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Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

BRICS expansion could be a bad idea: As leaders of Russian leader into custody if he were to visit the
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa meet for country. Yet with the possibility of any such drama
their annual BRICS summit starting on Tuesday, now ruled out, two more substantive and interrelated
there is little doubt that the grouping has taken on developments will hold centre stage at the summit.
new importance amid intensifying great power China and Russia have expressed interest in
competition. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the expanding the group in an effort to grant it greater
West’s increasingly aggressive sanctions campaign weight in international affairs. Over 40 countries have
against both Russia and China serve as the context in expressed interest in joining the BRICS group with 22
which the global diplomatic community will be formally requesting membership. These include Arab
watching the conclave in Johannesburg. Indeed, the allies of the United States such as Saudi Arabia, the
war in Ukraine has already cast its shadow on the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt, and rivals
meeting. Russian President Vladimir Putin attending such as Iran. The list also includes countries from
only virtually to avoid South Africa any Africa, South America and Asia.
embarrassment: The African nation is a member of
the International Criminal Court, which has issued a The second issue is de-dollarisation. China and
warrant for Putin’s arrest on charges related to the Russia seem intent on using a larger BRICS forum as
conflict, and would legally be required to take the a focal point of their efforts to cut their dependence —

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

and that of the global economy — on the US currency with Western interests against China. The availability
that has dominated cross-border invoicing and of Western economic support and access to technology
settlements since World War II. Beijing and Moscow has increased significantly and West-India relations
are already conducting most of their trade in local are experiencing a new era. This has significant
currencies, especially the Chinese Yuan. Russia has economic benefits for India that make Modi very
pitched for a new BRICS currency, perhaps backed by sensitive about being seen as empowering a
gold, that would be used as an international medium counterbalance to the G7.
of exchange between the members instead of the
dollar. Brazil is being led by a left-wing president who is
worried about alienating Washington as a business
For Russia and China, de-dollarisation has taken on partner and is knowledgeable of how the US tends to
fresh importance as they’ve increasingly come under take an aggressive posture against South American
sanctions from the West. Fear of how American and leaders who question its hegemony in the region.
Western economic statecraft can damage their South Africa is concerned that enhancing BRICS
economies and limit their national security autonomy membership will further reduce its influence in the
is a major issue of debate in both Moscow and Beijing. bloc. Officials in Pretoria are already concerned that
But while South Africa, Brazil and India have better other BRICS countries are far more influential in the
relations with the West, they too see lesser reliance on group as its economic and social progress has stalled
the dollar as being a positive for their economic in recent years. South Africa is also very concerned
growth and trade potential. Brazil’s President Luiz about having to take sides in the emerging new Cold
Inacio Lula de Silva recently stated that “[e]very night War between the US and China — though it is under
I ask myself why all countries have to base their trade a significant amount of pressure on South Africa to
on the dollar”. To them, de-dollarisation is less about align itself with the West. This is what has fuelled
overthrowing King Dollar from atop the hierarchy of demands by India, Brazil and South Africa for stricter
reserve currencies and more about carving out a rules to determine whether an aspiring member
separate method to transact between member states should be allowed to join or even become an observer.
without the need for the dollar, the Western-based India, in particular, has argued that democracies be
SWIFT messaging system and the services of New the focus of membership considerations. Such
York banks. That being said, BRICS in its current differences have undermined the work of other major
form already represents 26 percent of global gross global balancing organisations like the Organisation of
domestic product (GDP) and 16 percent of global trade. the Islamic Cooperation, G77 and the Non-Aligned
So a successful effort in this regard is likely to have Movement, too. The ascension of various other
ripple effects. countries such as Argentina, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria,
with their own complex foreign policy preferences,
But will this new currency gambit work? There is too would not be seen favourably by Washington. But a
little known about the plan to reach definite rapidly expanded BRICS won’t necessarily be more
conclusions. The BRICS track record on de- powerful. Indeed, it could make the organisation more
dollarisation has been mixed. China and Russia have incoherent and unable to reach a clear consensus on
successfully reduced their dependence on the dollar anything of importance. (Author: Ahmadi Ali.
for cross-border trade. On the other hand, the New Published in Al Jazeera on August 22, 2023)
Development Bank, established by BRICS in large part
to facilitate the de-dollarisation of state lending is A warning to the US, but not a new Cold War: Last
largely dependent on the dollar and is now struggling week, the bloc of nations known as the BRICS took
to raise that currency due to having Russia as a the historic step of inviting six new countries for
founding member. Its chief financial officer recently membership. The grouping of Brazil, Russia, India,
acknowledged that “You cannot step outside of the China and South Africa will be joined by Saudi Arabia,
dollar universe and operate in a parallel universe.” Iran, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina
The existing dollar hegemony is backed by an and Egypt as part of an expanded collective.
intensive network effect and a convenience factor. The But these six new entrants are among dozens of
stability of the dollar and deep dollar-denominated countries that have expressed interest in joining the
markets allow for predictability, ease of use and lower BRICS. Further expansions of an organisation many
cross-border transactions. A new BRICS currency may have touted as a systemic rival to the G7 seem almost
address some of these challenges but certainly not all. certain to follow in future summits. As economic
There is also a significant imbalance in resolve tensions soar and geoeconomics becomes a
regarding de-dollarisation within the grouping. Where battleground, countries of the Global South seem
sanctioned countries like Russia and China, as well as drawn to the BRICS group, which includes and is
prospective members like Iran, are eager to disabuse partially led by China. So, why are so many countries,
the US of its ability to impose costly financial including many US partners, participating in this
sanctions, others will be less inclined to bear the cost project and seeking to boost its mission?
of such a transition. Like the Shanghai Cooperation Many argue we are in the midst of a new Cold War.
Organisation — which also includes China, Russia Even members of the United States Congress have
and India among its members — a key issue lent credence to that concept. But that is an imperfect
undermining the political impact of BRICS as a bloc is analogy. As many have pointed out, China is a peer
the complex nature of relations between its nations, economy to the US and is likely to overtake it in gross
and their differing approaches towards the West. domestic product (GDP) soon, while the former Soviet
While they all dislike being called upon to abide by Union’s economy was, at its peak, only a third that of
Western sanctions, many of them have strong the US. But what is critically different in the global
relations with Western countries that they do not wish landscape of alliances is that many countries are in a
to hurt. India and China are strategic rivals that don’t position to choose their alignment. Scholars and
see eye to eye on many issues. During last month’s analysts have been discussing the rise of the Global
SCO summit, India refused to sign on to a key South for decades, especially since the 2008 financial
economic document because it included Chinese crisis, pointing to how the unprecedented and
diplomatic language like references to Beijing’s Global sustained economic growth of many countries outside
Development Initiative. India has broadly aligned itself the West was redistributing global power. Researchers

