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Assignment 7

Azamat Ganiev

Webster University Tashkent

GLBC 1200 Global Cornerstone Seminar

Instructor Vladimir Kachin


Your Persuasive Speech Transcript.



Good day, ladies and gentlemen. How to enhance secondary education in Tashkent is a crucial topic that will effect the future

of our children and our country, and I am excited to talk about it today. Every society's foundation rests on education, which is

crucial for determining both an individual's and the country's destiny. As Uzbekistan's capital, Tashkent is at the forefront of

educational advancement. There is, however, always room for development. We will examine important areas in this presentation

where we can improve secondary education in Tashkent to give our pupils a better future.



Enhancing the curriculum is one of the first stages towards transforming secondary education in Tashkent. The curriculum has to

be revised to reflect current educational standards and international trends. This includes imparting pertinent and useful concepts

like entrepreneurship, critical thinking, and digital literacy. The curriculum should also be adaptable enough to take into account

different learning styles and skills, encouraging students' creativity and invention.

Teachers are the foundation of the educational system, so training and development for them is crucial.

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Facilities and Infrastructure

For individuals to succeed, the learning environment must be encouraging. We must make efforts in infrastructure and facilities to

boost secondary education in Tashkent. This includes creating easily accessible equipment, making secure and comfortable

classrooms, and building and upgrading schools to suit contemporary standards. To promote holistic development, adequate

libraries, labs, and sports facilities should also be a top concern.

Technology Access.

In the modern world, students education relies greatly on being able to access technology. We need to make sure that every

student has access to computers, the internet, and digital materials in order to improve secondary education. This improves

educational options while also preparing pupils for the tech-driven world they will face after they graduate.

We need to ensure variations if secondary education is to be truly modernized.

Special Education and Inclusion

Programs for special education should be created in order to satisfy the standards set by kids with various learning disabilities.

This includes exceptional children, students with disabilities, and those who speak multiple languages. In besides advancing

equity, inclusion enhances the entire educational experience.

Parent and Community Engagement

Education is a collective effort which involves parents, the community, and not simply the schools and instructors. We ought to

encourage active involvement of parents and the community for bettering secondary education in Tashkent. Regular events

workshops, and volunteer opportunities can help encourage a sense of ownership as well as responsibility for the system of



To sum up, enhancing secondary education in Tashkent is a collaborative duty that calls for the cooperation of teachers,

administrators, parents, and the community. We may establish a stronger and more efficient educational system in our capital city

by refining the curriculum, investing investments in teacher training, changing infrastructure, granting access to technology,

fostering inclusion, and encouraging engagement with the community. We can create a better future for Tashkent's kids and

ultimately for the nation as a whole if we work together. We appreciate your time as we work together to make this vision a


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