 Frequency 9
0.00-400 .00 Hz 10.00
PD094 Frequency 10
~ 0 .00- 400 .00 Hz 15.00
PD095 Frequency 11
0.00- 400 .00 Hz 20 .00
I PD096 Frequency 12
to 0.00-400 .00 Hz 25 .00
'tl PD09? Frequency 13
CD 0 .00- 400 .00 Hz 30 .00


Frequency 14
Frequency 15
0.00- 400 .00 Hz
0 .00- 400 .00 Hz
35 .00
40 .00
'tl PD100 Frequency 16


PD101 Timer 1
0.00-400 .00 Hz

0 .0- 6500.05
45 .00

PD102 Timer2 0 .0- 6500 .05 10.0
PD103 Timer3 0.0- 6500 .05 0 .0
PD104 Timer4 0.0- 6500 .05 0.0
PD105 Timer5 0 .0- 6500 .05 0.0
PD106 Timer6 0 .0- 6500 .05 0.0
PD10? Timer? 0 .0-6500 .05 0.0
PD108 Timer8 0 .0- 6500 .05 0 .0
PD109 Timer9' 0 .0- 6500 .05 0 .0
PD110 Tim er 10 0 .0- 6500 .05 0 .0
PD111 Timer11 0 .0- 6500 .05 0.0
PD112 Timer12 0 .0- 6500 .05 0.0
PD113 Timer13 0 .0- 6500 .05 0.0
PD114 Timer14 0 .0- 6500 .05 0 .0
PD115 Timer15 0 .0- 6500 .05 0 .0
PD116 Timer16 0 .0-6500 .05 0 .0

Parameters Function List 4

Cate Set Range& Factory

gory Code Function Function Explanation Setting

PDI17 Au10PLC Memory Function 0 -1 0

PD118 Over-voltage Stall Prevention 0-1 1
PD119 StaN Prevention Level at Accet. 0 -2 00 150
Stall Pnevention Level at
PD120 Constant Speed 0 - 200 0
The DeoeI Tme 01 SIal Preventioo 0 . 1-25. 5 5
PD121 I..eYet at CoosIant Speed
0 - 200 150
PD122 Stall Prevention Level at DeoeI.
0 -3 0
PD123 Over-torque Detect Mode
PD124 Over- torque Detect Level 0 - 200 0

PD125 Over-torque Detect Time 0 . 1- 20.0 1.0

PD126 Pulse Counler Memory 0-1 0

PD127 -

PD 130 Number of Auxiliary Pump 0 -2 0


PD131;Q1erat1J T...,cI Aus..PIfIllS 1- 9000mim 60

C/) PD132 Inter1ocl<ilg Tore 0I1>ID.. Pumps 1-250s

c 5s
'a PD133 High Speed Running TIIll9 1-250s 60s
~ PD134 Low Speed Running Tme 1-250s 60s
(") PD135 Stopping Voltage Level 1-150% 95%

PD136 l.asIi1gTmecl~Vr12qJl.eYEj 1-2 50s 30s



PD137 Wakeup Level 1-150% 80%


PD138 Sleep Frequency 0 .00 - 400 .0 20 .00

PD 139 Lasti1g Tore 01 Sleep Fraquency 1- 250s 20s

PD140 Reserved

Rated Motor Voltage
Rated Motor Current
Set according to Motor nameplate
Set according to Motor nameplate
S3~ PD143
Moto r pole number.
Rat ed Motor Revolu tion


PD145 Auto Torque Compensation 2.0-10.0

PD146 Motor no-load current 0100
PD14 7 Motor slip compensation 0.0-100 0 .0


PD150 Auto Voltage Regulation 0-1 1

PD151 Auto Energy Saving 0-20 0

PD152 Fault Restart Time 0.2-25 1
PD153 Restart after Instantaneous Stop 0 : Invalid 1: Frequency track 0
PD154 AIowabte Power-8real<down Tme 0.1-5.0S 0.5
PD155 Number of Abnorma l Resta rt 0-10 00

Parameters Function List 5

Cate Set Range 8. Factory

gory Code Function Function Explanation Setting

PD156 Proportional Constant (P) 0 .0-1000.00% 100%

PD157 Integral Time (I) 0 .1-3600.00S 5.0

:! PD158 Differential Time (D) 0.01 - 10.00S 0

." 0
.!!:3 Pd159 Target value 0.0-100 .0%
0: set by the operator


Pd160 Target value select
{ 1: set by eldemal terminals
(0-10V )

PD16 1 PID upper limit 0- 100% 100%

PD162 PID lower limit 0%

0- 100%

"TIn PD163 Communication Addressas 0-250 0

~3 PD164 Communication Baud Rate 0--3 1
~. 3
Oc PD165 Communication Data Method 0-5 0


P0170 Display Items 0- 5 0

P0171 Display Items Open 0- 15 0

P0172 Fault Clear 00 1O( 01 for Fault Clear)

P0173 Voltage Rating of Inverter Set according to the model

P0174 Rated Current of Inverter Set according to the model

P0175 Inverter Model

::I P0176 Inverter Frequency Standard 0: 50Hz 1: 60Hz 0
P0177 Fault Record 1



Fault Record 2

Fault Record 3
Means no fault record .
P0180 Fault Record 4 -
P0181 Software Version

P0182 Manufacture Date Year : Month : Week :

P0183 Serial No .


Factory Setting: 0

0, Invalid.
I : Valid. i.e. th e parameters are locked. Except thi s parameter other parameters can not be changed.
This parameter is se t to pre vent non-maintenance perso nn el from setti ng other parameters by mi stake.
After the parame ters are locked the operatin g frequency can be changed by pressi ng l:l. or D .

POOOI Source of Operation Commands

Set Range : 0-2 Unit : 1 Factory Setting : 0

0, Set by th e Ope rator

Operation command s arc given via th e dig ita l operator.
I : Set by externa l terminals .
Operation com mands arc given via ex tern al termina ls, i.e . multi -in put terminal s

2: SCI by com municati on po rt s.
Operation commands arc given via communication po rt s.

PD002 Source of Operating Frequency

Set Range: 0-3 Unit: 1 Factory Selling: 0

0: Sel by the operator. The operating frequenc y which given via the digit a l operator is Pd003 .
I: Set by external terminal s. Ope rating frequency is controlled by analog sig nal s input via external
terminals. The sig nal type is determined by PD070 . For the related parameters refer to PD070-PD076
2: The MODBUS is give n. Operating frequenc y is given via the serial communicatio n.

PD003 Main Frequency

Set Range: 0.00- 400.00 Hz Unit : 0.01 Hz Factory Selling : 0.00

In the digital operato r mode, the inverter will run at the set value of PD003 . During running, th e
ope ratin g frequency can be changed by pressing '" or ~. During mulli - speed running, the mai n
frequency is take n as the frequency of Speed I.
In the external control mulli-speed mode , ifPD002 is se t to 1, i.e. given by an externa l termina l.
Speed 1 will be give n by the ana log of th e externa l termi nal.
T he se ttin g of main frequency is limited by the maxi mum ope rati ng frequency.
T he related parameters of P0002 , 1)0080 arc adjustable during operatio n.

PD004 Base Frequency

Set Range: 0.01 - 400 .00 Hz Unit : 0.1 Hz Factory Selling : 50 .00

This parameter must be se t according to the rated frequency of operatin g vollage on the m o t or ' ~
nameplate . Und er normal cond itions do not change the set va lu e of base frequency at wi ll . If it is
equipped with a special motor thi s va lu e s hou ld be se t properly acco rdin g to the characteristics o f
the motor's parameters. Ot herwise it may cause the damage to the equipment.

PD005 Max . Operating Frequency

Set Range : 10.00-400 .00 Hz Unit : 0.01 Hz Factory Selling : 50.00

This parameter is set for the maxim um o perat in g frequency of the inverter.
The followi ng are severa l curves and se t va lues o ften used for reference . Specific cu rve s must be
set acco rdin g to concrete characte ri stics of mechanical load.


Curve of constant torque Curve 01lower torqu e Cu rve of higher torq ue

PD006 Intermediate Frequency

Set Range : 0.01 - 400.00 Hz Unit : 0.01 Hz Factory Setting : 2.50

Note : •• means this parameter is adjustab le durin g ope ration .

This parameter is set for intermediate frequency of arb itrary V IF cur ve. Ifit is set improperl y.
it will cause over·currenl or under-torque of the mot o r, o r eve n tripping of the inverter.
This set value of intermediate frequen cy is limited by the set va lue of base frequency .

PD007 Min . Frequency

Set Range : 0.12-0.00 Hz Unit: 0.01 Hz Factory Setting: 0 .50

This parameter is sci for th e min . starting frequency ofV / F curve .

The following table has specific factory setti ngs ofV/ F curve , accc l.ldecal., time and carrier for
th e inverter of AA, AB .. AM se ries:

~ PdOO9 ~
Pd01 Pd01 Pd01
Pd041 Pd01 Pd01 Pd014 Pd01 Pd04
Mode 0 4 5 Model 9 0 5 1
HY!XXl423B 15.0 7.5 5 5 9 003043A 17 8.5 30 30 4
HYOO7523B 14.0 7 8 8 9 003743A 16 8 35 35 4
HY01D523B 14.0 7 10 10 8 004543A 16 8 40 40 4
HY02D223B 13.0 6.5 10 10 8 005543A 15 7.5 45 45 3
HY03D723B 13.0 6.5 15 15 7 007543A 15 7.5 50 50 3
HYOO7543B 22 11 8 8 9 022043A 11 5.5 250 250 2
HY01D543B 22 11 10 10 8 025043A 11 5.5 250 250 2


~ ~
PdQl PdQl PdQl PdQl PdQl PdQl PdQ4
Mode Q 4 5 Pd041 Mode 9 0
5 1
HY020243B 21 10.5 15 15 8 028043A 11 5.5 250 250 2
HYOJ0743B 21 10.5 15 15 7 030043A 10 5 250 250 2
HY05D543B 20 10 15 15 6 031543A 10 5 250 250 2
HY07D543B 20 10 20 20 6 034543A 10 5 250 250 2
HYllD043B 19 9.5 20 20 5 037543A 10 5 250 250 2
HYl5D043B 19 9.5 20 20 5 040043A 10 5 250 250 2
HYl80543B 18 9 25 25 5 041543A 10 5 250 250 2
HY22D043B 18 9 25 25 5

Note: (])Ramp Time 2 = Ramp Time I x 2

@RampTime 3 - Ramp Time 2 x 2
@ RampTime 4 = Ramp Time 3 x 2
@ Min .Voltage Value = Intermediate Voltage Val uc/2
@Thc intermediate frequenc y is 2.5 for the sys tem of 50Hz.
@Thein termediate frequency is 3.0 for the system of 60 Hz.

PD008 Max . Voltag e

Set Range: 0 .1- " Unit: 0.1V Factory Setting : 220/380V

This parameter s hou ld be set accordi ng to the Ta ted val ue of the mOlor's namep late . The factor y
setting is 380V for 380V class motor and 220V for 220V class motoT. The selli ng fange o f thi s
parameter is restricted by th e vo ltage rating of the inverter. In case of the motor relatively far awn )
from the inverter th is sc t value ca n be in creased properly.