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

have also concluded that while the global economy’s among them more appetising. Scholars who have
centre of gravity was in the Atlantic, between the US examined Beijing’s relationship with the international
and Europe, in 1980, it had moved 4,800 miles order argue that China seeks to engage international
(7,725km) to Izmir, Turkey, by 2008 and will likely lie institutions to argue for its preferences. But when it is
somewhere between India and China by 2050. This denied what it sees as power commensurate with its
new environment presents the nations of the Global global position, it seeks to create parallel institutions.
South with options about how to respond to growing This can be seen in the form of the Asian
friction among major powers and how to position their Infrastructure Investment Bank, the SCO and BRICS.
nations in the midst of great power competition.
The US and its linchpin allies have common values
During the Cold War, one could awkwardly divide the and deep social interaction. More importantly, they
world into three camps: the Western bloc, the Soviet have similar forms of government and economic
bloc and the countries that were part of the so-called management. This both binds them together and
non-aligned movement. After the Cold War, many of solves collective action problems regarding world
the norms of the Western bloc formed what is often affairs. US partners in the Global South, however, are
referred to as the liberal rules-based international not under this umbrella and instead court
order. This new order was enshrined into new multipolarity to maximise their bargaining position
organisations like the World Trade Organization and vis-à-vis duelling powers. Joining a forum like the
older venues like the United Nations during a BRICS is less a declaration of alignment with Beijing
“unipolar moment”, when democratic capitalism and and more an assertion by a country that they wish to
trade liberalisation seemed to have vanquished every remain neutral or play both sides in line with their
foe. But today, the rising power balancing the US is specific national interest. (Author: Ahmadi Ali.
not looking to form a Soviet-type bloc. The reasons are Published in Al Jazeera on August 31, 2023)
both material and ideational. China does not have the
military capacity to project power over large parts of Multipolar world — BRICS vs G7 — spurring return
the planet and make security guarantees to faraway of coups in Africa? A series of violent change of
friends. It also has a grim history with alliance politics governments in recent times in French-speaking West
– such as its fallout with the Soviet Union. So it and Central Africa by military men is raising the
eschews the kind of alliances that define the US’s spectre of a return to the hoary days of dystopia and
relationship with its linchpin allies in Europe and tyranny rampant in the continent between the 1960s
East Asia. Beijing has many partners, even and the end of the Cold War. The Cold War
“comprehensive strategic partners”, but no allies. represented a global system of bipolarity in which the
Beijing also has a precarious relationship with the United States and the Soviet Union competed
international order Washington built. The order is one intensely for global domination. Relations between the
designed and carried out with US interests and Soviet Union and the US were driven by a complex
preferences in mind – and to a lesser extent those of interplay of ideological, political, and economic factors,
its close allies. As China rises, the West, and the US which led to shifts between cautious cooperation and
in particular, jealously guard the rules they’ve crafted often bitter superpower rivalry over the years. The
and the pegging order within those organisations. interventions and alliances birthed in Africa between
China’s voting power and position in international fora the 1960s and 1980s helped to shape the realities of
are still extremely small compared with its economic the bipolar world system. During the Cold War, west,
weight. For example, China has a 5 percent voting central, eastern and southern Africa proved to be
share in the World Bank’s main lending arm despite fertile grounds for proxy war as the US and the Soviet
representing 16 percent of the global GDP. Union found it critical to expand their spheres of
influence, largely by promoting leadership in the
China has repeatedly asked for its voting power, and ‘Third World’ that would be sympathetic to their
those of other emerging economies, to be increased to causes. Out of the 486 attempted or successful
represent modern global economic distribution to no military coups carried out globally since 1950, Africa
avail. This is a rather enticing combination to many accounts for the largest number with 214, of which at
countries of the Global South. Many of them also see least 106 have been successful. Data compiled by
their preferences and interests underrepresented or American researchers Jonathan M. Powell and
ignored in the world order as currently constituted. Clayton L. Thyne show that at least 45 of the 54
Additionally, aligning with organisations like BRICS nations across the African continent have experienced
does not mean binding commitments to one side of at least a single coup attempt since 1950. Between
the new Cold War. The Shanghai Cooperation 1958 and 2008, most coups in Africa occurred in
Organization (SCO) may be a security cooperation former French colonies, as did six of the seven since
forum like NATO but it lacks any Article 5 feature. If 2019. Similarly, 12 of the 20 coups in the sub-region
the worst-case scenario, a Sino-American military since 2010 happened there. The latest successful
confrontation, came to pass, US allies would be putsch in Burkina Faso came on the heels of two
expected to quickly join it in the war but China’s attempted ones, in 2015 and 2016. The end of the
partners would not. In fact, an increasingly large Cold War also saw the end of the bipolar world system.
coalition of countries with competing and conflicting
political systems, ideologies and approaches to the After the Cold War, a neoliberal democratic
West may produce an increasingly unwieldy programme was inaugurated in Africa. It promised to
organisation and exacerbate its collective action free the continent from authoritarianism and military
problem. But China is clearly gambling that a larger, seizures of power, in favour of political pluralism and
more geographically and economically diverse set of the rule of law. Thus, many decades later, coups were
countries can eventually be marshalled towards the supposed to be rare, if not a thing of the past, and
goal of enhancing their collective representation in the dictatorships were supposed to be on the decline.
world order. For example, the inclusion of more
countries, especially major commodity exporters like In February, 1989, Francis Fukuyama gave a talk on
Saudi Arabia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates, may international relations at the University of Chicago.
make greater economic integration among BRICS With the Cold War coming to an end, he foresaw a
states and the use of non-dollar currencies in trade spread of liberal democracies throughout the world.

