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= Prolem eynthesic "| Genetic cede “| On Waking Cata bSlrysm |) eA Corse Ovithne JEXelution ©f coff - a Nuclere Acyels -| De ory (1 lasnucl oie Acid CNN K) PNA and DIA peplacetion Brom Fixation Gtycosi = P hex Pho ylerti on “The fl membrane} Meephrlocyy 4 Starchwe mode : eM biane transport Mole cnles. Sich aS ex cyto and Endreey tosis EvoWtioy oF cer. Tbs the biskgical —— . Oe blove] \ a Science Which dealcwith Ika st Ydyot styictwe, fanct ims, mdjecujay eyonisston, goin cep coductisn and genetics of col). Claccica| ey bl ogy This cfeals withonky bight Micr2- 1842 suppurted the Nebo the oy: Modern Yercum of coll thay, Atl lying Vigan ims are mocle yp of De nee CH ¢ and cA products: = Ad metabTlic wacims) hl ethala cana mulbelk, A GAniSMs tales Pin ce yin 4pocell . cal sia mote A anothe cell ena SpnVanemsly st'dansy tomes h i only ky dhyigi? end Aap Caton 0 F araenis ting cefs | 4. The smallest elem ly defined! unit 6 Eh Fe mn cop, | |&xcepbion 4v deff Ther ? y Charactenshe!- —— - Mus) have 4 Sef 3F ganas Which censh bette Ui Pairs cagulatag. Alnlar_achriites dnd. Pricherag ney, ~y > __|eells: : Wi Y pln big Plasma_membrene thet pesm ks cntellea HH} exchange =F matterand energy | Ol A meparbstic machinery. fy oastanang actnviti Sty b | flac goth, ropraduction and (apays OF Pads — A Vins do not 2asily ttl o hese penemetes of 5 fae ceil 7 defnite geno tically detemmmed mace lecular sygeuni.sete an $-—_ : ne Conlans a genetic ob herectitagy mer terial an from | eaberDaln er CM © capacity 2F amte-raproanction. a IGme-s tone —<—— ——— oe Whatas theditfirence between po-toplacn end Organismal they: oo otaxcnomylcytsziyand Txonuny),-Farch Plant ond animal have adefini te numley SE chrim agmne m Ns Calls and tre-chr mosses OF fhe ind yale of 4 ae (ean 4 anrvtherm shape ancl sire Yistaxoninny (S$ t—Arad as the f : ha cy puvies ceyboloest | ee caer Pest), Sy of Ong SPA. Se —oy\ genetic.” \ 2 [ame puctans! alluding du tha Preste —| Cy ochami Sy !S Fro im ' Tlevef -Attecation In genetic t — Grecrlegy asim doe | antral par€ ° 1s He Wwanch oF cell bal — | and teenler bas) s a a Phylogeny, Moxphs genes eNet ca ullis eylold: variation , mu tation eve lytim of organism Caf} prysrelogyis ee stnty ?F hfeanchvih2r inch a5 putritier metabolism, growth, call dvtieico oe ranch oF tybslogy which skalow thy hoor cal and Physic ° echemical analysrc af b% ing rretfey Te has revealed he. Pragcente. OF Ca 1 Boks fe hprle, Proteins www jicaquds ete. Cyt spathrle gy” {RO APP catimm OF mdlem br la cleay Le uplorstand ba Ses of human ciccacesal mo leenlar ode jn Or racut om asand metatobe actmihe fro effect of manatann mternal condihons, Pasc, wh le active! ban HAS z - b 7 uae ee am Ving ofhers. other compurd mare pase wolyactass He membian & CA To pltsm . - —________—— 7 _| Fhe-cypoplasin camprsot the contents Of cof been _ldke phcma mambmna Sid omcleer envelope tt 's bade upof swercles saspemed mm lke Fel —bEe cytase| thegtos