PD009 Intermed iate voltage

Set Range : 0 .15- 10.0V Un it: 0 .1V Factory Sett ing : "

Thi s parameter is sc t fo r an intermediate vohage va lue of arbitrary VlF curve. If it is set im properl y.
it will cause over-c urrent or unde r-torque ofl he motor, or even tripping of th e inverter.
When the intcrmediate frequency is increased the vohage will increase th e output torq ue and at the
sa me timc also th e o utpu t current. When changing thi s parametcr please pay atten ti on to mo nito ri ng
th e ou tput current to avoid th e invertcr's tripping due to ove r-Current.
The facto ry se tti ng of intermediate voltage for 220V class inverter is I S. while thc factory sc ttin g
ofi nt c rm edin tc vo ltage of380V class inve rter is 27 .S.
This sct value of int ermediate vo h age is limit ed by the se t va lue of max vo lt age . When the vo lt age
is inc reasing to a ce rta in va lue at in tcrmediate frequenc y the torque compensa tion wi ll lose its funcl ion
When adjusting thi s parameter the output current of the inverter shou ld be increased from low to
high slow ly acco rding to the loa d of machin es until it meet s th e startin g req uirement. Do not be qu ick
to in crease it by large ampli tude . Other wise it might ca use the tripping of the inverter or th e damage or
th e machincs .

PD010 Min . Voltage
Set Range : 0 .1- 50 .0V Unit : 0 .1V Factory Selting: •

This paramet er is se t for th e min. start ing vo lt age of V/ F curve .

The fa c to ry settin g of min. vo lt age fo r 220V c lass inve rt ers is 8, and th e fac tory s e tt ing of min .
vo lt age for 380V cl ass inverters is 13.5.
Thi s set value is limited by th e vo lt age at the max . Frequ ency.

PD011 Frequency Lower Limit

Set Range: 0 .00-400 .00 Unit: 0.01 Hz Factory Selting: 0.00

This is sct for preventing workers from fal se operatio n to avoi d ovcr· heat orsomc oth er mcchanicu l
fault s, which mi ght be c au se d du c to too low operating freq uency.
Th e se ttin g o f Frequ ency Lo we r Li mit must be less th an th e sct va lu e of Freq uency Upper Limit.

PD012 Reserved

PD013 Parameter Reset

Wh en th e value for a paramet er is se t improper or is abnormal for some rea so ns thi s parame ter ca n
be set to 08to restore it to th e fac tory se ttin g and th en reset. Afler the parame ters are locked (i n case
of PDOOO= 1) the parameters can't be rese t. They ca n onl y be rese t afler un loc k. For related pam me t e~
refer to PdOOO .

PD014Accei. Time 1 ••
Set Range: 0 .16-500.05 Unit: 0. 15 Factory Setting:
PD015 Decel. Time 1 ••
Set Range: 0.16-500.05 Unit: 0 .15 Factory Setting :
PD016 Accet. Time 2 ••
Set Range: 0.16- 500 .05 Unit: 0 . 15 Factory Setting :
PD17 Decel. Time 2 ••
Set Range : 0.16-500.05 Unit: 0 .15 Factory Setting:
PD18 Accel. Time 3 ••
Set Range: 0 .16- 500 .05 Un it: 0. 15 Factory Setting :
PD019 Decel. Time 3 ••
Set Range: 0.16- 500 .05 Un it: 0.15 Factory Setting :
PD020 Accet . Time 4 ••
Set Range: 0.16- 500.05 Un it: 0.15 Factory Setting:
PD021 Decel. Time 4 ••
Set Range : 0.16-500.05 Unit : 0.15 Factory Setting:

L ~~____~~

Ramp-up time mea ns the time nceded for the inverter to in c rea se the frequency from OHz to the
maximum operating frequency (Sec t 1 in the diagram) . Ramp -down Tim e mean s the time nceded for
the inverter to decrease th e frequ e ncy fr o m th e maximum ope rating freq uency to OHz (Sec 12 in the
di ag ram) .

Max Oper. F

tt t2
The versions pre vious to VT2.0 took 50Hz as the base of ramp time.
HY-A Series inve rter have altogether 4 Ramp Times. For Ramp Time 2.3.4 the user can se lect the different
ramp up or down time through the external terminals or switching of ramp time according to the actual needs.
In the internal contro l multi-speed operation, different ramp time can be selected through easy PLC.
Generally th e default of the inverter is Ramp Time I , which is factory set depending on the model.
Ramp Time 4 is for the jogging ramp time. For the factory setting of param eters refer to the table in Pd007.
The related parameters: PD044--PD049 and PDOS4,PDOSS

PD022 Factory Reserved

PD023 Rev Rotation Select

Set Range : 0-1 Unit: 1 Factory Setting: 1

0 : Re v Rotati on di sabl e
I : Re v Rotati on Enable
Thi s func ti on is suit ab le for th c motor, which is not allowcd to rota te reverse ly, to pre ve nt workers from
false operation . When th e re ve rse rot a ti on is di sa b led , the motor can o nl y ro tate forward , not reverse .

PD024 STOP key

Set Range: 0-1 Unit: 1 Factory Setting : 1

0, STOP inva li d.
I, STOP valid .
This para met er set is onl y valid w he n PDOO I is set to I or 2.
Whe n the contro l mode is set for cx tc rn al lcrminal s o r communication co ntrol , STOP key on the panel
can be chosen to be va li d o r in valid . When c hoos in g it as va lid , STOP ke y ca n stop the in ve rter in runnin g
When it needs 10 restart, th e former runnin g s ignal must bc re leased before re starting the inverter.

PD025 Starting Mode

Set Range : 0-1 Unit: 1 Factory Setting: 0

Two sta rting modes a rc a vailabl e for the needs of different eq uipm e nt.

- " '" ;9~·.~·;
. .' ... ;:\~ .~.

0: Sturt from the starting frequency.
When PD029 is set to 0, i.c. DC braking is invalid at stnrt. it starts running fro m the starting frequency.
When PD029 is set to any non-lero va lue, i.e. DC braking is va lid at start, itl first performs a DC braking at
start. an d then starts from the starting frequency.
For the Related parameters refer to PD02? PD029 and PD03! .
I: Start by frequency track
This setting can be used for th e restart ing oflarge inertia load. When resta rt ing. the inverterwil trace the
form er freq uency from th e sct frequency downward . In casc of large inerti a equipment , when restarting, it
can imp lement the running command and track the former frequency right away without waiting for the
complete stop of the equipment to save time,
Note: When the inverter is restarted by frequency track. it wi ll start tracking the frequency from its set
frequency downward, and search it at th e highest speed. When restarti ng. the current becomes hi gher. and
over-c urrent or stall may occur. So attention must be paid to th e adj ustment of eurrenl level of frequency
track. Generally, PD033 is adjusted around 100. The concrete val ue can be sct according to the rnaraClcristics
of mechanical load.

Auncomm .
Set F.

Ouput F

Output Power

PD026 Stopping Mode

Set Range : 0-1 Unit : 1 Factory Setting: 0

0: Decelerating Stop
When PD030 is se t to O. DC braking is inva lid. When DC brak ing is inva li d. the inve rter will
decelerate to the s toppin g frequency. and th en sto p outputs , and th e motor will coast to stop . When
PD030 is se t to an y non -lero va lue , DC braki ng is va lid, and the inve rter will fi rst dece lerate to the
stopp ing frequency, and th en sto p by DC braking.
DC brak in g at stop is usua ll y used fo r high position stop or for pos it io ning co nt rol. It mu s t be
no ti ced th at frequent uses of DC braking wi ll cause over-hea l of th e motor.
For the related parameters refer to PD028, PDO]O and Pd~] I .
I: Coas ting Stop
When th e inve rt er receive s a STOP command, it will immediately s top output and the motor will
coast to stop . When the coasti ng SlOp mode is sel ected, DC braking is invalid.

PD027 Starting Frequency

Set Range : 0 .1- 10.0Hz Unit: O. lHz Factory Setting: 0 .5


Startin g frequen cy is the initia l frequency when the in ve rt er is started. If th e starti ng fr equ ency is set
to 5.0 Hz, the inverte r will run between 5.0 Hz a nd the maximum operating frequenc y afte r its stan at
5.0Hz .
For th e re lated parame ters refer to P00 2S , PD029 and PDO) ).

PD028 Stopping Frequency

Set Rang e: 0.1-1 0.0 Hz Un it: 0.1Hz Factory Setling : 0.5

When slopping the inverter wi ll de c re ase its frequency to th e sto ppin g frequen cy and then SlOp
run ning o r sturt DC brnking to sto p.
If PD030 is se t to O. DC braking is invalid a t S l O p a nd the in verte r will S lOp running .
If PD 030 is sct for valid , the inve rt e r will stop by DC braking when the inve rte r redu ce to P002 S.
For th e re la ted parameters refer to PD0 26, POD ) ! and Pd030 .

PD029 DC Braking Time at Start

Set Rang e: 0.02-5 .0S Unit : 0.1S Factory Setting : 0.0



T hi s parameter is se t for DC braking at start a nd the lasting ti mcof DC braking cu rre nt to the roo t or.
Ifit is set to zero it mean s OC braking is invalid.
OC br3k ing a l start is normall y used in the appli cation, in which the load is mova ble when th e machi ne
is a t stop, suc h as windmill. Because of the load e xistin g befo re th e inve rte r dri ves , the malar is ofte n
in coasting with a n un certain rotati on direction . So the DC brakin g can be exec uted before sla rtin g tre
motor to pre ve nt th e in verter from trippin g.
This sett ing is valid onl y when P0025 is se t to O. For th e re lated paramete rs re fer to P0025, PD029
and Pd03 1.

PD030 DC Bra king Time at stop

Set Range : 0.0-25.0 Unit : 0.1S Factory Selling : 0.0



Note : Wh en th is parameter is ct to any non-zero value it s t a Tt s DC br3kc at sto p and send s the DC
braking time to the moto T. DC.braki ng 3 1 Sl Op is often used fo r a hig h-level SlOp or positming con trol.
When this paramete r is set to ze ro it closes DC braking at SlO p .
T hi s se tti ng is va lid when PD 026 is sct to O. For th e related para me ters re fer to PD026. P00 2S m"KJ
PdO ) !.

PD031 DC Braking Vol tage Level

Set Range : 0.0-20.0% Un it : 0.1% Facto ry Setti ng: 2.0

Thi s para meter is se t for the DC brakin g vo ltage to th e moto r at sta rt and stop . ll ean beadjusted for
different braking voltage . Whe n adju s ting the parameter it mus t be increased s lo wl y from IOV.'CT w ill:
to high va lue until the surri c ic nt bra king torque is ac hi eved .
The vo lt age a t maximum frequen cy is 100 % vo ltage .

PD032 Frequ ency Track Time

Set Range : 0.12- 0.0S Unit: 0.1S Factory Setting : 5.0

This parameter is set as frequenc y track time when the inverter is sta rted by frequ ency track afte r
an externa l abnormality or temporary powe r brea kdo wn. Fo r startin g or stoppin g of some large inert ia
load, if res tart ing a mac hine a fter its co mpl ete stop , it wi ll waste much time because of its large inertia
orload . But if th e frequ ency tra ck is start ed, it is not necessary to wait for th e machine to come to a full
stop for re start. The inverter will tracc the fr equenc y fr om high to low wi th th e se t frequenc y. After
searching it wi ll continu e to acce lerate to reac h the set frequ ency.
PD033 Current Level for Frequency Track
Set Range: 0-200% Unit: 1% Factory Setting : 150

Wh en the in ve rt er is trac in g the frequen cy thi s s et va lu e is take n as the level for o utput cu rren t.
When the o utpu t current is hi gher th an thi s leve l the invcrter will d ec rease the frequency to restore
thc current below the leve l an d th en it will exec ut e th e frequenc y trac k again .
PD034 Inverter Track Time of Up/down Factory Setti ng : 0.5

When the in verte r is started by frequenc y track .in th e trac k process ,the vo ltc ge will up . wh en the
vohege up- s peed incre ase ,th e cu rrent will hi e track process will fas ter. When the vo hegr up -
speed de crease . th e current williower,th e track process will slower.The generally setting wa y is the
low powe r machine establishes s mall . the high powe r machine estab li shes big.

