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Project based learning on file on “Coal: Unearthing its impact”

For partial fulfilment of Bachelor of Technology in mechanical engineering
Submitted by:

Shivam Chakravarti (2200430409004)

Under the guidance of

Dr. Narendra kumar

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jhansi,


Session :2023-24
First of all, I would like to thank my teacher “Dr. Narendra kumar” who give me
the golden opportunity to do this project on the given topic “Coal: Unearthing
its impact”. It helped me in doing a lot of the research and I came to know
about so many things, and it taught me how to measure pressure and level at
many more places in everyday life. I’m very thankful for them. Secondly, I would
like to thank you other group member who helped me in finalizing this project
within limited time frame for it.

Shivam Chakravarti (2200430409004)

1. Introduction to coal
2. Types of coal and Their properties
3. The effects of mining coal on the environment
4. Energy production
5. Social Aspects
6. Economic Aspects
7. Solutions and future directions
8. References
Situ Theory
According to this theory, coal seam occupies the same site (place)
where the original plants grew and where their remains
accumulated several Fuels and million years ago to produce coal
under the action of heat, pressure and bacteria.
Drift Theory
According to this theory, the plants, trees etc. were uprooted and
drifted (transported) by rivers to lakes and estuaries to get
deposited there to form coal during the course of time after they
got buried underground.Indian coals are formed according to drift
theory in general.If sea water is the carrying agent or if the deposit
is covered by marine inorganic sediments, then coal formed are
rich in hydrogen and possess coking properties.
Types of coal and their properties
Carbon Content: About 86-97%
Energy Content: High energy content
Hard and glossy
High carbon and low volatile matter
Low moisture content
Excellent heat-producing qualities
Burns with a blue flame and minimal smoke
Carbon Content: About 45-86%
Energy Content: Moderate to high energy content
Soft to brittle
Moderate carbon content
Higher volatile matter compared to anthracite
Widely used for electricity generation and industrial purposes
Produces more smoke when burned compared to anthracite
Carbon Content: About 35-45%
Energy Content: Lower energy content compared to bituminous
Softer and duller than bituminous coal
Lower carbon content and higher moisture content
Lower sulfur content, contributing to lower emissions
Used primarily for electricity generation
Carbon Content: About 25-35%
Energy Content: Lowest energy content among coal types
Soft, brown to black in color
High moisture content
Low carbon content and high volatile matter
Lower heating value compared to other types
Often used in power plants for electricity generation
The effects of mining coal on the environment
The negative effects of coal mining cannot be disputed:
Destruction of Landscapes and Habitats: Strip mining also known as surface mining,
involves the stripping away of earth and rocks to reach the coal underneath. If a mountain
happens to be standing in the way of a coal seam within, it will be blasted or levelled -
effectively leaving a scarred landscape and disturbing ecosystems and wildlife habitat.
Deforestation and Erosion: As part of the process of clearing the way for a coal mine, trees
are cut down or burned, plants uprooted and the topsoil scraped away. This results in the
destruction of the land (it can no longer be used for planting crops) and soil erosion. The
loosened topsoil can be washed down by rains and the sediments get into rivers, streams and
waterways. Downstream, they can kill the fish and plant life and block river channels which
cause flooding.
Contaminates Ground Water: The minerals from the disturbed earth can seep into ground
water and contaminate water ways with chemicals that are hazardous to our health. An
example would be Acid Mine Drainage. Acidic water can flow out of abandoned coal mines.
Mining has xposed rocks which contain the sulphur-bearing mineral, Pyrite. This mineral reacts
to air and water to form sulphuric acid. When it rains, the diluted acid gets into rivers and
streams and can even seep into underground sources of water.
Chemical, Air & Dust Pollution: Underground mining allows coal companies to dig for coal
deeper into the ground. The problem is that huge amounts of earth and rock are brought up
from the bowels of the earth. These mining wastes can become toxic when they are exposed
to air and water. Examples of toxins are mercury, arsenic, fluorine and selenium. The amount
of dust generated in mining operations can be carried to nearby towns by the wind. These
dust particles can cause all kinds of health problems for humans who are exposed to it.
Methane in the Atmosphere: Coal mine methane emissions from underground mining are
often caught and used as town fuel, chemical feedstock, vehicle fuel and industrial fuel – but
very rarely is everything captured. Methane is less prevalent in the atmosphere as compared
to carbon dioxide, but it is 20 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas.
Coal Fires: Fires from underground mines can burn for centuries! These fires release smoke
into the atmosphere - smoke which contains carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO),
methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and other toxic greenhouse gases.
Energy production
Energy production from coal involves several steps, from mining and processing to
combustion for electricity generation. Here's an overview of the key stages in coal-
based energy production:

