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ADMINISTRATION (General)2021-2024




SAHIL KHAN (04621201721)



This is Certified that the final project report submitted in partial

fulfillment of Bachelor of Commerce completed by SAHIL KHAN
Enrolment No 04621201721 has been completed under my guidance
and is satisfactory.

Signature of Guide:
Name of Guide: Ms. Renu Hooda
Designation: Assistant Professor, MSI

With an overwhelming sense of gratitude, I acknowledge that the

valuable guidance and consistent encouragement is extended to me by
our knowledgeable faculty members with whose guidance I’m able to
accomplish this endeavor. Their technical understanding and years of
experience have provided me with crucial inputs at a critical stage.

I’m thankful to my project guide Ms. Renu Hooda motivated and

helped me in completing my project.



1. CHAPTER 1: Introduction 1-30

1.1 Literature Review
1.2 Research Methodology
2. CHAPTER 2: Conceptual Framework 31-34

3. CHAPTER 3: Analysis and Interpretation of Data 35-45


Chapter 1:


 To study the increment in direct sales due to digital marketing.

 To study how marketing on digital platforms reduces the cost of acquiring new
 To understand how digital marketing focuses on potential customers.
 To acknowledge how digital marketing is used in keeping old customers in contact with
a brand.
 To examine how digital marketing creates brand awareness
 To inspect how marketing in digital forms uses digital marketing to notify customers
about the latest offer and target and re-target specific customers
 To learn how marketers target the Buyer persona
 To observe how lead generation is conducted
 To acknowledge how businesses promote new products & services
 To learn how digital marketing creates more website traffic (both organic
and inorganic)
 To learn how digital marketers improve User Experience
 To observe how marketers improve conversions
 To study how digital marketing remains more affordable than traditional one.

1.1 Marketing in Business

Marketing is the process of recruiting new clients or consumers to your products and services.
The key term in this definition is "process." Marketing comprises conducting market research,
advertising, selling, and distributing your products or services.

It is concerned with the study of markets and consumer behaviors and the commercial
management of businesses to attract, gain and keep customers by satisfying their desires and
needs and developing brand loyalty.

People commonly misunderstand marketing and identify it as selling or promoting when

questioned. While these are not inappropriate reactions, they are only one component of
marketing. Marketing includes product distribution, promotion, designing and creating
materials such as landing pages and social media content, improving customer experience,
conducting market research, defining market segmentation, and more.

Marketing is a wide phrase that encompasses any tactics that help a company, brand, or
individual achieve their objectives.

Importance in Business

Marketing's goal is to help businesses expand effectively and maximize their ROI through
promoting brands, products, and services. Typically, marketing promotions seek to enhance
content engagement, product and service sales, and brand awareness.

1.1 Types of Marketing

Marketing is a collection of several diverse approaches and tactics, rather than a single plan.
There are several crucial marketing methods that help to grow one’s business.

 Marketing Strategy: Discover what a marketing plan is, why you need one, and how to
construct an effective one. A company or brand cannot achieve its goals unless it has a
marketing strategy.

 Digital Marketing: Digital marketing is a marketing discipline that focuses completely

on establishing a strategy inside the digital world.

 Direct marketing: It is a form of campaign that uses direct, two-way communication to

elicit a response from a specified audience.

 Traditional Marketing: It is any sort of marketing that is not done online. Print, radio,
direct mail, phone, and outdoor advertising such as billboards are all examples of this.

 Mobile Marketing: Mobile marketing is a wide concept that encompasses all marketing
campaigns and actions Direct marketing is a type of campaign that uses one-on-one,
two-way communication to elicit a reaction from a specific audience.

 Mobile Marketing: Mobile marketing is a broad concept that includes all marketing
campaigns and actions that are only focused on mobile platforms and mobile phone
applications. that are only focused on mobile platforms and applications on mobile

 Viral Marketing: It is every company's ambition to have something go viral. Viral

Marketing travels from one person to the next and has the potential to travel extremely
far and very quickly.

 Performance marketing: It is a system that employs numerous marketing approaches

and techniques and ensures marketers that they will only be charged for outcomes

 Inbound Marketing: It is a practice that focuses on providing valuable content in order

to attract qualified online traffic and eventually make a transaction.

From the above-given marketing strategies, digital marketing is one of the prime marketing
techniques used today.

1.2 Digital Marketing

Digital marketing, often known as online marketing, is the promotion of businesses through the
use of the internet and other forms of digital communication to communicate with potential
clients. As marketing channels, this includes email, social media, web-based advertising, and
text and multimedia messages. Said digital marketing is a type of marketing that involves using
digital channels to promote goods or services.

You've probably seen television commercials and billboards hawking shampoo or a new soap
opera. Ads like these are classic marketing. You see, traditional marketing focuses on a more
significant population than is necessary, is expensive, and is brutal in its audience targeting. Its
outcomes are also difficult to quantify. Digital marketing, however, gets over these constraints
and gives businesses and consumers a more affordable option to sell their goods than ever.


For instance, picture yourself using Google to search online. How many pages are there?
Hundreds, thousands, and occasionally more than that. However, the audience does not want to
visit more pages and directly click on the first website in the first place. The first page is the
only one-page people visit. The web's initial page and rank are what matter. The ultimate goal
of digital marketing is to position a company's website at the top of search results, keep
customers interested until they make a purchase, and maintain contact with them in the future.

Because of the rapid and extensive usage of the internet, digital marketing in India and
elsewhere has flourished. With approximately 560 million internet users, India is the world's
second-largest Internet market, after only China. By 2023, more than 650 million individuals in
the country will have access to the internet. According to Pew Research, people's "continuous"
internet usage has climbed by 5% in the past three years alone. Even if we say it frequently,
consumer behavior has changed, and offline marketing is no longer as effective as it once was.

Most marketing we see today is digital around us.