Elen and Nanas chontizal s Eun : thove, h the aytop asin coasts E PE Ty ty gy pertent wale, hes a Sem -sslid amas which mss _ _| poe He prolerins wth it: Hewova, Pyrtenns arent —fApo-oniy S¢enic Molcns fund la the cyt phic. = _ | GAcoSe and Diher mple. Sagas Pyyserceantag _lGainn 4ads, nucferc acels, feithy scels jan d - leave} sof glyco (ase Aud tfere +o. SS - file ONTOS ECE TON ™ tre caysplesyy hore otal beimsand 7 4 POprsric 2 on sty wee PS Sipe ee ah ec 89" con fern ong nell2s Vo SpeciGe Partin plloas CIMPIE Sym ana Yendes dome ution FFE celland enable gareellvler DEE PIS TS to Move inigpendemly: There: pnc2e “Wepes of flres within Fhe gytos ele mua oftlaments, alos Enow 1 7S actin laments. [enn puckoabs & made “p op gh amam 6 of fA rihre Ura Leathe tl potest =< rorpeit wy “SBae LS and protemn Falemmonkey, permed ier-e, Erlament and Merohves ap te Endom EMBRAN EG SfSTEM his system CSndozWitrm) 16 @ greuP sf [membiane and Cyan elec enkanphe Hts the work degether +o moalrpy Pocky ge ane trancpsyb Wee ae pene Tt incl ce stha micleay ENN ZO lo pe, Wyseme and Yeckiclas;, thé orpl T2Hen lum and gota Apporgias “Atthongh yen “ Pech, coll wailhon fhe cet], “plasma membrane ie Melneiad mn tha endomemlaapa System and mieracts with the ofherz-2nd omembanos 9 © ue cee Q ow (nelle: “ft i ae : ae oi Lew aan Prominent — = 1S? N A 2f{ . CUPS BNR oe the. Foy Tre_nmnclans hoses He Synth } on Of chia atm om d chvacks conto ls oy double’ ~ membrave Sf re Chie dale" 2S Hho Ovttermaest POrtr™ StI protens iBoth the innar and Outer membrana of thang ~ envelope ne Phosp poh pid lnlayens The mndan» envelope y's pancated wif Pres Iher Ecos) the Passage —of-lon <,m oléaa les and 4 between fhe, nuclespbism anctthe apts plasm _ ENDe place PET CuLum Hhicis acence 2 mleremnected membrm py Jumles that esllechvaly moh Ay -ptems and Sthes.ize bpre-s.llowever, hesd fas fan chs rig Perfumed Ma Soprrale awas~f£_-fe ercloplatmu voF culum the rough eadeplasme vebicuham end the sym orth _enel op las ic yahenlam ras pechvaty. _ | She hollow pation of fhe EE tibarles 1s called the lumen 8 LicteMal Space: a (=| Pee _snlhecize and trans port preteing =| SEE Syohhesia.n. Sf caseshydrertesh pid S inchechey | phosp hohp ids and Sher ort < hocen ones ARK cahon | mechtalims and pono, alewhs (mete tals m - —fand stoaugtet colimum wn. | LyYySecomes =| Dgésbve enymes within the by Sar mes cd the _ —|hoakdows of Potems, pry srcela viele hp ide, —puclaerc 4crds, and even worn arb Ovyein ZJJey. Lysome eilss wce thei byWolyhe engymach _ | _|destrayd weases Cousmg segpinisms that myght ont te cll. — ee Li Bose mEs'= S12 he alla lar Strachey a _jfespsnnbile fy protes smtheas. ITOAION DATA = are Nalshapediefouty 2 Méanbrane oyqanefl th a9 Somes aad Dae are OR te FY makiqg aelenss yo PiPhosphate : _ TD. air energy—coanying Mileage The tno, i Poles canied enstae, whch ImerO4-20 bye aoe here | Lh th inrer memo fone --F Onn OE Ate, —} tho pope Is callool mit hw aioa Sov fits! ane he med y *hewa-ch trent olen be —f[e{lvuley , SEP etl sayy, £4 PEP OX comes, te Snel ECL MEME, ANGER Sf he cofl where | Cell membaana is Jostenvalope” ener tiieag 16 Seafedinside rn Tle pasmeamemuccne. 