ETS Task 2 (13 28)

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As both arguments possess valid insight, I firmly believe that great majority of people
choose their electronic device under the influence of advertisements, increasing the
possibility of making mistake in buying a device which is not truly in line with their
needs. To be more specific, advertisement companies typically exaggerating the
advantages of a specific product, making its negative points less noticeable to
consumers; thus, by using this strategy they can attract people to buy their product
immediately and without enough consideration. However, the problem is that people
should be aware of these types of strategies among advertising companies and try to
search for a suitable product, aligning better with their needs. Therefore, people can
make a more optimized choice in terms of cost efficiency and its functional aspects.
For example, sometimes a well-known company of digital phones introduces its
products in way that they are perfect because famed companies have money to invest
in flawless advertising approaches; however, lesser-known companies can provide
people with devices with same features and lower costs. (4)

As both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that vast majority of people
are likely to make mistake in choosing appropriate digital device under the influence of
advertising, as advertisement companies have learned how to immediately attract
consumers to a specific product. To be more precise, advertisement companies
typically exaggerate about benefits of a certain electronic product without mentioning
its whole features, making the disadvantages of the product less noticeable. Therefore
they can invest in people buying a product without enough consideration. As a result,
because consumers are not aware of such strategies and do not search about the
suitable product, they are more likely to make mistake in buying a product, aligning with
their needs functionally.
For example, if individuals could search about their desirable electronic device with its
specific features like quality of camera, and the battery capacity, the possibility of
buying an inefficient product would be reduced, so they would not be caught in
advertising traps. This can result in enjoying a sense of satisfaction throughout using
their product. (5)
For example, many well-known companies are more prone to introduce their products
with perfect advertisement because they have enough money to invest in a flawless
advertising approaches. However, there are always lesser-known companies producing
devices with similar or even better functional aspects and lower costs, leading to make
a more efficient choice.
As both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that free public transportation
can benefit the whole society in various ways. To be more precise, if public
transportation could be funded by the tax money, more people would be willing to use
this kind of transportation in order to commute to their workplace, university, and
homes. The more the people using public transportation, the lesser traffic congestion
all the city residents will experience. Therefore, this can result in more convenience and
pleasure for urban people living in cities with major issues of time-wasting traffic.
Additionally, as what Paul rightly mentioned, by funding public transportation, the
frequency of private cars will be reduced, so many of environmental crisis related to
cars pollution will be alleviated. As a result, because environmentally friendly measures
are of great priority, government should implement this policy. (4)

As both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that free public transportation
can benefit the whole society in various ways. To be more precise, if public
transportation could be funded by budget earned by tax, more people would be willing
to use this kind of transportation in order to commute to their workplace, universities,
and homes. The more the people utilizing public transportation, the lesser traffic
congestion all the city's residents will experience. Therefore, this can result in more
convenience and pleasure for urban people living in cities with major issues of time-
wasting traffic, saving more time for people to accomplish their daily tasks. Additionally,
as Paul rightly mentioned, by funding public transportation, the frequency of private
cars, present in roads, will be reduced, so many environmental problems related to car
pollution will be alleviated. As a result, because environmentally friendly measures are
of important priority, government should implement this policy to mitigate. (5)

As both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that economical growth
should not be at the expense of multiple issues for environment, as there is a place for
human lives. To be more precise, as human well-being is of great importance, and can
be guaranteed just by careful environmental conservation, economical progress
should not take precedence over preserving environment. For example, if human being
fails to mitigate environmental challenges caused by industrial pollution, human
health will be soon put at serious risks. Additionally, while economic growth is
valuable in development of the country, environmental conservation is our moral
because it can affect future generations. As a result, one of the practical approaches
to create a balance between industrial improvement and protecting the Earth could be
implementing eco-friendly and sustainable manufacturing companies, improving our
industry in a way that is not harmful to our living space, ensuring both thriving
economy and healthful environment. (5)
As both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that soft skills are more
important for business leaders rather than technical skills, which means
communicatively talented leader are crucial for a successful company. To be more
precise, the more the leader can communicate effectively, the larger network will be
created for the business. As networking is essential for economic stability of a
business, in my point of view, leaders with high ability in social connections can
provide the company with more profit, as they can increase business efficiency and
cooperation with other companies through communication. Additionally,
communicative leaders can provide their employee with a secure workspace because
they know how to treat their employees, reducing the risk of resigning in the company.
This also can result in a sustainable work environment, increasing the profit. (5)