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

On the contrary, Samuel Huntington presented his Cheatham, senior advisor, Global Policy at the United
self-fulfilling prophecy, namely the “clash of States Institute for Peace, said. Kamissa Camara,
civilisations”, where he argued that international Mali’s former minister of foreign affairs, believes that
politics would now be centred by the interplay of West Russia’s role in these coups and western charges of
and non-Western civilisations and thus lead to conflict. toxic influence by Moscow in the continent is always
Ultimately, it was some 30 years of peace and quiet in overstated. Camara said: “These Russian flags that
Africa until recent times. The soldiers are coming back. you see right after a coup has taken place have been
From Burkina Faso to Mali, Niger, Guinea, Chad, planted there. I have absolutely no doubt about that.
Sudan and now Gabon, mainly western-trained army
officers are seizing back the reins of power from “I do not believe that Russia is an important player in
politicians. Researchers Hakeem Onapajo and this region. I believe that there is definitely a Russian
Muhammad Dan Suleiman assert that “the quest for propaganda at play. But culturally and even looking
strategic influence and advantage by foreign powers in at these youth in West Africa, they speak French,
Africa has involved them in coups in the continent”. most of them. They study in French, and they either
“They tolerate local politics and authoritarianism as want to immigrate to France or the United States. I do
long as their strategic advantage is served,” they said. not see any of them queuing in front of the Russian
embassy.” But focusing on foreign influences ignores
With more of the region’s elected governments at risk each country’s internal politics and security, as well
of violent overthrow, French President Emmanuel as the effects they have on each other. On a cursory
Macron has warned that “all the presidents across the look, Deji Olatoye, a lawyer, said: “The Ali Bongo
region are more or less aware of the fate that awaits overthrow plays into the succession of coups that we
them” unless democracy is restored. “I think coups in have seen in the last couple of years across Africa.
Africa are a contagion now,” Feyi Fawehinmi, an However, Gabon is not an Islamist-ridden Sahelian
author and researcher, said. For Cheta Nwanze, a country. It may even appear to play into the so-called
partner at the Lagos-based consultancy SBM “messy middle” thesis of the Economist magazine —
Intelligence, the rising spate of coups “is part of a the idea that Africa’s key dysfunctional places stretch
trend that is largely sweeping across Francophone from the Sahel in West Africa through Sudan to
Africa (for now) as French-supported autocrats Central Africa. However, it signals something different.
pretending to be democrats slowly lose their grip on Gabon, though resource-rich like DRC, has managed
power”. “There’s a risk it would jump to Anglophone a facade of stability in the last few decades. “I think
Africa, as there’s also dissatisfaction with the the clearest signal is that there is a notice now being
economic outcomes of 30 years of civilian rule in those served on democracies that have failed to properly
countries, but the risk is mostly in French Africa. launch across the continent. We expect incipient
Cameroon and Togo are likely next,” he added. The democracies to totter at first, but then to mature as
widening ‘coup belt’ across the Sahel, West Africa and time goes on. What we have seen in the last decade is
Central Africa demonstrates a repudiation of US and that the wave of democratisation that swept through
western influence and pressure. Africa from the early 90s have largely produced
regimes that did not go beyond the box-ticking of
Years of unipolar power dominance and influence by election cycles.
the US and its western allies in the continent through
aid, loans, sanctions and threats of sanctions has left “There is a crying legitimacy gap, not just in the
many Africans unimpressed. The continent has made quality of elections, but in the outcome – the so-called
little economic progress during this period. Onapajo democracy dividends – for the populace. This has
and Suleiman said: “Governance deficits, non- manifested in diverse ways across the continent. In
fulfilment of the entitlements of citizenship, frustrated places like Gabon, Togo, Cameroon and Equatorial
masses (most of whom are young) and growing Guinea, it has manifested in effete sight-tight regimes
insecurity are chief among the inward-looking causes. and dynasties. The clearest signal from Gabon is to
International factors, including external influence, are these other sight-tight regimes, including in
among the outward-looking.” neighbouring Cameroon where President Biya’s regime
is deepening separatist disaffection. For other parts of
These immediate factors, according to them, “exist in the continent where election cycles are deteriorating,
a broader context that allows immediate causes to no matter how we choose to see or not see what has
persist long enough to spark coups. Unimpressive happened in Gabon, Ali Bongo’s overthrow is also a
democratic conditions in countries, and the notice.” The challenge to majority rule in Africa,
consistency of foreign influence in African countries, Camara concurs is that “democracy as we understand
make it unsurprising that there have been recent it in the west has not been that successful in some
attempted and successful military takeovers of African countries, including the ones that have
government”. While the US’ Africa policy promises recently experienced the coup”. “And so, first of all,
economic partnerships in areas that speak to both what I’m hoping is that the youth in these countries
African economic priorities and US strengths, for define their own path and design the institutions that
many in the continent, the west is more interested in they want to see,” she said. “And my second hope is
the political and economic mileage it can get from that we, as international partners, put our emphasis
Africa. on the private sector, which will be able to create the
jobs that will be needed in the next few years when
The rise of the BRICS group of nations and its recent these millions of youth will come onto the drug market
expansion poses a counterweight to the G7 western seeking a better future.” (Author: Nosa Igbinadolor.
powers. Originally, the countries came together as a Published in Business Today on September 1, 2023)
grouping in the late 2000s to coalesce around issues
of finance, development and trade. However, the bloc China’s vision for the Global South:
has now grown to symbolise one side of the ledger in a When the BRICS recently decided to invite six
world of bitter strategic rivalry and growing countries to join as new members, Chinese President
multipolarity. “Great attention to the BRICS around Xi Jinping hailed the expansion as a historic move
the world has helped China and Russia’s rhetorical that highlights the resolve of the BRICS to pursue
campaign to pin ‘the West’ against ‘the rest’,” Andrew unity and cooperation in the developing world. Beyond

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

the BRICS, Xi’s comment is precisely a reflection of to $1 trillion by incubating over 3,000 projects around
what China envisions for the Global South. Since war the world. As a result, some 420,000 jobs have been
broke out in Ukraine, the US-led West has found itself created and nearly 40 million people have been lifted
in a somewhat awkward position where, despite its out of poverty in countries involved in the BRI. To a
lobby and charm offensive, the Global South can’t be large extent, it is the success of the BRI that has
persuaded into siding with the West on this war. In a prompted Western countries to roll out their own
recent example, a July summit between the European initiatives in a bid to compete with China, such as the
Union and Latin America failed to reach even a bland G7’s Build Back Better World and the EU’s Global
statement on the war due to their huge rift on this Gateway.
issue. The root cause of this “West against the rest”
phenomenon is that the West has in many ways failed From China’s perspective, anyone’s promise to invest
to grasp the real concerns and priorities of the Global in the Global South is not a bad thing. In fact, the BRI
South. To most developing countries across Asia, itself represents a platform that is open to the West as
Africa and Latin America, there are much more well, and some Western corporations have already
pressing issues to worry about – recovery from the benefited from it. In 2016, the General Electric gained
Covid-19 pandemic, indebtedness, food security, orders worth $2.3 billion for construction and
climate change, etc. Plus, ties with Russia also matter engineering projects under the BRI. Similarly,
to many of them, so they have pragmatically taken a Siemens has worked with over 100 Chinese partners
neutral position that enables them to better navigate on BRI-related energy and mining projects. Citibank
the geopolitics related to the war. In addition, and Deutsche Bank have participated in the financing
Washington’s narrative in framing the war – in fact, of BRI projects. By comparison, given the fact that a
many other international issues as well – as starting point of the Western initiatives is to compete
“democracy versus autocracy” is certainly not helpful with the BRI, whether they’ll provide opportunities to
in winning the hearts of the Global South countries. A Chinese companies remains an open question. Trade
little critical thinking would tell us that to define and investment are one aspect of China’s contribution
whether or not a country is a democracy using to development in the Global South. Furthermore, its
Western criteria alone is in and of itself undemocratic, economic rise over the past few decades represents a
and it only runs a risk of entrenching the existing victory for the mentality that each country deserves a
ideological divisions in the world today. development path in accordance with its own
conditions. China has pursued its economic
China’s ideas such as “community of shared future” achievements through a path featuring not only
and “balanced, sustainable security architecture” learning from the advanced economies but also
appear to better dovetail with the realistic need of the keeping its own DNA. In this sense, there could be
Global South countries. In essence, China’s worldview tremendous inspirations for underdeveloped countries
calls for shelving frictions and prioritizing cooperation regarding how to manage their future destiny. It looks
for the sake of mutual prosperity, rather than pushing like multi-polarity is becoming a reality in the world
countries to choose sides. More importantly, China’s today. In one example, the G7 industrialized
proposals on global governance are not empty slogans. countries’ share of global GDP declined to less than
Instead, they are based on concrete actions in China’s 45% in 2021, compared to nearly 70% in the late
foreign policy. When it comes to helping mitigate 1980s. As a major power in the developing world,
conflicts, for instance, China supplies more UN China has a responsibility to help bolster unity and
peacekeeping troops than the other four permanent prosperity in the Global South. The goal is to establish
members of the UN Security Council combined. Since a more equitable world order with increased
1990, Chinese soldiers involved in UN peacekeeping representation of the Global South in international
missions have left their footprints in more than 20 affairs. (Author: Ding Heng. Published in Pakistan
countries and regions across Southeast Asia, the Observer on September 5, 2023)
Middle East and Africa. During a June visit to China
by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Xi Jinping BRICS & the future of Chinese influence: BRICS
raised a three-point proposal aimed at working has taken a significant step in expanding its
towards peace between Palestine and Israel. In fact, membership to six influential countries in the Middle
China has been involved in mediating between the two East, Africa, and South America. This includes
sides since 2002, when China set up its special envoy Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and
for the Middle East. Some observers might view the the UAE. The inclusion of these six countries is seen
Iran-Saudi Arabia rapprochement as China enjoying as a major win for BRICS, es-pecially China. It is
the fruits of earlier diplomatic work done by others, generally believed that a new eco-nomic and political
but the deal was actually a result of many years of order is on the rise as influential Middle Eastern
balanced diplomacy and trust building that China has countries rally behind China’s led diplomatic and
carried out in the Middle East. In China’s mentality, economic initiatives.
peace and development come hand in hand. While the
former certainly paves the way to the latter, the latter Theatrics and optics are important in today’s world.
can also enhance the former in return. Let’s not forget Narratives also play a key role in global poli-tics.
that China’s growing economic ties with both Iran and There is a mixed narrative and debate on BRICS and
Saudi Arabia are an indispensable factor behind the way China has asserted its influence. It depends
Beijing’s successful brokering of the Iran-Saudi on how one views the developments.
rapprochement. And at a time when ASEAN has
become China’s largest trading partner, there are The criticism of BRICS is that it does not have any
more incentives on both sides to maintain stability in planned and well-elaborated membership criteria.
the South China Sea. In terms of development, it is no Therefore, becom-ing part of BRICS does not actually
secret that China has made enormous efforts to mean much. It also does not have a well-chalked-out
promote trade, cross-border investment, and strategic direction for what the goal and ultimate aim
infrastructure connectivity across the Global South. of including these six countries in BRICS would be. It
According to data compiled by the Chinese should also be kept in mind that there are limits to
government, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has cooperation among rival states in the Middle East.
over the past decade driven investments worth close Would new-ly evolved rivals like the UAE, KSA, and

