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Vocabulary 5 Z podanych w nawiasach wyrazów i wyrażeń ułóż

poprawne zdania, tak by powstał dialog.
1 Dopasuj wyrazy z ramki do definicji.
Max: What are you going to do next weekend?
butcher’s campsite slice of meat
stripes tracksuit Eva: 1

(we / sail).
1 You wear this to do exercise. Max: Wow, 2
2 You put this in sandwiches. (I / love / sail). It’s fun!
3 There are lots of tents here. Eva: It is! 3
4 A zebra has them. (you / sail) often?
5 You buy meat here. Max: Yes, we sailed last weekend at the lake.
5 Eva: Well, 4
2 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź. (you / want) come with us?
1 Warthogs and elephants have got . Max: Yes, I do.
a spots b feathers c tusks
Eva: Great! Remember, don’t forget to bring your
2 They play football every week at the . life jacket. 5
a stadium b studio c farm (it / be / important) piece of
3 When I sail, I wear . equipment! See you at the weekend!
a flippers b a mask c a life jacket Max: See you then!
4 We go to the campsite with our clothes in . 5
a backpacks b dresses c leggings
5 I went to the cinema with my stepfather’s daughter, my
. 6 Przeczytaj e-mail Dary do Franka. Oznacz literą T (true)
a stepsister b niece c nephew zdania prawdziwe, a literą F (false) zdania fałszywe.
Grammar Hi Frank,
3 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami podanymi w nawiasach We visited our uncle and aunt in Scotland last week.
we właściwej formie. It was great! We often visit them during the summer
1 Yes, Harry (eat) two pizzas last night! holidays. We hiked in the mountains and camped in a
2 No, Alex (do) ballet at the weekend. forest. There were lots of wild animals, and at night it
was scary! We also climbed a really high mountain. We
3 Next week, we (have) dinner with
our grandparents. loved it.
4 We want (watch) a play at the We’re travelling home by coach at the moment. Then,
theatre. we’re going to travel by plane with our parents to
Spain! We’re going to stay at a campsite next to a
5 The children play (noisy) when
they’re together. beach. It’s the best beach in Europe for surfing and I’m
going to learn to kite surf! My brother wants to scuba
dive and my parents want to sunbathe.
4 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.
What are you going to do this summer? Are you going
Last week, I went to the ecology club for the first time. to visit your grandparents in York? I know you usually
It was great! They 1 the park at the moment. join a holiday club in the summer. Are you going to do
that this year?
The ecology club usually 2
every Saturday
Write and tell me!
morning. I 3 science in the future because
I want 4 in a zoo. I think animals are
plants and I love looking after them.
1 Dara stayed with family last week.
1 a clean b ’re cleaning c cleans 2 Climbing a high mountain was scary.
2 a meet b met c meets
3 Dara is on a plane now.
3 a study b studying c ’m going to study
4 Dara wants to kite surf.
4 a to work b working c work
5 a more interesting than b interesting 5 Frank often joins a holiday club.
c the most interesting 5

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7  Wysłuchaj rozmowy Nathana i Priti. Uzupełnij każde
zdanie jednym wyrazem. 10 Zakreśl wyraz lub wyrażenie, które nie pasuje do
1 Priti speaks, sings and in the play.
2 Priti goes to the drama club. 1 naughty wings noisy scary
3 Priti wants to be an actor in the . 2 hair salon greengrocer’s florist’s stepsister
4 Nathan likes watching and TV series. 3 paint a picture packet of crisps loaf of bread
5 Priti is a lot at the moment. bunch of bananas
5 4 studio surgery butcher’s farm
Speaking 5 wife great-grandfather stepbrother firefighter
8 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki. 5

could I try keeping my fingers crossed 11 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami i wyrażeniami z ramki.
let’s do that me too what about
always last weekend love now to
Kat: Hey Jake, would you like to go to the shopping
centre, tomorrow? 1 We working at the animal rescue
Jake: I can’t. I’m going to play basketball, tomorrow.
going next weekend? 2 Alex wants buy a loaf of bread.
Kat: OK. 2
. Is it an important game? 3 I search the Internet for information
Jake: Yes, it is! for my homework.
Kat: Well, I’m 3 for you! 4 My grandparents arrived .
Jake: Thanks! 4
your salt and 5 We’re not streaming a film .
vinegar snack?
Kat: Help yourself! 5
Jake: I think they’re fantastic! Total with Extra 55
Kat: 5
! They’re my favourites. Well, let’s
meet at ten o’clock on Saturday morning.
Jake: Great! Ten o’clock at the shopping centre. See you then!
Kat: See you! And good luck for the game!

9 Pomyśl o swoich tegorocznych wakacjach. Napisz krótki
e-mail do kolegi lub koleżanki, w którym uwzględnisz, co
zamierzasz robić. Napisz:
• co zwykle robisz w wakacje,
• jak spędziłeś / spędziłaś czas w zeszłym roku,
• co chcesz robić w tym roku,
• jak planujesz spędzić czas z rodziną.

Total Marks 45

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