Introduction + Conclusion

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Artificial Intelligence ! This topic has become popular in recent years, and we often associate
it with programmed robots or the ChatGpt application. You have certainly heard of it, as it
helps humans solve problems and tasks, and the most important thing is that it communicates
with them.

You,Yes you, did you know that you use artificial intelligence everyday without even
realizing it?

Did you know that artificial intelligence has become an integral part of our daily lives ?

I will give you some examples : Have you ever talked about a product with your friends and
then you picked up your phone and saw a notification advertising the same product you were
talking about ? What a coincidence ! Are the phones eavesdropping on us, Yes this is what is
actually happening. Through social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram that use
artificial intelligence, the phone captures some of the words that the person uses in order to
display advertisements that are appropriate and related to what the person desires.

Emails : When sending an email to someone, in your opinion, who corrects errors and
suggests sentences to complete the message ? It's artificial intelligence,

Another example is Google MAPS or GPS that uses artificial intelligence to guide us towards
a specific place with details. GOOGLE TRADUCTION also relies on artificial intelligence.

To summurize, the AT (Artificial intelligence) is a process of imitating human intelligence that

relies on the creation and application of algorithms executed in a dynamic computing
environment. Its goal is to enable computers to think and act like human beings.

3 components are necessary:

• Computer systems.
• Data with management systems.
• Advanced AI algorithms (code).

To get as close to human behavior as possible, artificial intelligence needs a high amount of
data and processing capacity.

To conclude, Artificial intelligence represents one of the most important developments known
to mankind, as it has facilitated and accelerated the pace of life in a positive way, but the
question remains : How to balance between the natural life of Human and artificial
intelligence without Human excluding himself and being colonized by technological
progress ?


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