As both arguments possess valid insight, I firmly believe that museums benefit society
with connection to history, culture, and art. To be more precise, event held up in
museums can offer citizens with cultural pursuits from their own country and others,
which can be an entertainment, improving people awareness, improving cultural
acknowledgment among people. Additionally, people can be more close to their
contemporary artists, sculptor, and artisans as well as those who lived in past by
going to museums. Moreover, it can be a healthy hobby among young people to
increase their information because of its educational aspects. As a result, people can
learn much about history. (4)

As both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that museums are essential
part in cities educationally, socially, and economically. To be more precise, museums
provide citizens with cultural and historical information, improving such awareness
among people. As learning historical topic is not interesting, going to museums would
be an educational entertainment for people to increase their general information in
these types of topics. Moreover, individuals can communicate with people lived in
past through their artworks and sculpted objects in museums. Besides, the can also
have social interaction with contemporary artists and ordinary visitors enjoying art. By
improving their social network in this way, they probably can have further meaningful
contribution into the society, for example, by providing children with free book reading
meetings. Additionally, museums can attract tourists and residents of the city, offering
the city leaders a sustainable source of income for extra cultural events and spaces.

As both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that while less people will
be likely to go to cinema to watch movies because of the advancement in streaming
services, it is not the final moments of cinemas' lives as a popular building. To be
more precise, going to cinema is more a cultural activity rather than its supposedly
main purpose of watching movies. Like theater, cinema still have its own audiences as
a media and in my opinion, it will maintain its audiences. If prevalence of movie
streamer could have direct impact on numbers of people going to cinema to watch
movie, cinemas would be empty already because streaming movie outside of cinema
building is now a habit for ordinary people. Additionally, people enjoying a sense of
nostalgia still are main fans of watching movie and film in cinema with their families
and friends. Streaming movie outside of the cinema building is now a habit for
ordinary people. Additionally, people enjoying a sense of nostalgia still are main fans
of watching movie and film in cinema with their families and friend.
Besides, they can also have some social interaction there, criticizing movies and have
a chat about the films' quality. As a result cinema will be remained as a building for
cultural purposes, like museum. (4)

As both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that cinema building is
going to be closed entirely with the prevalence of online streamer services. To be
more precise, as vast majority of people have a busy life in today's competitive world,
they can spend a little portion of their time for following their hobbies. Therefore,
people prefer to watch movies in their home with full HD quality rather than going to
cinema, removing the time spent for commuting to the cinema. In my opinion, modern
people choose the option with more time efficiency, and cinema will soon be useless
because of the conveniences the online services provide for movie audiences,
including being time-saving. As a result, because people preferences are based on the
accessibility and conveniences of their available option, cinema will cease to exist in
future. (4)

As both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that cinema buildings are
going to be closed entirely as a result of the prevalence of online streamer services.
To be more precise, as the vast majority of people have a busy lifestyle in today's
competitive world, they can spend a little portion of their time for following their
hobbies, like watching movies. Therefore, people prefer to watch movies in their
homes with full HD quality rather than commuting to the cinema, saving time which
can be beneficial for accomplishing their tasks or resting. In my opinion, modern
people choose the option which is more time-effective, so cinema will be soon useless
because of the conveniences the online services provide for audiences, including
easier access. As a result, because people preferences are based on the accessibility
and conveniences of their available options for watching movies, cinema buildings will
soon be lesser and lesser popular, and finally because of the poor financial output of
this activity, less people are likely to invest in such business, removing cinemas from
variety of cultural buildings. (4)

