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Half-Yearly Examination, 2022–23

Time: 2 hours Full Marks: 80

This Question Paper has six printed pages.
Answers must be written in the script/s provided. You will not be allowed to write for the
first 15 minutes. This time must be spent in reading the Question Paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing answers.

This Paper is divided into two sections. Answer all the questions of Section A,
and any five of Section B.
All parts of a question must be answered together in the correct order.
Maximum marks for a question or part of a question are given in brackets [ ].
An outline map of India will be provided. It must be securely attached to your script.

SECTION A (30 marks)

Answer all the questions.

Question No 1 [15]

Study the extract of the topographical sheet no. G43S7 and answer the following questions:

(a) What is the RF of the map extract? Why is RF more widely accepted than any other
scales? [1]

(b) Name the type of rainfall experienced in the region shown in the map extract. Give two
evidences for your answer. [1½]

(c) Name the physical feature found in grid 4385, with spot height 542m. [½]

(d) (i) Name the physical feature found in the south-eastern part of the extract.
(ii) What is the height of the feature? [1]

(e) Why are there no human habitations in the region shown in the north-eastern corner of
the extract? Justify your answer with two reasons. [1]

(f) Assuming that you can see up to half a kilometre on either side of the roadways, describe
the journey from Antroli (4178) to Bantawada (4580) with reference to the following:
(i) name the roadways connecting the two villages
(ii) one natural feature
(iii) one man-made feature
(iv) the direction in which you are travelling

(g) What do the following mean? [2]

(i) 13r in grid 4280
(ii) a black vertical line between eastings 43 and eastings 44

(h) What is the drainage pattern in grid 4579? [½]

(i) What is the settlement pattern of Chitrasani (4576)? Mention two facilities available at
Chitrasani but not enjoyed by other villages. [1½]

(j) On which bank of Banas River does the Balaram Nadi join? Justify your answer. [1]

(k) Why is well irrigation predominant in the south-western corner of the extract? [1]

(l) Calculate the area formed between eastings 40–46 and northings 76–84. [2]

Question No 2 [10 × 1]

On the outline map of India provided:

(a) Mark and name the Western Ghats and the Aravalli Range

(b) Mark and name Mount Godwin Austin

(c) Shade the Konkan Coast and Wular Lake

(d) Shade the Thar Desert and the Gulf of Khambhat

(e) Mark and name River Krishna and River Yamuna

(f) Mark and label the Indian Standard Meridian and Bengaluru

(g) Mark and name the winds that bring rain to Mawsynram

(h) Mark and name an offshore oil field and the Karakoram pass

(i) Shade and label the Chota Nagpur Plateau

(j) Shade and name an area in the north that:

(i) is densely-populated
(ii) has red soil

Question No 3 [5 × 1]

Choose the correct options:

(a) From March onwards temperature rises in the mainland of India from the south due to
(i) the southward migration of the sun from the equator.
(ii) the northward migration of the sun from the equator.
(iii) the shift in the pressure belts.
(iv) the land breeze which blows towards the sea

(b) In which of the following regions, people build ‘guls’ and ‘kuls’ for irrigation?

(i) Northern Plains (iii) Coastal areas

(ii) Western Himalayas (iv) Deccan Plateau

(c) Methods of conserving and regulating the surface water flow, for management of
vegetation and soil conservation, by various government bodies is called

(i) irrigation (iii) rainwater harvesting

(ii) watershed Management (iv) plugging of gullies

(d) Water resistant trees are usually found in

(i) tropical evergreen forests (iii) desert vegetation

(ii) littoral forests (iv) monsoon forests

(e) Which of the following is NOT an objective of the National Forest Policy of 1988?

(i) Protection, conservation and development of forests.

(ii) Preventing setting up of industries in rural areas.

(iii) Steps taken to maintain biodiversity.

(iv) Encourage people to participate in protecting trees.

SECTION B (50 marks)

(Attempt any five questions from this Part.)