PD035 Pd040 Reserved

PD041 Carrier Freq uency I Note: 0 15 corresponds to 020 K Hz )

Set Range : 0- 15 Unit: 1 Factory Setting : 5

The carri er frequ ency has so me relation with th e electromagnet ic no ise of the mOlO r. and mean
while the le vel o f the ca rrie r frequ ency has certain re latio n with th e heating capacit y o f th e in ve rt er
and th e int er ference 10 the environment. See th e fo ll o wing table :

Carrier Electromagnetic Heating Interference to

Frequency Noise Capacity the Environment

Low Hig h Small Little

High Low Large Great


Carrier Frequency Corresponding Table

Set Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Fre1<uenc y 0.1 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 13 15 17 20

As shown in the table above . the hi gher the carrie r is. the lower the e lectromagnetic noise of the
molor wi ll be, but the stronge r its interference to o th e r system s will be a nd the grea ter the heating
capac ity of th e inverte r wi ll have . Under higher ambien t te mperatu re a nd heavier load of the motor
the carrier freq uen cy shou ld be decreased prope rl y to impro ve the heat c harac teris ti cs of the invert er.
The factory setting of carrie r frequency is depending o n th e mode l.

PD042 Jogging Frequency

Set Range : 0 .00-400 .00 Unit : 0 .01 Factory Setting: 5 .00

The parameter set can realize the j ogging func tion when the inve rte r is tested. Thejogging opera ti on
can be onl y ac hi eved through th e cXle rn allcrmi na is, w hich can be se t by multi-input term inals . Joggi ng
frequency is limited by the frequency upperll ower limits. Whi le the jogging function is implemented,
ot her runnin g co mm and s a re invalid . T he ram p-u p time of jogging frequenc y is set by Ramp-up Time 4 .
Wh en the jog butt on is rel eased the inverter wi ll stop output imm edi a tel y. In case of jogging function
please set the corresponding multi-input terminal s to 07 or 08 .
This function is only va lid at stop. It is in va lid at runnin g . For th e related parameters refe r to PD044-

PD043 S- Curve Time

Set Range : 0-6500S Unit: 1 Factory Setting : 1

This para met e r can be se t for no impac t slow sta rt o r s low stop of the inverter when starting o r
stopp ing. When starting S-curve the in vert e r will ma ke acce le ra tin g or decelerating c urve of different
spe ed rates acco rdin g to Ra mp Time .

When PD043 is set as

0 , S-curve is invalid , - PD043
i.e . it will accelerate
or decelerate in linear.
Without consideration ......... PD014
of stall the actual
accel/decal time;
(PD014 +PD043)/2 .
The parameter is only
valid when Pd014 is
less than Pd043 . ~
43::-------"::;"'-=---j> T

- -
P0044 FOR(01 ) Function Factory Setting , 02
Pd045 REV (02) Function Factory Setting, 03
Pd046 RST (03) Function Factory Setting, 14
Pd047 SPH (04) Function Fact ory Setting , 22
Pd048 SPM (05) Function Factory Setting, 24
Pd049 SPL (C6) Function Factory Settin g, 23
Set Range , 00- 32 Unit, No

Ot : RU Runn ing . It can be co mbined wi th other terminals tocomposc m ultiple controll~.

02 : FOR Fo rward Rotation
03 : REV Reverse Rota ti on
04 : STOP Sloppin g
05 : FOR/ REV Switching of FO R/ REV rotation
06 : JOG Jogging
07 : Jog FOR
08 : Jog REV
09 : Ex tern al Co ntro l Timer I Sta rt : When the co ntact is closed. the timer will start and begin to
co unt lime . When th e timer reac hes the se t poi nt the corres pond in g multi -i nput s will act.
10 : Ex te rnal Co ntro l Timer 2 Sta rt .
12 : Over-heat of hea t si nk or motor : Thi s co nl ac t ca n be used to delcct over- heat o f the hea t sink or
motor to pro tect th e m OlO r a nd inve rter.
13 : Emergent Stop : Eme rgen t stop . It ca n receive external emergent Sl Op command o r o ther fault
sign als.
14 : Re se t: Thi s te rmi na l can be used fo r reset after a fau lt is remo ved.
15- t 6: Reserved .
17: Ra mp Tim e I : This term ina l ca n be used to se le ct th e ramp time of th e inverter.
18 : Ra mp Time 2 : 4 kinds of ramp tim e a re avai labl e for cho ice.
19: Multi -spe ed I : 8-speed se tting can be co mposed throu g h Multi -speed 1. 2.3 .
20: Multi -spc ed 2
2 1: Multi-speed 3
22: Hi gh speed: High. middl e and low speed ca n compose three kind s of ope ration mode
23 : Middle speed wit h diffe re nt frequen c ies . In the three terminal s the hi g h-e nd sig na l has
24 : Low speed pri orit y. Low, Middle and High Speed are determined respccli\dy by Frequ.:."'cy 2,3. 4.
25 : PIO Valid: When this co nt act is closed, PIO fun c tio n sta rt s. PIO Funct ion start is onl y valid
during o pe ra ti on .
26: PLC Re set Suspend : This con tac t ca n be used to ach ie ve the function of Aut o PLC clear suspend.
27 : UP Function: When the switch of this termina l acts th e freq uenc y setti ng of the inverter will be
increased or dec reased by o ne unit. When the sw itch of the terminal is hold the frequenc y will
increase o r dec rease rapidl y to a point and th e n in c rease or decrea se.

28: Down Fu ncti on at eve n s pee d . Wh en th e po wer is up again after the powe r brea kd own the ctan ged
frequenc y will no l be me mori zed.
29: Draw in g Sta rt Wh e n thi s co nta c t is tri gge red th e draw ing acti on start s.
3 1: Pul se Cou nt e r Wh e n thi s termin a l is se t for the co unter it ca n receive th e pul se s ignal of ~ 250 H Z
and counts.
32: Co unter Re set When thi s co nta c t ac ts it will clea r the pre se nt co untin g va lu es di spl ayed, re sto re
COO and re start counting.

Explanation :
RUN 1. Three multi-function terminals can be used for the connection

method of three - wire system for the realization of switching of
01 FOR/REV rotation, which is extensively applied in the cases of
FOR/REV switching of photoelectric switches .
03 CD Selec tlh e multi -functi o n terminal s o f D I , 0 2 a nd D3
OCM ® Pa ram e ter setting:
POOO I ~ I for external con tro l PD044 ~ 02
for FOR rotat ion
PD045 ~ 03 for REV Rotati on PD04 6=04 for Stop
@ Ac tion Desc ripti on :
Wh en triggerin g D I . the inverter will rotate forward (start) ;
Wh en triggerin g D2, th e inverter will rota te re ve rse;
Whe n press in g STOP, the inverte r wi ll stop .

2. RUN , OeM , F/ R can be used lor Start , Stop and switching

Kl of FOR /REV :
01 CD Select the tenninal s of 0 I and 0 2
® Para meter se tting:
PDOO I =I for ex terna l co ntrol
PD044 =O I for RUN fun cti on
PD045 =05 for swi tchin g of FIR
'------'IJ OCM When K2 is opened it rotates fo rw ard, whi le K2 is c losed it rotate s

3. Description of Ramp Time 1 and 2:

CD Thi s fun c ti on is onl y valid when PD 080 is set to 0, 2 and 3. Under

th e di sturb a nce a nd int e rnal con tro l multi -s peed it is in va lid .
@ Any two mult i- input s ca n be co mbin ed for 4 kinds o f ramp tim e
for se lec ti on.
@ Th e re lated mult i- inpu ts a rc se t for Ra mp Time 1, 2. Tak e th e
te rminal s of D4 and D5 as example . when the terminal ofD4 PD047
is set to 22 a nd th e term ina ls of D5 PD 048 is set to 23, D4 and D5
a rc now Ramp Time 1.2 .

04 05 Result
OFF OFF Ramp Time 1

ON OFF RampTime2

OFF ON RampTime3

ON ON Ramp Time 4

4. Fun ctio n description of High , Middle and low speed terminals :

H. speed
L. speed
Main frequency

Run command

L. speed


L. Speed

RUN 06 05 04 Result

Main speed , the frequency runs

at the set value of PdOO3 .
Low speed , the frequency runs
at the set value of PdOB6 .
Middle speed, the frequency runs
at the set value of PdOB7 .
High speed, the frequency runs
at the se t value of PdOBB .

( I ) Thi s functi on is onl y valid when PD080 is set to 2, i.c. for 4-Speed of external control.
( 2 I Ramp time is determined by Ramp Se lec t terminal.
( 3 ) When all high , middle and low speeds ha ve signal inputs it will give priorit y in th e sequence o f
hi g h. middle and lo w speed.

5. Description of UP and DOWN Function :

Max .operating Frequency F

Set frequency "l'------r----,

F.Lower Limit

Up Command
Down Command

UP DOWN Result
ON OFF Frequency increase

OFF ON Frequency decrease

ON ON Not increase or decrease

( I ) Th e fun cti on o f UP a nd DO WN is onl y va lid wh en the operator is se lec ted for th e source o f the
opera tin g fr equ cncy,i .c . PD002=O.
( 2 ) Wh en the UP termin a l is c losed the fr eq uency o f the in ve rt er w ill inc rease.
( 3 ) Wh en th e DOW te rmin a l is cl ose d the freque ncy of th e invert er will dec rea se.
( 4 ) Wh en bot h UPand DO W te rm inals 3rc c losed at the same time the freq uen cy will nether inc rease
nor dec rease. It is rega rded as in va lid .
( 5 ) When the freq uency reac hes the max ope rating freque ncy it will sto p increasin g.
( 6 ) Whe n the frequ ency reac hes the min frequency or its lowe r lim it, it will sto p dec reas in g.
( 7 ) Afte r a powe r breakdown th e se t value o f POOO) w ill be memorized instead of th e freque ncy.
( 8 ) Wh e n usi ng th e fun cti on of UP a nd DOWN, the keys of L'> O of th e panel are va lid. Aft er cha ng ing
the va lu es it need s to press SET (E NT ER) key fo r co nfirmation and the n the inverter can implement
the act ion. Meanwhil e the va lue w ill wr ite to P0003. which will be memori zed a ft er a power
breakdown .
( 9 ) Wh en keepin g press in g UP or ~ OWN, th e frequen cy wi ll in crease or decrease rapidl y to a poi nt
a nd th en increase or dec rease at eve n speed .
( J 0 ) T he va lu e c hanged by UP or ~O W N can be set t hrough POO ?? fo r co nfirm a ti on o f w heth er it
should be memori zed or not memorized . For deta il s refer to PdO??