Thus, most of the marketing activities that take place online are referred to as online marketing,
often known as digital marketing. Businesses use digital channels, including search engines,
social media, email, and other websites, to engage with current and potential customers. As a
result, the majority of online marketing operations are referred to as online marketing, often
known as digital marketing. Businesses communicate with current and future customers using

digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites. Text messages
and different types of multimedia are also included in this. Your business and brand awareness
depends on digital marketing.

There seems to be a website for every company these days. If not, they at least have a digital ad
plan or a presence on social media.

1.5 The Digitalization Era

Digitalization has taken the world by storm.

You might have recognized digital domination in businesses and industries, even if you are not
yet an adopter. Before making a significant purchase, 81% of customers perform online
research, and 51% of smartphone users find a new business or product when searching for their
device. Organizations will continue to devote a growing portion of their marketing spending to
channels as they become more aware of the advantages of digitalization.

In what ways does this impact conventional marketing? Conventional marketing has become
somewhat less preferred as digital marketing has taken over the marketing game, which
indicates that traditional marketing is gradually leaving the market. Traditional media is still
alive and is used in many forms.

Given that it differs significantly from traditional marketing, digital marketing is

unquestionably one of the most critical components in today's business environment. It
develops and implements strategic strategies and engages in customer attraction by promoting
brand awareness across various digital channels, including email and mobile applications.

Understanding clients is more crucial than ever in today's cutthroat business environment,
making a solid customer experience a requirement for maintaining a successful company.
Digital Marketing techniques are one way to do this. Since everything is digital, businesses can
now use digital marketing tools like SEO and keyword research to find out about the
purchasing process of their customers and determine when and where to engage them.

Importance of Digital Marketing In this Digitalization Era

Based on the previous debate, the following is a summary of the significance of digital
marketing that every marketer should know about:

• Compared to offline marketing strategies, internet marketing is incomparably broader. It is

simple to reach a larger audience.

• Digital marketing outcomes can be tracked and monitored using various monitoring systems.
Without the need for costly client research, organizations can instantly evaluate client response
rates and track the performance of their marketing initiatives, allowing them to plan the next
campaign even more successfully.

• Comparing client feedback collection to conventional marketing techniques like billboards,
radio, and TV is simple in digital marketing.

• It aids in expanding a business through online media like the web or portable so that it can
quickly reach many customers.

• Digital advertisers monitor what is being viewed, how often and for how long, what content is
compelling and ineffective, and so on. While the internet may be the medium most closely
associated with digital marketing, additional platforms, including mobile applications, may
privilege digital marketing campaigns.

Digital marketing is affordable, targetable, and quantifiable, so businesses use it, and marketers
adore it. It is the most in-demand marketing method today.

1.6 Digital Marketing in Covid 19 and post covid world

Digital marketing has always focused on aligning a brand with customer preferences and needs
through a digital medium. The COVID-19 pandemic that hit the world 2 years back changed
customers' buying behavior in many ways. People were forced to sit at home, and their
traditional methods of buying through a physical store or seeing an offline advertisement on a
billboard took a backseat.

Customers worldwide have adopted and used digital channels to meet their wants swiftly.
Bazaar voice reported that 49% of people worldwide purchased online more frequently in the
pandemic strikes 2020 than before the epidemic. Sixty-two percent more consumers in the U.S.
alone purchased online than in the past.

More significantly, according to the PYMNTs poll, 52% of participants said they wouldn't
return to in-store food shopping or other forms of shopping in offline mode.58% percent of
online consumers, according to research from Digital Commerce 360, anticipated increasing
their online interactions and purchases in the upcoming months.

The research showed a strong message and trust of people to shop online. The digital marketing
future in the post-pandemic world already seemed exceedingly brighter as people had
responded to the online marketing in the covid 19 lockdown in a highly positive way. This
showed the people's interest in going digital in their purchasing needs.

Digital marketing and its tools bloomed in the post covid world, changing the marketing world
forever. To react to the shifting dynamics of marketing in the post-COVID environment, 94
percent of B2B content marketers adjusted their content marketing strategy. 64% of marketers
updated their editorial calendars. About 70% revised their targeting and messaging strategies.
To increase their company's digital marketing strategies, 40% of content marketers allocated
additional efforts to create material for social media and online communities. 70% of marketers
have turned to virtual platforms for marketing events and customer interactions, either partially
or entirely. 76 percent of SMBs said they were investing more work into enhancing their SEO,

social media, and data analytics capabilities in order to obtain and engage new consumers and
follow up with existing ones.

Brands began to use email marketing (66 percent), websites (63 percent), and social media
marketing (52 percent) as their top marketing methods, and the marketing landscape changed

1.7 Types of Digital Marketing

There are numerous methods and types of digital marketing you can use to expand your
audience reach. Using a variety of digital marketing platforms can assist you in developing a
well-rounded approach that will produce the best results.

Here are 13 of the most effective types of digital marketing to assist companies in deciding
which strategies would work best for their company:

1.) SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a digital marketing technology that creates web pages
that are appealing to search engines. The ultimate goal is to appear on the first page of a search
engine's results page.

2.) Content Marketing

An optimized page's Content is a crucial element. Content marketing writers must be able to
dominate search engine rankings while persuading users to read, share, and interact with the
company. Strong connections may be made throughout the pipeline when the material is

3.) Social Media Marketing

You may promote your business, goods, services, culture, and more via social media
marketing. Social media marketing has grown in popularity because it fosters active audience
participation. Many firms utilize social media marketing to engage people in conversation
rather than pressuring them to make an immediate purchase.