As both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that cinema buildings are
going to be closed entirely as a result of the prevalence of online streaming
services. To be more precise, as the vast majority of people have busy lifestyle in
today's competitive world, they can spend a little portion of their time for following
their hobbies, like watching movies. Therefore, people prefer to watch movies in
their homes with full HD quality rather than commuting to the cinema, saving time
which can be beneficial for accomplishing their tasks or resting. In my opinion,
modern people would choose the option which is more time-effective, so cinema
will soon be useless because of the conveniences the online streamers provide for
audiences, including easier access. As a result, because people preferences are
based on the accessibility and conveniences of their available options nowadays,
cinema buildings will soon be less and less popular. Finally, because of the poor
financial output of this activity, fewer entrepreneurs are likely to invest in such
business, removing cinemas from variety of cultural buildings(4).

While both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly agree that family bonds will be
protected and empowered by spending time together through a specific shared
activity like cooking, gardening, and craft constructing. One of the main reason
supporting my viewpoint is that by family members can improve their connection by
pursuing similar activities together. In this way, they would have more conversation
about a certain topic or problems associated with that activity. As a result, by doing an
activity together, family members' attention would be caught by the same thing,
helping them sharing their thoughts, and this can be a measure toward a strength
bond among them. Additionally, shared activities can increase the time of families
interactions, improving active engagement which is effective in being close together.
While both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly agree that family bonds will be
protected and empowered by spending time together through a specific shared
activity like cooking, gardening, and craft making. One of the main reason supporting
my viewpoint is that family members can improve their connection by regularly
pursuing similar activities together during the day. In this way, they would have more
conversation about a certain topic or problems associated with that activity. As a
result, by doing an activity together, family members' attention would be caught by the
same thing, helping them sharing their thoughts, and this can be a measure toward a
strength bong among them. Additionally, shared pursuits can increase the time of
families interaction, improving active engagement which is effective in being close to
each other. (4)

While both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly agree that family bonds will be
protected and empowered by spending time together through specific shared activity
like cooking, gardening, and craft making. One of the main reason supporting my
viewpoint is that family members can improve their connection by regularly pursuing
similar activities together during the day. This way, they would have more
conversation about a certain topic or problems associated with the activity. As a
result, by doing an activity together, family members' attention would be focused by
the same thing, helping them sharing their thoughts, and this can be a measure toward
a strong bond among them. Additionally, shared pursuits can increase the time of
families interaction, improving active engagement which is effective in becoming
close to each other. (5)

While both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly agree that family bonds will
be protected and empowered by spending time together through specific shared
activity like cooking, gardening, and craft making. One of the main reasons
supporting my viewpoint is that family members can improve their connections by
regularly pursuing similar activities together during the day. This way, they would
have more conversation about a certain topic or problems associated with the
activity. As a result, by doing an activity together, family members' attention would
be focused on the same thing, helping them sharing their thoughts; thus, this can
be a measure toward a strong bond among them. Moreover, shared pursuits can
increase the time of families interaction, improving active engagement which is
effective in becoming close together. (5)

