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@CryptPik | 1

" do you think it went?" Onja asked, looking back at his fiancé nervously.

"It was great, felt like I'm already part of the family!" Mijoro answered with a reassuring
grin. "You think any of them recognized me?"

Onja immediately thought of the large poster of Mijoro he used to have in his room, back
before they’d met and his fiancé was a huge celebrity. And then he thought about the fact that
his family likely hadn’t taken that poster down.

"Oh, um, maybe, haha," Onja managed to chuckle, though internally he was screaming.
Before the conversation could go any further to Mijoro’s ex-celebrity status, he pointed out into
the distance. "I-isn't the view nice? The waves look so pretty from up here."

The two were currently hiking on a Sainte-Marie Island hillside, overlooking both the sea
and a local village. The land was mostly sparse and wild, though a wood grew parallel to their
walking path. On Mijoro's request, they'd been walking for a while, exploring some of the local
vistas Onja knew of. He hadn't been here in years, and Mijoro had never seen this side of the
island at all, so the natural excursion was a refreshing treat for the both of them.

As Mijoro looked down on the path they'd come from, he lovingly hugged his fiancé close
to him. " I could give one hell of a tour out here."

Onja simply nodded, nuzzling into him at the same time.

Mijoro looked down at him. "Oh come on. I get that you're anxious, but how could you be
feeling down somewhere like this? Scenic! Relaxing! Remote...?" He said the first two words
with the gusto expected of someone working as a travel agent, but the last was more phrased
as a question.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, not many other people out here." Onja responded absently.

"Just the two of us. Out here. In nature. Alone." As Mijoro spoke, he tightened his grip.

Finally, the gears started to click for Onja. "Mijoro Mamiko...what are you getting at?"

Suddenly, Mijoro turned both himself and Onja to the treeline. "Let’s walk over here and
I'll explain."

Onja's hesitance remained, but the source of it was now something different entirely.
Even so, he followed his fiancé's instruction, walking with him into the nearby woods. From
under the trees, the hillside had an entirely different air. The crashing of waves served as a
gentle backdrop to the crunching of leaves and sounds of wildlife. The shade placated the
afternoon heat well.
@CryptPik | 2

Once the two were under the canopy, Mijoro began his explanation. "I know it's probably
stressful to introduce me to your family. Especially with what you told me about how they treated
you before now."

He allowed Onja space to speak, but the other fossa only nodded.

"Everything went fine, though. Maybe there's something I'm missing, but...they did seem
like they liked me. And they liked us being together. I am looking forward to dinner tonight."

Suddenly, Mijoro stopped and looked Onja in the eyes.

"And I want to make sure you're looking forward to it too. I want to help you with your
stress, Malala."

Onja didn't look away, even as he began to blush. "O-okay...but when we go out
somewhere remote and alone like this, it's usually to..." he trailed off.

Mijoro's smile made the last piece of the puzzle click for him. Onja was afraid he'd just
been reading too much into it before, but now that his fiancé's intentions were confirmed, he let
himself embrace the idea. His worried thoughts gave way to memories of Mijoro's scent mixing
with the natural aromas. Those strong handpaws on his body, stripping him bare. Those toned
legs parting to reveal...

Mijoro's smile widened as he looked down towards Onja's crotch. "Well it seems like
part of you is interested at least." He chuckled before leaning against a nearby tree.

"...all of me is," Onja finally answered, taking a step forward.

"Show me all of you, then," Mijoro responded in a deep, sultry tone.

The two wasted no time disrobing, leaving their clothes on top of the bags they'd
brought. Once they were done, both were completely nude except the matching golden bands
on their fingers. Mijoro reached forward and grabbed his fiancé into his arms, and for a few
minutes the two simply leaned against each other and absorbed the tranquil atmosphere. Onja
felt Mijoro's prick beginning to grow hard against his backside, and in turn his own cock

"Hmm, we didn't bring any lube...or condoms…" Onja said disappointedly.

"You didn't bring any lube or condoms," Mijoro corrected. "Check my bag."
@CryptPik | 3

"Why am I not surprised," Onja responded before breaking free of the grasp to dig
around his fiancé's bag. Sure enough, a travel-sized container of oil and a pair of condoms were
sitting near the top.

When he sauntered back, Onja saw Mijoro no longer leaning on the tree. Instead he
gestured towards it. "Lean for me, Malala."

Onja obeyed, letting his weight fall against the surprisingly soft bark. As he did, Mijoro
took the lube and condoms from him. A few seconds later, a handpaw delicately stretched the
latex wrapping over Onja’s length. Though the condom was already lubricated, Mijoro dribbled
more oil over top of it for good measure.

Onja moaned as his fiancé rubbed and cradled his dick, still wonderfully sensitive
despite the rubber. Mijoro worked his handpaws quickly, excited for what came next. After he'd
finished re-lubricating Onja's length (and gave it a few more tugs for good measure), Mijoro
dropped the bottle and walked in front of Onja, beginning to part his muscular ass.

"I was wondering why you only had coffee for long have you been-"
Onja's question was cut off as his fiancé slid against him and forced his cock between chiseled
cheeks. The sensation was familiar, but just as incredible every time. Usually Mijoro would tease
him some at that step, but this time he barely had time to get in position before he felt his head
slip into his fiancé.

Both fossa groaned at the sensation, Mijoro feeling delightfully filled, and Onja feeling
perfectly crushed. The two fucked slowly and wordlessly at first, not needing to say anything to
understand one another. Mijoro took the reins for the most part, pumping his hips back and
forth. Onja grabbed onto his midsection, and between his tight grip and the tree, the only things
slipping were their most sensitive parts.

Eventually, Mijoro spoke between his passionate grunts. "You can be loud...nobody out
here to hear us." With that permission, Onja's exhalations and yells increased in volume and
frequency. The fossa thrust along with his fiancé, letting the rhythm and pleasure drive away all
his stress.

It didn't take long after Onja finally let go of his last inhibitions and gave in that he found
himself close to orgasm. He panted, now beginning to feverishly hump into his fiancé. Sensing
this, Mijoro slowed his own movements and allowed Onja to take the lead. He steadied his legs
and leaned forward, letting Onja pump against him to his heart's content. Onja's entire cock
came out to the head, before plunging fully back into Mijoro's hole.

With one final thrust, accompanied by a near-roar, Onja came deep within his fiancé. He
felt cum burst from his tip, squirting into the condom. Both stood together, breathing heavily and
allowing the cascade of ecstasy to wash over them. Instead of coming apart, Onja instead let
his knees buckle, causing them both to fall to the ground. Mijoro sat on top of him, ass still full,
and sighed with content.
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The two stayed like that for a while, enjoying the sensation of climax along with one
another's company. In a few minutes they would get up and clean themselves off. In an hour
they would return to their hotel room and freshen up. And eventually they would meet Onja's
family again for dinner to tell them all about their plans for the wedding.

But for now they enjoyed the din of the forest. And they enjoyed the simple company of
one another.

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