4.) Pay Per Click (PPC)

Pay-per-click marketing, often known as PPC, is a method of online advertising in which you
get compensated each time a user clicks on one of your digital advertisements. Viewers are
expected to perform one or more of the goal actions that are part of any PPC campaign after
clicking an ad. These are referred to as conversions.
5.) Affiliate Marketing
Through the use of the digital marketing strategy known as affiliate marketing, one can profit
from the promotion of another person's company. If you are the affiliate, you will receive a
commission for each sale of the product you have promoted.

6.) Native Advertising

Digital marketing is native advertising.

By providing Content that is informative or entertaining before it begins to promote anything, a
native advertisement avoids this prejudice and minimizes the "ad" element.

7.) Marketing Automation

By employing software to execute digital marketing campaigns, marketing automation
improves the efficacy and relevancy of advertising.

8.) Email Marketing

Sending a promotional message to a potential customer and hoping they click on it is the basic
idea behind email marketing.

9.) Online PR
Online PR, sometimes called digital PR, is a link-building strategy that entails developing a
narrative or creative piece of content and distributing it to target media to acquire coverage that
includes backlinks to a client's website, enhancing SEO and overall search rankings on Google.

10.) Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a planned method for producing applicable Content that meets the
demands of your target markets and fosters lifelong client connections. Because you help them
find answers to their challenges, your clients remain clients.

11.) Sponsored Content

A promotional media known as sponsored Content is developed and distributed by another
company, influencer, or publication but is funded by an advertiser.

12.) Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

"Search engine marketing" refers to the practise of marketing a business through paid
advertisements displayed on search engine results pages (or SERPs). Advertisers place bids on
terms that customers of search engines like Google and Bing would use when seeking certain
goods or services, giving them a chance for their adverts to show up alongside search results
for those keywords.

12.) Instant Messaging Marketing

It makes it simple for distant employees and business partners to communicate and transmit
information over the internet.

So, these were the different types of digital marketing used in businesses.

1.8 Digital Marketing Strategy

A digital marketing strategy is a set of purposeful online actions designed to achieve specific
company goals. This refers to carrying out ongoing actions at the appropriate times via the most
efficient online platforms in order to increase sales and strengthen bonds with your target

Why should you plan a digital marketing strategy to grow your business?

Having a plan of action, regardless of what you do, often causes you to move more
methodically and therefore more confidently. The following are some strategies for developing
a digital marketing plan that may benefit you:

Let's sketch a general digital marketing strategy.

Step 1: Research and define your goals

First, consider whether you can optimize your current content to rank higher on Google. If we
concentrate on SEO strategy, here is what you can accomplish with it:

 To rank higher, format your material following Google's algorithm

 Your page will load more quickly if your images are smaller and lighter
 Obtain links from trustworthy and reputable websites to demonstrate your credibility

Importantly, make sure to select digital marketing platforms that are ideal for your company.
Therefore, make realistic goals based on the information provided after doing your research.

Step 2: Collect data about your audience

The second item you should consider is the target market for your good or service.
Create a buyer persona for your business, which is a profile of your average consumer that
includes information about their hobbies, online activities, and purchasing habits. You may, for
instance, combine your conjectures with actual data obtained from Google Analytics.

All of the information you collect can be used to produce highly relevant display adverts,
customize email campaigns, and perform behavioral segmentation.

Step 3: Generate leads

Lead generation is the process of drawing prospects to your company and piqueing their
interest through nurturing, with the ultimate goal of converting them into customers. Job
applications, blog articles, coupons, live events, and online material are all ways to generate

Step 4: Nurture leads

Lead nurturing is the process of guiding a lead toward a purchase after they have began
communicating with your company. You can do it using email, chatbots, and social media, but
the most crucial factor is how you do it.

Step 5: Take care of returning clients and advocates

After a user purchase from you, your relationship shouldn't cease. Thank your consumer for
their investment, ask for comments or a review, and try to cross-sell in the follow-up

Step 6: Set up marketing automation

You should automate operations to optimise them once you've discovered what works and what
doesn't for your digital marketing strategy. You can quickly build automated email processes to
send email sequences to support subscribers at various stages of their journey, such as
onboarding, purchasing, cart abandonment, and so on.

1.9 Impact of Digital Marketing on Businesses

Businesses may believe they lack the resources (time or money) to compete online. As a result,
many businesses choose to take it slowly and stick to one or two traditional methods of
advertising, assuming that their firm will evolve with time. But in the modern world, digital
marketing is crucial for businesses.

Digital technology now dominates civilization. The effects are so significant that there are
regions where the population may lack access to clean water but have smartphones. Digital
marketing has a substantial impact on people's lives today. It influences how people interact, at
work, shop, and maintain their behaviors.

The conventional methods of marketing have been significantly impacted by digital marketing.

To maximize a company's influence and brand awareness, digital marketing businesses should
clearly understand how to use the digital universe. The realm of digital marketing provides a
platform for prospective buyers to experience brand ownership. It allows customers to feel
more connected to the company because they view the brand's content on a frequent basis. By
doing this, potential clients are encouraged to try out the goods and services they might not
have known about in the past.

Every day, nearly 3 billion people utilize social networking sites worldwide. According to a
marketing company's study, individuals are likelier to follow brands on social media than
celebrities. About 80% of users of the photo-sharing website Instagram follow at least one

Therefore, it is a pastime for digital media to enhance a brand's reputation and other
advantageous business-related actions.

Here are some advantages of digital media and how they affect businesses that use them:

Increase in Brand Awareness

Raising brand awareness—the degree to which consumers and the general public are familiar
with and recognize a particular brand—is one of the main goals of contemporary digital

Because it affects brand perception and consumer decision-making, increasing brand

recognition is crucial for digital marketing and marketing. The 2015 essay "Impact of Brand on
Consumer Behavior" claims as follows: Raising brand awareness—the degree to which
consumers and the general public are familiar with and recognise a specific brand—is one of
the primary goals of modern digital marketing.
Increased brand recognition is critical for digital marketing and marketing since it influences
brand perception and consumer decision-making. The following is stated in the 2015 essay
"Impact of Brand on Consumer Behavior":
"Brand awareness, one of the core components of brand equity, is frequently seen as a
requirement for consumers to purchase because it is the primary factor in incorporating a brand
in their consideration set. Because of their knowledge with the brand and its characteristics,
consumers' perceptions of risk and confidence in their purchasing decision can be influenced by
brand awareness.

