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Mechwarrior Quick Reference Sheets

Building the battleforce: Must be in multiples of 150 points. Each 150 points gives an order each turn. Your
battleforce may contain multiple copies of the same unit unless they are unique.


Command stage: Previous orders and special equipment resolve in the command stage.

Order stage: You may move, vent, range combat, close combat, Assault combat.

Give a unit an order token if it is given an order. You may not give a non-mech unit an order token if it has two order
tokens. When a non-mech unit is given a second order token, it is pushed and give it 1 point of damage. Mech units
gains 1 heat instead of 1 point of damage for being pushed.

When trying to leave close combat with a unit, mechs need 3-6 (when a mech successfully breaks away from an
infantry, a mech deal 1 point of damage to the infantry), a quad mech doesn’t need to roll to leave close combat with
infantry and it cannot change its facing if it fails to break way, vehicles and infantry require 4-6, hover require 2-6. If
they fail, they may still change their facing.

Aquatic unit: Treat all water terrain as clear and it is considered submerged if it is in deep water terrain.

Hover units: Treat all water terrain as clear and hindering terrain as blocking terrain.

Tracked units: All hindering terrain is treated as clear terrain.

Wheeled units: Water terrain is treated as blocking terrain.

VTOL: Can be at two possible levels and a VTOL may change levels by paying 2” of movement. NOE: treats water
terrain as clear terrain and hindering terrain as blocking terrain. Cruising: Is never in base contact with a unit. Lines of
fire drawn to or from a unit at cruising level ignore hindering terrain unless the target or the attacker occupies hindering
terrain. VTOL units add 1 to its defence when targeted by NOE units.

Mech units: Shallow water is treated as clear terrain, deep water is treated as hindering terrain, and it may cross over
infantry bases. A mech may run by doubling its movement value but will be given 1 heat in addition.

Quad mechs: Treats shallow water as clear terrain and deep water as hindering terrain it cannot make free spins. When
it occupies hindering terrain, it gets a +1 on defence. It may cross over infantry bases. A quad mech may run by
doubling its movement value but will be given 1 heat in addition.

Clean-up stage: You may not accumulate orders and they are lost at the clean-up stage. Remove the order token if this
unit wasn’t assigned an order during this turn.


Facing: You may give a unit with a speed value of 0 and order in order to change its facing.

Carrying: 1 infantry = 1 unit and each vehicle = 3 units for carrying purposes.

Boarding: A unit must be given an order to board at the rear arc. The boarded vehicle must use an order to board and
can then move half its movement. Mechs can run after boarding. Double the speed and then halve it. A unit in base
contact of an opposing unit cannot board a transport. VTOL can board units with jump jets at cruising speed.

Disembarking: The boarded vehicle must use an order to unload and can then move half its movement before or after
the unload. “The unloaded” must be on the rear arc and cannot be placed in base contact with an opposing unit. Mechs
can run before or after disembarking a unit. Double the speed and then halve it. VTOL at cruising level cannot move
after it disembarks units with jump jets.

Special equipment: Square equipment may be used at will. Round equipment activation gives 1 point of damage after
the order resolves (example: after the attack with a special weapon).

Losing heat: A vent order makes a unit lose heat equal to its vent rating and it gains an order token if it had none. If
had an order marker, it is not pushed. Mechs that weren’t given an order this turn lose 1 heat. If a unit started and
ended its turn on shallow water, you can remove 1 heat (or 2 heat if in deep water). Quad mechs loses 2 heat regardless
of water level.

Shutdown: Automatically occurs when three radioactive symbols appear on the heat dial. If so, mark it with two order
tokens. It can then only be given vent orders. A mech can restart when its heat dial is at the starting position or when a
successful heat effect roll was rolled. Restarted mechs lose their order tokens and aren’t affected by the current heat
effect. Orders can be given to the mech on the next turn.

