Revitalizing The Race Between Technology and Education Invest - 2020 - Technolo

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Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

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Revitalizing the race between technology and education: Investigating the

growth strategy for the knowledge-based economy based on a CGE analysis
Yeongjun Yeo a, *, Jeong-Dong Lee b
National Assembly Futures Institute (NAFI), 1, Uisadang-daero, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, 07233, Republic of Korea
Technology Management, Economics, and Policy Program (TEMEP), College of Engineering, Seoul National University, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, 151-742, Republic of Korea


Keywords: This study conducted quantitative policy experiments using a computable general equilibrium model to inves­
Innovation tigate how long-run economic growth can be achieved through the endogenous interactions between innovation
Technology and human capital accumulation. The analysis found that there are limits to driving productivity growth and
Human capital
enhancing growth potential when focusing solely on the expansion of technological innovation. However, our
results suggest that promotion of the complementarity between technological innovation and human capital
Computable general equilibrium formation may alleviate the inequalities of wages and employment induced by skill-biased technological change,
promoting balanced growth among industrial sectors with higher productivity improvement and scale effects.
This study suggests that in order to spur long-run growth in knowledge-based economy, policymakers should
establish educational infrastructure to support workers to move up the skill ladder and cope with rapid tech­
nological change.

1. Introduction categories with different skill levels [8–10]. Considering heterogeneous

human capital with different properties and marginal products, recent
A large amount of literature shares the perception that growth po­ studies argue that skill-biased technological change (SBTC) is a driving
tential of economies should be expanded through increasing produc­ force behind the shifts in labor demand and rising income dispersions
tivity improvements, as it is difficult to increase potential growth rates within the economy. In this regard, SBTC has been often described as “a
through adding additional factors of production or reallocating those race between education and technology” [11]. The evolution of the
across industrial sectors [1]. Following the contribution of endogenous labor skill composition induced by the race between education and
growth models, a growing body of studies puts emphasis on the technology brings about macroeconomic effects such as wage structure,
importance of technological innovation and human capital to spur employment, industrial structures, productivity growth, and income
productivity growth. These studies emphasize that the efficient combi­ distribution.
nation among factors of production is more important than the levels of Accordingly, we can understand that the dynamic interaction be­
factors of production to account for cross-country differences in income tween innovation and human capital shapes the growth patterns of the
[2–5]. From this point of view, human capital is viewed as the corner­ national economy. With this background in mind, this study aims to
stone of technological progress, as it determines the types of innovation construct a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model with de­
and economies’ capacity to assimilate existing knowledge [6]. scriptions of the endogenous interaction between innovation and human
Traditionally, a variety of literature on economic growth explores capital accumulation. Previous studies based on this perspective have
the level effects of human capital accumulation to explain the technol­ attempted to propose theoretical models to account for the contribution
ogy gap between countries, which leads to sharp increase of enrollment of the complementarity between skill upgrading via human capital in­
in tertiary education in many countries [7]. However, in the presence of vestment and technological progress embodied in capital goods to long-
an increasing supply of workers with higher skills, the labor market run economic growth [12]. However, it is difficult to find empirical
outcomes and economic growth of economies are determined, condi­ studies that reflect this perspective using macroeconomic models based
tional on the evolution of labor demand. The key underlying de­ on identifiable macroeconomic data. Moreover, the associated macro­
terminants behind the endogenous interaction of supply and demand for economic analysis considering demand-supply sides and institutional
labor is largely associated with the substitutability between labor conditions has not actively conducted. This also implies that there are
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ82-2-2224-9811; fax:þ82-2-786-3977.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Yeo), (J.-D. Lee).
Received 17 October 2019; Received in revised form 29 May 2020; Accepted 17 June 2020
Available online 20 July 2020
0160-791X/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

not many country-specific studies carried out. growth effects may be greater [11,22].
Thus, this study aims to conduct policy experiments based on a CGE
model focusing on the Korean economy to investigate how long-run 2.2. Skill-biased technological change and the role of education
economic growth can be achieved through the dynamic interaction be­
tween innovation and human capital accumulation. We choose to study Recently, considerations of heterogeneous labor with different skills
Korean economy since Korea currently faces challenges to increase its in terms of the composition of human capital are extended to the intrinsic
growth potential in light of the long-term decline in its potential eco­ attributes of technological innovation. A wide range of studies based on
nomic growth rate. In this regard, this study expects to provide quan­ this perspective focus on SBTC, claiming that the relation between
titative evidence for the macroeconomic impacts of educational and workers with different skills (or, knowledge) and innovation is not only
innovation policy designed to enhance its long-run growth potential. complementary but also substitutable [23–33]. SBTC progress refers to a
Furthermore, this study aims to investigate and understand the direct non-neutral shift in production function that forms differentiated de­
and indirect impact channels within the national economy driven by mand for workers with relatively high skills and knowledge within the
endogenous complementarity between innovation and human capital distribution of workers, due to the complementarity between the capital
accumulation. Based on the findings drawn from the analysis, we expect goods inherent in new technology and labor with advanced skills [30].
to provide extensive insights on the role and scope of innovation policy Relevant studies argue that the increase in the relative demand for
for promoting long-run growth of the national economy. high-skilled labor driven by SBTC leads to increases in these workers’
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 provides a relative wages and skills premiums, thereby serving as a key determi­
brief review of the relevant literature that focuses on the complemen­ nant of the deepening of income inequality [9,30,34–44]. For example,
tarity between innovation and human capital: Section 3 contains general Goldin and Katz [11] investigate the underlying causes of income
descriptions of the CGE model used for the analysis: Section 4 explains inequality in the U.S. economy. From the analysis, they identified the
the scenario settings considered for simulations: the main results are “race between education and technology” as one of the key factors ac­
presented in Section 5: Lastly, the summary and concluding remarks are counting for the changes in income inequality trends.
provided in Section 6. Similarly, Acemoglu and Autor [35] conduct decomposition analysis
of the changes in relative demand for labor by expanding the
2. Literature review demand-supply model proposed by Goldin and Katz [11]. They find that
in the U.S. economy, wage inequality has been worsening among pop­
2.1. Endogenous interaction between innovation and human capital ulation groups in terms of educational attainment levels, and years of
experience. Moreover, Mallick and Sousa [44] verify the positive cor­
Previous studies contend that, the ability of an economy to adopt and relation between technological progress and relative demand for
utilize known technologies is determined by the level of human capital skilled-unskilled labor. They also highlight the acceleration of SBTC in
accumulation [6,13–17]. In this regard, these studies account for the manufacturing sectors due to the widespread deployment of digital
effects of human capital accumulation levels on the improvement in technology in recent years.
productivity. From this perspective, a growing body of literature emphasizes the
However, Krueger and Lindahl [18] find that human capital accu­ coevolution of labor supply and demand on the basis of changes in labor
mulation levels only have a statistically positive correlation with eco­ supply driven by human capital accumulation, and changes in labor
nomic growth in countries with relatively low education levels. In this demand driven by SBTC. Accordingly, recent studies provide policy
regard, Vandenbussche et al. [2] point out that it is necessary to implications in terms of human capital investments. For example, Ace­
emphasize not only the level effects, but also composition effects in moglu [13] emphasizes that increases in the wage premium for
discussing the relation between human capital and technological inno­ skilled-labor induced by SBTC have the possibility to increase the ex­
vation in accounting for economic growth. Several studies also empha­ pected return on educational investment, thereby promoting the supply
size the close correlation between workers’ skill composition and of skilled labor. In addition, He and Liu [45] propose a theoretical model
innovation levels [6,19]. They highlight that an increase in skilled labor that reflects the endogenous skill accumulation process, along with the
stock can have growth-enhancing effects, whereas an increase in complementarity between skills and capital goods (with embodied
low-skilled labor stock can lead to growth-depressing effects. They technological progress). They also show that when the government
contend that the discrepancy between technology and skill can generate subsidizes workers for skill accumulation, the skill premium can be
greater complexity in technological innovation and adoption (selection). reduced in the long run, whereas social welfare can be improved.
Moreover, Krueger and Kumar [20] claim that economic growth is Moreover, Grossman et al. [12] emphasize that balanced growth can
determined by two types of human capital in terms of the forms of be achieved when the effects of SBTC are counterbalanced by increases
learning, either general or vocational education. They claim that general in returns on educational investment. They indicate that returns on
education is highly effective in obtaining competency in using new pro­ human capital accumulation are endogenously determined by physical
duction technology, whereas vocational education is effective in capital accumulation, with a complementary relationship with the years
absorbing already established technology. Similar to this approach, Kim of schooling. Pan [46] also states that the increase in educational in­
and Lee [21] propose a theoretical model that incorporates the different vestment reduces wage differentials between workers, and further pro­
roles of the width and depth of human capital in technology adoption. motes long-term economic growth.
They claim that the width of human capital determines the cost of tech­ These studies imply that the interaction between innovation and
nology adoption, whereas the depth affects the level of technology that human capital accumulation should be understood as an endogenous
can be adopted. process. They also argue that growth and distribution patterns should be
These studies commonly emphasize that the composition of skills understood as outcomes of these interactions. To be specific, several
possessed by workers in the economic system is an important element in studies theoretically investigate the role of human capital investment in
determining the patterns of technological progress. Accordingly, the resolving the deepening income inequality and polarization of wage and
aforementioned studies imply that the heterogeneous composition of employment structures.
human capital endogenously determines the rates of technological In this regard, they address the potential role of economic incentives
innovation and adoption, and explains long-run economic growth. In in inducing workers’ engagement in learning to resolve the discrepancy
this regard, previous studies highlight that if there is no mismatch be­ between skill supply and demand. However, empirical studies that
tween “skill distribution” driven by human capital accumulation and reflect this perspective using macroeconomic models based on identifi­
“technology distribution” resulting from innovation, the economic able macroeconomic data, are scarce. This hinders an extensive

Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

understanding of how channels of effect are formed within the economy specifications of labor and household types. In this study we have rep­
resulting from the endogenous interaction between innovation and resented knowledge as a production factor and introduce knowledge
human capital. Furthermore, it is difficult to explain how the long-run capital formation in the investment account1 by applying methods
economic growth rates are affected by it. Moreover, the associated proposed by Yang et al. [50]; Hong et al. [51,52]; and Jung et al. [30].
macroeconomic analysis considering demand-supply sides and institu­ Within the SAM used in this study, current expenditure on R&D, which
tional conditions has not actively conducted. was initially included in intermediate goods transactions, has been
Within the macroeconomic modelling tradition, the CGE approach is moved to the production factor account. In addition, capital expenditure
based on the explicit microeconomic foundations assuming the rational on R&D, which was initially included in physical capital formation, has
behavior of economic agents. Although the CGE model is suitable for been moved to the knowledge capital formation account. Furthermore,
investigating medium- and long-run outcomes of permanent policy the knowledge capital formation account has been classified into private
changes because it does not take the uncertainty faced by economic and public accounts, according to who spent it.
agents into account, this also limits its ability to quantify uncertainty Along with descriptions of the knowledge-related elements within
and fit the model to reality in the dynamic sense, compared with the the SAM, we have also specified the labor and households accounts to
dynamic stochastic general equilibrium modelling approach. However, consider the heterogeneity of economic entities. To consider different
CGE models contain greater institutional detail with larger scales and types of labor, we have classified the single labor account into three
multi-sectors, rather than one integrated sector [47]. types, based on educational attainment levels to incorporate heteroge­
Accordingly, CGE models have the advantage of investigating the neous human capital accumulation for workers. When disaggregating
sectoral responses of different forms of policy shocks within the insti­ the single labor input account into three different types of labor within
tutional and country-specific contexts in detail. In summary, it can be the SAM, we consider workers who have finished graduate schools (i.e.,
understood that CGE models can be useful for policymakers in analyzing master’s and doctorate degree holders) as high-skilled labor. College and
the economy-wide effects of policy changes with institutional details university graduates are considered skilled labor; whereas, low-skilled
and predicting the long-run socioeconomic responses of structural pol­ labor is characterized by lower educational attainment levels, such as
icies [48]. In this context, this study aims to provide the methodological high school education or less.
foundations within a CGE model, where the pace and direction of Based on these classifications, we extract information on labor input
technological progress are endogenously determined. and wages by labor type for production activities from satellite data­
sets.2 Furthermore, the households account is also classified into 20
3. Methodological approach: CGE modelling income level quantiles. We use micro-level data from the Household
Income and Expenditure (HIE) Survey issued by Statistics Korea.3 Based
As noted above, technological innovation generates demand for labor on this dataset, we extract each household’s earnings, consumption
and human capital through various direct and indirect paths within the expenditure, physical capital investment, and R&D investment levels
economy, such as the reduction of production costs, spillover effects from into the SAM. Table A.1 (in Appendix) shows a final form of the SAM,
knowledge accumulation, increased product varieties, and scale effects. constructed for the analysis. The numbers in the cells of Table A.1
In addition, innovation leads to SBTC, thereby bringing about changes in indicate the size of the matrix of each account.
employment and wage structures [23,49]. Moreover, changes in labor
supply driven by human capital accumulation influence technology se­ 3.2. The structure of the knowledge-based CGE model
lection and adoption. This interrelationship between innovation and
human capital shapes patterns of long-term economic growth. In this This section provides an overview of the knowledge-based CGE
regard, we have chosen the CGE model as a proper methodology, as model designed in this study. In terms of supply- and demand-sides, the
mentioned above [33]. The following subsections present methodolog­ overall structure of the model is illustrated in Figure A.1 in the Appen­
ical approaches for constructing datasets, and modelling equations dix.4 The main characteristics of the model are summarized as follows;
within the CGE framework developed for the analysis. 1) endogenizing the innovation-related elements considering the char­
acteristics of innovation (including, consideration of knowledge as a
3.1. The structure of a social accounting matrix (SAM) factor of production, endogenization of knowledge capital investments,
and description of spillover effects of knowledge accumulation), 2)
A social accounting matrix (SAM) summarizes the interdependencies endogenizing the decision-making process of labor on the human capital
among productive activities, factor markets, income and consumption of accumulation, 3) designing the endogenous interaction between
households, income and consumption of governments, and balance of knowledge capital and human capital accumulation, 4) describing the
payments, among others, for the economy as a whole at a point in time. intrinsic attributes of technological progress within the production
This SAM serves as an underlying database that describes the baseline
economy in the CGE model by capturing the structure of the economy in
which the income and expenditure equations and associated aggregate 1
The SAM used in this study accepts the recommendation of the 2008 System
accounting relationships are derived. We have used the 2010 of National Accounts, in order to incorporate additional accounts for knowledge
Input–Output table from the Bank of Korea (the central bank of South capital. According to the 1993 System of National Accounts, R&D spending is
Korea), and tax-related data in the 2010 Statistical Yearbook of National treated as intermediate consumption, which is used up in the production
Tax, published by the National Tax Service in Korea to construct the process.
We extract labor input and wage levels by labor type for production ac­
SAM dataset. In addition, the data on household and government sav­
tivities from the 2010 Household Income and Expenditure Survey micro data,
ings were extracted from national accounts.
from the Korea National Statistical Office, and the 2010 Wage Structure Sta­
Key differences of the SAM developed in this study, compared with tistics from the Ministry of Employment and Labor.
other standard SAMs, are descriptions of R&D activities and 3
For example, in order to specify the heterogeneity of income structures of
households, we utilize the income-related information (including, current in­
comes, labor incomes, business incomes, property incomes, non-current in­
comes, and other incomes) identified from the HIE Survey data. Using this
information, the relative share of each household quantile in the total capital
earnings is calculated.
Figures related to the main components of the designed model mentioned in
the text are presented in Appendix A.

Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

structures, and 5) establishing the macroeconomic model to simulta­ knowledge (Hi Þ, as expressed by Equation (B.2) assuming that these
neously estimate the growth and distribution effects considering het­ production factors are complements. Conversely, in the second stage, the
erogeneous labor and households. value-added composite goods VAi is assumed to be produced with the
As Figure A.1 shows, the model can be divided into demand- and HLKi composite goods, skilled labor (L2i ), and low-skilled labor (L1i ),
supply-sides. Looking at the supply-side, domestic outputs are produced assuming that HLKi are substitutes for L2i and L1i (see Equation (B.3)).
with value-added composite and intermediate inputs. In addition, the This form of the production function for each industrial sector is
value-added composite is assumed to be produced under the multi-level chosen to describe factor-biased technological progress (i.e., skill-biased
production functions with high-skilled, skilled, and low-skilled labor, and capital-biased technological progress) following the methodological
physical capital, and knowledge capital. Conversely, from the demand- approach of earlier works [30,48,54–56]. Several studies in recent years
side of the economy, the produced domestic outputs are exported abroad highlight that technological progress driven by innovation can affect the
or distributed domestically to form domestic demand with imported marginal productivity of capital and labor unevenly. In this regard, the
goods. Aggregate domestic demand, which is sourced by combining concept of physical capital-biased technological change can be under­
import goods and domestic goods, consists of investment, intermediate stood as the fact that the relative influence of capital within the pro­
goods demand, and final consumption by households and government. duction process becomes even greater as automated machines, which
Based on this structure, we can systemize the knowledge-based CGE are capital-intensive goods, intrude on the domain of human labor. In
model by specifying a series of equations that express the behaviors of this regard, to incorporate SBTC and capital-biased technical change
each economic actor and their interactions with the production factor into the production structure, we have used a two-level nested CES
and final goods markets. production function with values for elasticity of substitution. To incor­
In addition, the CGE model developed in this study includes house­ porate factor-biased technological change into the production structure,
holds, the government, and 28 industries as key entities. Each industrial the value of the elasticity of substitution among L3i , Ki , and Hi is set to be
sector produces a single commodity under a competitive market with less than 1 (σ1 ¼ 0:67), whereas the value for HLKi , L2i , and L1i it is
the problem of profit-maximization, whereas each household faces the greater than 1 (σ 2 ¼ 1:67Þ [30,57–59].
problem of utility-maximization. The government collects taxes and uses
tax revenue to finance the provision of public services under the gov­ 3.2.2. Production of R&D investment goods in R&D sectors
ernment balance. In addition, physical and knowledge capital stocks are Following previous studies, including Hong et al. [51,52]; Jung et al.
accumulated through endogenously determined investments, which are [30]; and K�rístkov� a [58]; R&D investment goods are assumed to be
financed by government and households’ savings. The production fac­ produced through separate processes. It is assumed that both private and
tors considered are labor (i.e., three types of labor: low-skilled, skilled, public R&D sectors produce R&D investment goods (RDZrdt ;
and high-skilled) physical capital, and knowledge capital. The main ​ where ​ rdt : private ​ or ​ public) under the Leontief production function
sources of earnings for the households consist of factor incomes and consisting of the value-added composite (RVArdt ) and intermediate inputs
government transfers. The government imposes income tax, corporate (XVRDrdt ) for R&D activities (see Equation (B.4)). The RVArdt composite is
tax, indirect tax, and import tariffs on households and production sec­ produced by combining the RHKrdt composite, skilled labor (RL2rdt Þ, and
tors, and tax revenues serve as income sources for the government. low-skilled labor (RL1rdt Þ for R&D activities within the two-level CES
In addition, this model incorporates the small open economy hy­ production function (Equation (B.6)). Here, the RHKrdt composite is
pothesis, assuming that the Korean economy is small enough compared assumed to be produced by combining the high-skilled labor ðRL3rdt Þ and
with other foreign countries that its influence on world prices or inter­ physical capital inputs for R&D activities (RKrdt ) at the lower level of
national trade flows is limited. Therefore, within the proposed CGE two-level CES production function, as shown in Equation (B.5).
model, all export and import world prices are treated as exogenous terms. In this regard, the value of the elasticity of substitution between
In addition, it is assumed that goods and factors are perfectly mobile RL3rdt and RKrdt is also less than 1, whereas among RHKrdt , RL2rdt , and
between industries, whereas imported goods and services are considered RL1rdt it is greater than 1, as in previous studies [30,57–59]. These as­
as imperfect substitutes for the corresponding domestic commodities sumptions about the elasticities of substitution values within the R&D
according to Armington’s assumption [53]. Within the CGE framework, a investment goods production function are also associated with the de­
time-recursive dynamic model is employed to solve sequentially for scriptions of the factor-biased technological progress.
updating new equilibrium states. Given the exogenous budget constraints When new knowledge is created through R&D investment, it is
and market clearing rules, our proposed CGE model is solved in a accumulated into pre-existing knowledge capital stock, and certain
dynamically recursive fashion (i.e., year by year) with each period’s static amounts of knowledge become obsolete at a depreciation rate over time.
solutions depending on current and past variables’ values from the base It is also assumed that public knowledge stock Hpublic; ​ t is accumulated
year to the target year of 2030. In the following subsections, we will through public R&D investments RDZpublic; ​ t with the knowledge
present key components of the model with relevant equations. depreciation rate δknow (Equation (B.7)) whereas, private knowledge
stock is accumulated through private R&D investments RDZprivate; ​ t .
3.2.1. Production of final goods in industrial sectors RDZprivate;t can be understood as the gross private R&D expenditure,
In a knowledge-based CGE model, we assume that industrial final which is distributed to each industry (IRi;t Þ to build sector-specific
goods (Zi ) of each industry i are produced by intermediate inputs (Xj;i ), knowledge stock. This is used in the production functions of final
and the value-added composite goods (VAi ), following the Leontief goods producing sectors, as expressed by Equation (B.8).
fashion (see Equation (B.1) in the Appendix5). The input coefficient of The distribution of gross private R&D investment goods is endoge­
value-added (AVAi ) and intermediate inputs required to produce a unit of nously determined by Tobin’s Q logic [60,61]. Furthermore, the per­
output Zi (ax0j;i ) 6 are accounted for the Leontief production function. In petual inventory method is also applied to describe the dynamic
addition, the value-added composite goods (VAi ) are assumed to be accumulation process of the physical capital stocks (KS ​ t Þ with values of
produced under the two-level nested Constant elasticity of substitution physical capital investments (INVKt Þ and depreciation rates (δCAP Þ
(CES) production function. As the first stage, the HLKi composite is pro­ (Equation (B.9)). Based on these methodological settings, we can depict
duced by combining high-skilled labor (L3i Þ, physical capital (Ki Þ, and the interrelationship between the production structures of final goods
and R&D investment goods, as shown in Figure A.2.

The main equations mentioned in the text are presented in Appendix B. 3.2.3. Productivity improvements from knowledge spillover effects
Symbols with 0 indicate the parameters obtained by variable values of the Our model reflects the spillover effects from the knowledge capital
SAM of the base year.

Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

accumulation. In the case of private knowledge capital, industry i can the pre-existing high-skilled labor stocks (L3t Þ (see Equation (B.15)).
obtain positive externalities from knowledge capital stock accumulated With the changes in the total labor stock constrained by an exogenous
by other sectors j ​ ðj 6¼ iÞ. It is assumed that the knowledge spillover ef­ growth rate, the value of the low-skilled labor stock ðL1t Þ is determined
fects from other sectors to the individual sector are proportional to the as a residual.
amounts of intermediate goods transactions based on the approach Accordingly, dynamic changes in the human capital composition
proposed by Terleckyj [62] and other studies, including Cerulli and Poti through endogenous human capital formation of workers are captured
[63]; Hong et al. [52]; and Jung et al. [30]. As expressed by Equation by Equation (B.15), which shows the relationships between the flows of
(B.10), the value of the knowledge spillover effects embodied in inter­ labor types of different skill levels and the associated changes in labor
mediate goods (INTINDSTi ) from other sectors to the i-th sector can be stocks. In Equation (B.15), labdep represents the human capital depre­
calculated by multiplying the weighted proportions of other sectors’ ciation rate with the value of 0.015 (1.5%), which is estimated by Ban
intermediate goods used by the i-th sector (other0j;i ) with the other [48]. In addition, it is noted that within the CGE model, labor migration
sectors’ (j ​ ðj 6¼ iÞÞ knowledge capital stocks. from foreign countries is not considered, assuming that contributions of
By contrast, public knowledge stock is assumed to be public goods, foreign workers within the production structure of the final goods pro­
being non-rival and non-exclusive [64]. In this context, the i-th sector can ducing sectors in Korea appear to be negligible.9
experience productivity improvements with the spillover effects Furthermore, we investigate how endogenous interactions between
SPCOEFFi , which can be described as a function of two types of knowledge innovation and human capital are modelled. As described in Figure A.3,
stock: other sectors’ knowledge stocks ðINTINDSTi Þ and the public exogenous shocks to human capital investment (EDUt Þ affect a human
knowledge capital stock (Hpublic Þ (Equation (B.11)). Accordingly, the capital accumulation process of workers directly, thereby inducing
productivity improvements from the knowledge spillover effects are changes in the supply of workers with higher skills. These changes in
captured by the changes in the input coefficients for the value-added labor supply indirectly affect the rate of return to the knowledge capital
composite (AVAi Þ, as expressed by Equation (B.12).7 In addition, within investments, based on the complementary relationship between
the CGE framework, domestic R&D expenditure and knowledge capital knowledge and high-skilled labor as shown in Figure A.2. This can affect
stock influence the productivity improvements of industrial sectors, the sector-specific R&D investments (IRi;t Þ for knowledge accumulation
following the methodological approach proposed by K�rístkova � [57,58]. indirectly.10 Conversely, an exogenous policy shock to knowledge cap­
ital investment in the form of changes in R&D intensity will affect the
3.2.4. Human capital formation and its endogenous interaction with rate of return to the knowledge capital investment directly. It also
innovation indirectly affects the relative wages of workers, based on the relation­
Following the methodological approaches proposed by Jung and ship between knowledge capital and types of labor. For example, when
Thorbecke [65] and Ojha et al. [66]; human capital formation is the R&D intensity increases, it leads to higher demand for high-skilled
modelled as an endogenous process which is determined by the changes labor (i.e., a higher value of PL3 PL2t 1 ), which influences the decision-
t 1

in educational investment (i.e., the availability of educational facilities) making process of workers in terms of human capital accumulation.
and relative wages among workers. As specified by Equation (B.13), the In this way, this study has explicitly described the endogenous
labor supply of workers who have completed human capital accumu­ interaction between the technological progress driven by R&D in­
lation from skill level l to skill level u at time t (LSu;t Þ can be described as vestments and human capital accumulation within the CGE model.
the additive function of the level of educational investments in the Based on this endogenous interaction between human capital and
PLut knowledge accumulation, the labor stocks (L1t : low-skilled, L2t : skilled,
economic system (EDUt Þ and the relative wage rate 1
at skill level l
PLlt 1 L3t : high-skilled) in each period are allocated to final goods producing
relative to the wage level at skill level u . 8 sectors and R&D sectors in accordance with their labor demands.
This suggests that workers undertake a skill accumulation process, Figure A.3 represents the main channels describing the interactions
considering the expected returns, and the institutional conditions for between innovation and human capital accumulation. In addition,
learning are shaped by the level of educational investments [65–67]. Figure A.4 depicts the relationships between the labor supply side from
Within Equation (B.13), ir and gt indicate the discount rate (i.e., interest human capital accumulation and demand side from the final goods
rate) and economic growth rates, respectively. Here, ir is assumed to be producing and R&D sectors within CGE framework.
constant at the base year’s interest rate. In addition, ρE represents the
elasticity parameter determining the returns on educational in­ 3.2.5. Institutions: Households and government
vestments, whereas ∅1 and ∅2 represent the relative weight of each In the CGE model, we have considered heterogeneous households
component. These parameter values are adopted from those of Jung and classified into 20 income level quantiles. Each household’s total earn­
Thorbecke [65] and Ojha et al. [66]. ings by income quantile consists of wage income, physical capital in­
The aggregate labor stock (LSt ) is calibrated to change in accordance come, and knowledge capital earnings. The total wage income for each
with the exogenous growth rate of the labor force (glt ) with projection type of skill (HLINCtype Þ, physical capital income (HKINCÞ, and knowl­
data from Statistics Korea (see Equation (B.14)). In addition, the labor edge capital earnings (HHINCÞ earned by households are expressed by
flows of different skill levels are interlinked. The outflow of labor that Equations (B.16), (B.17), and (B.18). Furthermore, the aggregate
has completed the human capital formation from low-skilled (l) to household earning from each primary factor described in these equa­
skilled labor (s) is incorporated into the pre-existing skilled labor stocks tions is distributed to the 20 household types, in proportion to the share
(L2t Þ; whereas, the supply of workers who advance from skilled (s) to
high-skilled labor (h) through human capital formation is supplied into
The Korean economy shows relatively low levels of the proportion of im­
migrants in the total national population (i.e., 1.8% of the total population in
the base year, 2010) [80]. In addition, the proportion of foreigners employed in
In Equation (B.12), ava0i represents the initial vale of the share (i.e., input Korea is approximately 2.6% for the base year [81]. It is noted that Korea has
coefficients) of the value-added composite in producing final goods calibrated lower proportions of immigrants in the total population and in employment
based on the base year SAM data; whereas, AVAi indicates the newly updated compared with other countries because of the passive immigration policy and
value for the input coefficients for the value-added composite with the complex procedures in visa application and immigration systems [81].
consideration of the knowledge spillover effects. The distribution of gross private R&D investment goods is endogenously
The detailed derivation of this equation is available in Jung and Thorbecke determined by Tobin’s Q logic. Therefore, the changes in return to knowledge
[65]. capital affect the sector-specific R&D investments.

Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

of each income quantile, to characterize the households’ income dis­ of educational investment affect the individual sectors’ production
tribution. The households’ income is either saved or paid to the gov­ functions.
ernment as tax payments. The remaining income is spent on For the analysis, three policy scenarios are constructed to analyze the
consumption. macroeconomic effects of individual scenarios by imposing variants of
The government earns its income through levying taxes in the form the R&D and educational investment intensities. These constructed
of indirect taxes, income taxes, corporate taxes, and import tariffs. In­ policy scenarios are described as follows. The first scenario (SCN1) as­
direct tax (Tz) represents the production tax imposed on the production sumes that R&D intensity is set to 1%p higher than that of BAU and
outputs of the final goods producing industries and R&D sectors; education investment intensity remains the same. SCN1 is constructed to
whereas, income tax (Tinc) is imposed on household income. Corporate identify the individual role of R&D investment, and its indirect effects on
tax (Tcor) represents the taxation on capital income imposed on the human capital accumulation. The second policy scenario (SCN2) as­
industrial and R&D sectors; whereas import tariffs (TtarÞ are imposed on sumes that education investment intensity is set be 1%p greater than
imported goods. Net income (GincÞconsists of tax revenues, government that of BAU, and R&D intensity is set to be the same as BAU. This sce­
debt Bg, and household transfers TGhh (see Equation (B.19)), and is used nario is constructed to investigate the independent role of human capital
for savings ðSGÞ and consumption expenditure by the government (XgÞ. investment, and its indirect impact on R&D investment. The last sce­
It is also assumed that most government revenue is spent on gov­ nario (SCN3) assumes that R&D intensity is 0.5%p higher than that of
ernment consumption (XgÞ and saving ðSGÞ, and a certain part is allo­ the BAU scenario, and educational investment intensity is also 0.5%p
cated to household transfer. In addition, the government debt (Bg) is higher than that of BAU. The construction of SCN3 enables us to analyze
assumed to be constant as an initial value in the base year. Based on the complementarity between R&D and educational investments, and
these assumptions, the government balance follows the condition by the effects of their interaction in the economy.
which the government’s consumption expenditure is endogenously The gross changes in the exogenous R&D and educational investment
determined as the difference between the government disposable in­ intensities in SCN1, SCN2, and SCN3 are all the same, that is, a 1%p
come and gross savings. In addition, the government’s consumption increase relative to the BAU scenario. The absolute levels of change in
structure is reflected within the model, based on the relative share of R&D and educational investment levels considered in the policy sce­
each industrial sector within the gross government consumption narios are all the same (see Figure A.5). These scenarios are intended to
expenditure (μ0i Þ, drawn from the base year SAM data, which can be investigate and understand the direct and indirect paths within the na­
expressed as Equation (B.20). tional economy driven by the endogenous interaction between innova­
Furthermore, it is assumed within the model that investment in­ tion and human capital accumulation. Based on the key findings drawn
tensities are exogenously determined as policy variables, whereas sav­ from our CGE model, this study aims to draw policy implications in
ings are adjusted. These budget balance constraints determine the terms of designing and formulating innovation policy.
government’s choices in terms of savings and consumption. Further­
more, our CGE model does not consider the specifications of financial 5. Results analysis
assets, such as deposits, equities, and government bonds, similar to other
standard CGE models [68,69]. Under our CGE framework, market 5.1. Effects on economic growth
closure conditions are satisfied by the manner in which household and
government savings are equal to the gross investment demand. In In this subsection, we present the main results generated by the con­
addition, for the commodity and production factor markets, demand and structed policy scenarios by comparing the changes in variables associ­
supply are balanced and income equals expenditure. ated with economic growth rate. Fig. 1 shows the changes in the GDP
levels in the constructed policy scenarios, compared with the BAU level.
4. Policy scenario settings SCN3 stimulates the highest economic growth (19.33% higher compared
with the BAU level in 2030), followed by SCN1 and SCN2, as represented
4.1. Business-as-usual (BAU) scenario in Fig. 1. It can be understood that the highest economic growth is ach­
ieved under SCN3; whereas, SCN2 shows the lowest growth rate.
The CGE model with the features described above describes Korea’s More specifically, we proceed below by examining the relevant
economic situation through 2030, based on its exogenous projections. impact channels that affect the different growth patterns generated by the
The scenario assuming that there are no exogenous policy shocks from policy scenarios. For SCN1, policy shock directly increases the level of
the base year 2010 to 2030 is called “Business-as-usual” (BAU) scenario. knowledge capital accumulation and thereby enhance the positive
We have used the projection data for the working age population from external effects of knowledge capital accumulation compared with BAU.
Statistics Korea to describe the change in the aggregate labor stocks in Moreover, it leads to additional demand for other factors of production,
constructing the BAU scenario. In addition, for the BAU scenario, it is
assumed that 4% of Korea’s R&D investment intensity (measured as the
ratio of R&D investment to GDP) in the base year 2010 will be main­
tained continuously until 2030; whereas, investment expenditure on
education relative to GDP is assumed to be maintained at 8.6% (as of
2010) until 2030.

4.2. Policy scenario settings

Within the recursive dynamic model, we assume that R&D invest­

ment intensities are exogenously determined as one of policy variables,
while savings are adjusted according to the R&D intensity (i.e.,
investment-driven model). According to the policy scenarios, different
levels of R&D investments will affect the dynamic changes of knowledge
stocks accumulation, which further influences the production activities
of industrial sectors. In addition, we have considered the educational
investment intensity as another policy variable. From the dynamic Fig. 1. Changes of GDP level (Unit: % change relative to BAU).
sense, it is designed that the changes of labor stocks induced by changes <Source: Authors’ own elaboration based on simulated results>

Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

based on the complementarity between knowledge, physical capital, and high-skilled and lower skilled workers. It also implies the presence of the
high-skilled labor, thereby creating scale effects as indirect impact skill premium for more educated labor, driven by shifts in the compo­
channels. sition of labor demand toward workers who have higher skill levels.
By contrast, in SCN2, when the policy shock is an increase in education By contrast, SCN2 shows the lowest employment growth (high-skil­
investment intensity, the direct effects to human capital accumulation of led: 3.77%, skilled: 8.30%, low-skilled labor: 8.29% higher than BAU in
workers are expanded. With the growth in newly educated workers, the 2030) among the policy scenarios. In addition, the employment growth
proportions of high-skilled to skilled workers increase, leading to the level of high-skilled labor is shown to be the lowest. This suggests that
expansion of innovation activities based on complementary relations increases in the profitability of high-skilled labor are limited when an
between knowledge and high-skilled labor. Accordingly, this induces increase in educational investment is not accompanied by additional
scale effects that drive economic growth. It is noted that R&D and R&D investment. We can infer that reduced profitability for the high-
educational investments respectively create different direct and indirect skilled labor can constrain the learning process of workers, which
effect channels. The differences in the GDP levels between SCN1 and again limits the expansion of the high-skilled labor supply. High returns
SCN2 imply that the growth effect of technological progress led by to skill accumulation would encourage the education, which in turn
exogenous shocks to R&D is relatively greater than that of human capital induce SBTC. However, we can infer that under SCN2, the returns to skill
accumulation driven by exogenous shocks to educational investment. accumulation engaged by workers are not high enough to induce the
Moreover, when the R&D and education investment intensities are increase in relative supply of skilled workers, showing the lowest
increased together as in SCN3, a higher level of economic growth is employment growth of the high-skilled labor among scenarios.
achieved than in the other scenarios. This suggests strong complemen­ Accordingly, the changes in the composition of labor demand generated
tary relationships between innovation and human capital accumulation. by SCN2 imply that supply of skills accompanied by education and skill
In addition, we can understand the importance of the contribution of accumulation is not kept pace with technology-induced changes in the
efficient combination of innovation and human capital to spur long-run production process and shifts in labor demand.
economic growth. Adopting the supply-demand framework, we can However, SCN3 shows a significant increase in demand for all kinds
infer that in SCN3 the disparity between the demand of skills (induced of labor, with the highest level of total employment growth. To be
by R&D investment), and the supply of skills (driven by human capital specific, we also find that SCN3 induces greater increases in high-skilled
accumulation) is somewhat eased, thereby accelerating the endogenous labor, followed by skilled, and low-skilled labor (high-skilled: 22.83%,
interaction between innovation and human capital. The results shown in skilled: 19.87%, low-skilled labor: 19.01% higher than BAU in 2030). As
Fig. 1 suggest that the acceleration of the endogenous interaction be­ Fig. 2 shows, even though the employment level of high-skilled labor is
tween knowledge capital and human capital investment can increase relatively low compared with SCN1, we find that employment growth is
economic growth rate. experienced over all types of labor as a whole under SCN3 compared
with the others. In other words, it can be understood that there are
possibilities to reduce the employment gaps between skilled and un­
5.2. Effects on employment and wage structures skilled workers, driven by SBTC (as shown in SCN1), when additional
investments for R&D and human capital accumulation are made
This subsection shows how changes in the employment and wage together.
structures appear in different scenarios, to understand key factors It suggests that under SCN3 employment opportunities are evenly
behind economic growth. Table 1 illustrates the changes in aggregate distributed to some extent across all workers, compared with SCN1.
employment levels by labor type in 2030 relative to BAU (for SCN1, Accordingly, we can understand that when the relative supply of
SCN2, and SCN3). Total employment grows most (19.98% higher than workers who have higher skill levels grows quickly (via increasing the
BAU in 2030) under SCN3, followed by SCN1, and SCN2 (SCN1: 16.54%; educational investments) enough to meet the disproportionate increase
SCN2: 7.63% higher than BAU in 2030). in the demand for labor embedded in new technological innovation (via
To be specific, when examining the changes in employment by skill increasing the R&D investments), it can alleviate the disparities in
type, the highest level of employment growth in high-skilled labor is employment. In this context, the SCN3 results address the importance of
found (27.58% higher than BAU in 2030) under SCN1. It is noted that the match between skilled labor supply and demand for skilled labor
demand for high-skilled labor is more sensitive to changes in R&D in­ driven by SBTC.
tensity than other labor types. Accordingly, it can be inferred that a The changes in relative wages can be understood as outcomes of the
higher level of innovation could accelerate the skill-bias in technical interaction between the changes in relative labor supply and demand. To
change. Higher sensitivity of high-skilled labor to the changes of R&D be specific, the paths of wage inequality among workers can be inter­
intensity suggests a strong linkage between the technological innovation preted as the outcome of a race between relative supply – driven by ed­
and the degree of skill-bias. To be specific, as shown in Fig. 2, employ­ ucation, and relative demand – driven by technological innovations [70].
ment opportunities for high-skilled labor are to be increased the most in Changes in the composition of the labor market affect the wage dispersion
SCN1, suggesting the largest disparities in employment growth between by changing between-group differences in pay [71]. In this regard,
Table 1 empirical evidence addresses that skill premium in the labor market is an
Changes of employment level by skill type relative to the BAU (Unit: %). important source of wage inequality [72]. Accordingly, Fig. 3 illustrates
changes in the skills premiums, which is calculated as the ratio of the
2015 2020 2025 2030
wages of either skilled (PL2) to low-skilled labor (PL1) (Fig. 3(a)), or
Total employment SCN1 1.80 5.37 10.41 16.54 high-skilled (PL3) to low-skilled labor (PL1) (Fig. 3(b)), compared with
SCN2 0.24 1.52 4.14 7.63
SCN3 0.61 5.47 11.77 19.98
those values in BAU. As can be seen in Fig. 3, SCN1 shows that the skill
Low-skilled labor SCN1 1.16 3.75 8.32 13.82 premiums for high-skilled and skilled labor increase over time.
SCN2 0.44 1.96 4.73 8.29 This is associated with the differential formation of labor demand
SCN3 0.12 4.99 11.14 19.01 induced by SBTC. However, the indirect effects of the expansion of R&D
Skilled labor SCN1 1.59 4.84 9.58 15.28
investment on the supply of newly educated workers are not significant
SCN2 0.40 1.92 4.71 8.30
SCN3 0.59 5.55 11.83 19.87 in SCN1, which can offset the skill premiums, showing the highest levels
High-skilled labor SCN1 4.43 11.61 18.63 27.58 among policy scenarios. It implies that in the case of SCN1, the growth in
SCN2 0.94 1.10 0.70 3.77 the relative demand for skills is accelerated faster than the growth in the
SCN3 2.13 6.47 13.23 22.83 relative supply. Therefore, it can be understood that technological in­
<Source: Authors’ own elaboration based on simulated results> novations driven by increasing R&D intensity is responsible for demand-

Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

Fig. 2. Comparison of labor supply and demand levels by policy scenario compared to BAU (Unit: %).
<Source: Authors’ own elaboration based on simulated results>

Fig. 3. Changes in skill premiums relative to BAU (Unit: %).

<Source: Authors’ own elaboration based on simulated results>

side acceleration in determining the relative wages among workers. Conversely, under SCN2 the skill premiums for skilled and high-
Based on this result, it is noted that rise of skill premiums for workers skilled labor decline the most. It can be understood that the expansion
with higher skills has possibilities to increase the wage gaps between in supply of newly educated workers prevails over the demand for
high-skilled and relatively low-skilled workers. Therefore, it suggests workers with advanced skills in determining their relative wages. The
that technical progress solely driven by increasing R&D investments has relative wage rate for the more educated high-skill workers can be partly
potentials to significantly increase the returns to skills and, thereby understood as a decreasing function of relative supply of skills [11,70].
wage inequalities. In this regard, the lowest skill premiums appeared in SCN2 suggest that

Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

the relative supply of workers with higher skill levels outpaces the
expansion in the relative demand. Accordingly, it is noted that education
could serve as a braking system to resolve wage inequality as noted by
Cozzens and Wetmore [73]. The results also suggest that skills upgrad­
ing and human capital accumulation of workers have potentials to
counteract the growth of inequality induced by technological progress.
Moreover, in SCN3, the relative wages of skilled and high-skilled
workers are lower than BAU. However, the decreases in the skill pre­
miums of skilled and high-skilled workers are relatively low, compared
with those in SCN2. Considering that technology is crucial element for
wage inequality as shown in SCN1, the results of SCN3 suggest that the
technological progress combined with education and R&D investments
can mitigate the wage inequality problem. The decrease in skill pre­
miums compared to BAU implies that relative supply of skills outpaces
the expansion in the relative demand.
A higher demand for high-skilled and skilled workers triggered by
SBTC is largely linked to the increases in their skill premiums: whereas, Fig. 4. The decile distribution ratio for all three policy scenarios.
the expansion in labor supply of workers after completing the human <Source: Authors’ own elaboration based on simulated results>
capital accumulation is associated with decreases in the skill premiums.
industry within the total industrial outputs is found to be Mi in 2030 for
Furthermore, the additional outflow of newly educated workers may be
the BAU scenario, the NAI for each scenario can be calculated as NAI ¼
an indirect effect of R&D investment. Considering these complex in­ � �
teractions, it can be understood that under SCN3 the effects of labor P ðPi Mi Þ2
​ Mi . The closer the NAI is to zero, the smaller the industrial
supply with accumulated human capital are greater than the increase in i