6.Function Description of Counter :

Counting Value reach f---- -- - - - - - - - - - - - '

Counting Value reset f-------------------...J

Note :
( I ) The s ig na l w idth tri gge red sho uld no t be lowe r th an 2 msec ( I I . t 2 ~ 2 m scc )
( 2 ) Wh e n th e cou nt ing va lue is reac he d th e co rrespondi ng multi -o utput co nt act w ill act .
0) Thi s co unt er ca n onl y co unt aga in a ft er rese t.
( 4 ) Wh e n reac hi ng to 65535 th e co un te r will not co unt aga in .

PDOSO Y1- input Function Factory Setting , 01

PDOS1 Y2-input Function Factory Setting, 05
PDOS2 FA FB FC Input Function Factory Setting· 03

Set Range , 00- 32 Unit, 1

01 : In Run : T he contac t w ill ac t w he n th e in verte r has outpu t or receives th e running co mmand .

02: Ze ro Speed : T he contact w ill ac t when the output frequency of the inve rte r is less th an its sta rt ing
03: Fault Indicat ion: The co ntac t w ill ac t when the in vert er detec ts a bnorm a l conditions.
04: DC Bra kin g Indicati on: The contac t wi ll ac i whe n the in verte r is in DC braki ng.
05: Sct Frequency Reac h: The contac t wi ll act when the output frequency of the invertcr reac hes th e
set freque ncy.
06: In Accel: Th e contact will act when th e inve rter is in ra mp-up.
07: In Dece l: T he co ntac t wi ll ac t when the in verter is in ramp-down .
08: Un iform Frequency I Reach : Th e co ntact wi ll act when the output frequency of th e inve rte r rcac hes
the des igna ted freque ncy (PD060).
09: Un iform Frequency 2 Reach: The contact will act when the outp ut freq uency of the in verte r reac hes
the des ignated freque ncy (PD061 ).
10 : Mo tor Ove rl oad Alarm: The contact w ill act when the invert er detec ts ove r-l oad of the motor.

II : Over-torque Detec t: The contact will ac t wh en the inverte r detects ove r-torq ue .
12 : In ve rter Over-load Alarm: The con tact will act when the inverter detects over-l oad.
I J : Set Counter Reac h: The contact will act when the inverter impleme nts the ex ternal coun ter and th e
countin g val ue is eq ual to the set va lue (PD065).
14 : Middle Counter Reach : The contact will ac t when the inve rt er implements the externalcounler and
the co untin g va lu e is greate r tha n or equal to the se t va lue (PD066).
15 : Ex ternal Conlrol Timer 1 reac h: The co ntact will act when the timer I reac hes the set va lue ..
16 : Ex ternal Control Timer 2 reac h: The contact wilt act when th e timer 2 reac hes the se t va lue
17: Low Voltage Alarm: The contact will act when the inverter detects low vo ltage.
18: Single Step End: The co nt ac t will ac t and generate one pulse when the inverter finishes a sing le
ste p in implementation of program operation .
19: Process End : The con tact will act and generate one pulse when the inverter fi ni shes all the steps(i.e .
after one cycle) in implementation of program operati on
20: 4v> 20mA disconnected : When AI input s ignal is disconnected and PD072 more than 2, the contac t
will act.
25 : Auxiliary Pump I : This contact controls th e starting an d stopping of auxilia ry pumps . For details
refc r to O peration o f Multi-pumps.
26 : Aux iliary Pump 2
27: Drawing reach : The contact wi ll acl when the drawing act io n is finis hed . The co nt act will a uto
mSlically re set when the in verte r stops.
28 : PID Lower Limit Alarm : Thi s contac t will act when the Plo feedback is smaller than the lower limit
(.he se. va lue of PO 162) .
29 : PID Uppc r Lim it Alarm : This con tact will ac t when the PID feedback is greater than the uppe r limit
(.he se' va lue of PO 161) .
30: Braking Resis tor Act When the inve rte r is in running and the DC vo ltage reaches the braking vo ltage
the cont act wi ll act.
3 1: Elec tromag net ic Relay Act: When th e cont act pull s in , th e co rres pondin g multi -fun c ti o n termin al
wi ll act.
32 : Fan act: When th e tem pera ture of the in verter is in creased o r it is in runnin g. thi s co ntact w ill act.

PD054 Vo Inpul
Set Range : 0- 7 Unit : 1 Factory Setting: 0

Functions: Output terminal of digital frequency. generating pulse or 0 I OV analog. In combination with Pd055
it can be connected wi th a corresponding instrument with the measuring range bel ow 10 to be used for external
monitorin g.
0: 0 ....... 1OV analog output, corresponding to output frequency. 0 ....... 1OV corresponds to 0 -- Maximum operating
1: 0- 1OV ana log output . corrcsponding to output current. 0- 1OV corresponds to O- two times of the rated
current of the inverter.
2: Analog output, corresponding to DC bus voltage. 0-- 10V corresponds to O- IOOOV.
3: Ana log output , corresponding to AC output voltage . 0- 1OV corresponds to 0-- 5 1OV/255V.
( ote: The machine type of three phase. 380V corresponds to 5 10V and the machine type ofsi ngJe phase. 220V
corresponds .o 255V )


PD055 Vo Analog Output Gain

Set Range : 0 .0- 100.0% Unit : 0 .1% Factory Setting : 100.0

Thi s paramete r ca n be used to adjust the output vo ltage va lu e or Multi -oulPlil 6 to adapt 10 frequency
meters wilh diffe re nt measu ring range and also used to correc t a frequency meter. Fo r exam ple , for an
ex ternall y co nn ec ted freq uency meter w ilh th e measuring rang e ofO- 5V. a multi -function termin al
can be used to di sp lay its o peratin g freq uency. The n it ca n be corrected w ith thi s parameter. It ca n be
ac hi eve d by se llin g P D055 ~ 50 .

PD056 Skip Frequency 1

PD057 Skip Frequency 2
PD058 Skip Frequency 3
Set Range : 0 .00-400 .00 Hz Unit: 0.01 Hz Factory Setting : 0.0
PD059 Skip Frequency Range
Set Range: 0 .10- 10.00 Hz Unit: 0 .01Hz Factory Setting: 0.5



J?ft : : :
These three frequency skipping points arc sct for avoiding a mechanica l resonance point. In case of PODS
9=0, all skip frequencies arc in valid. The actual skip frequency range is two limes that of PD059, as shown
in the above di agram.

PD060 Uniform Frequency 1

PD061 Uniform Frequency 2
Set Range : 0.00-400 .00 Hz Unit: 0 .01 Hz Factory Setting: 0 .00
Pd062 Uniform Frequency Range
Set Range : 0.10- 10.00Hz Unit : 0 .01 Hz Factory Setting : 0 .50

Uniform ---- -- ,-------- ---T--1-t--

I ------------ , ---- --
Cd061 I ,

Multi-Output t~====LI_u_n_if_o_rm_F_e_q_U_e_n_c_y---.b====

When the output frequency is morc than the uniform frequ ency the corresponding multi-outputs w ill act.
The uniform frequency range acts as a hysteresis loop.
When the inverter is in the operation of multi -pumps, PD060 is used as high speed
frequency and PD061 is sct as low speed operati ng freq uency. The de finitions of Ihe corresponding multi -
fun ction contacts are changed.

PD063 Timer 1 Time

Set Range : 0 .1 -10.00 Unit: Factory Setting : 0 .1
PD064 Timer 2 Time
Set Range : 1 -100 Unit: 1 Factory Setting : 1

Timer 1 is a timerofO.l s - 10.0s and Timer 2 is a timer of Is - 1005. When the timer start at multi-inputs
is c losed (on) the ti mer starts to count time. When it reaches the set time the corresponding multi-output contact
will act When the timer start is opened (off) the timer time at the multi-output will be reset.

(At Input) Timer start T

;Q a:


(At Output) Timer I n

, T

For example. set PD063=5.0s. When the external control tenninal (Multi- Input) is valid the output tenninal
will be valid after fi ve (5.0) seconds, the signa l of which can be used to control other corresponding signals.

PD065 Counting Value

SelRange: 0-65500 Unit : 1 Factory Setting : 0

An external lenninal of multi-function can be used as a tri gger for the counter. When the counter reaches the
set value ofPD065 the corresponding multi -output contact wilt act After the counter is cleared and reset it will
start counting again . A proximity switch or optoe lectronic switch can be used for the triggering signals.

PD066 Intermediate Counter

Set Range : 0-65500 Unil : 1 Factory Setting: 0

Refer to PD06S .

PD067 PD069 Rese rv ed

PD070 Analog Input

Set Range : 0-4 Unit : 1 Factory Setting : 0

0, O- t OV t, O-SV 2, 0-20mA
3, 4-20mA 4, 0- IOV 4-20mA stacked
This parameter can be se t for different analog input signal s.
When P0070=4. th e output frequency = 1/2 ( UlUmax + II I max ) X 50Hz
Among which: U: Analog Voltage Umax : Maximum Analog Vo ltage
I : Ana log Current Imax: Maximum Analog Current

P0071 Analog Filtering Constant

Set Range: 0-50 Unit: Factory Setting : 20

The setting of thi s parameter is related to the ana log responding speed. The higher the value of PD07) is
set. the lower the ana log responding speed will be.

P0072 Higher Analog Frequency

Set Range: 0.00-400 .00 Hz Un it: 0 .01 Hz Factory Setting , 50 .00
P0073 Lower Analog Frequency
Set Range : 0 .00-400 .00 Hz Unit , 0 .01 Hz Factory Setting : 0 .00
P0074 Bias Direction at Higher Frequency
Set Range : 0-1 Unit : 1 Factory Setti ng : 0
PD075 Bias Direction at Lower Frequency
Set Range : 0-1 Unit : 1 Fact ory Sel1ing , 0

0: Positive di rection
t : Negative direct ion
Bias direction means the instruction or FOR/REV rotation command. Positi ve bias indicates forward rotation
whi le negative bias indicates reverse rotation. For details refer to the diagram in Pd076.

PD076 Analog Negative Bias Reverse

Set Range : 0-1 Un it: 1 Factory Setting : 0

0: Negative bias Rev is not allowable .

I: Negative bias Rev is allowab le.
The parameter group is set for the measuring range and zero point of the external analog terminal s and can be
combined for any kind of curve: to control the operation of the motor.

Setting, PD073=50 PD075= 1 P0072=50

PD074=0 P0076= )
Rev. Area 50 Hz For. Area
.. ............ Note: thi s curve can be easi ly used incomplicated applications
in combination with other curves. When using it the
instruction of FOR/REV run from exte rnal termina ls is
still valid. When switchin g. the curve will turn rc versc .

Setting , PD0 73 ~ 5 0 PD075- 1 PD 072 ~ 50
P D0 7 4 ~0 P D0 7 6 ~ 1
Note : thi s c urve is a ki nd of specia l appl icati o n of reverse ra mp
sett ing. Wh en us ing trans mitt er fo r th e co ntrol o f pressure,
te mpe rature a nd oth e rs and whil e th e contro l has hi ghe r
pressure and output signals but requirin g th e corres pond ing
comm a nds of stop or dece le rati on on th e inverte r th is c urve
ca n satisfy th e demand properl y.

Setting, PD0 73 ~ 5 0 PD0 75 ~ 1 PD 072 ~ 50
PD 074 ~ 0 PD0 76 ~ 1
Note : thi s metho d is used ext e ns ive ly. The user can usc it fl e xibl y.