Generation of Leads

Using digital media to convey interest in a firm and its products is a low-risk strategy.
Obtaining leads is a critical benefit that social media provides to any firm. They show
consumer interest in the company and its products.

Sales Growth

You can sell anything on social media. The use of social media is increasing, and social sales
tools are continually developing.

Grow Popular

When people begin to like, share, and comment on your postings, new audiences are introduced
to your content. Going viral is the next stage in this idea. Your content spreads over the entire
internet after being shared in a network and replicated by other networks, receiving thousands
or even millions of shares.

Such exposure is advantageous because every single like, share, and remark shows an existing
relationship with your company. Even if a person has never heard of the company, they are
likely to read the post if they notice that a friend has liked it. A friend's social share functions as
a pre-screening in a world where more stuff is produced than anyone can absorb.

Getting viral is difficult, but it wouldn't be possible without social media!

Engage Customers and the Audience

Social media platforms give brands and customers the chance to communicate directly with one
another. Social media provides for two-way communication between a brand and its audience,
whereas traditional media is a one-way street. Therefore, you must be engaged yourself if your
followers want to be involved. It is vital to stay connected and answer appropriately and
expertly to enquiries and comments on the brand's social media posts..

1.10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing benefits firms of all sizes by providing low-cost access to the mass
consumer. It enables highly tailored marketing, as opposed to TV or print advertising. You
should also be aware of the problems that come with digital marketing.

Advantages of Digital Marketing

Rapid technological advancements have had an impact on consumer purchasing habits. The
following are some benefits that consumers can get through digital marketing:

• Consumers have 24/7 access to the internet from anywhere in the world. Additionally,
because of the digital nature of digital marketing, consumers may keep informed about any
product or service at any time.
• Online consumers can engage in various activities, such as visiting a company's website,
reading the content, making purchases, etc. This has improved customers' experiences and
encouraged consumer involvement.
• Consumers are less likely to be misinformed by traditional marketing salespeople than by
digital marketing, which provides clear and accurate information about any good or service...

Disadvantages of Digital Marketing

Although digital marketing has many advantages, it isn't free from a few disadvantages.

 A rival might readily replicate the internet marketing strategy of another company. It is
possible to defraud clients by using brand names or logos. Websites may take too long
to load if there is a slow internet connection or some other issue, and customers may not
wait very long before leaving.
 Despite India's digitization, many customers still lack knowledge or faith in online
payment systems.
 The staggering amount of bogus virtual developments bring a lack of client trust. Since
their reputation for value and their image could suffer, fair organizations could be
 Numerous instances exist where customers used the pay-on-delivery option to order
things they had no intention of purchasing with a phony ID. This demonstrates a pay-
on-delivery method flaw.
 Digital marketing heavily depends on the internet and technology, making blunders
 Not everyone understands digital marketing yet; some clients, especially more seasoned
ones, don't believe in a computerized world and prefer to use traditional marketing

1.10 Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing

What exactly is digital marketing?

Digital marketing tactics vary constantly due to trends and new technologies. Among these
strategies are those requiring the use of the internet or cellphones.

Methods of digital marketing that are commonly used include:

 Website content email campaigns

 Content marketing
 Social media posts
 Clickable ads
 Affiliate marketing
 Search engine optimization (SEO)

Because of consumers' regular use of the internet and mobile devices, these methods are
increasingly popular today. Data Report estimates 4.95 billion active internet users worldwide
and 4.62 billion active social media users. With such high numbers, online and social media
marketing makes excellent sense.

What exactly is traditional marketing?

Traditional marketing refers to methods that do not require internet use These tactics have
existed for decades but are now used less frequently. They do, however, have certain benefits.

Traditional market tactics commonly used include:

 Postcards, vouchers, and informative booklets are distributed directly to recipients.
 Commercials on television or radio
 Advertisements in newspapers or magazines
 Flyers and billboards
 Telephone calls and SMS messages

We see and hear many of these advertising every day simply by listening to the radio on our
way to work or looking out the window at billboards as we drive by. They've become a regular
part of life. Traditional marketing was almost the only marketing available before the
introduction of the internet in the 1990s.

Comparison Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing


Definition It is a sort of marketing that uses It is one type of marketing

media such as television or that uses the internet and
magazines to advertise a company's social media for
services and products. advertising businesses.

Nature Static Dynamic

Engagement Low High

Conversion Slow Extremely fast

Investment Not easy to measure Simple to measure


Effectiveness More expensive Less expensive

Less effective More effective

Targeting Standardized Customized

Tracking Not possible Possible

Reach Local Global

Tweaking Not possible once the advertisement One can change or edit
is placed anytime

Results Slow results Quick and live results

Communicatio It is mostly one-way communication It is a two-way

n communication

Interruptions It is not easy to skip the One can easily skip

advertisements, as they are bound to between advertisements if
the users. it does not interest them.

1.11 The Growth of Digital Marketing in India

The quantity of individuals reached by marketing tactics is the first thing that comes to mind
when we think of important indicators of marketing success. The internet's penetration has
reached unprecedented levels. When it comes to internet users, India ranks second in the globe

When we look at the data globally, here is a statistic that depicts the rise of internet users over
the years, as well as projections for 2023.

By 2023, the number of active Indian internet users would have increased to about 666 million
in India and more than 5.3 billion worldwide. As a result, a greater proportion of people are
shifting online, and it makes perfect sense to start promoting online.