'S Leown ay the PLASMA Lena he membrane swe Wnding the mmefengu te NYCLEA LEM a I. Membrane Techniques fet Nuckear Magnet: Losonance CN ie) _ Elect Mn_spn_ Pes oem ce (£-5 -R), > Ophea po patery cisperien Cords _ Flauor, elepnce Spec fmm: — be eters —_-—___ -__ téle ere TDMA DPE © dem | th & 'p Leemaleead ea Goa ble mManybane Sy Functions of p_lacmalema Sane OSs barrier Seri Ren eo Si by ] Projaction . Compan trentahaahn GlEpecogmbion Pore Duly end treonspat: Te ctor call membran® is Lnswnas ‘Slasmamembremne hi ® the ascanblas > F the mbacetlular mem HAne are all -he Cryloplecmic membrane °- Ne rot-fram ane diontele membrana. eXGepy tro TONoPLAS T thatis Single ~The membrane systems Ore leckwely tOfer ed-wa sw UNIT MENBRANG Astem”. THE UNIT MEM BRAd eSsTem THEOtY JD Reba toon fwmulated the name am d LH ehgowy SF the Unik memes rane in tre Late. lasot, Te states thet “all mem bramws whether from Plant S , animals oF MIL -Syganism have 4 Commin Shctntad patfern bese d on a bimaleculer bid layer WAH Protein assrsGeted ulth the Mid Pyites : ths they was bated 0 tha use 9 Felechon PMEMSOOPL. MS ire) NECN: The ynit membrene ap perearad m Hancyerse Sections as a TR LAnELit STeucTNce os TRILANEWNe STRUCHRE whieh hat nskbaan disproved. The plasma membemna IS fhe mask yanable Joyachnre OF i] Re membrane eystem tooth ui, WS form: chemical compos it isn and Pro pertios, because they have high Variable - In othar lwatds trey nave Ke ache plalole to iho Che. a nw pee onratnel envy Srmenk av the pr tec phe compenett oF Ko <4 . glycolipids, ob proFems (ghyeoPasternsd _ 7 polar Solvent tike Chievo Foam cdetergu 7 ne ALE CHEMICAL Lompos TLod OF THE memsenne, “the chemical comPosstins Sf }Lo membrane ato pop differ much mk with some speeifresh uns deper on the Parction of the organelles Crenefelhy, Foxy have lprds, proteins, carbohydrates and noFr. Largely we have more of tte lipid Sid prs enn. Hley caedydieates all_ pacentrge and lave of fer coNalenthy bonded e1 or ty pid _ “Usvally the cer boyd robe Gyco? partua Zagat molecale attachad 4o the thydro phil head of tre Polarlaprd by ahytosielrc bnkages that are usnally*mono” sydt THe Upio-Te hprd_prrtron of te membrane Is water iagsl(nbe lmt js oxtiacalele by none nt eth end benzene The membrane lp its oe poles” they contain ath to hydropin bic fen! An? Wydrophitic Frond. the head and He tail ame re-c,chat wget by a quycene® HE Pho Tein. They cre hue hypes The E Tena (Peripheral Ps ghera > anck He [nN TRIAS IC Cynlegc.