4mA 20mA

Setting, PD 073 ~ IO PD0 75 ~ 1 PD 072 ~ 40

PD074 c O PD 076 ~ 0
Nole : the si gnal of OHz-4 0Hz <4- 4.8mA l i s in valid. It ca n be
used to avoi d Doice dis turba nce . In harsh environme nt it is
bett er not to use signa ls below I V for sett ing th e o peratin g
frequ e ncy o f th e inverter.

o 10V
4mA 4.8mA 20mA
2V-I OVI4.8mA-20mAJ

PD077 UP/ DOWN Function

Set Range : 0 - 1 Unit : 1 Faclory Setting : 0

a t memorized !: Memori zed

Th is paramete r can be set fo r th e se lectio n o f wheth er the va lues changed by the UP or DO WN shall bc
me mori zed or not afte r stop. Th e changed va lu es whether to be memo ri zed or not mcans wh en th ey a rc
changed by UP or DOWN during operati on a nd the inverter is resta rted aft e r stop these chan ged va lues
shall be me mori zed or not after restart. Wh en PD077 is set to 0 , the cha nged value will no t be memori zed
and when it is set to I, the changed va lu es will he memorized. Th e se t va lues of PD003 will be memori zed
afte r restart .
For th e related para meters refer to PD044· PD049.


Sel Range : 0-1 Unit : 1 Factory Selling : 0

0, 0.0 I Hz. M ini mum UP/ DOWN speed i s 0.0 1Hz.

I , 0. 1Hz. M i ni mum U P/ DOWN speed is 0. 1Hz.
Through th e c ha nges of th is s et va lue the UP/DO WN s peed unit ca n be adju sted to mee t the need s of
di rferent c us to mers.

PD079 Reserved

PD080 PLC Opera tio n

Set Rang e: 0-5 Un it: 1 Factory Setting: 0

0: Normal operation , i.c. the inverter is running in the normal control mode .
I : Inlemal control Mulli-speeds(1 6-speeds)
CD Main speed and 7-spceds composes 8-spccds.
® The ramp time of each speed step is set by PD084,PD085.
® Running Time is set by Timer PD I0 I- PO J 16. For the control steps not to be used the timer can be sct to O.
@) Runningdirection of each speed step is determined by PD082,PD083.
® In the internal control multi-speed operation the running time and direction are determined by the setti ng
of internal parameters. Any switching of external time and FOR/REV rotation is invalid.

2:Extcmal conlTo14-Speeds (Refer to the func lion description and diagram of three terminals of high.
middle and low speed in PD044 - PD049)

3: External control Mulit-specds

Multi-function Terminals Results

Multl- Multl- MultI-
speed 1 speed 2 speed 3
OFF OFF OFF Mail frequency and Irequencies am dete!mined by POOO3 or potentiorreter.

ON OFF OFF Multi-speed 1 and frequency are determined by PD086.

OFF ON OFF Multi-speed 2 and frequency are determined by PD087.

ON ON OFF Multi-speed 3 and frequency are determined by Pd088.

OFF OFF ON Multi-speed 4 and frequency are determined by PD089.

ON OFF ON Multi-speed 5 and Irequency are determined by PD090.

OFF ON ON Multi-speed 6 and Irequency are determined by PD091 .

ON ON ON Multi-speed 7 and frequency are determined by Pd092.

CD It is only valid to reali ze the exte rnal cont rol 8-Spccds operation when Multi-input s arc sct for Multi -
speed 1, 2,3 and PD080 is set to 3.
® Multi -s peed 1,2 , 3 can be used to mak e up 7-Speed s and 8-Spceds adding the main frequenc y .
@ Thefrequencies ofSpeedStep I - Step 7 are determined by PD086- PD092 .
@ Each ramp time is determined by the external multi -function terminal DI - 06.
@ Thcdirectionsoreac h program operation arc determined by the external multi -function termin als D I
@ Themain frequenc y can be set in two ways. One method is to se t it through P0003 and anothe r is to
set it through the potenti omet er. Wh en PD002 is se t to I the frequen cy of Main Frequency is set by
the potenti ometer. For the related parameters refer to PD00 3, PD002 and PD086- PD092 .

.. ~.- ~

4 : Drawing
Thi s is a special parameter for the consta nt speed of unwindin g an d rewinding. By using thi s function
the lin ear speed constant in cert a in accuracy can be rea li zed.




Multi -output

CD Througb triggering of the external multi -function terminal the drawing action begins.
® In implem entat io n of th e drawing action the actual running time is T = PD I 0 I X 10.
® when th e drawing ac tion is finished the inverter will run a t the con stant seed ofP008? and the corre-
spo ndin g muhi-output contact wi ll act at the same time. Unt il receiving the STOP command the
inverter will stop running and the multi -o utput contact will rc se t.

5:Di sturhance (Traverse function)

This is a special parameter in the chemical fiber and printing and dying industries to realize the traverse
function . Except the command s of sto p. external faults and emergency stop a ll oth er commands arc
not accepted at running .
Note :
Q) The frequency at each inflecti on point is determined by POOO) a nd PD086 .
® Skip Frequency is determined by P0092.
@ RunningTime is determined by Timer PO I 0 1 and PO I 02 .
@ The related parameters : POOOJ . P0086- POI16.

P0081 Auto PLC

Set Range : 0-3 Unit: 1 Factory Setting : 0

0: Stop after the prog ram runs onc c yc le.

t: Cyc ling running .
2: Stop after it run s one cycle automati ca ll y ( STOP for intervention )
3: Au to running and cycling ( STOP for interventi on )
Thi s parameter setting is o nl y va lid when P0080 is se t to 4 . For re levant param eters refer to POOO ),
Pd080 a nd C 0082- PD 116 .

Explanation :
I .Stop after the program run s one cyc le.
Wh en th e command of a uto program operation is given , the in ve rter will run wi th each set va lu e of
internal pa ram eters. It wi ll run for one cycle and then stop automatically. The in verter wi ll not res tart
and run until it rece ives another c ommand of operati on.
2.Cycling run .
When th e command of o pera ti on is given. th e invert e r wi ll run in sequence with the frequen cy of
every speed step a nd runnin g time se t by eac h of th e internal parameters and will recycle . During
the cyc lin g run , except the commands of stop , ex terna l fau lt s and emerge ncy stop, all o th er com
ma nd s will not be ac cepted.
3.Sto p after it run s onc cy cl e automatica ll y ( STOP for in te rve ntion )

F Pd087

Note :
(j) When th e command of auto program ope rati on is giv en the inverter will run wi th each pa rameters.
Bu t it will stop first and th en re start at c hangi ng of eac h step and will stop auto matically a ft er running
for one cycl e. The inverter wi ll not restart and run until it rece ives anoth er command of operation .
® T he frequencies of each speed step are sc I by POOOJ a nd POOS6 - P0092.
@ The runni ng limes of each speed stcp arc scI by PO I 01 - POI OS .
@ T he running direc tio n is se t by P08 2

PD082 PLC Running Direction 01 the Fronl B-Speeds

PD083 PLC Running Direction 01 the Follow 8-S peeds
Set Range , 0-255 Unit 1 Faclory Selling , 0

This parameler is only valid when PDOBO is set to 1 This parameter selling delermine Ihe
running direction 01 each frequency 01 PD086-PD092 and PD003 in Ihe program operation .
The selling method is as lollows :
The rolal ion direclion is set firsl in the binary 8 bils mode , and then converted to a decimal
value lor Ihe selling of Ihis parameter. For instance :

The parameler value 0100101 0 is converted 10 a decimal value:

1 x 2' +1 x 2'+1 x 2';64+B+2;74
Then PD082;74
PD083 means that set running direction 01 the lollow 8-spee ds(lhe algorithm likes Pd082)

PD084 Ramp Time 01 the Front 8-Speeds

PD085 Ramp Time of Ihe Follow 8-Speeds
Sel Range , 0-65535 Un ii, 1S Faclory Setting , 0

This parameter is onl y valid when PD080 is se t to 1.

This parameter is set to determine the ramp time valu es for the internal control mult i-speed and each
speed. The setting method is as foll ows:

CD Delermine each Ramp Time in Ihe binary 2 bil mode

Bit1 BitO RlmpTima

0 0 RampTimel PD014 , PD015

0 1 Ramp Time 2 PD016, POOH

1 0 Ramp Time 3 PD018, PD019

1 1 Ramp Time 4 PD020, Pd021

® Determine the Ramp time of each speed step in the binary 16 bit mode

Step 8 Step 7 Step6 StepS Step4 Step3 Step2 Step 1

t8 t7 t6 t5 t4 t3 t2 tl

o I 0 o I 0 o I 0 o I 0 o I 1 1 I 0 oI 0
'1 1

t I Select Ramp Time 4

t2 Select Ramp Time I
t3 Select Ramp Time 3 The setti ng va lue:
t4 Select Ram p Time 2 I Xr+ I X 2 ~ l x~+ I X r-99
t5 Select Ramp Time I So PD08 4 is se t to 99
16 Selec t Ramp Time I Attac h, 2'= 1 2'-2 2'- 4 2'-8
17 Select Ramp Time I 2'- 16 2'-32 2'-64 2'- 128
18 Se lec t Ram p Time )

PD085 means th at set ramp time ofth c follow 8-spceds(th e algorithm likes Pd084)

PD086 Frequency 2 Factory Setting 15

PD087 Frequency 3 Factory Setting 20
PD088 Frequency 4 Factory Setting 25
PD089 Frequency 5 Factory Setting 30
PD090 Frequency 6 Factory Setting 35
PD091 Frequency 7 Factory Setting 40
PD092 Frequency 8 Faclory Setting 0 .5

PD093 Frequency 9 Factory Selling 10
PD094 Frequency 10 Factory Setting 15
PD095 Frequency 11 Factory Selling 20
PD096 Frequency 12 Factory Setling 25
PD097 Frequency 13 Factory Setting 30
PD098 Frequency 14 Factory Setting 35
PD099 Frequency 15 Factory Selling 40
PD100 Frequency 16 Factory Selling 45
Set Range : 0.00-400.00 Hz Unit : 0.01 Hz

This parametCT is set for cooperate the multi-tcnninals , can choose the cxtcrnal4-spccds\thc external control
multi-speeds and the internal control multi-spccds. For the relevant parameter refer to PD080 and PD08&'-PDl OO

PD10l Timer 1 Factory Setting 10.0

P0102 Timer2 Factory Setting 10.0
P0103 Timer3 Factory Setting 0 .0
PD104 Timer4 Factory Selling 0.0
P0105 TimerS Factory Selling 0 .0
P0106 Timer6 Factory Selling 0.0
P0107 Timer7 Factory Selling 0.0
P0108 Timer8 Factory Selling 0.0
P010l Timer9 Factory Setting 0.0
PD102 Timerl0 Factory Selling 0.0
PD103 Timerll Factory Setting 0.0
PD104 Timer12 Factory Setting 0.0
PD105 Timer13 Factory Selling 0.0
PD106 Timer 14 Factory Setting 0.0
PD107 Timer15 Factory Setting 0.0
PD108 Timer 16 Factory Setting 0.0
Set Range: 0.06500 .0S Unit : O.lS

Thi s param eter is set for th e int erna l con trol multi-speeds and th e running lime of draw ing functi on.
For th e rele vant parameter re fer to PD080 and PD JOJ - PO 11 6.