As both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly agree that it can be beneficial for
teachers to attend mandatory courses for acquiring up-to-date information about
teachings' matters. Firstly, if teachers could be exposed to latest versions of
technological tools related to education and learning process, they would have
more choice as teaching method. For example, many teachers are using traditional
approaches in classes instead of utilizing up-to-date tools and computer software,
which can make the process of learning more easily, specifically for math subjects
,by providing students with multi-media method, and interactive websites. As
these courses were not obligatory, many old teachers have to idea about new tools,
and so they are using traditional approaches. Secondly, teachers can apply new
researches' outputs about class management in their class if these courses would
be held every few years, increasing the students' performance by up-to-date
information. (4)
While both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that it can be
beneficial for teachers to attend mandatory courses in order to acquiring up-to-
date knowledge about class materials and teaching tools. Firstly, teachers would
apply new researches’ output about specific subjects if their class like marine lives,
or newly found class management method which are more effective if these
courses could be were held every few years, improving students' overall
performance during the school year. Secondly, if teachers could be exposed to
latest versions of technological tools related to educational and learning processes,
they would have more choices in appropriate teaching method. Since many
teachers, specifically old ones, are reluctant to learn about and utilize up-to-date
tools because due to of the a lack of knowledge in using these tools, the courses
should be mandatory. For example, consider a specific topic in math class, using
interactive websites would provide students with practical approaches of learning
and in-depth knowledge, so attending these courses really make differences. (5)

As both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that free training should
take precedence over funding people until they find a new job. To begin, by
providing people, losing their job, who have lost their jobs with up-to-date training
courses and workshops, they will soon be adapted to newly transformed job
market due to the technological advancements. Therefore, the government can
invest in people’s professional growth, which has durable effects in their job
opportunity prospects, and also industrial improvement of the country, so the cost
of training courses will eventually return to the government. On the other hand,
while giving money providing financial support is place an extra burden on
governments' shoulders, it will make no differences in people’s personal and
professional progress. This is because implementing this policy has no outcome for
people, and they are still at risk of finding no job considering the changes in market.
While both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that free training
should take precedence over funding people until they find a new opportunity for
working. To begin, by providing people who have lost their jobs with up-to-date
training courses and workshops, they will soon adapt to newly transformed job
market due to technological advancements. Therefore, the government can invest
in people's professional growth, which has durable effects in their job opportunity
prospects, and the industrial improvement of the country. Consequently, the cost
of training courses will eventually return to the government. On the other hand,
while providing financial support palces an extra burden on government's
shoulders, it will make no differences in people's personal and professional
progress. This is because implementing this policy has no outcome for people, and
they are still at risk of finding no job considering the shift in market. (5)


While both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that mentoring should
not be specified limited to senior employees, as Claire rightly mentioned, younger
employees can also mentor others, as they are more skillful in adapting with to
technological shifts than older individuals. To begin, since new generation of
employees has grown up in online educational system and has been fully involved
with technology in their academic paths, they would have more practical
experiments about the internet and its function to share with others. As a result,
younger employees can take on the responsibility of mentoring, especially in newly
transformed job market. Moreover, by involving younger colleagues in sharing
ideas and thoughts, they will be more motivated to work harder and show an
improved performance due to the sense of belonging this strategy provides. The
more the young employees are connected to the workplace, the greater their
output will be. (5)


As both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that part-time jobs and
internships benefit teenagers in various ways, such as hands-on activities and
improving their soft skills. To begin, if teenagers could be involved in a part-time
job regardless of whether the income is necessary for them, they would be armed
with more hands-on experiences, improving their job opportunity prospects.
Additionally, internships often provide teenagers with a brighter insight about their
future career path, making their choice more practical and efficient. Moreover, by
going to the internship, the opportunity of professional collaboration with others
will increase, empowering them with many skills in teamwork, finding friends and
other social skill. They also provided with other soft skills like budget management,
and even households tasks, specifically if they should travel to another city or
country for their job. (5)

As both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that optional courses in
postsecondary education would benefit students in various aspects, increasing the
overall academic performance and numbers of attendance. To begin, since many
students have quit studying after high school because of the financial burden of
university tuition fees, implementing this policy provide them with more flexible
time management. Consequently, the vast majority of young people with financial
problems for attending university would be able to have an internship or part-time
job beside their academic plan, esuring academic path for larger portion of
students. Moreover, if presence in classes are not mandatory, students can learn
class material by their own pace because they have more time to contemplate
topics, promoting their academic performance. Finally, because of the
conveniences of optional class attending, in my opinion, it can be beneficial for
students and universities. (4)