Question No 4

(a) Study the climatic data of station X given below and answer the questions that follow:

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Temp °C 23.8 25 27.7 28.3 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.3 30.0 30.3 25.5 24.2

RF cm 0 0 1.1 1.5 2.1 45.3 46.5 45.4 43.3 20.1 3.0 0.1

(i) What is the total rainfall during the monsoon season? [½]

(ii) Why does the station experience heavy rain in these months? [1]

(iii) Suggest a name for the station X. Give two reasons to justify your anwer. [½ + 1]

(b) Give reasons why: [5 × 1]

(i) The annual rainfall in western Rajasthan is less than 25 cm.
(ii) Tamil Nadu has more rainy months than Kerala yet Kerala receives more rainfall
than Tamil Nadu.
(iii) Retreat of the monsoon is slower than its arrival.
(iv) Mawsynram receives rainfall of 1250 cm, Delhi receives 25-50 cm and Shillong
receives 250 cm.
(v) The summer monsoon winds blow over the Arabian Sea from the southwest.
(c) What is the source of rain in the north-western part of India during the months of December
and January? What benefit does the rain bring to this part? [1]
(d) Give two important characteristics of the summer monsoon rainfall in India. [1]

Question No 5

(a) State two differences between the alluvial soils found in the lower course and the upper
course of a river. [2]

(b) With reference to black soil answer the following questions:

(i) How is black soil formed? [1]
(ii) Give two characteristics of black soil which makes it agriculturally important. [2]
(iii) Name a state where this soil is found and a cash crop grown in that state. [1]

(c) How is laterite soil formed? [1]

(d) Name two important agents of erosion. For each, state one method of controlling the
erosion caused. [1 + 1]

(e) How can deepening of the river bed help in preventing soil erosion? [1]

Question No 6

(a) Name the type of forests found in the western part of the Western Ghats. Give two reasons
why these forests are so named. [1 + 1]

(b) With reference to littoral forests answer the following questions:

(i) Mention two conditions that favour the growth of littoral forests. [1]
(ii) Name one area in India where these forests are found. [1]
(iii) Why do trees in these forests have aerial roots? [1]
(iv) Why is it very difficult to move through tidal forests? [1]

(c) To which type of forests do the following trees belong? [1]

(i) hintal (ii) deodar

(d) (i) Name a state in India where thorn and scrub forest is found. [1]

(ii) Give two ways in which the trees found in this state have adapted to the climate. [1]

(e) Why is the forest cover in India shrinking? State any one method to conserve the forest.

Question No 7
(a) Give two reasons to justify the need to conserve water. [1]

(b) Mention two advantages of rainwater harvesting. [1]

(c) Give one geographical reason for each: [3]

(i) Irrigation is necessary despite the monsoons.

(ii) Sprinkler irrigation is practised in arid and semi-arid regions.

(iii) Canal irrigation leads to the ground around it becoming unproductive.

(d) (i) Name two states in which well irrigation is widely used. [1]

(ii) Mention two reasons why well irrigation is commonly found in these states. [1]

(iii) Give two reasons why well irrigation is still a popular means of irrigation. [1]

(e) Give one advantage and one disadvantage that tube wells have over surface wells. [1]

(f) State two reasons why tank irrigation is popular in South India. [1]

Question No 8

(a) Give two reasons why there is a need for waste management. [2]

(b) Why is composting considered a safe method of waste disposal? [2]

(c) Give reasons why: [2]

(i) We should avoid using plastics.

(ii) Chemical fertilizers must be replaced by organic manure.

(d) Mention two ways to reduce waste generation at home. [2]

(e) Define: [2]

(i) Recycling (ii) Segregation

Question No 9

(a) Study the climatic data of station A given below and answer the questions that follow:

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

24.5 25.7 27.7 28.4 30.0 32.5 31.0 30.2 29.8 28.0 25.9 24.7
4.3 1.6 1.7 2.4 2.8 4.6 8.6 11.4 11.8 30.6 35.0 13.9

(i) On which coast of India does the station lie? Suggest a name for this station. [1 + 1]
(ii) Name the season during which rainfall is the heaviest. [1]
(iii) Explain the occurrence of rainfall in that area. [2]

(b) What do you mean by October heat? [1]

(c) Give reasons why: [2]

(i) Inundation canals are being converted to perennial canals.
(ii) A tube well should be installed in a fertile and productive land.

(d) Why is there a scarcity of surface water in our country? [2]

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