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

Iran merge their inter-ests in BRICS, or is it merely by the United States. Beijing has undoubtedly become
about securing a seat at the table? This is the a dominant force in the global economy, bolstering its
developing criticism of BRICS and its expansion that military and strategic capabilities. But it has not been
might see new critical points in the coming weeks. the only power trying to assert itself in recent years.
Russia under the revisionist leadership of Vladimir
There is also appreciation for BRICS. And it comes in Putin has also sought to regain its status as a world
abundance. The general public in the global south power. To that end, the Russian president has
celebrates the expan-sion. China is their new hero, at adopted more assertive politics vis-à-vis the West and
least in terms of optics. To them, China is the big moved closer to China, especially after Xi Jinping
country that is out there to build con-sensus, became China’s leader in 2013. Russia’s full-scale
cooperation, and address issues like regional rivalry. invasion of Ukraine has accelerated the showdown
Recent diplomatic developments like the Saudi-Iran over global leadership and prompted new questions
détente are considered a Chinese masterstroke and a over who should lead the ever more complicated
diplomatic win. A plethora of former diplomats in the international system. Some have argued for a
region, experts, and academics have appreciated the multipolar world system, claiming it would make it
rapprochement, which has added much value to the easier to manage global challenges, such as climate
Chinese diplomatic narrative. The BRICS expansion change, pandemics and cybercrimes. They say it is
and inclusion of six states is yet another feather in the fairer, more equitable and democratic than the
cap for China. unipolar or bipolar world systems. Others contend
that there is no one better suited to lead a fair and
As diplomatic developments take place rapidly, it is democratic world than the world’s leading democracy,
impor-tant to take stock of the future of Chinese America, along with its democratic allies. After all, it
influence. Influence has many tools. At the moment, remains the dominant military and economic
the Chinese strat-egy seems to be focused on creating superpower, dwarfing China, India, Russia, Japan
an image that the world wants to see. The last two and others in terms of its hard, smart and soft powers.
decades of ravaging wars, politi-cal upheavals, and Indeed, none comes even close to contesting US
changing alliances have created anxieties for the geopolitical clout, forward military deployments or
Middle Eastern states. During these periods, they maritime projection. The US has about 750 bases in
have wished to extricate themselves from the at least 80 countries worldwide. China commands one
quagmire of conflict that could end up toppling base – in Djibouti. Similarly, there is no match for its
governments and kingdoms. The Middle East has economic dexterity and vitality, high-tech innovations
been in the eye of the storm for too long. and commercial successes, not to mention the
Con-sequently, it wants to see a world of certainty, unrivalled Brand America. These claims hold much
predictability, and stability. China offers just that. truth and may have been totally convincing back in
the 1990s when the US emerged victorious from the
China proposes to put an end to potential and Cold War after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.
anticipated cri-ses in the Middle East through But they no longer are. In the past two decades,
diplomacy. This is a relief for many apprehensions America’s political and economic decline has taken its
that the region has had. How long that will last is yet toll over its global leverage and authority, and its
to be seen. Its durability is not the issue in question. Faustian deals with unsavvy autocrats have damaged
The real challenge is putting the fears to rest for the its credibility. Strategically, US military entanglements
moment. in the Greater Middle East under the pretext of the
“global war on terror” since the 9/11 attacks have
BRICS boasts to represent 40% of the global greatly undermined US power projection. The
population and a quarter of global GDP. With six disastrous war in Iraq and the long and humiliating
influential states joining the mechanism, the total defeat in Afghanistan showed the limits of the US
wealth would be around 31 trillion dollars. However, military force. Strategic disengagement and
where China lacks is a durable regional mechanism retrenchments under Presidents Barack Obama’s and
that can actually perform and bring about change at Donald Trump’s administrations made it difficult to
the grassroots level. This requires cooperation and shape events and influence leaders, who increasingly
foolproof economic mechanisms outlined by the states. deemed the US an erratic and unreliable partner.
At the moment, the Middle Eastern countries have not
outlined a proper mechanism for cooperation. It is still On the economic front, the 2008 financial crisis,
in a nascent stage. The region is recovering from which started in the US and threatened the collapse of
decades of wars, like Afghanistan, and is infested with the global financial system, has dealt a blow to its
terrorist organisations operating from the Far East to neoliberal system, pushing more countries to diversify
Africa. Economic stagnation, terrorism, and regional their economic relations. It also paved the way for the
rivalries are some of the many issues that plague the rise of the G20, and the emergence of mid-size powers,
regions of the Far East, Asia, the Middle East, and which now exercise growing influence on the global
Africa. China is probably not commit-ted to stage at the expense of the US and its G7 allies.
addressing all of that. For a ‘Chinese order’ to take off, Meanwhile, Brand America suffered bigly, not least
it needs to offer something that would address these because of the advent of Trumpism in 2016,
issues at the earliest. China has captured the symbolising the retreat of Western liberalism and the
imagination of many. The influ-ence has started to rise of populist, corrupt and autocratic forces in the
show some signs. However, sophistication and West and beyond. These trends rendered American-
political finesse are still needed. (Author: Dr. Taimur promoted liberalism a harder sell to the rest of the
Shamil. Published in The Nation on August 30, 2023) world. US President Joe Biden’s declaration that
“America is back” after he defeated Trump in the 2020
Navigating the 21st century requires solidarity not election was not followed by a notable resurgence of
polarity. Over the past decade or so, signs that the US power. His attempts to salvage US leadership
American-dominated world order is crumbling have through the so-called “rules-based international
become increasingly more visible. The rise of China – system” have failed. This system has been viewed as a
boosted by its entry into the World Trade Organization rigged scheme that favours the West against the rest
in 2001 – has challenged the unipolarity maintained and, in the process, bypasses international law. And

