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Midterm Review Sheet

The midterm is written in class on Oct 17 @ 5:30

 The material is on Module 1 -3 or Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

 It is closed book and you will have 75 minutes. Dictionaries, phones etc are not allowed.
However you may bring in an 8 by 11 double sided cheat sheet.

 All the multiple choice are done on the Opscan sheets provided.

50 Multiple choice (1 marks each) 50 Points


Module 1

Chapter 1 Introduction to Organizational Behaviour

1-1 Define organizational behaviour and organizations.

1-2 Explain why organizational behaviour knowledge is important for you and for organizations.
1-3 Describe the anchors on which organizational behaviour knowledge is based.
1-4 Summarize the workplace trends of diversity and the inclusive workplace, work–life integration,
remote work, and emerging employment relationships.
1-5 Describe the four factors that directly influence individual behaviour and performance:MARS
1-6 Summarize the five types of individual behaviour in organization

Module 2
Chapter2 Individual Differences: Personality and Values
2-1 Define personality and discuss how the Big Five personality factors relate to workplace behaviour
and performance.
2-2 Describe the dark triad of personality and the MBTI types and discuss their implications for
organizational behaviour.
2-3 Summarize Schwartz’s model of individual values and discuss the conditions where values influence
2-4 Describe four ethical principles and discuss three factors that influence ethical behaviour.
2-5 Describe five values commonly studied across cultures, and discuss the diverse cultures within

Chapter 3 Perceiving ourselves and others in organizations
3-1 Describe the elements of self-concept and explain how each affects an individual’s behaviour and
3-2 Outline the perceptual process and discuss the effects of categorical thinking and mental models in
that process.
3-3 Discuss how stereotyping, attribution, self-fulfilling prophecy, halo, false-consensus, primacy, and
recency effects influence the perceptual process.
3-4 Discuss three ways to improve perceptions, with specific application to organizational situations.
3-5 Outline the main features of a global mindset and justify its usefulness to employees and

Chapter 4 Workplace Emotions, Attitudes and Stress

4-1 Explain how emotions and cognition (conscious reasoning) influence attitudes and behaviour.
4-2 Discuss the dynamics of emotional labour and the role of emotional intelligence in the workplace.
4-3 Summarize the consequences of job dissatisfaction, as well as strategies to increase organizational
(affective) commitment.
4-4 Describe the stress experience and review four major stressors.
4-5 Identify five ways to manage workplace stress

Module 3

Chapter 5 Foundations of Employee Motivations

5-1 Define employee motivation and engagement.

5-2 Explain how drives and emotions influence employee motivation.
5-3 Discuss the employee motivation implications of four-drive theory, Maslow’s needs hierarchy,
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and learned needs theory.
5-4 Discuss the expectancy theory model, including its practical implications.
5-5 Outline organizational behaviour modification (OB Mod) and social cognitive theory, and explain
their relevance to employee motivation.
5-6 Describe the characteristics of effective goal setting and feedback.
5-7 Explain how equity theory, procedural justice, and interactional justice influence employee

Chapter 6 Applied Performance Practices

6-1 Discuss the meaning of money and identify several individual, team, and organizational-level
performance-based rewards.
6-2 Describe five ways to improve reward effectiveness.
6-3 List the advantages and disadvantages of job specialization.
6-4 Diagram the job characteristics model and describe three ways to improve employee motivation
through job design.
6-5 Define psychological empowerment and identify strategies that support empowerment.
6-6 Describe the five elements of self-leadership and identify specific personal and work environment
influences on self-leadership

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