Mdp1-Future With Will-Final

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CLASS Level: High Beginner @ NSC Class Format: Online TOPIC: Grammar: Future with Will TEACHER: Xiwen Date: 9/25/2023

Lesson Rationale:
This lesson plan is designed for students at the Nationalities Service Center who are at the High Beginner Level and for teachers who need
to use materials from required texts that are given by the teaching site. This lesson plan aims to make the classroom more student-
centered than the given lesson plan from the teaching site. The topic of this lesson plan is teaching the use of will for future tense. All the
vocabulary and phrases in this lesson plan are learned in the previous class. This, students can focus more on grammar rules, writing
sentences in target structure with will, and fluency development. Furthermore, this lesson plan interprets multiple skills including
speaking, writing, listening, and reading.
Lesson Objectives:
SWBAT use learned phrases to label what Ms. Xiwen will do for weekends on the timeline in Jigsaw groups. (Learned phrases: go shopping with
friends, walk dog, cook dinner, watch movies, play video games)
SWBAT build grammar rules for will and will not in groups.
SWBAT use will before the base form of verbs to write sentences by producing weekend plans in pairs.

Activity Activity Stages Technology Used Key language Time

Focus forms/focus

Warm-up - Google slides Learned phrases for 10 mins

- T greets Ss (1-4) future plans
Priming for Ms. Xiwen’s Weekend Plan https://  Go shopping
Pre-Stage with friends
- T present two pictures on slides: walk dogs, and go m/  Walk dog
shopping presentation/  Cook dinner
- T talks to students about her weekend plans with d/  Go to church
mouse pointing to the two pictures: So guys, it is 13S5KbVeWT  Play video
Friday today. I plan to have some fun this weekend. I x0gIrijQd7PpS games

will go shopping with my friends on Saturday and 7XLkD2IzTqy  Watch movie

take my dog to the dog park on Sunday. What about 8MMZ8VOH-  Watch TV
your plan on weekends? What will you do on the w/edit?
weekend?” usp=sharing
- - Zoom sharing
During screen
- T asks Ss to discuss with a pair, those who sit next to - Chat box
each other, for one minute.
- Ss discuss for one minute.
- T asks volunteers to answer (orally or type in chat
box) and assesses Ss’ knowledge about weekend
plans and if they intend to use future tense will or not.
Ss may answer study at home and going to church.
- T asks Ss to discuss what people can do or normally
do on weekends in pairs with whom they just talked
for one minute.
- Ss think for one minute.
- T asks volunteers to answer (orally or type in
- T present pictures of what people can do on
weekends (learned phrase) and discuss with students.
A picture of cooking, ask students if they will cook
on weekends.
- T transition to next activity: Okay, now we talk about
what people can do on the weekend, in the next
activity, you are going to read about my weekend
plans in groups, get excited!

Meaning Jigsaw activity - Google Slides - Will +Verb 40 mins

focused - Reading Part (5-11) (base form)
input Pre-Stage - Timeline for future
+ - T introduces the activity. T may say: “For this worksheet events
Language activity, you are going to read my weekend plan. Get (example - Will not +
focused Excited!” included, verb ( base
learning - T uses Zoom to create BORs consisting of three below this LP) form)
people. - Zoom sharing - Go shopping
- T assigns Ss numbers from 1-3 for each group based screen - Eat hot pot
on Zoom BORs. (orally tell them) - BORs - Watch movie
- T send reading materials link in the chat box. In chat box: - Walk dog
- T gives instruction for the jigsaw reading activity - Reading - Cook
Instruction: Material 1link: breakfast
1. Now, work in groups. https://docs.go - Go to
2. Join the BORs with your name. grocery store
3. You will read different paragraphs. ment/d/1fKm0 - Cook dinner
4. Each reading material has a number. 8pXvRdOI7kI
5. Open your reading link in chatbox. zXyItlAk6-
6. If you were assigned 2, read reading material 2 f1o-
(T modeling: opens reading material 2 on the hkIsUpeRSsH
sharing screen.) npQ/edit?
- T pause here and ask Ss to open their own reading usp=sharing
material. - Reading
- T checks with the class. T: “Does everyone open Material 2
their assigned reading material? Please give me a link:
thumbs up if you did.” https://docs.go
- T continues give instruction for reading activity
7. Read material individually in BORs. ment/d/1cP3lU
8. You have 5 minutes. J1wcr8Kk7W
9. Give me a thumbs up if you have no questions! Nah1cl8Cyk6
- To increase complexity, we can reduce the reading QTaomj4qPO

