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Materijali za učenje Rečnik Vežbe Testovi Cene 🚀 Započni

Hello and welcome. In
engleski 100 English Sentences You Can Use … this video I will give you
rečenica 100 common and very
| useful
engleski sentences that you can
jezik use in conversation.
za 00:00
When you hear a
početnik sentence

practice saying it after

Lekcije en
me. Try to copy my
pronunciation exactly

Ovde se nalazi snimak na engleskom jeziku.

× including the tone of
voice that I use. Alright
Otkrijte nove reči, izraze i naučite njihov pravilan
izgovor. let's begin. Basic
How's it going? How are
things? What's up? Nice
to meet you.

Long time, no see.

How have you been?

Great, thanks.
How about you?
Not much. The usual.

I've got to get going. It

was a pleasure meeting

See you later. Stay in

Naučite engleski jezik pomoću English-Online!
Asking for information.

🚀 Napravi nalog
Could you tell me what
this word means? Would
you happen to
ili Prijavi se

know where the library is

Materijali za učenje Kontaktirajte nas
? Hesitating. That's a
Kako započeti?
good question. Let me
Rečnik Cene see. Let me
Uputstvo za upotrebu

Vežbe Mobilne aplikacije think forpostavljana

Često a moment. pitanja
Asking for repetition.
Testovi Desktop aplikacije Excuse me?članci
Edukativni Sorry, I
didn't catch that.

Eesti Français Hrvatski Македонски Would you mind Suomi

repeating that? Can you
Українська speak a little more
slowly, please?

© 2023 English-Online Uslovi korišćenja Politika privatnosti

Saying "I don't know".
I'm afraid I have no idea.

Can't help you there,

sorry. Beats me.

Opinions. What do you

think about that?

What are your views on

this? I think that's a good
idea. I honestly don't

think it's going to work.

As far as I'm concerned,
this is the best
restaurant in
town. Avoiding a
question. I don't have an
opinion on the matter.
Let me get back to

you on that. I'm not at

liberty to say.

Agreeing and
disagreeing. I couldn't
agree more.

You're absolutely right. I

agree with you 100%.
You hit the nail on the

I'm not sure I agree.

I'm afraid I disagree.

I think you're mistaken.

Interrupting politely.
Sorry to interrupt you.
Can I stop you there for
a moment? Do

you mind if I jump in

here? Go ahead. Sure,
go on. Let me finish.
Hold on for a moment.

Suggestions. What do
you say we go to the

How about having pizza

for dinner tonight?
That would be great.
Sounds good to me.

I'm not sure about that.

No, I don't think so.

Making plans. What are

you doing tonight?

Got any plans for

tomorrow? Are you free
next Saturday? Do you
want to do

something this weekend

? Sure, what do you have
in mind? I'm free all
weekend, let's

do something. No, sorry,

I've already made some
plans. I'm kind of busy

I'd love to do something

but I can't.

Permission. Do you mind

if I use your cell phone?
Would it be okay if I took

the day off tomorrow?

Yes, please do. Sure,
go ahead.

No, not at all.

Unfortunately, I have to
say no. I'd rather you
didn't. I'm afraid I do.
Making requests. Could
you pass me the salt,
please? Would you mind

me some money? I was

wondering if you could
help me with this. Sure,
no problem.

Yeah, of course. I'd be

glad to help.

Sorry, I can't right now.

I'm afraid I can't. Making

offers. Can I get you a
glass of water?
How about some
ice cream?

Would you like me

to give you a ride home?
Yes, please.

That would be great,

thanks. I'm OK but
thanks for offering. No,
I'm good, thanks.

Thanking people.
Thanks a million.

Cheers. I really
appreciate it. That's

very kind of you. I can't

thank you enough. It's
nothing. Don't mention it.
Any time. My pleasure.

Asking someone to wait.

Can you hold on a
moment, please?
Hang on one second.

Bear with me just a


I'll be right with you.

Apologizing. I'm really
sorry about that. Please
accept my

apologies. Don't worry

about it. No worries.

Alright, if you want more

lessons on common
sentences and phrases
let me know

in the comments section

below. Also if you liked
this video give it a

thumbs up by hitting the

like button and
remember to
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Happy learning and I will

see you in another
lesson soon.


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