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1. Issue vs Crisis
- Issue: warning signs that crisis is possible.
- Risk: potential threat of the issue.
- Crisis: an issue that WASN’T managed => specific, unexpected events that create high levels of uncertainty and
create a threat of perceived threat to an organization which can have significant negative consequences.

2. Issue vs Crisis management

- Issue management: Steering the ship out of trouble waters (lèo lái con tàu ra khỏi vùng nước gặp khó khăn) =>
- Crisis management: trying to save the ship or rescue passengers after it has struck an iceberg => CURE.

3. Real risk vs crisis

- Same issues affect different people differently (Ex: attacking regular people vs attacking policemen, sexual
harassment by priests…)
- Different people have different risks (ex: Gamblers vs non – gamblers: người chơi cờ bạc và người không chơi cờ
- People with the same issue and the same risk might not have the same crisis (Incident: likely to happen because
of; resulting from vs Crisis).
o Incident: Situation that might be, or could lead to, a disruption, loss, emergency, or crisis => An incident
is a situation that is on a small scale initially and could lead to a crisis that might result in loss or
disruption of business. Incidents disturb the everyday operations and business processes. Incidents are
typically on a smaller scale and can be managed tactically with quick actions. These could be pre-
o Crisis: A situation with a high level of uncertainty that disrupts the core activities and/or credibility of an
organization and requires urgent action => A crisis is a situation that is bigger and more serious compared
to an incident.

4. Predictable vs Unpredictable crisis

- Natural disaster or act of God - Organization misdeeds (hành vi sai trái).

- Technological crisis from human error. - Workplace violence
- Confrontation (a fight or argument). - Rumors or false information.
- Malevolence (the quality of causing or wanting - Terrorist attacks (tấn công khủng bố)
to cause harm or evil). - Man – made disasters.

5. Preventions (Before doing crisis management)

- Risk analysis for business decisions:

 Identify the issue. Perceive: people think it may be a crisis =>

 Detect (to notice something that is partly not true crisis => low chance it will be a
hidden or not clear or to discover crisis.
something, esp. using a special method) Some chance => high perceive crisis will
possible risks. make people think different => it can
 Real vs perceive (to think of something in a become highly crisis/ real crisis.
particular way) risks.  Potential impact vs cost to handle.
 Making decisions => decide to take action
or just monitor.

- Tools to monitor issues and risks:

 Monitor on social media.
 Monitor tools – KOLs.


6. Cure – Preparation for Crisis

- Detecting crisis scenario (Phát hiện kịch bản khủng hoảng).
 Different brands will have different potential issue.
 Form the alliances (liên minh/ đồng minh) with stakeholders (media, customers, suppliers, employees…)
which stakeholders will enroll in different crisis.
 Thuật ngữ: Likelihood (the chance that something will happen), Severity (the fact or condition of being
severe/ thực tế hoặc tình trạng nghiêm trọng)

- Preparing the plan for crisis management.

 Pre – draft messages => based on scenario =-> will write the message.
 Crisis communication channels.
 Best practices.
 Initial response => wait to long => more incorrect information => audience need a formal channels to receive
7. Preparation for crisis management

- Don’t ignore any potential issue. - Don’t just react => don’t wait media contact you
- Don’t wait. => you need to contact with media first.
- Don’t make the media the enemy. - Don’t use jargon (words and phrases used by
particular groups of people, esp. in their work,
that are not generally understood). => remember - Don’t guess.
you are communicating with your stakeholders.

8. Crisis management – response

- Move fast. - Avoid non – apologies.

- Decide what to say. - Avoid legalistic (mang tính pháp lý) apologies.
- Speak with one voice => on consistent message. - Try saying: we are really sorry our actions
- Tell the truth. caused you pain and we will make sure it doesn't
- Reach target audience. happen again => standard writing for apology
- A genuine apology can be key to recovery. (say apology, show empathetic, make promise)

9. Crisis management strategy (Self – research)

- Identify your crisis management team => consist of people who can take action during the crisis => put these
people together => everyone knows the in and out of crisis strategy.
- Access risks: use a risk register to determine and analyze the opportunity of risk occurring => help anticipate
which risks are most likely to take place => plan a response to these risks.
- Determine the business impact: each risk can cause specific results => necessary to analyze. The potential
impacts may include:

 Customer Attrition.  Lost Income.

 Ruined Reputation.  Administrative Fines.
 Delayed Sales.

- Plan the response: what action does your company need?

- Solidify the plan: once you’ve verbally made an understanding of the threats, your company may deal with
business impact => have the react and solidify your plan.
 A crisis management plan should consist of key items such as activation protocols, emergency contacts and
connection with stakeholders so everyone knows what to do? When?
- Review and revise: when the crisis plan is completed, check the final product to make sure there are no gaps =>
reassess your crisis management plan and revise it 1/ year because possible risks can vary with time.

- Can include a brief crisis management/ potential issue in the ASM2.
- Chú ý citation/ reference => bài này sẽ bị trừ điểm nặng hơn.
- Two-way symmetrical mode: mô hình truyền thông 2 chiều lý tưởng => tốn nhiều nguồn lực, nên ít cty theo được
mô hình này.
 Phải phân tích relationship giữa brand và stakeholder (chỉ cần một => specific).
 How they communicate with each other/ through which channels.
- Use neutral language. Personal reflection can use “I”.
- Analyze a few of theory, but any lesson that you have learned in this course, you also can use.
- Cannot find any media coverage => don’t require to use to analyze
- Need media relation, can analyze những bài đăng trên media của brand để phân tích => ko cần kiếm báo.
- PR campaign => analyze PR tactics, giống với IMC campaign cũng analyze y chang
- Tập trung vào PR tactics, tập trung phân tích PR.
- Tìm kiếm những nguồn khác để challenge what you read about the case study, đừng hoàn toàn đọc và viết lại theo
những gì viết trên case study => need extra research.
- Evaluation: what they did well, what not, can also include personal learning, to investigate more about the result
of the campaign, what did they achieve and how didi that affect the brand, cx có thể analyze campaign ở đất nước
này thì thành công ở đất nước khác thì ko.
- Look at campaign performance => look at number, percentage to support.
- Specific social learning theory (4 types).
- Khi phân tích Media farming theory, nên chỉ rõ theory này giúp clarify nội dung nào + supporting evidence.
- Phân tích rõ how theory apply in this case study => nhớ review definition của theory => dựa vào đó để viết.

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