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yet, the alternative – a multipolar world – is not such but make no mistake, the previous 300 years of
a bright prospect as other powers step in to fill the multipolarity were utterly disastrous, leading to
void. Multiple world powers competing and fighting to devastating regional, colonial and imperials wars of all
enhance their interests and advance their influence strands and horrors. And so, it seems to me that
does not necessarily add up to a better world. Rather despite having the advantage of a cleareyed historical
the contrary: Diversity shaped by animosity could also perspective, today’s world powers seem as rash as
lead to anarchy and chaos. their 19th and 20th century predecessors,
approaching world affairs as a zero-sum game instead
That is why, as the debate over the new global of a win-win gambit. In the not-so-distant past, world
leadership rages, the more important question to ask powers tended to be hypocritical, but today they are
is how this new order will be led and managed. It can increasingly cynical as if it is naive to be righteous
be either driven by strategic and ideological hostility – and smart to be cruel. In sum, multipolarity should
which would have a devastating impact on the world – not be confused with multilateralism. A bunch of
or by a more pragmatic, power-sharing scheme competing world powers do not make for a responsible
shaped by expansive economic and commercial international community. As long as international
relations. If history is any guide, there is no hope to be relations are driven by power and greed, not
had from international law or international cooperation and shared creed, the world will suffer
agreements when world powers are at loggerheads. regardless of who or how many are at the top. Given
Worse, the management of global challenges would the choice, the world should embrace solidarity over
suffer. The past 30 years of unipolarity and the polarity and collaboration over hostility. (Author:
preceding 30 years of bipolarity may have failed Marwan. Published in Al Jazeera on June 19, 2023)
miserably to bring peace and security to the world,


THE concept of economic interdependence and its stability in the country. It is an undenied fact that the
associated theories of liberal inter-governmentalism after effects of conflict in Afghanistan over the last
and neo-functionalism serve as the key driver for the four decades and militancy in the region has the
regional integration of states across the world. The tendency to negatively influence the geoeconomic
South Asian region has been prone to conflict since realities. Strained relationship between the Taliban
last four decades, particularly the two major wars administration and Pakistan will add to the challenges
fought in Afghanistan had its dynamic implications for for the varying sides. Moreover, the spillovers of
the geopolitics and regional integration. Liberals and Russia-Ukraine conflict as well as any possible future
realists have argued that economic interdependence US intervention in the region is also a major challenge
and conflict amongst states are inter-related with each since the human rights issues as well as ban on
other and while states tend to cooperate to further female education by Taliban Administration in
their trade relationship; consequently, they are keen Afghanistan is a major challenge for the international
to initiate a conflict to attain their hegemonic designs. community. China’s constructive engagement with the
China has emerged as one of the global powers in the political leadership of Pakistan and Afghanistan as
world with its deep-rooted geoeconomic interests well as its active support in the economic survival of
around the world. Being a neighbouring state, both these states is undenied; however, the futuristic
Pakistan’s relationship with China has been cordial geoeconomic realities of the region require a varying
and diplomatic and both states have collaborated and perspective to be envisioned. Peace and stability in
supported each other in their global and regional Afghanistan are the foremost requirement for any
initiatives. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) inter-state economic relationship and this issue needs
as a flagship project of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to be addressed by taking regional as well as global
had been initiated in 2013 with a vision to transform stakeholders on board. Rather sidelining Taliban, the
and integrate the geoeconomics of the region. Through global community needs to recognize the Taliban
its energy, infrastructure and transportation projects, Administration in order to engage them politico-
China has pledged to invest more than $62 billion in economically. First step needs to be taken by a global
different projects in Pakistan in order to enhance the power preferably, the United States and rest are
actual trade potential of the region. Gwadar is being expected to follow the course. Soft diplomacy by
envisioned as one of the busiest deep sea-ports in the Taliban can actually help them attain this objective
near future while trade connectivity with Central Asia much swiftly. Once the Taliban Government is
through Afghanistan will transform a conflict prone recognized by states around the world, their global
region into an economic hub. Chinese influence in interaction will help them to initiate economic
Afghanistan and its investment in the country has engagement with states across the world. Moreover,
been evident since the Ghani Administration. As the enhanced economic activity in the country will lead to
United States ended its diplomatic presence in the reduced poverty and decline in terrorism and
country in August 2021, China furthered its politico- militancy. Taliban Administration also needs to halt
diplomatic relationship with Taliban Administration. their support to the TTP in order to strengthen their
Recently, a Chinese firm signed a 25-year multimillion relationship with Pakistan. Conversely, if Taliban
dollar contract to extract oil from Afghanistan. Such a government is not recognized by any state, the world
venture indicates China’s long-term interest and its may witness another tragic attack like 9/11 leading to
geoeconomic relationship with Afghanistan. Though it another global conflict. Political reality like Taliban
is a fact that China has also not recognized the must not be undermined and if the United States can
Taliban government in Afghanistan as of now, negotiate and sign Doha Accord with them, it can
however, its economic and diplomatic engagement recognize their government as well, particularly after
cannot be overlooked, keeping in view its vision of they have survived around 18 months with a torn
reviving the old Silk Route. economy. China, Pakistan and Afghanistan will
become a regionally integrated economic reality, only
Afghanistan is geostrategically positioned at the if Afghanistan and Pakistan will stabilize their political
crossroads of South and Central Asia and economy and mend their relationship with the rest of
materializing the dream of transforming the region in the world. Recognition of Taliban government followed
to an economic hub is conditional to peace and by initiation of their economic relationship with the

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rest of the world, eradication of militancy followed by is the only way-forward to strengthen themselves as
peace and stability in Pakistan and Afghanistan, well as transform the region in a geoeconomic hub;
mature political relationship amongst the political however, prospects of conflict and interference of
parties of Pakistan and a collective effort aimed at global powers in the region with their strategic
working for national interest and balance in the objectives must not be overlooked as well. (Author:
relationship with the global powers are some of the Hassam Ahmed Siddiqi. Published in Pakistan
prerequisites for an integrated geoeconomic vision to Observer on September 2, 2023)
transform into a reality. Cooperation for all the states