Rounding: Always round up a fraction


1- Declare the target

2- Declare a capture attempt if applicable
3- Choose special equipment if applicable
4- Make an attack roll
5- Calculate damage
6- Apply heat and make the applicable roll if any
7- Give order token to the attacker
8- Apply pushing damage and make the applicable roll if any

Ranged combat: may only be done only through the unit’s front arc. Roll 3D6 (1 must be black) and add the attacker’s
attack value, it hits if the total is equal or higher than the target’s defence. A VTOL unit with a minimum of 13 (speed)
may make a ranged attack as part of its move. Subtract 12 from the units speed and it will give you the number of
spaces it can move before making the attack.

To hit roll: When each white dice = 6 then a critical is scored and you can add +1. When each white dice = 1 a critical
miss resulted and the unit is deal 1 pushing damage. To hit a shutdown mech you get +4 to your roll. An attack that
passes through a unit’s rear gains +2 to hit. A unit shooting a distant opponent while being in base contact with an
opposing unit, the target gains +2 to its defence. A unit shooting an enemy in base contact will suffer a penalty. The
opponent gets +2 on its defense or +1 if it’s a mech.

Indirect-fire ranged combat: A unit may target a hidden enemy not in based contact with a friendly unit. It must use
the ballistic value, the target gains +3 to its defense and the damage is maximum 2.

Multiple targets: The number of ranged symbols = number of targets that can be acquired. Compare the result to hit
with every target and divide damage between them.

Anti-aircraft units: Double the maximum ballistic range value to attack VTOLs at cruising speed.

Artillery: Must fire from front arc, range must be greater than the attacker’s maximum range but equal or lower than
the attacker’s artillery range. The attacker gets +2 to hit if the line of sight to the target is not blocked. Compare the
result with the artillery marker’s Target value. If it’s equal or greater than the artillery marker’s value, the attack
succeeds and deal damage to every unit in the blast radius. If the attack fails look up the value on the black dice and it
will give you the direction of the drift. The distance is measured by looking the drift distance on the artillery marker.
With multiple attacks, place all the markers and roll once.

Repairing: A unit may be repaired up to the black triangle.

Damage: Energy weapons deal 1 less damage to infantry. Energy weapons that score damage to a mech score +1 heat
(can only be gained once regardless of times hit by energy weapons.

Close combat: may only be done only through the unit’s front arc and only mechs and infantry can make attacks. An
attacking unit can get a bonus of +2 if it attacks the enemy’s rear arc.

Capturing: The target must be in close combat range. The target gets +3 to its armor. If the attack fails, the attacker is
dealt 1 point of damage. If he attack succeeds (equal or higher) the enemy becomes a captive. VTOLs are destroyed
instead of captured. Captives must always follow their captors; the captors can only be targeted by close combat
attacks by opponents. Both the captor and the captive must move at the lower of the two speeds. If the captor is
eliminated, the captive can be given orders as normal.

Assault combat: May move half its move and make a ranged attack or move its full move and make a close combat
attack. The unit must not be a member of a formation. The assaulting unit gains 1 heat in addition. The target gains +1
armor for that attack.

Special attacks: Ignores special equipment and may be made against a single opposing non-infantry unit.

Charge: (2 heat) Required a mech with an attack value of +0. The attacker must run and end its movement in base
contact with the enemy. If there are obstacles except infantry and water features, the defended gets +2 armor. If the
attacker targets the rear of an attacker it gets +2 for that attack. The enemy is allowed a free spin. If the attack succeeds,
deal damage as the primary damage value +1. The attacker is deal pushing damage = ½ its primary attack value.

Death from above: Required a mech with an attack value of +0 and jump jets. Make a move order with jump jets and
end it in base contact of the enemy. The target gets +2 armor for this attack. Make an attack as normal. If the attack
succeeds, deal damage as the primary damage value +2. The attacker is deal 1 damage after the attack. If the attack
failed, deal 2 damage to the attacker and the target is allowed a free spin.