While both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that optional courses
in postsecondary education would benefit students in various ways, increasing the
overall performance and numbers of attendance. To begin, since many students
have quit studying after high school because of the financial burden of tuition fees,
implementing this policy provide them with more flexible timing. Consequently,
young people with financial difficulties for attending university would be able to
get an internship or a part-time job beside their academic plan, ensuring academic
education for larger group of high school students. Moreover, because of the no
mandate in presence in classes, students would be able to learn class materials with
their own pace, as they are not limited to the class time and have more time to
contemplate topics. Finally, freedom of choice offers conveniences and pleasure
for students like peace of mind, promoting their academic performance. (4)
While both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that optional
attendance in postsecondary education would benefit students in various ways,
increasing the overall performance and numbers of attendance. To begin, since
many students may quit studying after high school because of the financial burden
of tuition fees, implementing this policy provide them with more flexible timing.
Consequently, young people with financial difficulties would be able to get a part-
time job beside their academic plan, ensuring academic education for larger group
of high school students. Moreover, because of the freedom of choice for attending
classes, students would learn class materials with their own pace, as they are not
limited to the class time, and they have more time to contemplate topics,
improving their academic performance. As a result, both university and students
will benefit from optional attendance policy. (5)

While both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that journaling would
be a practical technique to improve learning cohesion and eventually students'
performances. To begin, if teachers wanted students to write down their thoughts
about a specific topic, they would allocate more time to contemplate about that
topic, as writing requires organized ideas. This way, students would be armed with
the superpower of thinking effectively and coherently. Consequently, by
implementing such discipline, students would be provided with a brighter insight
and understanding about class materials, improving their performance in exams.
Moreover, teachers can communicate by students through their writing
assignments, as individuals' ability and difficulties about a certain topic will be fully
recognized in their journaling. As a result, both students and teachers can perform
in a better pace. (5)

While Paul's argument possess valid insight, I firmly believe that employee would
be stay on their job, if they could learn new skills, leading to better job position and
advancement, as Claire rightly mentioned. To begin, providing employees with up-
to-date courses, and hands-on experiments is of great importance in today's
competitive job market. This way, individuals would enjoy a sense of achievement,
increasing their self-esteem, so they can move forward in their professional paths.
Consequently, they will have more achievement, benefiting either the company
and themselves. Moreover, employees would be optimistic about their work
environment when they could be confident about their professional progress in
that company, which can be accessible by offering them latest versions of skills
required in their field. As a result, the possibility of retaining workers will increase
in companies creating the space of learning for their employees. (5)

While both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that newly established
companies provide graduate students, entering the job market, with more benefits,
enabling them move forward with a better pace in their professional paths. To
begin, employees in small start-ups have more opportunity to collaborate with
large portion of companies' members; thus, they can effectively share their ideas
and thought. Consequently, the possibility of applying their thoughts and ideas in
the main concepts of the projects will be increased, arming them with more
confidence about their performance in such collaborative work environment.
Moreover, they also can take on larger portion of responsibilities because of the
small number of employees, improving their skillset. For example, many graduate
students experience the role of mentoring and leadership roles in small companies
right after their graduation, as they have in-depth and practical knowledge about
technology, and small businesses lack this type of employees. (5)

While both arguments possess valid insights, I firmly believe that field trips should
be encouraged by schools due to the various benefits it will provide for students.
To begin, although class materials should be considered and learned carefully, field
trip is not a limit for learning in class, but it also can be a complement, improving
students' learning process. By in-person visits of scientific trips, related to their
class subjects, students would be armed with more experiences and hands-on
activities, empowering them with brighter insight and understanding about class
materials. Consequently, they will perform better in their exams. Moreover, in-
person experiments motivate student learning their textbook instructions more
accurately, as they will identify the actual function of each topic in real world.
Finally, field trips are also benefits students by providing a clear perspective about
their future career. (5)

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