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[ research report ]


Lower Trapezius Muscle Strength

in Individuals With Unilateral Neck Pain

atients with neck pain often have subjective complaints of muscle and, ultimately, pain.7-9 Janda15 described
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stiffness, tension, or tightness in addition to their pain.33,35 muscle imbalances as impaired relation-
ships between muscles prone to tightness
Various authors have also proposed that prolonged tightness or
that lose extensibility, and those prone
overactivity of the upper trapezius muscle can lead to middle to inhibition and weakness. It has been
and lower trapezius muscle weakness, resulting in postural adaptations suggested that muscle imbalances in the
and pain.20,31 Although it has been suggested that individuals with scapulothoracic region occur when the
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

neck pain may have limited strength and endurance of the lower upper trapezius becomes tight and the
middle trapezius and lower trapezius be-
trapezius muscle, no published studies thologies such as shoulder impingement, come weak.7,8,20 Exercises that enhance
have investigated lower trapezius strength rotator cuff insufficiency, and shoulder the ratio of lower trapezius to upper tra-
in individuals with neck pain.2,12,27 instability.7-9 Such research has focused pezius strength have been suggested to
The majority of research on scapu- on scapulothoracic muscle imbalances, reduce this muscle imbalance and im-
lothoracic muscle dysfunction has which disrupt normal scapular position- prove scapulothoracic posture in patients
examined individuals with shoulder pa- ing, resulting in impaired biomechanics with shoulder pathologies.8,32
Characteristics of scapulothoracic
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

TTSTUDY DESIGN: Descriptive and within-subject TTRESULTS: A significant difference in lower trape-
muscle imbalances are found not only in
comparative study. zius strength was found between sides (P<.001), patients with shoulder pathologies but
also in individuals with neck pain and cer-
TTOBJECTIVES: To examine lower trapezius
with participants demonstrating an average of 3.9
N less force on the side of neck pain. The tested vicogenic headaches.18,19 Jull et al19 deter-
muscle strength in individuals with unilateral neck
levels of association between NPQ score and mined that upper trapezius tightness was
percent strength deficit (r = –0.31, P = .13), and more prevalent in individuals with cer-
TTBACKGROUND: Previous research has estab- between symptom duration and percent strength
vicogenic headaches than in asymptom-
lished the presence of reduced cervical flexor, deficit (r = –0.25, P = .22), were not statistically
extensor, and rotator muscle strength in individuals significant. No significant association was found
atic individuals. Additionally, textbook
with neck pain. Some authors have suggested that between hand dominance and side of stronger authors15,18 have stated that individuals
individuals with neck pain have limited strength of lower trapezius (P = .59). with neck pain clinically exhibit limited
the lower trapezius muscle, yet no research has TTCONCLUSION: The results of this study strength or endurance of the lower trape-
investigated this claim. demonstrate that individuals with unilateral neck zius muscle, though currently there is no
TTMETHODS: Twenty-five individuals with pain exhibit significantly less lower trapezius research evidence to support this claim.
unilateral neck pain participated in this study. strength on the side of neck pain compared to the Lower trapezius muscle strength has
Participants completed the Northwick Park Neck contralateral side. This study suggests a possible not been examined in individuals with
Pain Questionnaire (NPQ) as a measure of disabil- association between lower trapezius muscle
neck pain, but there has been extensive
ity. Side of neck pain, duration of neck pain, and weakness and neck pain. J Orthop Sports Phys
Ther 2011;41(4):260-265, Epub 2 February 2011. research focusing on the relationship
hand dominance were recorded. Lower trapezius
doi:10.2519/jospt.2011.3503 between neck muscle strength and neck
muscle strength was assessed bilaterally in each
participant, using a handheld dynamometer. TTKEY WORDS: cervical spine, scapula, shoulder pain. Numerous authors have found
limitations in cervical flexor, cervical

Assistant Professor, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, Des Moines University, Des Moines, IA. 2Student, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, Des Moines University, Des
Moines, IA. This study was approved by The Des Moines University Institutional Review Board. Funding was provided by The Iowa Osteopathic Education Research Fund. Address
correspondence to Dr Shannon Petersen, Des Moines University, Physical Therapy Program, Osteopathic Medical Center, 3200 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50325. E-mail:

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extensor, and cervical rotator muscle pant’s forehead to maintain the cervical
strength in individuals with neck pain spine in a neutral position. All partici-
and cervicogenic headaches, as compared pants were able to attain the test position
to asymptomatic individuals.1,17,36 Meth- against gravity. To avoid compensations
ods for neck muscle strengthening have during the test, the examiner provided
been described in the literature,11 and, manual fixation by placing one hand just
although there is no consensus on which inferior to the participant’s contralateral
strengthening exercises provide the best scapula.
outcomes, neck strengthening exercises The participant was then instructed
have been observed to have positive ef- to maintain the arm in the test position,
fects in individuals with neck pain and while the examiner provided resistance.
whiplash-associated disorders.13,16,30,37,38 The handheld dynamometer force sen-
Neck strengthening exercises have been FIGURE 1. Lower trapezius manual muscle test sor was applied to the distal one third of
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shown to be effective in alleviating pain, the participant’s radial forearm, and force
increasing cervical muscle strength, in- was applied by the examiner in a down-
creasing cervical range of motion, and spine. Each participant received a verbal ward direction, toward the floor, until
decreasing both short-term and long- explanation of the testing procedure and the participant’s maximal muscular ef-
term disability in individuals with neck a written informed consent form, which fort was overcome. The maximum hand-
pain.13,16,30,37,38 all participants signed. This investigation held dynamometer force reading was
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Although neck muscle strength im- was approved by The Des Moines Univer- recorded. Two trials were recorded con-
pairments have been found in individu- sity Institutional Review Board. secutively on each upper extremity, with
als with neck pain, no studies to date a 30-second rest between trials. The aver-
have examined lower trapezius muscle Data Collection age of the trials for each side was used for
strength in this population. The pur- Each participant completed an intake data analysis. The initial side of testing
pose of this study was to examine lower questionnaire to report demographic in- was randomized for each participant, and
trapezius muscle strength in individu- formation, side of symptoms, symptom the examiner was blinded to the side of
als with unilateral neck pain, as an ini- duration, and hand dominance. Partici- neck pain and side of hand dominance.
tial step in determining if impairments pants also completed the Northwick Park
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

need to be assessed and addressed in this Neck Pain Questionnaire (NPQ), which Statistical Analysis
population. has been found to be reliable, valid, and Descriptive statistics for gender, age,
sensitive in objectively measuring neck symptom duration, NPQ score, side of
METHODS pain and associated disability.23,24 symptoms, and handedness were cal-
The JTech Power Track II handheld culated. A 2-way, random-model (2,1)
Participants dynamometer (JTech Medical, Salt Lake intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)

convenience sample of 7 male City, UT) was used to assess lower trape- was used to determine between-trial
and 18 female participants (n = 25) zius strength by measuring the amount intrarater reliability for both extremi-
between the ages of 23 and 52 years of force (N) required by the examiner ties. Standard error of measurement
(mean  SD, 30.4  9.4 years) was re- to overcome the participant’s maximum (SEM) was calculated using the formula
cruited through advertising in a graduate muscular effort.3 Handheld dynamom- SEM = SD (1−ICC). A dependent t test
university setting. The criteria for inclu- etry has been found to have high inter- was used to detect differences between
sion in this study were neck pain per- rater and intrarater reliability3,4,10 and has lower trapezius strength on the side ip-
ceived by the individual as being on one been determined to be a valid method of silateral to neck pain and lower trapezius
side of the neck and neck pain 3 or more strength assessment.25,26 strength on the side contralateral to neck
months in duration. Exclusion criteria Strength of the lower trapezius mus- pain. Percent strength deficit on the side
were neck pain perceived by the individ- cle was tested in the standard position, of neck pain was determined by subtract-
ual as being centrally located or on both as described by Kendall et al21 (FIGURE 1). ing lower trapezius strength on the ipsi-
sides of the neck, neck pain duration of The participant was given instructions lateral side from lower trapezius strength
less than 3 months, radicular symptoms, regarding the test procedure, then posi- on the contralateral side and dividing the
history of spinal surgery, involvement in tioned in prone, with the upper extrem- result by lower trapezius strength on the
workers’ compensation, involvement in ity diagonally overhead, in line with the contralateral side. The correlation coeffi-
litigation, and previous physical therapy fibers of the lower trapezius muscle.21 A cient for NPQ score and percent strength
intervention for the upper extremity or towel roll was placed under the partici- deficit was calculated using a Pearson