Pdl17 tnternal Control Multi-Speeds Memory Function

Set Range : 01 Factory Setting : 0

0 : Not mem ori zed

I: M emori zed


This parameter is set to determine whether th e inverter is to re a lize the suspending function in Auto
PLC mode . In case ofPD115 = 1 it can memorize the sta tus in which the inverter is running and will
memorize it at stop o r fail. It will contin ue to run when returning to normal . In case of POI J 5=0 it wi ll
nol memorize.

PD118 Over-voltage Stall Prevention

Set Range : 0-1 Unit : Factory Setting : 1

0: Over-voltage stall prevention invalid

I: Over-voltage stall prevention va lid.
When the inverter is in dece leration. due to the effect of load in ertia, the motor will produce a ret urn
energy to the inverter and cause the DC voltage of the inverter to increase. So when the function orover
-voltage stall prevention is started, if the DC voltage of the in verter becomes too high , the inverter will
stop decel erating till the voltage at DC decreases below the set va lue, then the inverter will go on to
decelerate and the ramp-down time will be extended automatically.

PD 119 Stall Prevention Level at Ramp-up

Sel Range : 0-200% Unit : 1% Factory Setting : t50

When the inverter is in ramp-up , due to overload or too short ramp-up time, the output c urrent oflhe
in verter will go up qu ic kly and exceed the set standard level . When this happens , the inverter will stop
accelerating. When th e current returns under its set valu e, the inverter will go on to acce lerate.

100% current is the rated c urrent of th e motor. When thi s parameter is sel to 0, the sla ll prevention
funclion is invalid.
PD120 Stall Prevention Level at Constant Speed
Set Range : 0-200% Unit : 1% Factory Setting : 0

When the inverter is running at constant speed, due to load nuctuation and other reasons, the current
will increase. When the current exceeds its set standard va lue , the inverter will lower the output freq uency.
When the outpu t current returns to its normal range . the inverter wi ll accelerate again to its set frequency.

100% curren t is the Rated C urre nt of the motor. When this parameter is set to 0 th e sta ll preventi on
function is invalid .

PD121 Decel. Time for Stall Prevention at Conslant Speed Factory Setting : 5.0

When the inverter is used for the loads of kinds of fan and pump PD 119 can be set to 120. When the curren t
of the inverter is greater than 120% the output frequency will decrease and the current will also decrease
accordingl y. After the current returns to normal the frequency will return to normal slowly . so as to achieve
the stall prevention function. The decreasing speed of the frequency is determined by PD119. For the Related
parameters refer to PD 119.

PD122 Stall Prevention Level at Deceleration

Set Range: 0-200% Unit: 1 Factory Setting : 150

Rcfcrto Pd 120.
100010 current is the ratedcu.rrent of the motor.

PD123 Over- Iorque Detect Mode

Set Range : 0-3 Unil: 1 Factory Setting : 0

0: When reac hi ng th e frequency it s tart s to detect ove r-torque and when ove r-torque is det ec ted it
co ntinu es to run ,
I: When re ac hi ng the fr eq uen cy it s tart s to de tect ov er-torque and whe n ove r-t orq ue is detec ted it
stop runnin g ,
2: It detec ts ove r-torque during runnin g and when ove r-to rque is de tec ted it co ntinue s 10 run ,
3: It detect s ove r-to rque durin g running and when ove r-torque is detected it stop runnin g.

PD124 Over- torque Detect Level

Set Range: 0- 200% Unit: 1% Factory Setting : 0

When the output current exceeds the ove r-torque detection leve l and al so exceeds half of th e set
time of over-torque de tection (factory se tting: 1.0s), the over-torque detection wi ll indicate, and th e
correspond ing multi-functi on alarm contact wi ll act. When it exceeds th e se t tim e , th e in verter will
turn to self-pro te cti on. When thi s parameter is set to 0 , the ove r-to rque detec tion wi ll be in va li d

PD125 Over- torque Detect Time

Set Range : 0.1-20.0s Unit : O.l s Factory Setting : 1.0

When the inverter detects that the output current has exceeded the motor current set value, the inverter
begins to calculate the over-torque time. When the over-torque time has exceeded half of the set detect
ti me. the co rresponding multi-function output contact will act , and produce the over-torque alarm, while
the in ve rter wi ll keep runn ing . When the over-torque time has exceeded the set detect time (set by PD125),
the inve rter will tum to self-protection, di splay the fault infonnation and stop output. .
For the related parameters refer to Pd 123 .

PD 126 Counter Memory

Set Range : 0-1 Unit : 0 Factory Setting: 0

0: Not mem ori zed

1: Memori zed

The functi on of co unter memory, the fun ction of inverter powe r-breakdow n memory

PD127PD129 Reserved

PD130 Number of Auxiliary Pump

Set Range : 0-2 Unit : Factory Setting: 0

Thi s parameter is set for th e number of auxili ary pump. The start or stop of th e auxi li ary pu mps is
con trolled by using the multi -o utput contact s and Auxi li ary Pump I or Auxi liary Pump 2 is control led
through the peripheral co nt ro l ci rcuit .

PD131 Continuous Running Time of Auxiliary Pumps

Set Range : 19000 ( min) Unit : 1 Factory Setting : 60

In case of two pumps with onl y one pump in du ty, in orde r to ensure eac h pump to wo rk eve nl y, it will
be switch ed to another pump when its runn ing time reac hes the sct va lue of PD1 3 1.

PD 132 Interlocking Time of Auxiliary Pump

Set Range : 1- 2505 Unit : 1 Factory Setting: 55

This parameter is set to dete rm ine th e interl ocking time of two auxi liary pumps when swi tchin g wi th
each oth er.


Aux . Pump 1 ...QU 10

Aux. Pump 2 0
F PD1~ N

PD133 High Speed Running Time

Set Range: 1-2505 Unit: Factory Setting: 60S

In th e a pplic ati o n o f wa te r s uppl y with consta nt press ure , when th e mas ter pump is runnin g a t th e
frequen cy o f hig h speed (se t by PD060) du e to larger water volum e and the high spe ed runnin g time is
reac hed , th e co rres pondin g multi- functi on co ntact s ac t and the auxili ary pumps start.

PD134 Low Speed Running Time

Set Range : 1-2505 Unit : Factory Setting: 60S

In th e appli ca ti o n o f wate r s uppl y w ith co nstant pre ss ure . wh e n the mas te r pump is runnin g a t th e
frequency a flow speed (se t by PD06 1) due to small er water volume and the low speed runnin g tim e
(PD 134) is rea ched, the co rre spondin g multi -functi o n c ont a cts act a nd th e a uxiliar y pumps stop .
PO 133 a nd PO 134 mu st be used in co mbin a ti on o fPD060, PD0 6 J and multi- o utput s. Th e ir ma in
fun c tion is to in c rea se or dec rease th e numb er of a uxiliary pump .

POS ----~~1c
~'-3 :---------------------
o :3 :3 :
POS - - - ~--- ~- --- ~ ---- -- ~-
: : : : : :-1
1----1'---1-t'--t-'- f
' "'''L 'c----F
Aux. Pump 1
Aux . Pump 2 ON

PD135 Slopping Voltage Level

Sel Range: 0- 150% Unit: Factory Setting : 95%
Thi s pa ramete r is set fo r th e vo ltage level o f th e master pump ent ering into s leep mode. Fo r de ta il s
re fe r to th e fo ll owin g desc ript ion .
PD136 Lasting Time of Slopping Voltage Level
Sel Range: 1-2505 Unit : 1 Factory Setting: 305
Thi s pa rameter is se t for th e last in g tim e und er the sto ppin g vo ltage leve l before e nt erin g int o s le ep
Fo r deta il s re fe r to th e foll owin dcsc ri ti on.
PD137 Wakeup Voltage Le vel
Set Range: 1-150% Unil: 1 Factory Setting : 80%

T his pa ra me ter is set fo r t he wa ke up vo lt age le ve l fr om s lee p to wa ke up .

PDI38 Sleep Frequency
Set Range: 0.00-400.0 Unit : I Factory Setting: 20.00

PDI39 Lasting Time of Sleep Frequency

Set Range: 1-250S Unit : Factory Setting: 20S

Lasting Ume of
stop voltage level

SlOp voltage level

P1 3
_ ______ __ __ __ , __ _____ _ l0 _____ _

5 , 0
Wakeup Vol ta ge l evel , 0
P13 I


I o
Sleep frequency I
P13 -------f---- -
"--",,-,""-/ Start to : ..f- Wake-up
~ sleep :

Thi s paramet er is set fo r the tasti ng time: to run al sleep fr equency when ente ring into sleep mode.

PDI40 Reserved

PDI41 Rated Motor Voltage Unit : O.IV Factory Setting: •

It is set accordi ng to the raled vo lt age va lu e or lhe nameplate or lh e motor. For the invert ers of230V class the facto ry
se tt ing is 220. while for th e inve rters of4 00 V class the fa ctory scll ing is 380.

PDI42 Rated Motor Current Unit: O.IA Factory Setting : •

It is sel according to th e rated val ue orthc nameplaac o rth c motor. Thi s pa rameter can be used to rest rict the o utp ut
curre nt of lhe inve rter to preve nt over-c urrcnt and pro tect th e molo r. Ir th e curre nt of the motor has exceeded Ihis val ue
the in ve rter of AC motor wi lll urn to se lf· protee ti on.

PDI43 Motor Pole Number

Set Range : 02-10 Unit : I Factory Setting: 04

Th is parameter is set for the number o f the motor's po le accord ing to the nameplate of th e motor.
PDI44 Rated Motor Revolution
Set Range : 0-9999 Unit: Ir/min Factory Setting : 1440
Th is is se t accord ing to th e act ual revolu tion of the moto r. T he dis pl ayed va lue is the same 8S th is set va lu e. It can be
used 8S 8 moni toring paramete r, whi ch is convenient to the user. This set va lu e co rresponds to the revo lut ion at 50 Hz.

PDI45 Auto Torque Compensation

Set Range: 0.1- 10.0 % Unit : 0.1% Factory Setting : 2.0%

Thi s parame ter can be sel fo r th e auto output o f ex tra voltage when the inven er is running to ac hieve higher torque.
which can compensate fo r the under· torque al lower frequency. Th e lorque co mpensation s hould not be too big and it
shou ld be set slowly from low to high accordi ng to the actual situati on.
Insufficient com pensation wi ll res ult in th e under-torque of the motor at lower frequency. And over compcnsation will
lead to 100 bigger torque. which will produce a shoc k 10 th e machi ne and even result in a tri p of the inverter under serious
si tuation .


PD146 Motor No-load Current
Set Range : 0-99 Unit : Factory Setting : 40
The se ttin g of motor no-load current wi ll affect the va lue of slip compensation. The current is 100%
of th e rated curren t of the moto r.

PD147 Motor Slip Compensation

Set Range : 0.0- 10.0 Unit : O. t Factory Setting : 0.0
Whe n the inve rter dri ves the mot or the s lip becomes bigger due to th e inc rease of load. Thi s para m
c lcr ca n be sct for slip compe nsation to decrease the s lip and make th e runnin g speed of the mot or closer
10 the synchronous revol uti on.