| Peofem). Te prodem compo ant Plex a greak Mle mike Conact of pulor and aon-pe Usnally these profes molauleas «et 4 Jro midst oF He bpid lar Wwoanspst & system ancl #1 Er aminoaad sual Ww. lode YX YO I) Cw eed? prefcin ea rR ge ophili cpolar tipid Lipeld regen - Hhycrophe br c+ ay(upis IntaesinsnP SU MY y ¢ x pr otere = Fr gqett Ue mveante PA asl . ad | phergoe gti’ Ay veside a lear “eavely Pe coe je tehe ” viwre 4 EaENESIOTW Aen CELL f Pw F ~__ efrromesomed DAA 6s jocalaed ma sac io Calte dhe aucteord | A PRokdaeyotic ce te 4 CUES PRESENT IN THE Eueseyeic OF Grkatees oes AND Paonsons ( |] xpsosom es. ; #lLysomes ene Owenalias Atomeere. Fhat con tevin digespye aft ee CNS 9 MOS Thoyjdrgeut Lipid to" os ON Ye lk (oly bre exe sos dene | wi Oy Be Ech hene mabe OTgemelies, Food tyes) DVS. — Pe rclos aun d : engulfed viruses sy bacteria. larermbicme - 5 eet eR # Centrosome (ogalertes the cejt Lj dyisincyce, / | the Shagesumeb _ —= 7 lead np Prone _ po Canirieles— cefl el tvichog un ped: Mere G ule liipfet a the Mefens- }—___ —=s se = Peele elle Gee | Nuteles las ad Ale mein Grnctions a The ncleas is 2 | gwen Gene oxpressim Fond facta bn A 7 heation chaning =a = “Af 7 ne eel ayele © = ue Ba n ne 1h-so™ eee aceanit—— ——— made up ofa big® Subvnit enbunit (botiem): Dung ya bo somes assembles # Hbosomes are cap) and_2smell Profan Syateesis layind aads mis potens. Nesieles'- ao lateral artes Neches tansprt is’ wr / booth Fstogn snbstoe as wel as newly i Synites ged mo [eons basally, Vea eles Aid In the teanspria™ of materials foment. _ Place +2 ane ther ~ ~ Athe sob of. re CPL caph byndle 6 ye gil® q 7 J f OL 5) Le wspifniny) ndeah OY DS 0 vee cape fp oy Ves ALrgns port vesele@) “~ O seat on) oe pont Golg! erabns 1s 1 process an d Upidsas el macromolenlas Ke pro fet en ed within frecaf _ prey ore synthesize tel ~ ycthe. micron Li Were Vl rg ore = ra _tfecbvely wh rence _ tte sur fake aren of ees Ate cell and wre fen gilieey ueetel # absexth cl. Seurt AM HM Ie STN ee a + Ppp! 6 eth fants — ONS : - 4, 4 nee ‘| P26 0S ame, Cw \ Mca otaenles “C4114 famehon Po ) move a flu 6 L— Bary a| body gmp DF Alsat. Kelp transpurt flnia _ oe matenals Past then a | OR GANEWLES PRESENT 11 THE PROEARYOTIC CECLC DIAGRAMS AND FUN Tions > _ EE fornsa a luk behwen the Plasma wembbrare _ st Plasma nd [honncfene ; | [Vir sosu mre _Merkenh Af - — Jo Soc ATH motes my the “stnbounon St DNA fe ———— NA te. = Eabarer He demghtericeds - =Cellwailf ATL is regpsonele | 7 =P Yorn 7 —— ee —. et beeen Fe motilahy oF | 7 bacre aA X joole waNetse} joint) rT Al 2 posemess ~~ Y fé€r coll mena ECEcplLy” Pr? mids tte Alo. off 4 Tre cell members 1G) Ft Survands cy t opie Uydoyrcue ed vwl« ol we? Cn ch ra) et ‘a rs Penpheral men von’ aya tein S Shera aad eguilate de feels ne iS phe fred Joryer PF a fy and ofenals site dencl OFS) _— fremindaer # Prtigvsorre are hong pipsee™ ares which Jer? bye . os funet yin Proper syn hess — penn omy Difrcesnces BETHEDNY (invents and Eukary ote Bas Sroe PRokenreytle euegeyoric [CoM PaPisory) CEULS ee =2 Nove plas Absent [scatlead |f,osenter Plants _ naleec pple) algae : Nedeof Asetea! | Most cpmnme Reproduct iv - cekual —_ Replat Suge on of Math ple site J foptacatwn | vaplacahon | Examples [Bactena frelwea| lands ancl Arn [Mitchie fosent | Pueserh Organaljos— | Ory aneljos are mo Orgeral [|< es ano a menvrane bound, | memiacac- Eyand —$$—!