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[ research report ]
correlation analysis. The correlation co-
efficient for symptom duration and per- TABLE 1 Descriptive Data
cent strength deficit was also calculated.
A chi-square test was used to determine Variable Mean ± SD Range
if an association existed between side of Age (y) 30.4  9.4 23-52
hand dominance and side of the stronger Symptom duration (mo) 58.2  77.1 3-360
lower trapezius muscle. A significance NPQ score (%) 17.9  7.4 2.8-38.9
level of P<.05 was selected for this study. Strength ipsilateral (N)* 21.8  10.0 4.4-44.0
All statistical analysis was performed Strength contralateral (N)† 25.7  11.5 6.6-50.6
with GraphPad Prism, Version 4 (Graph-
Abbreviations: NPQ, Northwick Park Neck Pain Questionnaire.
Pad Software, Inc, San Diego, CA) and *Lower trapezius strength ipsilateral to the side of neck pain.
custom software written in LabVIEW †
Lower trapezius strength contralateral to the side of neck pain.
programming language.
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TABLE 2 Descriptive Data

escriptive data are summarized
in TABLES 1 and 2. Intrarater test- Variable n
retest reliability, as indicated by the Males 7
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

ICCs, was 0.96 (95% CI: 0.91, 0.98) for Females 18

lower trapezius strength measurements Right-hand dominance 22
on the side ipsilateral to pain and 0.95 Left-hand dominance 3
(95% CI: 0.90, 0.98) on the side con- Right-sided symptoms 15
tralateral to pain. The standard error of Left-sided symptoms 10
measurement (SEM) was 2.0 N for the
ipsilateral side and 2.5 N for the contra-
lateral side. The dependent t test compar- DISCUSSION pezius, fit into the ICF impairment-based
ing lower trapezius strength on the side category of neck pain with movement co-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

of neck pain to lower trapezius strength he results of this study demon- ordination impairments and the associ-
on the contralateral side revealed a sig- strate a significant difference in ated ICD-10 category of sprain and strain
nificant difference in strength between lower trapezius strength between of the cervical spine.5 The findings of the
sides (P<.001; mean difference, 3.9 N; sides ipsilateral and contralateral to current study support strength testing of
95% CI: 1.8, 6.0 N), with the side of neck pain in individuals with unilateral neck the lower trapezius muscle in clinical ex-
pain being weaker (FIGURES 2 and 3). pain. No significant associations were amination of patients who present with
The association between NPQ scores found between NPQ score and percent neck pain. This may help identify impair-
and percent strength deficit was not sta- strength deficit, symptom duration and ment and assist in patient classification
tistically significant (r = –0.31, P = .13), percent strength deficit, or hand domi- into this ICF impairment-based category
nor was the association between symp- nance and stronger lower trapezius side. of neck pain with movement coordina-
tom duration and percent strength defi- The findings of this study are also con- tion impairments and the associated
cit statistically significant (r = –0.25, P = sistent with impairments described in ICD-10 category of sprain and strain of
.22). Removal of 1 outlier for symptom the physical therapy Neck Pain Clinical the cervical spine.5
duration (360 months) did not signifi- Practice Guidelines, which are linked to Furthermore, the neck pain clini-
cantly change this relationship (r = 0.07, The World Health Organization’s Inter- cal practice guidelines recommend that
P = .74). national Classification of Functioning, clinicians consider strengthening, en-
The chi-square test determined that Disability, and Health (ICF) and the as- durance, and coordination exercises
the association between hand dominance sociated International Statistical Classi- as interventions for patients in the ICF
and the side of stronger lower trapezius fication of Diseases and Related Health impairment-based category of neck pain
was not significant (χ2 = 0.29, df = 1, P Problems (ICD-10).5 These guidelines with movement coordination impair-
= .59). Because 2 participants had equal state that patients presenting clinically ments and the associated ICD-10 cat-
lower trapezius strength bilaterally, those with coordination, strength, and en- egory of sprain and strain of the cervical
2 participants were omitted from the chi- durance deficits of the neck and upper spine to reduce neck pain and headache.5
square analysis. quarter muscles, including the lower tra- As the current study did not include an

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* 50

Strength (N)




Strength (N)
Ipsilateral Side Contraleteral Side

FIGURE 2. Lower trapezius strength (N) ipsilateral

and contralateral to neck pain. *Significant difference 20
between sides based on dependent t test (P<.001).
Error bars denote SD.