Because there are so many people online, data consumption has increased. In 2016, the typical
user consumed 500MB to 1GB of monthly data; however, by December 2020, the average user
is predicted to consume 13.5GB of monthly 4G data. This figure is expected to rise by 20% by
2021 as more people subscribe to various platforms for video consumption and other Internet-
related demands.

The previous digital revolution raised the numbers even further in 2022. Performing operations
on the Internet, from the most basic to the most complex, has become commonplace, increasing
data consumption.

Another significant impact of covid-19 has been the significant proliferation of OTT platforms,
resulting in one of the world's fastest-growing markets.. In the last 365 days, the shutdown
increased content consumption on OTT platforms from 181 billion minutes to about 204 billion

In 2022, the monthly search traffic for the same term is strong at 1,35,000! That's another 49%
of the jump rate.

This suggests that people understand the importance of digital marketing and are interested in
pursuing a profession or learning more about it.

The whole advertising sector in India was valued at INR 68,475 crores in 2019 and is predicted
to reach INR 75,952 crores by the end of 2020, according to Dentsu Aegis Network. That's a
whopping 10.9 percent annual growth rate. Here's a look at global digital advertising spending
in 2020, 2021, and previously expected 2022 projections.

Thus, all of the growth figures that we saw above in different digital channels strongly imply
that the growth of digital marketing is on the rise and has been positively impacted even after
the covid-19 pandemic rocked the world.


Digital Marketing Case Studies on Moto Trax which was conducted by LYFE Marketing

Being a snow bike firm, they had particular items for a specific audience. They handled their
website requirements, PPC, social media marketing, and SEO.

In 5 months, Lyfe Marketing helped them achieve 78 first-page Google ranks, which led to
approximately 77,000 additional website clicks and $96,664.98 in revenue.

Starting with the SEO procedure.

Using SEO, you can raise your website's position at the top of the natural Google search results

When someone enters a keyword or search term related to your company, that is when it

For instance, if someone uses Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any other search engine to look up
"Atlanta social media management firm."

...then the top-performing website for that keyword will appear as the first organic listing.
Consequently, for 78 keywords, they assisted them in ranking on the first page of Google

SEO is often a long-term strategy; it can take up to 12 months to see results on the first page.

Therefore, their site's age and history were crucial in quickly getting these outcomes.
Despite executing SEO incorrectly, their client had already built up some web authority over
five years.

Their group was successful in entering:

 redesigning their website

 create a plan that addressed both on-page and off-page optimization, and

 Leading search results.

While they did provide them with additional services, which we'll discuss in a moment...

Due to the nature of their firm, SEO played a significant role in their strategy.

Because of their specialized and niche items, it made sense to advertise their company to those
already using precise search terms.

Lyfe Marketing's SEO and PPC services accomplished this for them.

But for the time being, just wanted to note that though SEO is typically a long-term strategy...

If your target market is actively searching for what you have to offer on Google, it shouldn't
stop your business from starting the process.

Social Media

Regarding the social media service, they offered for Mototrax, it's vital to remember that one
may still use social media to target a specific audience.

However, it's not a given that they'll be looking for or in need of your product right away when
you deliver the advertisement to them.

In light of that, let's examine their social media marketing to see what was successful.

From social ads, Lyfe Marketing generated 1,718 leads at the cost of $2.00 per, over 205
thousand views of videos, and over 49,000 likes on Facebook pages.

So how did they achieve this and what made it work?

To address the first concern, they fueled their marketing funnel with targeted, goal-oriented
advertising campaigns.

They conducted a page-like advertising campaign.

They ran video views campaigns…

...that generated over 2,05K video views at a cost of $.001 per.

They boosted their posts by utilizing the post engagement campaign...

…and get over 300,000 engagements at $0.01 per engagement.

And lastly, they ran a conversion campaign…

…to acquire over 1700 leads at $2 per lead.

The choice of campaign objectives is crucial since they are optimized by aim.

Therefore, a campaign to increase video views will display your advertisement to those in your
target market who are most likely to watch your video.

However, if you used a page-like ad campaign to target the same group...

...the ad will be shown to those in that audience who are most likely to be interested in your

And Facebook's AI and user behavior patterns on the site drive all of this.

I felt it was crucial to show you every single campaign that Lyfe Marketing ran because of this.

This is because we frequently witness company owners new to advertising start executing
engagement initiatives.

...when what they desire is completed internet lead forms.

Now, here's why each of these initiatives was successful: their client had enough money to pay
for their fuel, and the entire marketing funnel was being addressed.

Their clients paid more than $18,000 during those five months, but they were pleased to do so,
given the benefits.

There's always;
 an awareness phase,
 an engagement or consideration phase, and
 a conversion phases

This is the typical process their target market must go through to become a customer. The
brand increased brand recognition thanks to its page likes and video views efforts.

...that might then be retargeted to spur more significant interaction from their new followers
and eventually turn them into leads.


Literature Review

Many research papers and articles on Digital Marketing provide in-depth analysis. The
following are some of the findings from some of the research papers:

Gangeshwer's (2013), This study discusses the conceptual knowledge of e-commerce and the
motivational elements for online purchases. With the rapid expansion in internet use in the
twenty-first century, e-commerce is likely to play a critical role in bringing new opportunities
to large and small corporations. As a result, online commerce is poised to expand in revenue
and geographic reach.

Nadaraja and Yazdanifard's (2013) research reveals the advantages and disadvantages of social
media marketing. It's an innovative tool for marketers who want to interact with their target
audiences. Businesses are still figuring out how to overcome the medium's many advantages
and disadvantages.

Trivedi's (2013) research focuses on the significance of various marketing tactics and the use of
different marketing technologies by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. It implies that
creative marketing tactics for SMEs may only function if they are based on well-defined
marketing programs for reaching out to potential and existing clients. Furthermore, it suggests
that SMEs examine the 80-20 principle before developing Customer Relationships.