| =) eens land areG fe a —— lm fete - 4. Shorpe oF |Grenle, donslo |Lnco;dunule [bv | Stranded on A | Syarcted OM/A = ca Dwiset Bina Reve jYutosis 7 - Klong, fo a — | brans parr ohn Hon sductton) oC pass RE CumpAR Lsort : + SoSomes Nuclens PROEARY oH Cette, Abéscen + {eo Appaatsl Absent _| Prasconce Of Woflclef rad Mrclons i apsont, yatharnmcfeyid? I$ profen Fullach iS an open ragion - (Conte ning DHA) Pere MOmMes frosent Ptnpy Tic Ceits Prosenp present Py woll-cle prod | mntlens \5 Pe eSent Ler cfrsect wilh iq wcfeay mem bine Present R Cargivesi|e—— osenye— Smo ht P- t Cro £)bosume) | 7] Nucleotors 1 oe Yowell Coll mer reans C4 olgp op ners | —ehyforoplest— vacua [2 mor bitre ya phideayze| Lay Cle rbre Yorn |e Armylo ple E (stench geen Cemic cnt ATURE CEGENETICM A te-erec( bard \ ‘the DAIS caRArarzjen ce Compulene vnc omlecufs 0 le a upoFachain of block . ore ha Qe et ti referred foes he are Panes tere A Dad ord PH Aane the puncipel AE odertal oe Ling orgeniems( Ganetres> Inhert Fonte. end. variettor a oe called mae acd baeauce DA frees fr Is dlaked kom tre nucfer OF pusce}} Nuiclereacts are compler locale 5,orges then f most potdmsend thoy COME je afernont Omen Nitrogen, | drogen and phosp hate . Af] lwang Hamgs melmdirgg emer ayant SS ces DN Prand RAM bt Vises poses cite Dey A of RILIA. : Tn Eukaryot cell, DN fore ferred nef aly he nncfens lent also myrechandyie and chlor dplast ‘Bacteria ocganum as Pokayrterde Nop have of the albbove crepe l|2- trowevey, Wer DA -A are-foured va 4 Het egy op ite toolasyn Lnown as nuckeisd “he BN Ain hing flere proentin {Co fay plein Nofe thati- The DNA is the shove °F hereditary MmEmMMation mM Eukeryshe are propagn te colle. 5 as well és Da Vises: Howano7, > beled ynformathen of & NeP Vindas 15 Stoo dm NA | CHEMICAC AND PHNSICYL sTtRuctuee OF He DNA: fle builamyg block OF DN Fic fro — Decryn bo- Lrcfemtrtde ee __| The Riboseis a G cavbon Suga Eaten On= Ce Hie O«. - _ ial -OxNgen - at Coy boo 2 eS < i a ded4yn bore L Cherical cuvaabyss co at highly _ pun fied DAA show that thay ere pokymer oy _ fymnen c | compound alich cortam s fir fied op sinalles lou ldrig blecpecallact DEOXy 2/20 - en UcLEOT DES or DZOAYRIGUT) DS tach | deoryn boncientide are made up of (2)moei bes ot GUlestaunce s+ _____— os prac aad mMoleculeoy Phos, phate L feOAY ¥ 1 bose . ke rh as pentose saga enon as 2 Pena bases of Pysimidline. ans and purines _ building blocks amtarin. One L of four __ me, Graomine, Lg tore, 4opors Laces eT 7) . Adenine and Crain: MIN | (ti Gy ; ihox.are-hetenei Sy pe Mh : Ee ant 0 hoy hove Sing fe Ogenos Yases— DID he Pysu (Dn ae — Gores ibOnucle Geer On). des phosphate Penjoce ~~ —Natregene Cleory mee “ ‘cess ide ct) Aepsalpiossrde OT\ bos de ; vor tNikregenouc bose) GrrerscadPen ose. = tense [Aden esme + Phospracte= © aa Prprale - Dtoxy 6 AbouceosiDE + phe phosphek = DEO RideIe | The part ofonch nudestde which cyntarn | Mabsyenos