PD148- PD149 Re se rved

PD150 Auto Voltage Regulation

Set Range : 0- 1 Unit : Factory Setting : t

0 , In va lid
I, Va li d
When the input power is not stable and if th e voltage is too high th e operation of th e motor wi th th e
power exceeding the rated vo ltage will ca use increase of the temperature of the motor. damage orits
insul a ti on and unstable output torque . Thi s auto vo ltage regu lation can a utomatica ll y stab ili ze th e output
vo ltage within the rated vo ltage range o flhe motor under th e condili on of unstable output power suppl y
When this function is set to in va lid the outp ut vo ltage will fluctu ate.

PD151 Auto Energy Saving

Set Range: 0- 10% Unit: 1% Factory Setting : 0

When it is set to zero thi s fun c tion is inval id. W hen Auto ene rgy savi ng functio n is started th e inverter
will run at the full voltage during ra mp-up or -down. During the operation at constant speed the inverter
can aut omatic a ll y calcu la te th e o ptimum vo ltage va lue accord ing to the power of load and suppl y power
to th e load to achieve the goa l of energy sav ing.

PD152 Fault Restart Time Factory Setting : 1.0 s

When th e inverter is se t for fault restart and ifit has a fault trip with the tim e exceeding the set va lue of
Pd 152 th e in ve rte r w ill restar t. When using th is function pay more attention to the safe ty.

PD153 Restart after Instantaneous Stop

Set Range: 0-1 Unit: 1 Factory Setting : 0

0 : In va lid, i.e . the inve rter will not res ta rt after an in stantane ous powe r brea kdown .
1: Sta rt by fr eq uency track . Refer to P002S .

PD154 Allowable Power-Breakdown Time

Set Range : 0 .1-5.05 Unit : 0.15 Factory Setting : 0.5
Thi s parame ter is set for the maxi mum all owab le power fai lu re time . If exceeding the set time the
invert er will co nt inu e to stop output after powe r on. To restart th e in verter it needs to follow th e ge ne ral
starting procedures .

PD155 Number of Abnormal Restart

Set Range: 00-10 Unit : 1 Factory Setting: 00

Afterthe abno rm al conditi ons ( such as over·c urrent and over·vo hage ) hap pens the inverter wi ll
a utomatica ll y reset and restart. If the start ing mode is se t to normal mode it wi ll start acco rd ing to the
no rm al procedures. Ifit is set to start by frequenc y track it wi ll start in the fr equ ency track mode . Arter
starting it will re store th e set numbe r aga in if there is no more abnormality happe ned within 60 seco nds.
If th ere is still a ny error and it reac he s the set number the inverter will stop outpu t. It can onl y be started
after rese t. Wh en PDI 55 is set to zero the inverter will not carry out the func ti ons o f automati c reset
a nd restart .

PD156 Proportional Constant (P)

Set Range : 0 .0-1000 .0% Unit : 0.1% Factory Setting: 100%

This proportional constant is set for the error value gain. In case of 19), D=O, it is on ly for proportional control.

PD15? Integral Time (I)

Set Range: 0.1- 3600 .05 Unit: 0 .15 Factory Setting: 5.05
The integral lime (I) is set for the responding speed for PID. The larger the I value is set th e slower the
responding speed will be. To the contrary, if the responding speed is qu ick butlhe integral ti me val ue is set
too small. it will cause osc ill ation.

Pd158 Differential Time (D)

Set Range : 0.01-10.005 Unit : 0.015 Factory Setting: 0

Thi s differential tim e (D) is set for the depression operation of PID. The larger the D val ue is, the more
obvi ous the depress ion operation wi ll be. When D is set to ze ro. this function is invalid.

PD159 Target Value

Set Range: 0- 100.0% Unit: 1% Factory Setting:

This target value can be set through external voltage signal or the digital operator. 100010 target value is
corresponding to the analog freq uency at + IOV.
PID c1oscd·loop control is usually used in the process control with physical quanti ty not changing fast.
such as the controls of pressure and temperature. etc. The feedback signal is usually taken from temperature
transm itter, or pressure transmitter, etc. Under PID control, the feedbac k signal input path is the analog current
signal of 4-20mA.
PID c1osed·loop control is valid when Multi·input PIO is started.
PID Control Bl ock Diagram: , -- - - -,

General operating methods of PID co ntrol :
( I) Choose the correc t tran smitte r (wit h the output specification of standa rd current signaI4- 20mA ).
(2 ) Set th e right target va lu e.
( 3 ) I f the output docs not have oscillati on. increase the proportional cons tant (P).
( 4) If the output docs not have osci ll ati on, decrease the integral lime (Ti) .
( 5) I f the output do not have osci llati on, increase th e differential tim e (Td) .
( 6) Concrete applications can be referred to the examp le application descriptions in Appendix I.

Output Before regulation

I-+---"'-c:::;o,f.,==- Target value

1.Suppmss the Over Output
a:Decrease the differential time (Dvalue)
b:lncrease the integral time (I value)
"'------=-------+ Time


Target value
2.Suppress the oscillation
a : Decmase the differential time (0 value) or set
1'-'====="-____. Time b : Decrease Proportional Constant(P value)

P0160 PIO Target Value

Set Range : 0-1 Un it: Factory Setting: 0

The target value can be sct through the selection ofthc panel or externa l analog. Thc external ana log
is 0- 1OV signal or given by the potentiometer.
When PO 160=0, the target value of PID is th e value se t by PO 159.
When PD 160= l ,the target va lu e ofP ID is the va lu e of the external ana log 0- 1OV (co rrespond ing to
0-100%), the se tting of PDI 59 i s inva lid .

P0161 PIO Upper Limit

Set Range: 0-100% Unit : Factory Setting : 100%

When PID feedback value is more th an the set va lue of PO 161 the corresponding multi-output will
ac t and th e inverter will not stop.

P0162 PIO Lower Limit

Set Range : 0- 100% Unil : Factory Setting : 0%

When PIO feedback val ue is less than the set va lue ofPD162 the corres ponding multi-output will
ac t and the inverter will not stop.

P0163 Communication Addresses

Set Range : 00-250 Unit : Factory Setting : 00

Wh en the inverter is set for RS- 485 Comm unication in terface co ntrol, each of the inv ert ers wi ll be
set for its individu al identificatio n .
·00: No commun ica ti on fun ctio n.
0 1- 250: Address fo rth e inve rt ers
PD164 Communication Baud Rate
Set Range: 0- 3 Unit : Factory Set1ing : 1

0, 4800 b/ s I , 9600 b/s 2, 19200 b/s 3, 34800 b/ s

PD165 Communication Data Method

Set Range : 0- 5 Unit : Factory Setting : 0

0, 8N I For ASC II I , 8E I For AS CII 2, 80 1 For ASC II

3, 8N I For RT U 4, 8E I For RTU 5, 801 ForRT U

PD166 - PD168 Reserved

PD170 Display Items

Set Range: 0-5 Unit : 1 Factory Setting: 0

Th is parameter is onl y va lid wh en Bit 2 is set to I in PD 171. For th e detail s rcferto PO 171.
0: In verter Temperature
I: Counter Va lu e
2, PID Target Val ue
) , PID Feedback Va lue

PD171 Display Items Open

Set Range : 0-15 Unit : 1 Factory Setting: 0

Thi s parameter is set for selec ti on of displ ay in g of DC vo ltage , AC vo ltage and ot her it ems so that
the customer ca n monitor and view them in sequence through th e swit ch key.
It can be is set first in th e bin ary 3 bits mode, and th en conve rt ed to a dec imal va lu e.

Bit2 Bitl BitO

0 : Invalid 1 : Valid

DC Voltage
' - - - - - - - . AC Voltage
Select to display rtems of Pd170.

In th e co ntents di spl ayed th e fac tory sell ing is to show outp ut frequency . set frequency . outpu t
c urrent and outpu t revo luti on through the swi tch key. Ifit is necessary to view and monit orot:hcr items
they ca n be se t through PD 170 and Pd 171.

PDl72 Fault Clear

Set Range: 00- 10 Unit: 1 Factory Setting: ••

oI is fo r fa ult clea r. Oth ers have no fu nctio n.

PD173 Voltage Rating of Inverter Unit : 1V Factory Sett ing :

It is factory sett ing. It is de pending on th e model .1t can be observed. but not set.


POll4 Rated Current of Inverter Unit: lA Factory Setting: •

It is depending on the model and can't be changed .

POll5 Inverter Model

Set Range: 01 Unit: 1 Factory Setting : 0

0: Constant torque I: For kinds of fan . It can be observed. but not changed .

POll6 Inverter Frequency Standard Unit : 1 Factory Setting:

0: 50Hz I: 60 H z It is factory setti ng. It can be observed , but not set.

POlll Fault Record 1 Factory Setting :

POll8 Fault Record 2 Factory Setting :
POll9 Fault Record 3 Factory Setting :
P0180 Fault Record 4 Factory Setting :

When it has no fault record it shows. After access to tbis parameter the fault display ca n be checked .

P0181 Software Version Factory Setting : •

It can be observed . but not set.

P0182 Manufacture date Factory Setting :

It is factory setti ng . It can he o bse rve d, hut not set.

P0183 Serial No. Factory Setting : •

It is factory se ttin g . It can be observed . hut not sct.

P0183-P0250 Factory Setting:

• means the said parameter has a variety orsel va lues o r should he se t specifica ll y acco rding to concrele
conditions .
•• means the said parameter can he set during the operation.

X . Care & Maintenance, Fault Information and Troubleshooting
Periodical maintenances a nd inspections wi ll keep you r inverter in its normal sta te fo r long time .

1. Precautions about Inspection and Maintenance

• Be s ure to tu rn orf the power suppl y to the inverter ( R.S.T > first before th e in spec tion and
maintenan ce.
• A ftcr confirming the main ci rcuit power suppl y has been turned off a nd the di spla y has
di sap peared. wait until th e internal indicator lamp fo r high voltage goes out before performing
the inspec ti on and maintenance.
• During th e inspection. do not pull ou t or wro ng ly di stribute the internal power sup pl y. wires and
cables . O th erwise it will ca use malfunction or dama ge to the in ve rte r.
• Do not leave any sc rew or other part inside the invert er during the installa tion, or it will result in
the sho rt circuit of ci rcuit board.
• Keep the inve rter clean , free from dust , oi l mist and mo isture a fter th e install ation.

2 . Periodical Inspection and Maintenance Items

• Check whether the po ..... e r supp ly voltage confo rm s to th e rated voltage of the in verter.
( Pay s pecia l auentio n to th at whether th e re is a ny damage on the po wer s upp ly ..... ires a nd the
• Check whether the wiring term inal s and the connectors arc tight
(C heck whether the powe r s uppl y wi res and terminal con nection wi res have a ny broken s trand) .
• Chec k whether the re is du st. iron filings o r corrosive nuid in the in verter.
Measuri ng the insulation impedance oflhe inverter is forbidden .
• Examine th e output vo ltage, output current a nd o ut put frequency of the inverter.
(The measu ring results s hould not have too big difference.)
• Check whether th e amb ient temperature of the inverter is between -SOC and 40"C and whether the
in stallation e nviro nm e nt has good ventilation.
• Check w he th er the hum idity is kep t below 90% (wi tho ut conde nsa ti on).
• Chec k whether the motor makes unusual noises or a bnorma l vibration in runnin g.
(The inverter should not be in sta ll ed in a place with high vibratio n.)
• Please make pe riodi ca l c leani ng o f vent ho les.

