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Hey Guys

How are you? Well, I’m quite ok . I’m just a little bit stressed about school…
Today it was my first schoolday in this schoolyear, and I’m thinking about how it’s
going to be.

I’m repeating the first Class. You know, it’s not always that easy. You’ve got so much
to do, and to study. Do you know this feeling, when you’re studying so much for a test
and then you‘re failing. Man, I hate it! This is exactly what happened so many times
to me last year, and know I have to repeat this class, because I’ve had bad marks.
All my friends passed the first class, but I’m the only one, who didn’t accomplish it.

And know I’m worrying about my marks, and if I’m going to meet new friends or not
and if my parents will be proud of me or not. I don’t know, maybe I shouldn’t think so
much about it, should I?

The schoolday wasn’t long. It was quite short, only two hours, but we already got
home excercises. In Maths and English. English is very easy… I have to write a text
about my holidays, but maths! Oh, I hate maths!! We got three sheets, at the first
schoolday!? I looked over the sheets, and I don’t understand anything…

How was your first schoolday? Or are you already working? Write me an email, or in
the comments below!

Well now I have to start somehow with my Maths – Homework, lol.

See you at my next blog,


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