dpace and aly ts called a _|DEOXY EBONY CLEO SIDE - _| fr exgrnp le-~ | Ademme Deory vibe vibose = “DEONADE ADENOSINE: Gwanne +De ory nboco =DEOXY GUN Oo E afinsine 4 Deorysiboce = a. SS ae , bose = DEexyTHYymIDs hie iv ou ospho- releded frog yield $eouje set aail atid or ee toe 7 (deh? yv nyl Dos chnes eaoiophes Phote (ALP ORY EY We | acid or Deore sche. MonephasPreke Reoxythy mye aed ox deoryte™ Nea . PI So le Note Hhak+ The four lounldeney blocis i a DAA Molecule heave 4 Smg le PhOPhat = gruup each However, they are fond wn fhe cybop lacmn Herrts. 1S the building bloc{e have free Phas phate - cyoup le fur poly nue by hyd gen bonds durjnesand amidines mM te fflowme manne- PY go bekwaen speci fie pares of Aet: GSe ve +o aach ahs t-\The two chains are comp brates des mM mechan ers ja He Sequence ef nuclestr detemine He caqnonce of Naclenkdem He ether chan fietwe strandc cun emtier pareiief: Thatis they 4e@ drreaefions - One spewed aS, ; iy fe bse. - have opps , prosphoetiester lunkag & m (39S Aw oer (63) has phosphodiester nage m raredt / MeEmeRANE stems Function of Memo mes lo Creniecac FUNCTIONS Cone as Lames and Prbteebion . hey are responsible fy esmpan tren trbeatog af de Dosponsible fer permeate ilihy and Titans pritet Membranes ar® recponnible fx Osmo regula tim Hy and Our OF fe cel). G1 Trey genoally Cort) ok v- They limit sigan growth the Suifage anti | Speuhe Punetios = Liat of wrovhemical activeki ask) tech ond™ i . efron hows fer aunt caidabng ssphoredalin ele oceptay - The og sem 7 Alois ot/bignk 2 een oe fre ayes jthe MLM bere '6 jengned yecoint alasey’ maken amount af frank and conveTé 1& 4° Some sock Of ofecticarl pap lseS > . oto pecaplhom by hlevcp neg nfo chemi caf er pnesp pate burelenctay = rans Hers. Tre men braves ofthe nennns 4 as jronsaittes ok mabracelllor wmpalces - Insulators The. manmvaerre of opebes act ons cjectrcal ungulefevs - ; Lanvte by srs ya lysosomal. membrane contams ‘Butlyt CC _ensyyme4s.—— s - Cet PERMEABIT Factsr that cletencwe the Hl saerbth ty Lipid _cofabi laky The hghar tepid sebabhy Lek fhe _Peameeritre Ing h tbe col] Permen bihly ‘lopthe solve “te moleculey size- The mgh= He mo M sec of fre _Peangant tre lower jhe pe Dearee of Ionization :-Thedegrec of hmuet [s my Osoly Prportivoe_ty cee] Perme abibly be fhe skronges yhe ch avrye on tle Permnean t jhe lowes 9S Pemneats hhy Perme abilly re ch rect the wndisssaated Jase converting hg he Ss = > PROT Popov onal to 1 | CE LLUL AE TANS POF TITY } | The coftnlar tremspsr& o% hemspott Of molecules laenss Abe cell cor be free or N21] Y cle pe Adag i CApales whens pol Com be forbkhey yieleL fess we Pellvalar Fens pre chye cel lane Fremspurl- \-lparss we cemucad Tenaipey. Os Pefes 1d-pH averse spshate a and ont ap tre ofl ustthme the wad fr ayy Kip AT? refated worictive a) ACHE CeCLUL ne Temp Ths movement Yeemire machanism hab gere ates ATP The Passive ten sp ne can lee SE Pe ype LUnmediated © mediated rn eT rernespnbs - Possvelne AT) ———--ketrve (NTP