Coal Mining:
Extraction Methods: Coal can be extracted through surface mining (open-pit mining,
mountaintop removal) or underground mining (shaft mining, slope mining).
Preparation: Mined coal undergoes processing to remove impurities, with the resulting
product varying in quality based on its type (anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous, or
Rail and Truck: Coal is transported from mines to power plants via railroads or trucks.
Shipping: For international trade, coal may be transported by sea.
Storage and Handling:
Stockpiling: Coal is stockpiled at power plants for future use.
Handling Systems: Conveyor belts and other systems transport coal within the power plant.
Boiler: Coal is burned in a boiler to produce high-pressure steam.
Steam Turbine: The steam drives a turbine connected to a generator, converting thermal
energy into mechanical energy.
Electricity Generation:
Generator: The rotating turbine generates electricity as it turns the generator.
Transformer: Electricity generated undergoes transformation for transmission.
Environmental Controls:
Emission Control Systems: Technologies such as electrostatic precipitators and scrubbers are
used to reduce emissions of pollutants (particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides).
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): Some projects incorporate CCS technologies to capture
and store carbon dioxide emissions.
Waste Management:
Coal Ash: Residual ash from combustion contains minerals and heavy metals. Proper disposal
or recycling is crucial to prevent environmental contamination.
Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD): Systems are employed to remove sulfur dioxide from flue
gases, reducing air pollution.
Transmission and Distribution:
Transformer Stations: High-voltage electricity is stepped down at transformer stations.
Grid Integration: Electricity is transmitted through the grid for distribution to homes,
businesses, and industries.
Social Aspects:
1. Employment and Local Economies:
 Job Creation: Coal mining has historically been a significant source of
employment in many regions, providing jobs for miners, support staff,
and related industries.
 Economic Dependence: Some communities heavily rely on the coal
industry, and economic downturns can lead to challenges in diversifying
local economies.
2. Community Displacement and Impact:
 Mining Operations: Communities near coal mines may face
displacement due to the expansion of mining operations.
 Health Concerns: Respiratory issues and other health concerns can arise
due to exposure to coal dust and pollutants.
3. Social Fabric:
 Community Identity: Mining communities often have a strong identity
tied to the industry, and changes in the industry can impact the social
 Social Challenges: Economic uncertainties and shifts in population can
lead to social challenges, including strained community relationships.
4. Safety and Health:
 Occupational Hazards: Coal mining is associated with various
occupational hazards, and safety measures are crucial to protect
 Healthcare Needs: Mining communities may require enhanced
healthcare infrastructure to address health issues associated with mining
5. Cultural and Heritage Impact:
 Cultural Significance: Coal mining can have cultural significance for
communities, and changes in the industry may impact local traditions
and heritage.
 Preservation: Efforts may be needed to preserve the cultural and
historical aspects of mining communities.
Economic Aspects:

1. Economic Contributions:
 Revenue Generation: The coal industry contributes to government
revenue through taxes, royalties, and fees.
 Exports: Coal exports contribute to trade balances in countries that are
major coal exporters.
2. Energy Affordability:
 Affordable Energy Source: Coal has historically been a relatively
affordable energy source, contributing to energy accessibility for
industries and households.
3. Energy Security:
 Domestic Energy Supply: Coal can contribute to a country's energy
security by providing a domestic energy source.
 Reducing Dependency: Some countries use coal to reduce dependence
on imported energy sources.
4. Economic Challenges:
 Market Volatility: The coal industry can be subject to market
fluctuations, affecting economic stability in regions dependent on coal.
 Transition Challenges: Economic challenges may arise during the
transition away from coal, requiring targeted economic development
5. Environmental and Social Costs:
 Externalities: The economic model of coal often does not account for
the full environmental and social costs associated with its extraction and
 Cleanup Costs: Environmental rehabilitation and addressing health
impacts can impose additional costs.
6. Transition to Alternatives:
 Investment in Alternatives: Economic opportunities arise in regions
that invest in alternative energy sources and technologies.
 Job Transition Programs: Economic policies can facilitate the transition
of workers from the coal industry to other sectors.
Soutions and Future directions
1. Transition to Renewable Energy:

Promote Renewable Technologies:

Invest in solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal energy to replace coal-based electricity
Support research and development for advanced renewable energy technologies.

Energy Storage Solutions:

Develop efficient energy storage technologies to address the intermittency of renewable

2. Energy Efficiency and Conservation:

Energy Efficiency Programs:

Implement programs to enhance energy efficiency in industries, buildings, and transportation.

Demand-Side Management:

Encourage demand-side management strategies to optimize energy use.

3. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS):

CCS Technologies:

Invest in research and development of carbon capture technologies to reduce emissions from
existing coal-fired power plants.

Incentives for Adoption:

Provide incentives and regulations to encourage the adoption of CCS technologies.

4. Sustainable Mining Practices:

Rehabilitation and Reclamation:

Enforce strict regulations on land reclamation to restore mined areas.

Promote sustainable mining practices that minimize environmental impact.

Community Engagement:

Involve local communities in decision-making processes related to mining activities.

Establish funds for community development and support.
5. Economic Diversification:

Investment in Alternative Industries:

Diversify local economies by investing in industries beyond coal, such as technology, tourism,
and renewable energy.

Job Transition Programs:

Implement training programs to equip coal workers with skills for employment in alternative
6. Environmental and Social Impact Assessments:

Comprehensive Assessments:

Conduct thorough assessments of the environmental and social impacts of coal-related

7. Policy and Regulatory Measures:

Phasing Out Subsidies:

Gradually phase out subsidies for coal to level the playing field for cleaner energy sources.

Carbon Pricing:

Implement carbon pricing mechanisms to internalize the external costs of coal.

8. International Collaboration:

Global Cooperation:

Foster international collaboration to address cross-border environmental issues related to


Technology Transfer:

Facilitate the transfer of clean energy technologies to coal-dependent regions.

9. Community Empowerment:

Community-Owned Renewable Projects:

Support community-owned renewable energy projects to empower local populations.

Education and Awareness:

Raise awareness about the environmental and health impacts of coal to promote community
engagement and advocacy.
"Introduction to Combustion" by Stephen Turns:

A comprehensive introduction to the principles of combustion, covering theory, applications, and

environmental impact.

"Combustion Engineering Issues for Solid Fuel Systems" by Bruce G. Miller:

Focuses on engineering aspects of combustion, especially related to solid fuel systems.

"Principles of Combustion" by Kenneth K. Kuo:

Offers a fundamental understanding of combustion principles, including chemical kinetics, ignition,

and flame propagation.

"Coal: A Human History" by Barbara Freese:

Explores the history of coal, including its impact on human societies and the environment.

"Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals" by John Heywood

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) - Combustion Research:

NREL Combustion Research

Provides information on combustion research, including studies on biofuels and alternative

combustion technologies.

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - Coal Data:

EIA Coal Data

Offers data and information on coal production, consumption, and environmental aspects.

World Coal Association:

World Coal Association

Provides insights into the global coal industry, including statistics, publications, and environmental
Combustion Institute:

Combustion Institute

A global society that promotes research in combustion science, offering resources, publications, and
conference information.

Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) - U.S. Department of Energy:

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