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4. Describe her emotional states during the movie.

Did she cope with her

emotional states (stress, anxiety) during challenging situations? If yes, what was
helpful for her? Do you think she is an Emotional Intelligence (El) person? If
yes, what kind of skills and abilities express her El?

The dramatic journey of Liz Murray in "Homeless to Harvard" offers a

sophisticated look at human resiliency. The movie explores her emotional
states, showing a wide range of feelings from extreme despair to ecstasies of
victory. Liz immerses herself in education as a coping mechanism during
stressful and anxious times, seeing it as a source of empowerment as well as a
means of escaping her difficult situation. She faces obstacles head-on and
refuses to let her circumstances define her, demonstrating her emotional
resilience. The film emphasizes Liz's will to overcome homelessness while
skillfully capturing the emotional toll that homelessness takes. Her emotional
stability keeps her going despite the immense obstacles against her, which
drives her unwavering quest for a better life. For Liz, supportive relationships
act as emotional pillars. The guidance from Mr. Matthews turns into a beacon of
light, and the friendship with Chris offers comfort. These relationships
demonstrate Liz's ability to build deep relationships as well as her capability to
rely on people for emotional support in trying situations.

Liz Murray's remarkable emotional intelligence shines through various facets of

her character. Rooted in profound self-awareness, she adeptly navigates her
emotions and life challenges with a wise understanding that propels her towards
educational pursuits for a brighter future. Her resilience is evident in her
capacity to rebound from extreme adversity, showcasing an extraordinary
emotional strength. Through expressions of compassion and empathy, Liz
forges meaningful connections with others, establishing a network of support,
particularly with her mother. Despite her mother's shortcomings, Liz's
boundless inner love for her is unwavering, as she holds onto an idealized image
of her. Initially facing difficulties in socialization, Liz cultivates robust
interpersonal skills by forming connections with teachers, mentors, and peers.
Possessing admirable self-control, she does not give up halfway and fights,
pursuing her goals, and taking proactive measures to enhance her situation
despite numerous obstacles. Indeed, Liz's emotional intelligence serves as the
cornerstone of an inspiring narrative—from homelessness to Harvard.

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