Sathya (2015) examined the impact of digital marketing and proposed that digital marketing is
an umbrella term for promoting products or services through digital technology, primarily the
Internet, mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium.

Kannan and Li (2017), The goal was to plan a research strategy in Digital Marketing.
Researchers attempted to establish a comprehensive description of digital marketing. They've
also constructed and projected a supporting framework highlighting essential times in the
marketing process and the marketing strategy process in which digital technologies play a
crucial role. They also argue that Digital Marketing should be examined with all stakeholders
and that future researchers should thoroughly examine the identified concerns using data from
field trials and observational studies.

Yamin Ahmad Bin (2017), in contrast to traditional marketing, which uses channels and
methods that allow a corporation to assess marketing campaigns, Digital Marketing is the
promotion of products or brands using one or more types of electronic media. The study
suggests including an integrated marketing communication plan as a reference for marketing
strategy planning and understanding consumer behavior. It also concludes that digital
marketing tools and concepts are broadening their horizon as the use of mobile and Internet
communication among the masses grows and that comprehensive inclusion of digital marketing
tools and strategies, along with integrated marketing communication, can ensure marketing

Krpic, Milic, and Istvanic's (2017), This study attempts to present digital advertising
technology, tactics, media, and their benefits and drawbacks. According to this paper, SEO is
the most effective approach for organically getting customers out of all the techniques
presented. It also suggests that, as current technologies and devices evolve, even the most
traditional entrepreneurs will cater to these forms of digitalization.

According to the report by Verma (2018), businesses can benefit from various digital marketing
channels. The rising use of social media creates new potential for digital marketers to attract
clients via digital platforms. According to the survey, India has a significant shift toward
digitalization. Furthermore, the essay focuses on the diverse range of consumers who perceive
buying services via social networking sites due to their ease of access. According to the report,
digital marketing is cost-effective and has a substantial commercial impact on the business.

Bharti (2018) observed that the growing use of e-commerce is the critical factor in the
significant change in the Indian consumer's buying strategy. According to the report, marketers
should look for patterns and trends in customer behavior to support the expansion of digital
marketing. Through social media, customers may also provide feedback online. Businesses can
communicate with their clients directly through social media and get positive and negative
feedback. This will improve their ability to conduct business through online marketing.

Rajaiah and Srinivasulu (2019), Compared to other marketing platforms, it was found that
digital marketing is one of the most affordable ways to sell a product. Digital marketing and
advertising influence people to buy and sell things online, and e-commerce is expanding. The
future of digital marketing in India and its reach will improve in the years to come.

Garcia, Lizcano, Ramos, and Matos (2019), The conclusions of this study report, which were
evaluated using the Delphi method, point to the potential long-term effects of artificial
intelligence (AI), mobile voice searches, and other factors on the digital ecosystem. After
analyzing the customer's online purchasing process within the vast ecosystem of opportunities
provided by digital marketing on the Internet, this study also demonstrates and defines the
precise measures that must be performed to attract and maintain the business marketing plan.

Todar (2016) suggests that the use of traditional marketing is degrading day by day as a result
of young consumers' increased use of the Internet for online purchasing. Furthermore, the
survey shows that traditional marketing is still prevalent among mature clients. So the report
stated that one of the most excellent solutions for a firm is to try to build a combination of the
two tactics, i.e., merging traditional and digital marketing, that would respond to the needs of
both matured and young customers.

Chapter 1.2:

Research Methodology


 To study the increment in direct sales due to digital marketing.

 To study how marketing on digital platforms reduces the cost of acquiring new
 To understand how digital marketing focuses on potential customers.
 To acknowledge how digital marketing is used in keeping old customers in contact with
a brand.
 To examine how digital marketing creates brand awareness
 To inspect how marketing in digital forms uses digital marketing to notify customers
about the latest offer and target and re-target specific customers
 To learn how marketers target the Buyer persona
 To observe how lead generation is conducted
 To acknowledge how businesses promote new products & services
 To learn how digital marketing creates more website traffic (both organic
and inorganic)
 To learn how digital marketers improve User Experience
 To observe how marketers improve conversions
 To study how digital marketing remains more affordable than traditional one.


1. How digital marketing creates brand awareness for a brand?

2. How digital marketing creates more website traffic (both organic and inorganic)?
3. How do digital marketers improve conversions for businesses?
4. What does digital marketing do on digital platforms to reduce the cost of acquiring new


The study takes the form of descriptive research. Descriptive research is conducted to describe
the actions of a sample or group. It does not explain how, when, and why the action instead
occurs. It responds to what the step is. It provides us with the answer to what the market
demands, how the marketers use the digital medium to conduct marketing and make
conversions, and consumers perceive such efforts of marketers, as well as the respondents'
general perspectives on various related topics to digital marketing.


It is gathering all the information required for conducting the research. For this research, I have
decided to use primary and secondary data.

Primary Data:

Primary data is first-hand information or raw data. The researcher collects it using various
approaches such as surveys and interviews. It is gathered from a representative sample of the
population. A Questionnaire will be used as the primary data source. According to Naresh
(2010, p. 132 "primary data are going to be organized for the precise purpose of addressing the
matter available. the first data which will be used is a questionnaire survey whether by online
or manual. While distributing the questionnaire, the research needs cooperation and
clarification from the respondents". Besides that, "primary data refer to first-handing
information or data obtained originally by the researcher on the variables of interest for the
precise purpose of the study" (Sekaran & Bougie, 2009, p.180).