time to 3 minutes. QRASULE/

During edit?
- T sends Ss to BORs. usp=sharing
- Ss do jigsaw activity in groups in BORs. - Reading
- T joins different BORs, to check on Ss if they click Material 3
the right reading material. T may ask: “What number link:
did you count? What reading material you are https://docs.go
- Ss read three reading materials in BORs. ment/d/1nddzJ
- T end BORs and Ss come back to the main room. klKbUj16I2c9
- Sharing & Timeline Worksheet Part y-
- T gives instructions: gDv6l3RAA8_
1. Okay, everyone, eyes on me please. DAY43C09G
2. Are you ready to share? B9H0/edit?
3. In groups, take turns to share. usp=sharing
4. What is take turns?
5. Yes, only one person can share at a time.
6. After she/he finishes, the next person can start.
7. Take notes when listening.
8. After sharing, label what Ms. Xiwen will do for
the weekend on the timeline.
9. You will have 10 minutes.
- T modeling: For example, I will go shopping at 10
am, you label “go shopping” on the timeline. (T
points to the timeline and types on the worksheet).
- T sends Ss to BORs
- T send out the link to the timeline worksheet Google
doc in the chat box.
To increase complexity:
 T does not explain what does take turns to mean.
 T gives less time for sharing.

 T does not model for labeling timeline on the slide.

- Ss finished the sharing and timeline worksheet.
- Ss share in BORs about what they just read.
- T joins different BORs to observe Ss’ output. May
observe Ss talk about Ms. Xiwen’s activity using will
in sentences.
- Assessment: T with the camera off joins BORs and
listens to Ss’ output in groups. T assesses what Ss put
on the worksheet from Google Docs.
- Form Sentences with Will
- T transit to this stage: “ok, you just created a timeline
for my weekend plans, can you tell me what activities
you labeled?”
- T presents the timeline on the slides
- T asks the one group what Ms. Xiwen’s weekend
plan is for Saturday. “Tell me one thing that will I do
on Saturday?”
- T put Ss’ answer for Saturday into complete
sentences using future tense will. Write below
Saturday on the timeline slides. (I will go shopping
on Saturday.)
- T asks this group to call another group to answer
other things that Ms. Xiwen will do on Saturday. T
may say: “OK, choose another group to tell me other
things that I will do on Saturday.”
- T put Ss’ answer into complete sentences using
future tense will. Write below Saturday on the
timeline slides (I will eat hotpot on Saturday).

- Grammar Rule Generalization (future with will)

- T asks Ss what they have noticed in the sentences

when T talks about future plans. (If Ss looks

confused, T points to will in sentences. And said: “I
always add will before verbs, right?”)
- T asks Ss to discuss in groups for 3 minutes to come
up with the grammar rule for future events.
1. What do you notice from sentences?
2. What word is in every sentence?
3. What is the grammar rule for future tense?
4. Discuss in groups.
5. You have three minutes.
- T sends Ss to BORs. T joins BORs with camera-off,
assesses Ss’ output and what they come up with for
grammar rule.
- After three minutes, T closes BORs, and everyone
goes back to the main room.
- T asks one group to share their grammar rules. If Ss
provides the wrong rule, T provides CF, uses
repetition, and asks another group for their idea.
- T presents the grammar rules on the slide. T may say:
“We simply add will before the base form of the verb
to talk about the event in the future.”
- T assesses Ss’s comprehension of the grammar rule
by asking Ss to answer questions in the target
- T presents the target sentence structure below Sunday
on the slides (Slide 8: I will……. on Sunday).
- T asks the whole class what her weekend plan on
Sunday is “What will I do on Sunday?”
- Ss answer in target sentence structure. Ss may
answer: “I will cook dinner on Sunday.”

- T provides CF to Ss’ answers. Recast if Ss did not

use the base form of the verb.
- Grammar Rule Generalization (future with will
- T asks Ss what things she will not do on Sunday to
prime for grammar rule for will not. T may ask:
“Look at the timeline, will I have hotpot on Sunday?”
- Ss may answer: “No”
- T present the question and answer in target sentence
structure in slides (I will not….)
- T asks Ss to write grammar rules for future events
that will not happen in groups. T may say: “
1. You just created a rule for future events with
2. Now add something to make a rule for future
events that will not happen.
3. Discuss with group members.
4. You have two minutes.
- T asks Ss to share grammar rules. If Ss cannot come
up with a grammar rule, T refers to the timeline on
slides and uses Zoom’s toolbar to write sentences on
the sharing screen using will not, then have Ss find
out the rule.
- T presents grammar rule for will not.
- T transit to next activity: “You’ve just learned my
weekend plans, now you need to work in pairs to
write about your weekend plans.”

