CRIC Arch Final

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Course: System Analysis & Design

Code: MGMT 3012
Lecturer: Mr. Ramon Mclaren
Class Date & Time: Thursdays 9am- 12pm


Group 14 Members & ID# :

Dante Grant 620141019
Moya Clarke 620141493
Jahiem Daley 620141563
Jessica Allen 620141057
Christopher Guscott

Executive Summary 3
Lean Canvas – CricArch 4
Cumulative Cashflow – CricArch 5
Justification 6
Proposed Tasks 7
Task Tables 8-10
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) Table 11
PERT Diagram 11
Product Process Time in Critical Path 12

Entity Relationship Diagrams 13-14

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Executive Summary

Cricket Archive (CricArch) is the answer. Cricket Archive (CricArch) was developed to
solve the issue of poor data collection at all levels in the sport of cricket in Jamaica. Our
software will be built to record and analyse all key metrics from the micro level of single
player statistics and individual games to the macro level of competitions, age groups and all
other formal stagings of cricket being played in the country or on the database. This is, in the
hope, that with better collection and ease to sort, it will lead to finding problematic areas in
the local players’ game. This enables our target customer will be able to improve the
cricketing level in the country.

The software will take the data and input from each game and analyse how, where
and when batsmen score their runs. It will also measure their average time per game. It will
show where and when bowlers are going for too many runs along with displaying calculated
striker rates, batting, and bowling averages and in game projected scores based off run rates.
Essentially, the software will show the individual players strengths and weakness including
their positionings on the field when either is displayed. This information will be showcased
by utilizing charts, graphs, and images to highlight patterns in a concise way for coaches to
make improvements.

The target customer would be the Jamaica Cricket Association, JCA, that would be
responsible to implement the software throughout the levels of cricket they desire. Ideally, we
would have our application be utilized for the Senior Cup and the Schoolboy level. The costs
would include the development of the software and the maintenance of it, which is estimated
to be $2.5 mil JMD, with the software being fully developed and tested in 6 months. The plan
to generate revenue is to charge a lump-sum fee to cover the fixed cost in the early stage of
development. The plan is to offer instalments with a down payment of 50% of the total cost
in the first year. The rest will be divided equal over the years with an annual subscription fee
which includes coverage of the maintenance cost.

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Cric-Arch Lean Canvas

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Cumulative Cash flow
Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Total
Yearly Cash $0 $1,640,000 $807,000 $807,000 $807,000 $807,000 $4,868,000
Costs - - - - - - -
$2500000 $240,000 $240,000 $240,000 $240,000 $240,000 $3,700,000

Net - $1,400,000 $567,000 $567,000 $567,000 $567,000

Outflow/Inflo $2500000
Cumulative - - - - $689,000 $839,000 $1,168,000
Outflow $2500000 $1,100,000 $611,000 $122,000

ROI = (Cumulative Outflow/Total Expenditure) *100

= ($1,168,000/$4,868,000) *100
= 24%

Expected Payback period – 3 years and 3 months.

Discounted Cash flow

Y1 = $1,640,000 * 1/ (1+.05)1 = $1,108,571

Y2 = $807,000 * 1/ (1+.05)2 = $731,973

Y3 = $807,000 * 1/ (1+.05)3 = $697,117

Y4 = $807,000 * 1/ (1+.05)4 = $663,921

Y5 = $807,000 * 1/ (1+.05)5 = $632,306

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Out of the available lean canvas projects, we concluded that Cricket Archive,
(CricArch) provides the best opportunity to make an impression in the world of information
systems. The nature of this project is naturally heavily data driven and provides a solution to
a real-life problem in the cricketing industry locally. Its difficulty also allows us to delve into
the content of this course and allows us to test our knowledge and more importantly, our
application of the system development process. To properly justify the decision of this project
selection we assessed the three dimensions of feasibility: technical, economic and

Firstly, economically, the project is expected to give a return of 24% on its initial
investment within 5 years which is a good return for the level of risk that is involved. The
payback period in which the initial investment will be retained is 3 years and 3 months. With
50% of the initial capital retained in the first year. Secondly, technically, the project is
difficult but more than capable of being brought to life. The software can be built –
outsourced - by competent developers. There are numerous qualified and affordable
developers available with the technical skills to build such a database. It can be implemented,
and it is more than possible to maintain it whilst giving it the necessary updates it needs to
improve the software and it’s capabilities. Finally, the organisational feasibility of the project
is viable. It will be of great use to the potential customers as they do need solutions to better
collation of data and statistics. It will be easy to use and be developed to meet the
requirements of the users.

