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Richelle Roxanne

English Morphology and Syntax

Clause as Representation in New York Times News Article

The theory of Clause as Representation was first introduced by M.A.K Halliday. In this mini
research paper, I will implement the theory on New York Times article written last year by
Nicholas Bakalar. Halliday described language as a semiotic system, not in the sense of a
system of signs, but a systemic resource for meaning. That language was a "meaning
potential"; by extension, he defined linguistics as the study of "how people exchange
meanings by 'languaging'". The clause as representation is often defined as a system of
Ideational meanings. It is the grammatical system for “imposing order on the endless
variation and flow of events [and] construes the world of experience” (H & M, p170), or
simply how we experience and interpret the world around us. Language is our experience of
the world, the semiotic space within which we operate as human beings. The most important
thing in clause as representation is the process. It is so because it is process that largely
determines the types of participants that are possible. Halliday refers to it as the system of
transitivity. Transitivity is the overall resource for constructing goings on(experience). It
means the kind of activity expressed by a sentence, participants, and the manner of

There are several types of processes: Material process, Mental Process, Relational process,
Behavioral process, Verbal process, and Existential process. Material Process is the processes
of doing. It is to express the notion that some participant (called actor) does something (may
be to some other entity, called goal). Mental process is processes of perception, affection,
cognition (thinking, knowing). These are expressed by verbs of feeling, perceiving and
thinking such as like, hate, love, know, think and understand. In Mental process, participants
have different names of Senser (the conscious being animate or inanimate that is feeling,
thinking or seeing) and Phenomenon (that which is sensed or felt). Relational process is the
processes of being and having. In these clauses a relation is being set up between two
separate entities. Relational clauses construe being and do this in two different modes –
attribution and identification. These two types of this process have different sets of
participant roles; attributive clauses with Carrier+attribute, and identifying clauses. Now I
will begin the analysis by directly applying the theory to the article.

Weighted Blankets for Sounder Sleep?

by Nicholas Bakalar, 2020

A Swedish study found that men and women with depression or other mental health ills slept better
when using the popular therapeutic aids. Weighted blankets, which have long been popular aids to
induce calm, could help reduce insomnia, a new study suggests. Swedish researchers studied 121
patients with depression, bipolar disorder, and other psychiatric diagnoses, all of whom had sleep
problems. They randomly assigned them to two groups. The first slept with an 18-pound blanket
weighted with metal chains, and the second with an identical-looking three-pound plastic chain blanket.

The study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, used the Insomnia Severity Index, a 28-point
questionnaire that measures sleep quality, and participants wore activity sensors on their wrists to
measure sleep time, awakenings, and daytime activity. More than 42 percent of those using the heavy
blanket scored low enough on the Insomnia Severity Index to be considered in remission from their
sleep troubles, compared with 3.6 percent of the controls. The likelihood of having a 50 percent
reduction on the scale was nearly 26 times greater in the weighted blanket group.

The weighted blankets did not have a significant effect on total sleep time, but compared with the
controls, the users had a significant decrease in wakenings after sleep onset, less daytime sleepiness,
and fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety. The senior author, Dr. Mats Adler of the Karolinska
Institute in Stockholm, acknowledged that this is only one study and doesn’t provide scientific proof
that the blankets work.

“I have colleagues using it, and they love it,” he said, “but that’s not proof. This study is an indication
that they may work, but more studies should be done.”

1. A Swedish study found that men and women with depression or other mental health ills slept
better when using the popular therapeutic aids

A Swedish study found that men and women with depression or slept better when using the popular
other mental health ills therapeutic aids

Actor Process: Goal Attribute Circum: Contingency


The writer opens the article with stating facts through a Swedish study. A Swedish study is the
subject in the first sentence and the whole article itself. “found that” is a material process, and
the goal is “men and women with depression or other mental health ills” which represent the
importance of this articles’ existence. It is because many people with depression are still
struggling with their sleep schedule. Followed by “slept better” as the attribute and “when
using the popular therapeutic aids” as the circumstance, explaining the “when” question

2. Swedish researchers studied 121 patients with depression, bipolar disorder, and other
psychiatric diagnoses, all of whom had sleep problems.

Swedish studied 121 patients with depression, bipolar disorder, and other had sleep problems
researchers psychiatric diagnoses, all of whom
Actor Process: Recipient Circum: Contingency Attribute

This sentence is a further explanation of the first sentence. The subject is still the Swedish
researchers. The process is “studied” which is material because it is the process of doing the
“121 patients”, the recipient. These clauses represent stronger data of the first argument of the
writer with making pillars with accurate numbers.

3. They randomly assigned them to two groups.

They randomly assigned them to two groups

Actor Process: Material Goal Circum: Role

The word “they” which the writer used to represent the Swedish researchers is the actor of the
Material process. The writer also represents the object or so called goal as “them”, the 121
patients with depression, bipolar disorder, and other psychiatric diagnoses.

4. The study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, used the Insomnia Severity Index, a 28-
point questionnaire that measures sleep quality, and participants wore activity sensors on their
wrists to measure sleep time, awakenings, and daytime activity.

The study in the used the Insomnia Severity Index, a 28-point to measure sleep time,
Journal of Clinical questionnaire that measures sleep quality, awakenings, and daytime
Sleep Medicine and participants wore activity sensors on activity.
their wrists

Actor Process: Material Scope Circum: Purpose

The writer gives a measurement through reliable journal to convince the reader more about
the argument on the topic. If likened to a house, this sentence is the pillar of support.

5. The senior author, Dr. Mats Adler of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, acknowledged
that this is only one study and doesn’t provide scientific proof that the blankets work.

The senior author, Dr. Mats Adler of in Stockholm acknowledged that this is only one study and doesn’t
the Karolinska Institute provide scientific proof that the
blankets work.
Sayer Circum: Process: Verbal Verbiage

Finally, this is a Verbal Process. Dr. Mats Adler of the Karolinska Institute is the person who stated,
“acknowledged that” is the process, and “this is only one study and doesn’t provide scientific proof
that the blankets work.” Is the Verbiage, or the statement. This sentence alone is actually contras with
the argument. I think the purpose is to show others (a professional in this case) perspective.

6. “I have colleagues using it, and they love it,” he said, “but that’s not proof. This study is an
indication that they may work, but more studies should be done.”

I have colleagues using it, and he said but that’s not proof. This study is an
they love it,” indication that they may work, but more
studies should be done.”

Verbiage Sayer Process: Verbal Verbiage

This sentence is also a Verbal process. Continuing, Dr. Mats Adler once again said his opinion
on the study. He used “but” to contradict his statement before.

The main focus of the article is about the research of the benefits of weighted blankets. The
writer mainly used Material and Verbal process to state his argument. Therefore to conclude,
the writer gave us valid data, opinions, and perspectives from credible sources. Although
several research has been done in proofing that weighted blankets help people to sleep better,
the road is still a long way to go. There are some contradictions represented well by the clauses
but somehow it does not make the argument unclear. The Verbal process helps the writer to
convince the reader about the information in the article with quoted statement.


Bakalar, N., 2020. Weighted Blankets For Sounder Sleep?. [online] Available at:

Halliday, M.A.K. and Matthiessen, Christian M.I.M. (2014).Halliday’s Introduction to Function

Grammar (4th ed). New York: Routledge.

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