Meaning Write Weekend Plans - Google Slide - Will +Verb 15 mins

focused- Pre-Stage (12) (base form)
output - T randomly assign students in pairs - Zoom sharing for future
+ - Ss will work in pairs to write their weekend plans in screen. events
Fluency sentences and create a timeline on the Google Doc - BORs - Will not +
Developme worksheet. - Google Doc verb ( base
nt - T gives instruction for the writing activity worksheet form)
1. Work in the BORs with pair.
2. Think about your weekend plans.
3. Write them in sentences.
4. Create a timeline.
5. share with your pairs.
6. You will have 10 mins.
To decrease complexity:
 T gives more time, maybe 12 minutes.
 T modeling for writing weekend plans.
 T provides the complete version of the reading
materials of the Jigsaw activity and reminds Ss that
they can refer to the Jigsaw reading as an example.
- T sends Google Doc worksheet links in the chat box
for each group.
- T sends Ss to their BORs.
- Ss works in BORs for 10 minutes.
- T assesses Ss from their Google Doc worksheet and
joins their BORs to observe their output.

- T transition to fluency development activity: “ok, you
just wrote about your weekend plan and timeline, is
time to introduce it to a new pair!”

Meaning Pairs Presentation - Google Slide - Will +Verb 22 mins

focsued- - T use Zoom to randomly make new pairs (12-14) (base form)
output - T asks Ss to share their weekend plans and timeline - Zoom for future
+ in pairs for 6 mins. - Screen events
Fluency Instruction - Will not +
developme 1. Share plans with new pair. verb ( base
nt 2. You have seven minutes. form)
- T sends Ss to BORs.
- After 7 minutes, T switches pairs again and asks Ss to
share weekend plans and timelines in new pairs for 5
- T observes and assesses Ss’s fluency development in
each pair presentation round by joining different
BORs. T may take notes on Ss’ performance and
development in different rounds.

Wrap-up - T concludes the class and assesses Ss by asking: “ok, -Will +Verb (base 3 mins
and today we learned how to use will and will not to talk form) for future
Goodbye about future plans. Who can tell me where we put the events
will in the sentence?” -Will not + verb
- Ss answer: “before the base form of the verb.” ( base form)
- If Ss did not say base form, T asks: “What form of -
verb we should use?”
- Ss answer: “base form.”
- T wrap up: “Great, give me a thumbs up if you do not
have any question.”
- T says bye-bye.

Note: all the things on the reading material are learned vocabulary.
Contingency Plan: If the teacher finishes the class too early, the teacher can ask students to share their weekend plan as a whole class.
Teachers type what their plans are on the sharing Screen and ask students to use will not to form sentences based on peers’ weekend
Anticipated Problems and Solutions:
1. If students do not give a thumbs up or complain or are confused about opening reading material, teacher can send students to
their breakout room first, then have students negotiate the number they were assigned by the teacher and open their reading
material in their BORs instead of in the main room.
2. In Fluency Development, make sure Zoom assigns new pairs to students. Teacher may want to remember which student works
with which student by screenshotting each round.
3. If the reading material link cannot be opened, teacher goes back to the Google Doc generates a new link and sends it to the
chat box.
4. If students’ microphone breaks, teacher can ask students to join via cellphone or type their answers in the chat box.
5. If someone has a bad internet connection, teacher first asks if the student can join via phone or other devices near her/him. If
not, teacher can record the class (after asking everyone’s permission) and send the recording to the student after class.

Reading Material Complete Version:

Ms. Xiwen’s weekend plan

Reading material 1:
On Saturday morning, I will go shopping with my best friends. American Dream is a big mall in New Jersey. We will meet up at
the mall at 10: 00 am. I heard Hong qigong is a great hot pot place so we will have lunch there. Mike said his friends recommended
Ironman 3 so we will watch movie after lunch.

Reading material 2:
I have a dog named April and she is three years old now. So, the first thing I will do on Sunday is walk my dog in the dog park.
Let’s hope tomorrow does not rain! After walking my dog, I need to cook myself breakfast. I like eggs and bacon for my breakfast.
Yesterday morning, I had noodles, so today I will have milk, eggs, and bacon.

Reading material 3:
I always get up late on weekends, so I will not have lunch. I need to prepare food and drinks for next week. So, I will go to
grocery store to get food. I need to buy milk, eggs, bacon, vegetables, and butter. After that, I will cook dinner.

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