Nuclear weapons should be relics of the past

In the quiet and peaceful steppe of Kazakhstan, a 65,000 in the mid-1980s to around 12,500 today,
dark and ominous legacy lingers beneath the surface. thanks to the landmark Treaty on the Non-
Over four decades between 1949 and 1989, 456 Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). However, we
nuclear bombs were detonated by the Soviet Union at cannot stop here. As the world marks the
the Semipalatinsk Test Site in northern Kazakhstan. International Day against Nuclear Tests on August 29,
While the echoes of nuclear explosions have long which the UN declared in 2009 to mark the closure of
faded, the scars of nuclear testing run deep. More the Semipalatinsk Test Site in 1991, we must embrace
than 1.5 million people in Kazakhstan were exposed to global disarmament. It is a moral imperative, a duty to
the toxic fallout from those tests. Countless lives were future generations, and a responsibility we cannot
irreversibly altered, and the environment was forever shirk. The resources currently spent on maintaining
scarred. I am a living testament to the horrors of and modernising nuclear arsenals could be
nuclear testing, as I was born without arms due to the channelled into eradicating poverty, addressing
effects of nuclear radiation. climate change, and advancing education and
healthcare. Education is a powerful tool in the fight
Decades have passed since the Semipalatinsk Test for disarmament. By raising awareness about the
Site was used as a canvas for nuclear experimentation, devastating consequences of nuclear weapons and
yet the threat to the world from nuclear weapons testing, we can inspire collective action and public
remains all too real. The global confrontation between demand for change. That is why I have dedicated my
major powers has raised the possibility that nuclear life to urging the world to rid itself of the destructive
weapons could be used, even if accidentally. The menace of nuclear weapons. Kazakhstan is hoping to
spectre of mutually assured destruction looms large, achieve a nuclear-weapon-free world by 2045, the
reminding us that the line between peace and centennial of the founding of the United Nations. We
catastrophic conflict is paper-thin. It is a line we can have just over two decades to make this a reality, but
no longer afford to tread. The recent diplomatic efforts the efforts must pick up pace now. The path towards
and agreements aimed at halting nuclear testing and nuclear disarmament is not an easy one, but it is a
proliferation have shown promise, but they are merely journey worth embarking upon. We owe it to ourselves,
steps on a longer journey. The Comprehensive our children, and the generations yet unborn. Let us
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), which seeks to ban not be remembered as the generation that failed to
all nuclear explosions, is a crucial instrument in this heed the call of reason and compassion. Instead, we
endeavour. Yet, despite its adoption by a vast majority should be remembered as the generation that had the
of nations, it awaits ratification by some key states, courage to stand up and say, “No more.” Let us be the
preventing its full implementation. Governments and ones to make nuclear weapons a relic of the past,
leaders must recognise that the pursuit of security forever banished from our world. (Author: Karipbek
through the possession of nuclear weapons is a fallacy. Kuyukov. Published in Al-Jazeera on August 29, 2023)
Kazakhstan once had the fourth-largest nuclear
arsenal in the world. But my country voluntarily
relinquished these weapons after gaining
independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Despite
being a young sovereign nation, the lack of nuclear
weapons did not threaten our security and stable
development. Quite the contrary. Through its multi-
vector foreign policy, Kazakhstan has developed good
relations with all its neighbours and beyond.
Kazakhstan’s case is proof that true security can be
achieved through the complete elimination of nuclear
weapons. Our path forward is clear. We must
advocate for the universal ratification of the CTBT,
leaving no room for ambiguity regarding the end of
nuclear testing. This will require not only political will
but also a collective commitment to securing a safer
world for generations to come. The pursuit of
disarmament must be a shared endeavour that
transcends borders, ideologies and differences. All
nuclear-armed states must demonstrate their
commitment to disarmament through substantial
reductions in their arsenals.

Nuclear disarmament is not a distant dream; it is a

tangible goal within our reach. The success of
initiatives like the International Campaign to Abolish
Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), which led to the adoption of Diplomacy crucial to ending world’s escalating
the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons arms race: Ten years since the Syrian regime
(TPNW), demonstrates the power of global unity. The launched its atrocious chemical weapons attack on
number of nuclear weapons has declined from around Douma, killing more than 1,400 people, the state of

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international affairs should be ringing major alarm New technologies also pose a threat. Could cyber
bells in terms of the potential combat use of weapons weapons be deployed to take down an entire state
of mass destruction, including nuclear. infrastructure? How will artificial intelligence impact
military doctrines and decision-making? Will
At times, the world has come close. Nuclear-armed hypersonic missiles render defensive systems obsolete?
powers India and Pakistan have faced off against each What about space weapons?
other. As the years passed, previously closely guarded
secrets about the 1962 Cuban missile crisis have Major powers are wary of any alterations to the
revealed that the world was even closer than we balance of power and threat that could weaken their
thought to a nuclear disaster between the US and the response capabilities. Mutual assured destruction, the
Soviet Union. The success of the film “Oppenheimer” doctrine credited with staving off nuclear conflict
may just jolt the world’s leaderships and publics from during the Cold War, is dependent on the confidence
the comfort blanket of complacency and inertia. of all nuclear-armed parties in their second-strike
options. Strategic stability is dependent on all sides
Firstly, global clashes and instability are thriving. The knowing there is no benefit to a first-strike option.
standout issue is Ukraine and the Russian invasion,
as tensions with NATO descended into near-direct One would hope that increased tensions will energize
confrontation. As the war has escalated, the US and a renewed commitment to arms control mechanisms.
its NATO allies have been sucked in further, with ever- However, the opposite is happening, as the global
increasing weapons supplies and training. For years, architecture is crumbling away. In the European
NATO members have, in theory, agreed to a 2 percent theater, the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in
of gross domestic product target for defense spending. Europe, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
In 2014 ,only three members achieved this, while this and the Treaty on Open Skies have all collapsed, with
year 11 are expected to do so. European powers and the US blaming Russian
Finland has joined NATO, with Sweden to follow, both
for their own security, while at the same time Most of these agreements were, in any event, not
escalating matters with Russia. Even Switzerland is applicable to a non-bipolar world. We are now closer
reexamining its long-term neutrality status with NATO to a tripolar setup. Russia and the US may no longer
in mind. It has already declared that it wants to join be prepared to limit their arsenals to 5,000 to 6,000
the European Sky Shield Initiative, a German-led weapons. China is no longer willing to have a minimal
project to develop European air and missile defense deterrent of a few hundred nuclear weapons, as in the
systems. Military spending in Europe grew by 13 past. The US believes China will possess about 1,500
percent in 2022, the largest rise since the end of the warheads by 2035, but at what point will Beijing
Cold War. decide it has enough? Some in the US believe that the
only response should be that America has to maintain
In the longer run, the US-China relationship is parity in terms of the number of warheads with China
arguably far more perilous. Russian power is on the and Russia combined.
wane — it is a mid-level economy with a rusting, aging
military machine. China is the surging global force Proliferation also poses a danger in that it could
challenging the US at all levels. It is desperate to facilitate nonstate actors in acquiring ever more
assert its predominance in the Asia-Pacific, but some powerful weapons. One of the fears following the
fear farther afield too. Taiwan is just one of the hot chemical weapons attack in Douma was that
button issues that have to be managed carefully. extremists would be successful in their zealous quest
to steal such weapons from the Syrian regime’s
Chinese posturing is alarming not just to Taiwan, but arsenal. Who knows if instability in Pakistan or
also other neighbors including India, Australia and perhaps in North Korea could risk materials, even
Japan. Australia has invested heavily in its own long- weapons, falling into other hands?
range strike capabilities, purchasing US systems.
Beijing has told India to keep calm after an official None of this is helped by the inertia at the UN
Chinese map appeared to lay claim to Indian territory Security Council. In theory, the major powers all agree
in northeastern Arunachal Pradesh state and the that arms control matters, but they have wildly
disputed Aksai Chin plateau. On this map, China also diverging positions on what this means. The Ukraine
continues to maintain its claim to most of the South crisis has shredded any sense of shared decision-
China Sea. Keeping calm may not be so easy. making in the global interest. The US and China are
going through the motions of dialing down the
India has tensions with both Pakistan and China. If temperature with mixed success. Confidence-building
China expands its arsenal, New Delhi may follow suit, measures are a minimum requirement.
with a knock-on effect for Pakistan.
But diplomacy is the most secure, cost-effective and
The more irrational and unpredictable actors include reliable exit from this dangerous escalation of tensions.
North Korea. Pyongyang’s provocative missile tests are At a time when the planet requires huge investments
commonplace. South Korea and others have been to tackle climate change, environmental damage and
compelled to ramp up their defensive and offensive the impact of myriad conflicts, the last thing billions
capabilities to counter this. of citizens want to see is trillions splurged on
unnecessary doomsday weapons nobody ever wants to
Iran is, of course, progressing ever closer to nuclear see deployed. Medium-sized, non-nuclear powers may
power status. Its rapprochement with key actors like be the parties that can corral the big boys to bring
Saudi Arabia could act as a brake and the reduction their dangerous toys to the table and engage in the
in tensions is welcome, yet who is convinced this will grown-up talks we all need. (Author: CHRIS DOYLE.
last? Published in Arab News on September 4, 2023)

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As the legal battle over IIOJK continues