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intervention protocol, no conclusion can

be drawn in regard to the effects of lower
trapezius strengthening on patients with 0
neck pain. Previous research has sug-
Ipsilateral Side Contraleteral Side
gested that exercises which increase the
ratio of lower trapezius to upper trape- FIGURE 3. Individual participant data for lower trapezius strength ipsilateral and contralateral to the side of neck
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

zius strength in patients with shoulder pain. Seventeen participants were stronger on the contralateral side, 5 participants were stronger on the ipsilateral
pathologies may lessen scapulothoracic side, and 2 had equal lower trapezius strength.
muscle imbalances and improve scapu-
lothoracic posture.8,32 The current study nonsignificant relationship between al28 found no significant interaction be-
did not investigate the ratio of lower tra- NPQ scores and percent strength deficit tween hip muscle strength and duration
pezius to upper trapezius strength, so it is of the lower trapezius on the side of neck of symptoms in recreational runners.
unclear if exercises that increase the ra- pain, which suggests that participants Good intrarater test-retest reliability
tio of lower trapezius to upper trapezius with higher NPQ scores, thus greater was demonstrated, with ICCs of 0.96 for
strength would also benefit individuals disability, did not have greater strength the side ipsilateral to pain and 0.95 for
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

with neck pain. Future investigation of deficits than those with lower NPQ the side contralateral to pain. SEMs were
this topic is warranted. scores. This lack of association between 2.0 N for the ipsilateral side and 2.5 N for
Although there are currently no other lower trapezius strength and disability is the contralateral side. Although reliabil-
studies investigating lower trapezius consistent with previously published re- ity and validity of the current lower tra-
strength in individuals with neck pain, search.29 Pearson et al29 found significant pezius manual muscle testing procedure
there has been research on hip muscle neck strength deficits in individuals with has not been established in research, Mi-
strength for those with unilateral patel- whiplash-associated disorder, compared chener et al26 determined the reliability,
lofemoral pain.6 Cichanowski et al6 found to controls, but did not find a significant error, and construct validity of a similar
hip abductor strength and hip external association between neck strength and lower trapezius manual muscle testing
rotator strength in collegiate female ath- Neck Disability Index scores. procedure, modified with dynamometer
letes to be significantly reduced on the The results of the current study also placement on the scapula, in individuals
side of patellofemoral pain as compared indicate a nonsignificant relationship with shoulder pain. These authors found
to the asymptomatic side. These results between symptom duration and percent an ICC of 0.93 for intertrial reliability
are consistent with the current study’s strength deficit, which suggests that in- and 0.89 for intrarater test-retest reli-
findings that musculature biomechani- dividuals presenting with neck pain for ability for strength measurements of the
cally linked to an area of pain can poten- greater durations did not have greater lower trapezius.26 Michener et al26 also
tially be weaker on the symptomatic side. lower trapezius strength deficits than found the SEM at the 90% CI to be 1.5
In addition, Cichanowski et al6 found no those with shorter neck pain durations. kg. A pilot study by Turner et al,34 using
relationship between limb dominance No previous research has examined the the same lower trapezius manual muscle
and side of hip weakness, which is consis- effect of neck pain duration on lower tra- testing procedure as those used by Mi-
tent with this study’s findings that hand pezius strength; however, research on hip chener et al,26 demonstrated ICC values
dominance was not associated with lower muscle strength supports the current find- for intrarater reliability between 0.69
trapezius strength (P = .59). ings that strength deficits and symptom and 0.77 and ICC values for interrater
The results of this study indicate a duration are not correlated.28 Niemuth et reliability between 0.65 and 0.81; SEM

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[ research report ]
values ranged between 9.86 and 13.92 N a 3/5 muscle grade. Additionally, this
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Kendall exercises. Phys Ther Sport. 2008;9:3-8. the swimming athlete. Orthop Clin North Am. 2000;31:247-261. WWW.JOSPT.ORG

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journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 41 | number 4 | april 2011 | 265

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