Secondary Data:

Secondary data is data that has previously been acquired by someone else in the past. I plan to
use secondary data from various research papers and articles. According to Sekaran & Bougie
(2009, p.184), "secondary data ask information gathered by another party that already conduct
a previous study. It helps researchers to urge better understand and define the issues. to get
secondary data, the previous researchers' studies are often obtained through online journal
databases like ProQuest, EBSCOhost, Emerald Journal, Malaysian Thesis and other available
databases which are available in University Technology MARA (UiTM) online databases.
Furthermore, the relevant articles and other sources through the internet and online library are
aiding in the research. It does not require expensive cost, isn’t time-consuming, and is energy-
savor to the researcher. The advancement in technology helps tons find resources especially the


I have used the sampling method in the research called convenience sampling. Convenience
sampling refers to how the data is collected from consumers close to the researcher or from
respondents within the researcher's reach. The sample size of the study is 17.


Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework on Digital Marketing: Theoretical Framework, Moderating
Factors, and Mediating Factors

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of digital marketing provides the foundational concepts and theories
that guide marketers in understanding consumer behavior, communication, and persuasion in
the digital landscape. Key elements of the theoretical framework include:

a) Consumer Behavior:

Understanding how consumers interact with digital channels, make purchase decisions, and
respond to digital marketing stimuli. This involves examining factors like motivation,
perception, attitudes, and decision-making processes.

b) Communication and Persuasion

Exploring the principles of effective communication and persuasion in digital marketing. This
includes the use of messaging, storytelling, social proof, and other psychological techniques to
influence consumer perceptions and actions.

c) Technology Adoption and Diffusion:

Analyzing how consumers adopt and use digital technologies and platforms, and how these
trends impact marketing strategies. The diffusion of innovations theory helps in understanding
the adoption process of digital technologies by different consumer segments.

d) Relationship Marketing:

Emphasizing the importance of building long-term relationships with customers through

personalized and relevant interactions. Relationship marketing theories guide the development
of customer retention strategies and advocacy programs.

Moderating Factors

Moderating factors influence the strength and direction of relationships between digital
marketing strategies and their outcomes. These factors can enhance or constrain the
effectiveness of digital marketing efforts. Some important moderating factors include:

a. Culture and Context:

Cultural differences and societal norms can impact how digital marketing messages are
perceived and received in different regions and markets. Adapting marketing strategies to fit
cultural contexts is crucial for success.

b. Technological Infrastructure:

The level of technological infrastructure in a region affects the accessibility and effectiveness
of digital marketing channels. The availability of high-speed internet, mobile devices, and
digital payment systems can significantly influence digital marketing outcomes.

c. Industry and Competition:

The competitive landscape and industry characteristics influence the level of digital marketing
effectiveness. Highly competitive industries may require more sophisticated and innovative
digital marketing strategies.

d. Brand Reputation:

The reputation and credibility of a brand can impact how consumers respond to digital
marketing efforts. A strong brand reputation can enhance trust and engagement, while a
negative reputation may hinder success.

Mediating Factors:

Mediating factors act as intermediaries between digital marketing strategies and their outcomes,
explaining the underlying mechanisms through which marketing efforts influence consumer
behavior. Some important mediating factors include:

a. Customer Engagement:

The level of customer engagement with digital marketing content and campaigns can mediate
the relationship between marketing efforts and desired outcomes. Higher engagement levels are
often associated with increased brand loyalty and purchase intent.

b. Trust and Credibility:

The perception of trustworthiness and credibility of digital marketing messages and sources can
mediate consumer responses. Trust is a vital factor in encouraging conversions and fostering
long-term relationships.

c. User Experience (UX):

The quality of user experience on digital platforms and websites can significantly impact
consumer behavior. A positive and seamless UX can lead to higher conversion rates and
customer satisfaction.

d. Information Processing:

How consumers process information encountered through digital marketing channels can
influence decision-making. Factors like message clarity, relevance, and cognitive load play a
role in information processing.

A comprehensive conceptual framework on digital marketing, incorporating a theoretical

foundation, moderating factors, and mediating factors, helps marketers to develop more
effective and targeted digital marketing strategies.

Chapter 3:

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Primary Research

1. When you surf the internet for something, which website are you more likely to
visit in the first place?

17 responses


1st website on the page 2nd website on the page

3rd website from the page Websites from the second page and so on.


As seen in the interpretation of the responses of the surveyed

76.46% of respondents agreed that the first website they would click would be the one ranging
on the top of the webpage. Only 17.64% agreed on clicking a website that runs on the 2nd
number. None of the respondents chose the 3rd option, but some decided they would visit
websites from the second page to find content.

2. Do you experience Google search engine suggesting more relevant websites
through Search engine optimization (SEO) of keywords when you search for
something on the web?


Yes, they suggest me the relevant data I am searching

No I don't find relevant stuff more often


As seen on the pie chart, when asked how often respondents found the content they were
searching on the internet, a majority of 76.47% responded by saying that they found relevant
data on the web whenever they surfed. However, 4 out of 17 participants said they didn’t find
relevant stuff more often when they searched the web.

3. Do you feel the roadside billboards and tv ads as irrelevant today compared to
the ads that show up on your browser generally containing matters of your


I still find billboard ads more useful than digital ad campaigns

Yes, billboards ads are too generic today


As shown in the chart, when asked about how relevant respondents think about the traditional
billboard ads, a whopping 70.58% think standard ads have gone generic today, which signifies
that more than 70% of our respondents feel they need targeted ads but are still close to 30%
said they find billboard ads as a good digital campaign still today. It signifies traditional
marketing might have subsided, but they are here to stay for a while and haven’t really faded

4. What do you think a company is trying to achieve by doing digital marketing?
(You can choose more than one)

Chart Title


When the survey respondents were asked what they think a company is trying to achieve by
doing digital marketing, about 9 of the respondents said they thought the company was trying
to gain ad revenue through their marketing. In contrast, 11 respondents thought a company was
also trying to sell its products. Nine of the participants on the survey thought digital marketing
is conducted to do marketing research, and 6 agreed that creating an online presence is the goal
of companies. However, 7 decided that attracting the customers to the physical store was the
goal of companies to do digital marketing, and only 2 participants opted for the option that
companies were just trying to gain their contact information through their digital marketing