While hearing petitions against Jammu & Kashmir democratic local self-governance so people participate
Reorganization Act, the Indian Supreme Court asked in the internal institutions for their own good.”
state authorities to respond if there was a timeline to
convert the occupied Kashmir from a union territory It appears that the legal battle in the Indian Supreme
to a state. Earlier, the top court had admitted Court challenging the Jammu & Kashmir
petitions challenging the revocation of articles 370 Reorganization Act will continue but the bench is not
and 35-A that granted special status to the occupied giving a free hand to the state arguing that the misuse
territory. Thus continues what is going to be a long of authority and power by New Delhi in union
legal battle to take the case of Indian Illegally territories of Ladakh and J&K along with the absence
Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK) to its logical of democratic process tend to question the legitimacy
conclusion. of the entire process that ended the special status of
J&K on August 5, 2019.
A five-judge bench that has been hearing the petitions
for two weeks observed on August 30 that the India’s top court is the last hope for those who are
reorganization of the state was not “one of a kind” as determined not to accept the Jammu & Kashmir
was pointed out by Solicitor General Tushar Mehta. Reorganization Act and want the country’s highest
That bench, headed by Chief Justice DY Chandrachud legal organ to give a fair judgment which can restore
and including Justices Sanjay Kishan Kaul, Sanjiv the special status of the Muslim-majority territory. To
Khanna, BR Gavai and Surya Kant, noted that the what extent the Indian Supreme Court will give a
case of J&K bifurcation is no different from those of judgment adhering to the supremacy of law remains
other Indian states that have experienced the same. to be seen. While the Solicitor General stated before
The Chief Justice disagreed with the Solicitor General the Supreme Court that the union territory status of
who argued that the case of J&K is different because J&K was not permanent, he failed to mention how
the region shares border with two countries, and much time the Center will take to restore the J&K’s
mentioned that Punjab and Northeast also share electoral status which has been suspended for many
borders with foreign countries and can be equated years. While a roadmap for the restoration of electoral
with J&K. Yet, the Chief Justice in the August 30 democracy in J&K is sought by the five-member
hearing took note of how matters of national security bench, the Indian state has so far given no time
may be critical in case of J&K. framework.

The crisis that plunged the Indo-Pak relations into The ongoing legal battle needs to be examined from
another phase of degeneration was triggered on two angles.
August 5, 2019 when the Indian parliament ended the
special status of J&K and declared it — as well as First, legally, technically and morally, there is
Ladakh — union territories to be governed directly by justification of absorbing J&K into the Indian state by
New Delhi. After getting approval from the parliament ending the special status granted to it under the
by a two-thirds majority, the reorganization bill was Indian constitution. When there was no Constituent
signed by the president to become part of the Indian Assembly in Srinagar at the time the J&K
constitution. Illegality was reflected in that bill Reorganization Act was passed, how can that act be
because according to article 370 of the Indian deemed legal and constitutional? According to the law,
constitution any change in the status of J&K had to without the approval of the Constituent Assembly of
be approved by the Constituent Assembly of the state J&K, article 370 cannot be revoked. This legal point
which was non-functional at that time. has been focused by the petitioners challenging the
August 5, 2019 act. New Delhi can give all sorts of
The Solicitor General tried to sidetrack the ground reasons — ranging from threats to national security,
realities in J&K while giving arguments before the terrorism and violence — to justify the imposition of
five-member bench by stating, “If Gujarat, or Madhya the Center’s rule in Srinagar but cannot win the legal
Pradesh, was to be bifurcated, the parameters would battle if decided on merit.
be different. But when [the same has to happen to]
Jammu and Kashmir; considering its strategic Second, in view of its illegal stance on J&K, the Modi
importance, border state, history of terrorism, history regime will attempt a Pulwama-type, false-flag
of infiltration, history of outside influence, there would operation and put the blame on Pakistan in order to
be some considerations. We share borders with at make a case before Supreme Court that it needs more
least four countries, all of which may not be friendly time to restore the democratic process in J&K. A
— to put it mildly.” Pulwama-type operation would also help the BJP in
the May 2024 general elections.
The Solicitor General’s strange logic was contested by
the Chief Justice, arguing that “India has many states The Modi regime after holding G-20 tourism
that share border with neighbouring countries, and conference Srinagar in May this year is now planning
Jammu and Kashmir is no exception.” Citing the to hold Miss World contest in J&K on December 8 so
“complex” situation of J&K in terms of national as to give the impression to the world that all is well in
security, the Solicitor General said, “The history also the disputed region. Can India get away with its illegal
shows how the situation in Kashmir is developing… act of August 5, 2019 by holding such events? (Author:
the deaths of civilians, the deaths of security forces, Dr Moonis Ahmar. Published in The Express Tribune on
the number of attacks, stone-pelting, the hartals, September 5, 2023)
paralyzing schools, hospitals, banks, businesses and
everything. All of these are policy considerations. Historical injustices in Kashmir
Whenever a state reorganization takes place, not only Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General (SG) of the
are their policy considerations as to why but also a United Nations tweeted on August 23, 2023, ‘All
blue print as to what the Center would do after the human beings are born free and equal in dignity and
state is reorganized. How to bring youth in rights. As we mark the 75th anniversary of the
mainstream? How to employ, float schemes? There are Universal Declaration of Human Rights, our worst
several considerations. We will have to start with enemy is complacency. We must continue to make

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human rights real in the lives of people everywhere.’ invoking Article 99 ought to be recognised as an
Honorable Antonio Guterres, I had written to you on option to consider in dealing with this problem,
January 7, 2017, upon assuming the office of the because nothing else to date has worked.
Secretary General that the unanimity of the Security
Council is indicative of their wisdom in believing that Narender Modi and Dr. Jaishankar Ji know it well
you are an ideal candidate with the character, vision that the United Nations resolutions can never become
and talent to face the growing challenges in an ever- outdated or obsolete or overtaken by events or
expanding global community. Six years later, I still changed circumstances. Mere passage of time or the
believe that you are the right person to pave the way flight from realities cannot alter the fact that these
to settle the complicated international conflicts like resolutions remain unimplemented until today. The
Kashmir. It is often suggested by so-called experts of passage of time cannot invalidate an enduring and
South Asia that if people had jobs, there wouldn’t be irreplaceable principle–the right of self-determination
such turmoil and rebellion in the streets. But when of the people of Kashmir. If passage of time were
the human rights of Kashmiris are so consistently allowed to extinguish solemn international agreements,
violated that such suffering becomes the norm, world then the United Nations Charter should suffer the
powers seem to forget that the pain of losing one’s son same fate as the resolutions on Kashmir. If non-
to a bullet or having the honor of one’s mother or implementation were to render an agreement defunct,
sister violated cannot be replaced with a job at an then the Geneva Convention in twenty-first century in
electronics factory as suggested by Amit Shah, Interior many countries is in no better state than these
Minister of India. The cry for self-determination has resolutions.
become deep and immersed in a bitterness that has
no substitute. It is high time that we try to make a constructive
departure. The best point for doing so is to restore the
It is worth noting that Kashmiris’ claim to self- focus where it originally belonged and where it still
determination is exceptionally strong even without the rests logically: the rights and interests of the people of
UN’s recognition. Kashmir has been historically Kashmir itself. What should be the procedure for
independent, except in the anarchical conditions of putting the dispute on the road to a settlement? The
late 18th and the first half of 19th centuries. And also, better way would be to ask the Secretary General of
the territory of Kashmir is larger in size than 121 the UN, with the concurrence of the Security Council,
independent countries and bigger in number than 117 to engage himself, directly or through a representative
nations of the world. The nation of Kashmir still of high international standing, in a sustained effort of
remembers when Narendra Modi abrogated Article facilitation which should ensure that the position of
370 & 35 A on August 5, 2019, his aim was not the the people of Kashmir is fully taken into account and
resolve the issue but to dissolve it? Then on August 8, aim at a settlement within a reasonable time-frame,
2019, you gave hope to 23 million Kashmiris by providing for a transitional period, if necessary, for a
articulating the principled position of the United calming effect. There cannot be a better agency than
Nations that Kashmir issue has to be resolved under the Secretary General of the United Nations himself to
UN Charter and applicable UN Security Council mediate or facilitate between the parties concerned.
resolutions. That signifies that the claim that Kashmir Secretary General has no ambition to assert
is an integral part of India does not stand. Kashmir dominance while as great powers do. Mediation by the
has an international dimension that deserves the Secretary General would be free from the jealousies
attention of the U.N. and the global community. and the ambitions that characterise individual
initiative. The Secretary General will have to remain
It is important to observe that when we talk about the under no obligation to please any particular power or
international dimension of Kashmir, it is because it particular set of powers or groups. Yes, there will be
has the sanctity of the UN Charter and UN Security resistance from India but if India is impressed with
Council resolutions and has become a big hurdle or what she would gain by a just settlement of the
obstacle in the growth and stability of both India and Kashmir dispute, her negativity may not be
Pakistan. The unresolved conflict over Kashmir insurmountable. (Author: Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai.
threatens the international peace and security of the Published in The Nation on August 29, 2023)
world. It is far past time for the UN to take forceful
action in order to restore peace to Kashmir. Perhaps