Ram: Required a mech with an attack value of +0 and not part of a formation. This action ignores hindering terrain
modifiers. The mech is given a move order and must be in base contact with the enemy. The target is allowed a free
spin. Make the attack as normal and add +2 if attacking the targets rear. If the attack succeeds, the attacker scores 2
impact damage and receives 1 damage.


Requirements: All members must be of the same faction and mercenaries may join any group.

Movement formations: Minimum 3 and maximum of 5 of any combination of infantry and vehicles in close combat
range. Give a movement order to the group and they will each move at the lowest of all the speeds. No attacks can be
made during the order. Each member must be in close combat range at the end of the order. If any member fails a break
away roll, it may not move but can change its facing. The others can continue as normal. At the end of the move, give
an order token to every unit in the formation so that they all have one. Members of the formation are not pushed if they
received a second order token.

Ranged combat formation: Minimum 3 and maximum of 5 units in close combat range (It is also possible with an
artillery formation). You give a ranged combat order to one unit but every unit in the formation contributes towards
that goal. Select a target. Add +2 to hit roll for every unit that has a clear line of sight towards the attacker. (This is
valid for the first attack: i.e. pulse weapons). You may add +2 if any unit targets the enemy’s rear arc. Each member is
considered to be given an order.

Close combat formation: Minimum 2 and maximum 3 of any combination of infantry and mechs in close combat
formation (It is also possible to use this formation to capture a unit). All the attacking units must be in close combat
range of the enemy. You give a close combat order to one unit but every unit in the formation contributes towards that
goal. Select a target. Add +2 to hit roll for every unit that is engaged with the attacker. You may add +2 if any unit
targets the enemy’s rear arc. Each member is considered to be given an order.


Hindering terrain: Consists of light woods, debris. When moving from clear terrain to hindering terrain, your
movement must end as soon as you get into hindering terrain. When starting in hindering terrain, your movement is
halved for the turn. Hindering terrain modifier: defender gets +1 to its armor value when defending against a ranged

Blocking terrain: Consists of boulders, buildings, high walls. It blocks line of sight and may not be occupied

Water terrain: Shallow water consists of streams and ponds. It is treated as hindering terrain for movement purposes.
A unit my not be the target of a close combat attack unless the attacker is in shallow water also. Deep water consists of
big rivers and lakes. It is treated as blocking terrain. Submerged units in deep water cannot be the target of ranged
attack. Submerged units may be the target of close combat if the enemy is occupying a close combat position next to
the submerged unit.

Elevated terrain: Is treated like hindering terrain for moving purposes. Your movement must end as soon as you are
about to move onto elevated terrain. When attacking a higher unit, the defender gets +1 armor because of the height.
Abrupt terrain (2 levels or higher) require jump jets for movement).


House Liao: Awe: At the beginning of your command phase, chose an opponent, roll 1D6 for each 450 points in the
games build. On a roll of 6, your opponent gets 1 fewer order on its turn. Use this ability if only half of your battleforce
is composed of elite units.

Fanatism: If one of your units is eliminated, each remaining units within 8” of that eliminated unit is repaired 1damage.

Ruthlessness: When attacking a Green unit, this unit gains +1 damage if it hits. The attacker must continue to attack
that unit unless in close combat with another enemy or until the green unit is destroyed.

Jade Falcon: Zellbrigen: When this unit succeeds in an attack targeting a single opposing Elite figure, it gets +1
damage. Every subsequent attack must target that unit unless your unit is engaged in close combat.

Merciless: When this unit makes a death from above special attack, roll 1D6 and add the attack value. This unit is deal
1 pushing damage if it failed the attack or 0 if it was successful.

Enhanced imaging: When this unit makes a ranged combat attack targeting a single enemy, roll 1D6. On a result of 4-6
the following effect apply: hindering terrain is ignored.

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