depered’) 9 e—NOAP FL Down the Goncenbattn Grechent i Somehines ans’ RR cone pbrivre girdiont | ples “of nimedaatet hans pat: a “Went cy 4 y wee AERAS IN , smed oN passiy | lana = es , ko bnown as Arbomcelere acid iy 4 eo Pitt ole nied types rmdlere aud fond on at) Aanm™ AIS mic Sgarnems eat not na el) wimses - R.A bulldog Slyke ae (fre deas RI BANMCLEMNDES ancl Zach cont arns | la pentese gar C Ribose), a mole |e o¢ erect! | pyosphetde GWuUP and enibwgencus Lerce pe _ ad | | Aidrgoneus bases of ENA are APpurines _ [ (terme and Guanme ) end Dpyamitnes U fosme and Urerci| ) 7 oe - oh frowt_ ba £25, villous wes evel ribomec— Heotrdes of PNMare caleylated as) ow me BAse . [eteonncreos we ‘ Leonuccope | ABB. || Aelenine | Adenosme d nocme mono | AmP _ Phosphate o& ADENIUC fap Gran UcwerDoe| Comp Guananne monc- — Phos phate 7 a 2] Guanine|Cruanosme 2 \Cytasine, Cy biaine CAT IDI Lic. rexD cmp : es SS Ot Cytidine Lael : a _ | Mono phesphate_| Vers! | Uridine. |Ueroyurc Aci. - SY Uridine monv— UmP ——— | P hasprate ——=— Te few rile nachestides als cen feekyvi Andcleoplasm butin He form of triphosphates — Mboavcfeskde synch oS OENIN & TA HesttATe and MRO IE Taptios PHATE od Tee weiss, : ph Aly: ype YP PIV BM? becule o. There avo three ( BNA - Maxsomge4 ERAR - premsf PRNP = fibsorned PAYA : DNA RepucATion oe In p-n-A roplicahe ones) Parental buble branaed D-n-A molec re convortad +s dental demgnte mo (2orles Tre comp laments, gpmee® of fre witrogenos pase Seaprentes y pe DNA mofemle us be Fey to ncderstan ™ Be becom se tre bases abny wey? one de etd ee Di ave ComPl enon hi oon “aas_a tomplate for te peli DAA replrentim reamed - le prascence oth A “poamitar He Proscen of Le of bis eee thatcrest a Partienlar Sequ ao When repacefimn eine ee a . raped b) Top een ene Sepexcoiheng ss jo Shewds of eee as CFT RASE ad te by helicase’ and- eremtail ini ext Nes one Small DAA: oe feuna 2aelo wie ro Pree nucteatede pace ne nk : of fe cell pre mashad ant athe cy BPlaim of fe srgle Stan vain fe the _axcposed pa Lxkam ple \- Lhe pene ra Dalh . Tor LS Procont ih te Pa senk s hard Piclen nt ( ine Es ; pew sh reel: Sr la vy, wo Place wa he 3 Yan Bio gol Cunt-d) Ary) taasec$ that ara IMP rs perly base Paired aya oyedt and replaced by rep hoahm ace alignet the nauly Dice ales ‘a as ain aned + tre growing BY A stemed by : ; 2k DAA polymerase ne: oh erry erByne Ake Pees Contrymes (nrnvding) a lyk ty allow foedhtimost te € ict ommeledticle. THe Pmt at whch repuecton . pen ree called fhe yePheaha, Prb te orn get Shand end He newly cyntresyec gemahter chand tHoreafter rawmd & firm : a posdentle sberded new mofecni2 avrtaun me oft anal Comsenad) Shave and oa aaa s4 se rephcatimn is Enown as Semicmmsce nates replca tion _ Notethert: Durnry Sane rephealinn on df tre ws Copied arvcl re Plcerted erat roy, : pace-yno Ve" towered fre reple-*_ Leckie fork makeg DAD m he BB davection Tis Is Enown ag Hwee lenchrg Strand. Heweve, f ee. 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