Ultimately, the CricArch project has provided us with the capability to test our
knowledge and application of said knowledge. The project also has potential to go further
than a group project for a grade but actually be pursued. This is because out of all the projects
available it satisfies the three (3) dimensions of feasibility to ascertain whether or not a
project is worth pursuing.

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Proposed Tasks
1. Research and analyse the market demand for the CricArch software, including the
needs of the JCA and other potential customers, as well as existing competitors.
2. Develop a detailed business plan for the CricArch software, including cost structures,
revenue streams, marketing strategies, and timelines.
3. Develop a prototype or minimum viable product (MVP) of the CricArch software that
demonstrates the key features and functionality of the software.
4. Conduct user testing and gather feedback to refine the features and functionality of
the CricArch software to meet the needs of the cricket community.
5. Develop a marketing and sales strategy to promote the CricArch software to potential
customers and secure contracts with the JCA and other cricket organizations.
6. Hire a development team to complete the full build of the CricArch software,
including any necessary updates or revisions based on user feedback.
7. Implement the CricArch software at the JCA and other cricket organizations,
providing training and support as needed to ensure successful adoption and use of the
8. Develop a customer support team to provide ongoing assistance and support to users
of the CricArch software, including addressing any technical issues or concerns.

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Task Tables
Task Information A

Name of the task Conduct Market Research

Start Date April 17, 2023
Completion Date May 22, 2023
Person assigned to the task Dante Grant
Deliverable(s) Research and analysis of market demand
Completion status Active
Priority High
Resources needed Online Surveys
Estimated time 35 days
Actual time

Task Information B

Name of the task Business plan development

Start Date May 22, 2023
Completion Date July 02,2023
Person assigned to the task Moya Clark
Deliverable(s) Detailed business plan for the CricArch
Completion status Not Started
Priority Medium
Resources needed
Estimated time 42 days
Actual time

Task Information C

Name of the task Prototype Development

Start Date May 22, 2023
Completion Date August 28, 2023
Person assigned to the task Jahiem Daley
Deliverable(s) Developed prototype or minimum viable
product (MVP) of CricArch software
Completion status Not Started
Priority High
Resources needed
Estimated time 98 days
Actual time

Task Information D

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Name of the task User testing and feedback gathering

Start Date August 28, 2023

Completion Date October 09, 2023
Person assigned to the task Jessica Allen
Deliverable(s) Feedback for refining features and
functionality of CricArch software
Completion status Not Started
Priority High
Resources needed
Estimated time 42 days
Actual time

Task Information E

Name of the task Marketing and sales strategy development

Start Date July 02, 2023
Completion Date August 06, 2023
Person assigned to the task Christopher Guscott
Deliverable(s) Developed marketing and sales strategy to
promote CricArch software
Completion status Not Started
Priority Medium
Resources needed
Estimated time 35 days
Actual time

Task Information F

Name of the task Development team hiring

Start Date May 22, 2023
Completion Date June 12, 2023
Person assigned to the task Dante Grant
Deliverable(s) Hired top developers for team to complete
the full build of the CricArch software
Completion status Not Started
Priority Medium
Resources needed
Estimated time 21 days
Actual time

Task Information G

Name of the task Develop CricArch software

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Start Date October 09, 2023
Completion Date October 08, 2024
Person assigned to the task Jahiem Daley
Deliverable(s) Refined development of CricArch software
addressing any technical issues or concerns
to ensure successful adoption
Completion status Completed
Priority High
Resources needed Coding Software
Estimated time 365 days
Actual time

Task Information H

Name of the task Implementation and training

Start Date October 08, 2024
Completion Date November 19, 2024
Person assigned to the task Jessica Allen
Deliverable(s) Launched and trained users in using
CricArch software
Completion status Complete
Priority High
Resources needed
Estimated time 42 days

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) Table

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CESSOR (Days) (Days) (Days) TIME
A - 28 35 42 35
B A 28 42 56 42
C A 84 98 112 98
D C 28 42 56 42
E B 28 35 42 35
F A 14 21 28 21
G F, D 309 365 421 365
H E, G 35 42 49 42

PERT Diagram

42 35

35 21 365 42

98 42

Critical Path: A-C-D-G-H

Project Duration: 582 days (1.6 Years)

Product Process Time in Critical Path


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A 0 35 0 35 0

B 35 77 463 505 428

C 35 133 35 133 0

D 133 175 133 175 0

E 77 112 505 540 428

F 35 56 154 175 119

G 175 540 175 540 0

H 540 582 540 582 0



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PlayerID ClubID SchoolID UserID
FirstName ClubName SchoolName FirstName
LastName Address Address LastName
SchoolAttended CoachName CoachName
ClubName JCA
Wickets JCA_ID
Wides SchoolID
No Balls ClubID
BatAvg SchoolName
BowlAvg ClubName



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