3. Fault Indication and Troubleshooting

The inverter of H Y series is relative ly pe rfec ti ve with th e protecti on func tions of ove rl oad . inter-
phase short circuit. earth s hort circuit. under- vo ltage , overheati ng and ove r-c urrent , e tc . When a
protec tio n function hap pe ns with th e inverte r p lease chec k the reaso ns of faults according to th e
informatio n li sted in the tab le below. The inverter ca n be restarted after the disposal. If th e fa ult
can not be disposed please co nta ct the loca l d is tribu tor.

Fault Fault Contents

Display Disposal methods
& Description
1: Check whether the motor has got short circuit or
partial short circuit and whether the insulation of
Over-current output wire is good.
OC -I during ramp- up 2: Extend the ramp- up time .
3: The configuration of the inverter is not reasonable.
The inverter's capacity should be increased .
4: Decrease the torque and Increase the set value .


1: Check whether the motor has got short circuit

and whether the insulation of the output wires
is good .
2 : Check whether the motor is blocked and whether
DC -I Over-current at
constanl speed there is a sudden change of mechanical load.
3: Check whether the inverter's capacity is too small
and increase its capacity.
4: Check whether there is a sudden change in the
power supply voltage.

1: Check whether the insulation of the output wires

is good and whether the motor has got short circuit.
2: Extend the Ramp-down Time.
0[-2 Over-current at decal
Over-current at stop 3: Replace it with an inverter of larger capacity.
4: DC braking is too high. Decrease DC braking.
5: The inverter has failure . Please send it to the factory
for repair.

1: Check whether the connection wire of the motor

tl has got short circuit.
DL Output short circuit 2: Check whether the insulation of the output wires
is good.
3: Please send it for repair.

Over-voltage at stop
n I
Over-vonage at accel
1: Extend the Ramp-down Time or add a braking
UU-I resistor.
Over-voltage at
Du-2 constant speed
Over-voltage at decel
2: Improve the mains supply VOltage and check
whether there is any sudden change in the Voltage .

~b Fuse break Fuse break. Please send it to the factory for repair.

I 1: Check whether the input voltage is normal.

LU Low voltage 2 : Check whether there is sudden change in load .
3: Check whether there is any phase missing.

1: Check whether the fan is blocked and whether
there is any foreign matter stuck in the cooling fins.
OH Overheat 01 inverter 2: Check whether the ambient temperature is normal.
3: Check whether there is enough space for ventilation
and good air convection .

1. Check whether the capacity of the inverter is lower

Otherwise it should be increased .
ill I Inverter overload
UL- - I 150% Per minute
2: Check whether there is any jamming in the
mechanical load .
3: The setting of V/ F curve is bad. Set it again .

1: Check whether there is any sudden change in

the mechanical load .
2: The equipped motor is too small.
UL--_ 2 Motor overload
150% Per minute
3: The motor is hot and the insulation becomes bad.
4: Check whether the voltage has big fluctuation .
5: Check whether there is any phase missing .
6: The mechanical load is increased .

1: Check whether there is any fluct uation in the

de Motor over- torque mechanical load .
2 : Check whether the equipped motor is smailer .

E,b 5,R No feedback from

E,b5,n auxiliary coil of
F -
_,b :',0 I the electromagnetic
Please contact the factory .

be Braking transistor
Please send it for repair.

CPU CPU fault Please contact the factory .

C,[ t,_
E,E E,n E' Prom fault Please contact the factory .
E,E E,d

Er External interferences Isolate the interference source

ES Emergency Stop In Emergency Stop

20 4-20mAz wire broken Join the broken wires

Pr Setting error Correct the setting

Deb DC braking status In DC braking

Note :
( t ) Fault Code Form as fo ll ows:

S ' At stopping

Y A: Ataccel.
L--.;. Alarm message
[ N: At constant speed run
D· At decel.

(2) Code Comparison Table

B C D E F G H 0 S N L T P R U 2
dE E F I
_I n
4. Faults and Analysis
( 1 ) When RUN key is pressed, the motor does not run.
I ) The selli ng of operation mode is wrong , i.e., under the operation mode of external co ntrol terminal s.
the inverter is started by the digital ope rator or under the ope rat ion mode of the digital operator il
is started by the ex ternal con trol terminal s.
2) The frequency reference is too low or not set.
3 ) The periphe ral wiring is wrong. For examp le, th e se ttin g of wi ring of two-wire system and three-
wire sys tem a nd other rela ted parameters ha ve e rrors.
4 ) The selli ng of multi-function te rmin als is wrong (in the externa l control) .
5 ) The in ve rter is in .he fault protection .
6 ) The moto r fails .
7 ) Th e inverter fai ls .

( 2 ) The parameters cannot be set.

1) Password lock s. Please dec rypt it fi rst befo re resettin g.
2 ) The inverter is in running .
3 ) The connection of th e con necti ng parts is abnormal. The communica tion of the digital operator is
abnormal. Take out the operato r after power-off and th en mount it agai n for a tr ial.

( 3 ) The motor cannot rotate reverse.
Reverse rotation is disabled.

( 4 ) The motor rotates in the opposite direction .

The output line is wrongly connected. Please change any two lines ofU . V.W over.

( 5 ) The deceleration of the motor is too slow.

I ) The setting of Ramp-down Time is too long. Decrease Ramp-down Time .
2 ) Add a braking resisto r.
3 ) Add a DC brake.

( 6 ) Over-heat of the motor

1 ) The load is too large. The actual torque has exceeded the rated torque of the motor. It is
recommended to inc rease the capacity of the motor.
2 ) The ambient temperature is too high . In a pl ace with higher temperature the motor will be bum
out. Please decrease the temperature around the motor.
3 } The phase to phase withstand voltage of the motor is insufficient.
The swi tch actions of the inverter will make the winding coil of the motor produce sbock wave.
Typically the maximum shock voltage will reach 3 times that of input power of the inverter. Please
select a motor with higher phase to phase withstand voltage against shock than the maximum shock

( 7 ) The starting of the inverter interferes other control devices

I) Decrease the carrier frequency and reduce the Dumber of actions of internal switches.
2) Install a noise filter at the power input of the inverter.
3) Install a noise fi lter at the output of the inverter.
4) Make correct grounding for the inverter and the motor.
5) Use metal conduit to tube the cable to shield it.
6) Make separate wiring for the main circuit wires and control wires.

( 8 ) When the fan starts the inverter detected an over-current stall.

1 ) At start th e fan rotates idly. Please set it for DC braking at start.
2 ) When DC braking at start has been set increase th e DC braking value.

( 9 ) The machine has the noise of vibration or roar

I ) The vibration frequency of mechanical system resonates witb the carrier. Adjust the carrier to
avoid the point of resonance.
2 ) The vibration frequency of mechanical sys tem resonates witb the output frequency of the
A.Set it for skip function to avoid the point ofrcsonancc .
B.Put rubber vibration isolator on the base plate of motor.

XI. Selection of Peripheral Devices and Disposition

1. Options

Description Functions
NFB or Ground fault
Protect the wiring of the inverter. Be sure to install a breaker at the power.
interrupter for wire
Please select a ground !auk circutt int8rrupter against high-<lrder harmonics.

Electromagnetic In order to prevent the braking resistor from buming out, please add an electro-
contactor magnetic contactor and connect a surge absortler to the coil when using it.

Absort> the switching surge current from the electromagnetic contactor and
Surge absorber
control relays.

Isolaling translormer Its function of isolating the input and output of the inverter is effective to reduce
the interference to other electric devices.

DC reactor Improve the input power factor of the inverter.

AC reactor Improve the input power factor of the inverter and prevent the shod< of surge voltage.

Braking resistor, Consume the regenerating energy of the motor and shorten the ramp-OOwn time.
braking unit

1 ) Leakage switch
There is earth stati c capacity inside of th e inve rter and the moto r as well as the input and output leads.
Due to hi ghe r carrier frequency of the inverter tbe inverter ha s higher earth leakage current ,
especi all y for the inverters aflarge capacity series. When usi ng a leakage switch it may sometimes
re sult in the error act ion orlb e protecti ve circuit. So when using a leakage switch attention should be
paid to its selectio n and the proper reduction of carrier frequency and sho rtening the leads, etc .

2 ) AC reactors
An AC re acto r can constrict the high-order harmo nic of inpu t current o f the inverter to improve its
input power factor and prevent the s hock of surge. It is recommended to use an input AC reactor
under the following circumstances:
a: Three-ph ase power supply is in unba lance.
b: Any equipm ent with th yri stor or power factor com pensati on unit with swi tchin g control is
co nnec ted to the same power suppl y.

3 ) DC reactors
It is necessary to install a DC reacto r when th e capacity o f power suppl y is more th an 1000 KVA or
th e mai ns po wer capac ity is higher than th e rat ed capacity of the inverter. A DC reacto r is also
needed for the case with hi gher demand o n the improvement o f power fac tor of powe r s upply. Thi s
DC reactor can be used togeth er with an AC reactor to achieve the obvious effect of decreasin g hi gh-
order harm oni c at input. If it is necessary to install a DC rea ctor please contact the local di stributor.

Disposition of Braking Rasistor

Braking ra.i.tor
Inverter Specification Braking torque Special
Model 10O/.ED MotorKW
w n
HYOOD423B 80 200 125 0.4

HYOD7523B 100 200 125 0.75

HY01D523B 300 100 125 1.5

HY02D223B 300 70 125 2.2

HYOD7543B 80 750 125 0.75

HY01D543B 300 400 125 1.5

HY02D243B 300 250 125 2.2

HY03D743B 400 150 125 3.7

HY05D543B 500 100 125 5.5

HY07D543B 1000 75 125 7 .5

HY11D043B 1000 50 125 11

HY15D043B 1500 40 125 15

HY18D543B 4800 32 125 18 .5

HY22D043B 4800 27.2 125 22

HY30D043B 6000 20 125 30

HY37D043B 9600 16 125 37

HY45D043B 9600 13.6 125 45

HY55D043B 12000 20/ 2 125 55

HY75D043B 18000 13 .6 /2 125 75

HY90D043B 18000 20/3 125 90

HY110D043B 18000 20/3 125 11 0

HY132D043B 24000 20/4 125 132

HY160D043B 36000 13 .6/4 125 160

HY200D043B 45000 13 .6/5 125 200

HY220D043B 48000 13 .6/5 125 220

HY315D043B 57600 13 .6/6 125 300

For the inverter of above 11 KW to realize quick brake a braking unit must be added .

I : Please se lect th e resistor va lu e and operating frequency give n by our company.
2: If il ca uses an y damage to the in ve rter and oth er dev ices due to th e usc of any braki ng res istor and
brakin g mode l group not supplied by our company. we will take no responsi bility.
3: Be sure to consid er th e safe ty and igni tab ilit y of th e envi ronm en t when insta lli ng a braki ng resistor.
The distance to the in verter should be at least 100 mm.
4: (f it is necessary to c hange th e re sis tor va lue and powe r va lu e. please co nt ac t the loca l di stribu tor.
5: In need of a braki ng resis tor a se parate order must be placed. Please con tact th e loca l dist ributor for
detail s.

User Parameter Set
Par. No. Function Name User Set Value

Note :
The Engineer is highly appreciated to fill the form above carefully and
detailedly in order to be easily readjusted by the end customers .

Engineer name:

Telephone No.:

Installing Date :


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