Pakistan amidst a polycrisis

The caretaker government has made a sensible days, the interbank rate of the dollar is still far behind
decision to link any possible relief in electricity bills to the open market rate, breaching the difference
the consent of the IMF in order not to jeopardize the threshold that Pakistan committed with the IMF.
ongoing standby agreement.
On the other hand, high demand for imports, negative
Pakistan needs to stay under the IMF umbrella for at market sentiments, hoarding, smuggling of
least the next few years, not only to overcome its greenbacks to Afghanistan, and uncertainty on
chronic balance-of-payments challenges (dollar election dates are pushing up the price of dollar
shortage) and take much-needed policy and structural against rupee in the open market. In fact, the
reforms under IMF scrutiny but also to regain the difference between the hawala and interbank rates, as
trust of local and international investors. This trust is well as open market and interbank rates, has once
crucial to ensure both a steady flow of dollars and again widened. This makes it unappealing for
prevent their hoarding or outflow. Without overcoming remitters to send their remittances through official
the trust deficit, the value of the rupee will remain banking channels.
under pressure.
Wonder why I am discussing the exchange rate in a
As I write this piece, the dollar is trading at Rs305.50 piece on energy prices? Please keep in mind that the
in the interbank market, Rs330 in the open market, depreciation of the rupee has serious repercussions
and Rs345-355 in the hawala market. Despite for the electricity sector. Assuming that all other
appreciating by Rs17 against the rupee in the last 13 factors, including the international oil, coal and gas

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

prices, remain unchanged, the current rupee

weakening would result in higher electricity bills after On expenditure reduction: besides many symbolic
two months. austerity measures, one of the ways to reduce
expenditures is to privatize the loss-making public-
This is due to two reasons: a higher fuel import bill sector enterprises (including electricity distribution
(reflected as fuel price adjustment every two months), companies). The caretaker government must kickstart
and higher capacity payment charges (which are the process of privatization of such units. However,
denominated in dollars) that the government is bound the time is too short for them to successfully complete
to pay to electricity generation companies even if it any privatization deal. The quickest way to reduce
does not buy a single unit of electricity from them. expenditures is to slash ‘politically motivated’ brick-
and-mortar projects from federal and provincial
Politically motivated delays in recovering the cost of development plans. If the amount spent on proposed
generation of electricity during the last 16 years relief in the energy sector is offset by a reduction in
resulted in accumulation of energy circular debt (ECD), PSDP, then the IMF may not object.
which, along with transmission and distribution
losses and cross-subsidies on tariff, piled up to Rs2.6 A cushion for such relief can also be created by
trillion by June 2023. For comparison, the ECD is one reducing the unit cost of electricity by reducing the
and a half times higher than Pakistan’s current year’s chronic inefficiencies, power theft, and misuse of
defense budget. An attempt to contain ECD in FY24 at entitlements in the power system.
the Rs2.6 trillion level means full recovery of all costs
from consumers during the current financial year. The To contain the depreciation of the rupee, the
result was exceptionally high electricity bills in August, government would have to improve the inflow of
which will further inflate as the rupee depreciates dollars. The two major sources of dollar inflow,
further. exports and remittances, are declining and must be
improved. However, in the short run, caretakers
We should also remember that it is not only the fuel should focus on securing some of the $9 billion
and transmission-distribution costs that are pinching Geneva pledges for the 2022 floods. Those pledges
the consumers. A major chunk of our electricity bills could not be materialized during the last fiscal year as
also consists of taxes and surcharges on those taxes, the IMF’s support for Pakistan remained suspended in
which every consumer, regardless of his/her income that period.
(and in some cases electricity consumption level), has
to pay to meet the government’s growing revenue Now that Pakistan is back in the Fund’s programme,
requirement. access to those pledges depends on the preparation of
tangible and concrete projects for flood rehabilitation
Before discussing why the government uses electricity and disaster preparedness. The best way to do it is
bills for the generation of revenue, let us continue through a cabinet committee and inter-ministerial
with the impact of the depreciated rupee. coordination mechanism to prepare some convincing
projects for the Asian Development Bank, World Bank,
The depreciated rupee also increases the domestic and Islamic Development Bank.
prices of petrol and diesel. The current rise in fuel
prices will result in another round of inflation and I can foresee some high-level visitors coming to
likely another round of public discontent. Pakistan in mid-September before or after the G-20
meeting in Delhi. Such visits would help boost the
The textbook way of curbing inflation is to increase market’s sentiments. However, a strong follow-up is
the interest rate. However, high interest rates not only required to capitalize upon the bilateral consensus
adversely affect businesses and export achieved during such visits. Clarity on the expected
competitiveness but also increase the government's length of the present caretaker setup and the general
domestic debt servicing cost, requiring additional elections’ timeline is a prerequisite for such follow-up.
revenue. Due to chronic failure to generate revenue
through direct taxation, the government ends up In the meantime, the caretakers should act swiftly
relying on indirect taxation. Electricity bills are one and decisively to break the vicious cycle of economic
such tool for collecting indirect taxes and that is why and energy crises and pave the way for sustainable
successive governments are tempted to keep adding recovery. (Author: Dr Abid Qaiyum Suleri. Published in
taxes to them. The News International on September 3, 2023)

Amidst this vicious cycle where one economic problem

leads to another, the pressure on caretakers will
mount to provide relief, especially on energy costs.
However, in the current fiscal framework, they have
no cushion to provide such relief. To address the
growing discomfort among consumers, the caretaker
government should try to redesign the fiscal
framework. It needs to enhance revenue mobilization
and reduce its expenditure. Additional revenue can be
mobilized by bringing the ‘taxable untouchables’, both
elite individuals and pampered sectors of the economy,
into the tax net. Everyone knows who they are and
why – due to different political-economy
considerations, successive governments failed to tax

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

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