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DESY and the Helmholtz Association

B56 Project Studium

Sommersemester 2023
Patrick Fuhrmann, Michael Schuh, Tim Wetzel

SoSe 2023
Why this introduction to HGF ?

We got permission to spend part of our normal working hours teaching, because
Helmholtz/DESY management believes that
• Science need to be brought to more people in different fields.
• We have the obligation to interest young people in science
• We need science affine computer scientists to help handle our compute

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

Were are we located in the German Science Landscape


Source : “The German Research Landscape“ by

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

The Helmholtz Association Cheat Sheet

• Germany’s largest research organization

• Named after Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894)
• one of the last great scientific generalists (Polymath)
• Annual budget of ~ € 4,5 billion
• ~ 39,000 employees
• 18 independent research centres
• all over Germany
• 400 new patents are filed every year
Source: wikipedia

• Approx. 20 new high-tech spin-offs per year

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

Helmholtz Fields of research
The Helmholtz Association’s fields of research focus on the
major societal challenges of our time.
• Matter (High Energy Physics, Astro Particle Physics, Photon Science)
• Digital revolution
• Climate change
• Energy transition
• Transport in the future
• The battle against severe and widespread diseases
• Big advantage: Allows for interdisciplinary work

Image: Petra IV, Press, TDR

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

HGF Locations
• Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
• Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
• German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
• German Aerospace Center (DLR)
• German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)
• Forschungszentrum Jülich
• GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
• GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research
• Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB)
• Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)
• Helmholtz-Centre for Infection Research (HZI)
• Helmholtz Center for Information Security – CISPA
• Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research - UFZ
• Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Centre for Materials and Coastal Research
• Helmholtz-Center München - German Research Center for Environmental
Health (HMGU)
• Helmholtz-Center Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
• Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
• Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association

Image: Helmholtz Press

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz
You might have seen .....
70°38′42″S 8°15′51″W

Ekström Ice Shelf

Queen Maud Land

89.99 -63.453056
South Pole Statio

Courtesy: ICECube

An entire year trapped in the Arctic ice

Courtesy: AWI Mosaic

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

And so much more ...

Courtesy: Juelich

Courtesy: DESY/Petra III/ P03

Courtesy: UFZ/Erde und Umwelt

Courtesy: GFZ/Erde und Umwelt

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

DESY Science

Image: Helmut Dosch

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz
DESY: Two locations; one Institute
Hamburg Zeuthen


SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

Science focus @ DESY
Photon Science
Creating super bright and super short light pulses as tool for other sciences.
European X-FEL
Petra III -> Petra IV Particle Physics
Understanding the building blocks of the known universe.
CSSB, Structural Biology
EMBL, European Molecular Bio “Why is there not nothing?”
CERN: Large Hadron Collider
Japan: Belle , Belle II
In preparation: ILC
Multi Messenger Physics (Light, Neutrino, Gravitational Waves)
Gamma Ray Astronomy: CTA
Neutrino Physics: Ice Cube (South Pole, Amundson-Scott Station

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

Photon Science Example

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

Petra III -> Petra IV
Photon Synchrotrons


Cultural Heritage
Efficient Supercomputer

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

European X-Ray Free Electron Laser

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

One of the most brilliant light sources

Images: Courtesy

Electron – Photon Converter


Data Acquisition
Photon Beams
Electron Accelerator

1.7 Km 27,000 Light Pulses/sec

Energy = 17.5 GeV Almost speed of light! a femto (10-15) seconds 0.8 nm

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

Multi Messenger Astrophysics
Photons (Light) Gravitational Waves

Particles (Neutrinos)

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

The South Pole Ice Cube Neutrino Experiment

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

Cherenkov Telescope Array

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

The European Open Science Cloud, EOSC
„Ursula Von der Leyen“ at the WEF 2020

We are creating an
„European Open Science Cloud“ now!

We will create a pool of interlinked

information, a ‘web of research data‘.
Every researcher will be able to better
use not only their own data, but also
those of others!

Assumption: The result is more valuable than the sum of it’s pieces.

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

• European Level
• The European Open Science Cloud, EOSC
• Projects and Governance initiatives to foster Open Science in Europe.

• …. handelt es sich um einen Standard für eine Cloud-Infrastruktur. (Industrie)

• German Level
• HIFIS (Helmholtz IT Infrastructure)
• Nationale Forschungs Daten Infrastruktur, NFDI
• Photon Science: Daphne
• Astro Particle: PUNCH 4 NFDI:
• DESY (headquarters) and HTW Berlin involved with Prof. Hermann Hessling

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz
Mendelejew und Meyer 1869

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

But it is only almost compete:

• How does gravity work ?

• What is dark matter?
• What is dark energy?
• Is g-2 real ?

And more:

• Why is there more matter than anti matter?

• Where are all the magnetic monopoles:
• Why is the univers so homogenious?

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

Interdisciplinary Research Platform

Image: Helmut Dosch

SoSe 2023 Patrick Fuhrmann DESY and the Helmholtz

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