5. Which digital marketing activities have you heard of before? (You can choose
more than one)

Series 1

O O s) s) g ng ts g
SE SE Ad Ad tin ti en th
d d be rke ke em y
an an tu ra
m a ar ov An
ts ts u ag lm M pr rd
en en Yo st ai dI
em em d In m ke He
ov ov an nd E- Li n an
pr e
pr gl ka br Ne
im im oo boo an
ia G e
s it ed s( ac ss
e b
lm Ad s(
cia l e
Ad ar
So oog k Aw
G o d
bo an
ce Br

Series 1


When respondents of the survey were asked what digital marketing they had heard about
before, a total of 9 out of 17 participants chose website improvements and SEO. 10 respondents
chose social media improvements as a digital marketing activity that they had heard of before,
while 123 participants had heard about google ads. About 11 participants said they had heard
about Facebook ads before, and 8 said they were familiar with email marketing campaigns.
About 9 participants also agreed they had heard LinkedIn marketing before, and 4 said they
knew there was a hing called brand awareness. One participant said he hadn’t listened to any of
them ever before.

6. For each of the following areas listed, please tell us how effective you think
these digital marketing activities are to one's business?

Chart Title
) s ds g ng rs
ia Ad A tin he
ed le ok ke ke
lm og o a r ar
cia Go ce lm n
so Fa ai di
or Em nke
e Li

not effective somewhat effective effective very effective


As shown in the graphs, most respondents thought that SEO was an “effective” digital
marketing activity to conduct a business. Similarly, Facebook ads and email marketing were
confusing as they had shattered reviews by everyone, and no substantial degree of effectiveness
was noticed. In the last two bars of LinkedIn marketing and other forms of marketing, most
people considered these as somewhat effective for conducting digital marketing.

7. Do you think a company's social media presence adds to its marketing campaign
by engaging the brand and its audience?


Yes Maybe No


As shown in the interpretation, about 82.35% thought that a company's social media impacts
the marketing campaign of the company by engaging the brand and the audience. In
comparison, 11.76% believed that social media doesn't help engages the audience with the
brand and 5.88% of the audience, which counts to only 1 in the survey, was not sure of it in any

8. Tweaking (to pull, twist or edit) a traditional advertisement campaign can be?


Easily done if does not bring reviews

Not possible to change once an advertisement is placed


In the given pie chart, you can see that most participants in the survey thought that traditional
advertisements could be tweaked if they didn't bring good results. Only some participants,
17.64%, felt that tweaking couldn't be done in a conventional campaign.

9. Have ever received an affiliate marketing link (link to promote somebody else's
business and receive commission upon the sales of each item)?


No, I have not Yes, I have

Yes, I have heard about affiliate links before


As shown in the pie chart, almost 30% of respondents said they had not heard of affiliate links
before, and about 35.29% of participants said someone had sent them an affiliate link for their
business promotion. Several participants said they have at least heard about affiliate links

Secondary Research

For secondary research, I have taken data from Statistica Research Department 2021,
conducted on several companies to find out the most effective digital marketing techniques in

In this data, we can easily see that content marketing was the most effective, followed by
marketing automation, with 17.4%pointed to it as the most effective marketing technique in
2020. The least being display and online PR activities and other marketing campaigns which
weren't practical for the companies.

Chapter 4:


From the above study, we can conclude that digital marketing is today one of the essential
types of marketing to be performed by any business. A digital era has revolutionized every field
in the world, from the work of the kitchen at home to the position in rocket science;
digitalization has revolutionized the world, and the marketing world hasn't been spared as well.

This study focuses on digital marketing among various types of marketing today and compares
digital marketing with traditional marketing on multiple grounds. This study also discusses the
different kinds of digital marketing conducted today, how they generate business brand
awareness, and so on.

I have talked about the importance of digital marketing in the digitalization era, the digital
marketing growth and craze in the combined world, and in the year after the pandemic
subsided. A strategy to conduct digital marketing is also written in the study briefly. I have also
discussed the impact of digital marketing on businesses to learn how companies profit and to
get impacted by the digital marketing campaigns they

I have also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of digital marketing campaigns for
businesses and customers. A brief comparison of traditional and digital marketing is made to
show how they vary on several grounds.

A brief study is done on the growth of digital marketing in India post and provides how digital
marketing is expected to grow in 2023. An access today has also been done about how digital
marketing company Lyfe Marketing conducted digital marketing for a brand Moto Trax.

Here, we understand that digital marketing is in use nowadays. Today, digital marketing
campaigns, if done correctly, reach brand new heights. All of the worlds are on their phones
and smart devices, and if digital ads are shown, people's attention towards the brand can create
the best brand awareness through online marketing.

With the proper digital marketing strategy and definition of goals correctly, digital marketing
can bring great results.

In conclusion, I would like to say that digital marketing is a booming career choice, and digital
marketing roles are game-changing for the ambitious digital world today and ahead.




51 –By Sandeep Maheshwari -Apna college video on Digital marketing

Other referred Materials:

King, R., & Durai, T. (2019). Impact of Digital Marketing on the growth of consumerism.
SSRN Electronic Journal.

Kotler, P., & Keller, K.J. (2013). Marketing management. Pearson Education Ltd.

Kotler, P., & Levi, S.J. (1969). Broadening the concept of marketing. Pearson Education Ltd.

Lockett, A. (2018). Online marketing strategies for increasing sales revenues of small retail
businesses. Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies.

Mandal, P., & Joshi, N. (2017). Understanding digital marketing strategy. International Journal
of Scientific Research and Management, 5(6), 5428-5431


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