demand for skilled and high-skilled workers in shaping skill premiums. concentration and imbalance are.
Based on these results, it can be understood that the quantitative In addition, we calculate the entropy index. This concept is used to
expansion of R&D investment leads to rising wage inequalities by measure the concentration of the industrial structure, based on the
increasing the skill premiums. However, when the innovation and number of industries and their market shares in the economic system. It
human capital accumulation of workers are come together as in SCN3, it can be calculated as E ¼ Ni¼1 Si ⋅log Si , where Si indicates the relative
is found that the discrepancy between the skill demand and supply can share of each industry in 2030 for each scenario. The smaller the entropy
be alleviated. This also implies the possibility of offsetting the increase index, the higher the degree of monopoly and concentration.
in skill premiums of skilled and high-skilled labor and solving the wage Accordingly, the values for the NAI and entropy index for all three
gap between workers. Based on those results, it is noted that when policy scenarios (in 2030) are shown in Table 2. SCN1 shows the highest
educational infrastructure is expanded with additional investments to industrial concentration (NAI: 0.03896; entropy index: 2.97246);
support workers to move up the skill ladder, it can counteract the growth whereas, SCN3 shows the lowest concentration (NAI: 0.02749; entropy
of wage inequality induced by the increase in R&D investments. index: 2.99676). It can be understood that the policy intervention limited
High wage inequality can also be correlated with increasing house­ to the quantitative expansion of the R&D investment (SCN1) spurs eco­
hold income inequality. To investigate how the household’s earning is nomic growth by increasing the concentration of industrial structures. To
distributed, the decile distribution ratio is calculated for constructed be specific, it is found that under SCN1 the growth effects of industrial
scenarios. This index is defined as the share of the top 20% in relation to outputs in the high-tech manufacturing sector are highest compared with
the bottom 40% in terms of income distribution [30]. It can help in other scenarios (39.82% higher relative to BAU in 2030), (see Table 3,11).
building intuition of the distributional impacts of policy scenarios on It suggests that SBTC leads to structural change, benefiting industrial
household’s income. Fig. 4 depicts the time series trends of the decile sectors with larger shares of knowledge and high-skilled labor.
distribution for constructed scenarios. As shown in Fig. 4, SCN2 shows Conversely, policy intervention that promotes endogenous interac­
the smallest value. Based on this result, it is confirmed that education tion between innovation and human capital formation, such as SCN3,
can play an important role to resolve income inequality. achieves the highest level of economic growth based on the diversified
On the other hand, it is found that the decile ratio in SCN1 shows the industrial structure with growth effects being spread evenly across
highest value (3.017 in 2030), whereas SCN3 shows relatively lower sectors. To be specific, SCN3 shows relatively higher industrial output
value (3.007 in 2030). The gross household income in each quantile is growth effects across all industrial sectors (high-tech manufacturing:
determined by the endowments of production factors. Based on those 35.00%; low-tech manufacturing: 13.44%; service: 12.89%; primary
results, we can infer that the highest income inequalities in SCN1 is sectors: 5.86% higher relative to BAU in 2030) (see Table 3).
largely associated with the fact that higher income classes are actively
engaged in high-skilled works, and benefited from greater skill pre­ Table 2
miums. On the other hand, the inequality reducing effects of SCN3 can Comparison of values for NAI and Entropy in 2030.
be explained by lower levels of skill premiums between the high-skilled SCN1 SCN2 SCN3
and lower skilled, compared with SCN1. National Average Index (NAI) 0.03896 0.00369 0.02749
Entropy Index 2.97246 3.04789 2.99676
5.3. Effects on industrial production and productivity growth
<Source: Authors’ own elaboration based on simulated results>

In this subsection, we investigate changes in industrial production

and spillover effects for each scenario. To measure the distribution of
industrial outputs, National Average Index (NAI) values are calculated 11
For the analysis, we reclassify the 28 industries into four types; 1) primary
for all the policy scenarios. The NAI is used to measure the diversity and industries, which contain agriculture, forestry, and fisheries; 2) low-tech
concentration of industries in the local economy [74]. Based on this manufacturing industries; 3) high-tech manufacturing industries; and 4) ser­
concept, the relative share of each industry within the total industrial vice industries. The classification between high-tech and low-tech
outputs (Pi ) in the target year of 2030 for each scenario has been manufacturing industries is based on whether the R&D intensity is higher
calculated to derive the NAI value. When the relative share of each than the average level of R&D intensity among manufacturing industries.

Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

Table 3
Changes in industrial outputs relative to BAU (Unit: %).
2015 2020 2025 2030

Total industry SCN1 2.69 7.10 11.48 16.79

SCN2 0.99 0.23 2.63 5.84
SCN3 1.35 5.71 11.31 18.51
Primary industry SCN1 1.75 4.53 2.66 1.03
SCN2 0.78 0.09 1.79 3.90
SCN3 4.01 0.94 2.34 5.86
Low-tech manufacturing SCN1 3.69 8.44 10.79 12.83
SCN2 1.69 0.68 1.11 3.24
SCN3 2.08 5.70 9.45 13.44
High-tech manufacturing SCN1 6.93 18.66 27.28 39.82
SCN2 1.90 0.44 2.95 8.23
SCN3 6.27 12.07 21.21 35.00
Service SCN1 0.62 0.91 2.52 6.38
SCN2 0.16 1.41 3.70 6.55
SCN3 2.11 1.93 6.87 12.89 Fig. 5. R&D inducement effects for all three policy scenarios relative to BAU
(Unit: %).
<Source: Authors’ own elaboration based on simulated results> <Source: Authors’ own elaboration based on simulated results>
This suggests that SCN1 can lead to unbalanced economic growth, This argument is supported by Fig. 6 which illustrates the compari­
which drives the greater levels of industry concentration with the son of the variable INTINDSTi representing the level of knowledge
highest expansion of knowledge-intensive manufacturing sectors. The spillover effects from other industries to individual sectors. As shown in
shifts in industrial structure towards high-tech and knowledge-intensive Fig. 6, it is found that SCN3 reveals relatively higher values of INTINDSTi
industries have possibilities to weaken the economic foundations by across industrial sectors compared with other scenarios, suggesting the
further reinforcing the widening wage inequalities in the labor market highest knowledge externalities among scenarios. The achievement of
(i.e., disproportionately increasing demand for high-skilled workers and higher levels of industrial diversification can spur greater sectoral pro­
providing higher skill premiums), and being susceptible to volatility ductive linkages, which stimulates the technology transfers and ab­
related to economic downturns [30,75–78]. By contrast, it can be un­ sorptions of industrial sectors [79]. In this regard, it is noted that greater
derstood that SCN3 has the potential to alleviate the disparity problems diversification of productive structure could generate higher spillover
in terms of industrial production and wage distribution. effects, and knowledge externalities through enhancing absorptive ca­
It is also important to investigate the relationship between the vari­ pacities of industrial sectors, as shown in the results of SCN3.
ants in industrial outputs and productivity growth in the entire economy, From these results, we note that holistic innovation policy considers
as productivity and innovation are key engines of long-run economic that inter-linkages between R&D investment and educational invest­
growth. In this regard, Fig. 5 depicts the time series trends in R&D ment should be prepared to facilitate long-run economic growth, not
inducement effects of policy scenarios. As shown in Fig. 5, SCN1 induces merely focusing on the quantitative expansion of R&D investment. In
the highest level of R&D investment from the private sector (43.02% other words, this study’s findings suggest that policy measures to in­
higher relative to BAU level in 2030), followed by SCN3 and SCN2. crease the efficiency of R&D investment should be proposed considering
The R&D inducement effects generated by the policy scenarios can be the endogenous interaction between innovation and human capital.
interpreted as follows. The high R&D inducement effects found in SCN1
are associated with the increase in the exogenous R&D intensity, which is 6. Conclusions and discussions
assumed to be the largest. Although the R&D intensity is set to be the same
as that of BAU, SCN2 shows a higher level of R&D inducement compared In this study, we performed a quantitative analysis to investigate a
with BAU. This is because human capital accumulation and skill growth strategy for the Korean economy, focusing on the potential roles
upgrading of workers indirectly affect knowledge accumulation. In of innovation and human capital. For the analysis, this study proposed a
addition, the R&D inducement effects generated by SCN3 can be under­ CGE model by incorporating endogenous interaction between factor-
stood as the outcomes of the endogenous interaction between knowledge biased technological progress and human capital accumulation. Based
and human capital accumulation. Even though R&D intensity is exoge­ on this model, we have examined how long-term economic growth ef­
nously assumed to be half that in SCN1, SCN3 shows R&D inducement fects are achieved through combining R&D and human capital in­
effects which are only 8.77%p lower than those in SCN1. vestments. To be specific, this study attempted to investigate the key
Furthermore, Table 4 illustrates the changes in total factor produc­ effect channels that determine the interaction effects between knowl­
tivity (TFP)12 in industrial sectors for each scenario compared with BAU. edge and human capital accumulation.
As can be seen in Table 4, it is found that SCN3 achieves the highest TFP Based on the key findings drawn from the CGE analysis, this study
growth across industries (SCN3: 10.95%; SCN1: 8.44%; SCN2: 4.88% shows that there is a limitation to driving productivity growth and
higher relative to BAU in 2030). These results show that the highest R&D enhancing growth potential when focusing solely on quantitative
inducement effects in SCN1 do not directly lead to the highest produc­ expansion of R&D investment. From the analysis of SCN1, we have
tivity growth. Despite a lower level of R&D inducement effects, SCN3 found that an increase in R&D intensity leads to the accumulation of
reveals the highest productivity growth in industrial sectors. This is knowledge capital in the economic system, thereby promoting knowl­
linked to greater knowledge spillover effects with expansions of pro­ edge spillover effects via productivity growth. Furthermore, it is found
duction activities across industries with the diversified industrial
structure (i.e., more evenly spread output growth effects across in­
dustries as shown in Tables 2 and 3). Table 4
Changes in average TFP across industries relative to BAU in 2030 (Unit: %).
2015 2020 2025 2030
As mentioned in the previous Chapter 3, the change in total factor pro­ Average TFP level across industries SCN1 1.48 3.82 6.16 8.44
SCN2 0.19 1.33 2.96 4.83
ductivity (TFP) by industry is captured by comparing the value of the value-
SCN3 0.96 4.31 7.43 10.95
added composite input coefficients (AVAi ) for each scenario with that in BAU
scenario. <Source: Authors’ own elaboration based on simulated results>

Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

Fig. 6. Comparison of spillover effects values for individual sectors.

<Source: Authors’ own elaboration based on simulated results>

that the complementarity among production factors such as knowledge, educational system should keep pace with technological change and
physical capital, and high-skilled labor within production technology evolving labor markets. Thus, workplace-based vocational training and
leads to the expansion of scale effects, promoting economic growth. lifelong learning can be considered key elements in upcoming educa­
However, we also found that policies limited to the promotion of R&D tional systems. In summary, in order to reinforce the interrelationship
have some limitations: first, they accelerate the labor market in­ between innovation and human capital accumulation, it is necessary to
equalities in terms of employment and wage structures; second, they include qualitative improvements in education and learning systems
further increase the concentration of knowledge- and innovation- within the economy, which can enhance flexibility and adaptability in
intensive industries in the economic system, leading to unbalanced the labor supply in line with changing labor market demand. Further­
economic growth; third, the intensification of the concentration of more, because there is a time lag from the accumulation of human
knowledge- and innovation-intensive industries reinforces the labor capital to the actual labor supply, consideration of various policy al­
market inequalities. Deepening of concentration in the industrial and ternatives is needed to enhance the link between education systems and
wage/employment structures may hinder development of a sound in­ the labor market.
dustrial ecosystem and undermine the growth potential of the economy. The limitation of this research lies in the underlying assumptions of
Accordingly, this study suggests that the design and implementation the methodological settings. In this study, we have only considered the
of innovation policy should consider how to facilitate the efficient com­ domestic human capital and labor market conditions, as well as domestic
bination of R&D and human capital investments. The highest produc­ R&D expenditure and knowledge stocks (i.e., domestic public and private
tivity and long-term economic growth levels shown in SCN3 can be knowledge stocks). These methodological specifications are based on the
explained by the fact that when the endogenous interaction between current weak internalization capabilities of the Korean economy in terms
skills distribution formed by technological innovation (demand-side) and of inflows of foreign knowledge capital and workers. However, the de­
skills distribution through the human capital accumulation of workers scriptions of spillover effects and interactions between sectors of different
(supply-side) is promoted, the positive externalities of knowledge accu­ economies (via inflows of knowledge and human capital) are important
mulation can be further enhanced, leading to a higher economic growth dimensions, which are certainly relevant in a small open economy such as
equilibrium. This suggests that productivity growth driven by the the Korean economy. Accordingly, the methodological approach pre­
complementarity between innovation and skill accumulation can serve as sented can be further extended to investigate the role of international
a major growth engine to secure the long-term growth potential of Korea. R&D spillovers and effects of external labor sources. In addition, we have
In summary, we note that innovation policy that consists of a combination also assumed an optimal situation with smooth transition of workers,
of R&D and educational investment, can alleviate the labor market in­ from low-skilled to skilled labor or from skilled to high-skilled labor,
equalities, promoting balanced-growth among industrial sectors with having limitations of incorporating the possibility of labor market in­
higher productivity improvement and scale effects. efficiency. Therefore, future research should include in-depth discussions
In order to increase the growth potential of the economy, produc­ on the labor market institutions including, labor market rigidities and
tivity improvement is indispensable, and it is important to combine R&D labor mobility within the economic system.
investment and human capital investment to spur productivity growth.
Through CGE analysis, this study suggests that strengthening a com­ Declaration of competing interest
plementary relationship between innovation and human capital accu­
mulation is crucial to raise the national economy’s competitiveness. To The authors declare no conflict of interest.
promote the endogenous interaction between innovation and human
capital accumulation, human capital investment should include the Acknowledgements
establishment of life-long learning systems for workers that help them
improve their skills and knowledge to cope with rapid technological This work is supported by the STEPI Fellowship 2018 Program Grant,
change. To sustain the knowledge-based economy, with innovation as a funded by the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), and the
growth engine, the right types of skills and knowledge should be pro­ National Research Foundation of Korea Grant, funded by the Korean
vided and built up through the learning process. In other words, the Government (NRF-2017R1A2B4009376).

Appendix A. The structure of the developed SAM and CGE model

Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee

Table A.1
Structure of knowledge-based SAM.
Activity Factor inputs Institution Investments Tax ROW Tot.

Intermediate Labor Capital Knowledge Household Government Physical Capital Knowledge capitale Export Import

Private Public
Activity Intermediate 28*28 28*20 28*1 28*1 28*1 28*1 28*1
Factor inputs Laborc 3*28 3*1 3*1
Capital 1*28 3*1 3*1
Knowledgee 1*28
Instituti-ons Householdd 20*3 20*1 20*1
Government 1*20 1*1
Investm-ents Physical Capital 1*20 1*1

Know. Capital Private 1*20 1*1
Public 1*20 1*1
Tax 1*28
ROW Export 1*1
Import 1*28 1*1

<Source: Authors’ own elaborationf>

Within the SAM, sectors are classified into 28 sectors.
Tax account includes indirect, corporate, income, and tariffs in the SAM.
Labor inputs for production of final goods and knowledge production are split into three types; high-skilled, skilled, and low-skilled labor.
Household is classified into 20 quantiles based on the income level.
In this knowledge-based SAM, knowledge is explicitly presented as one of the factor inputs, and knowledge capital formation account has been added into an investment account.
This table is constructed using the I–O table (from the Bank of Korea), Statistical Yearbook of National Tax (from the National Tax Service in Korea), Household Income and Expenditure Survey (from the Statistics
Korea), and Wage Structure Statistics (from the Ministry of Employment and Labor) datasets, based on the methodological approach proposed by previous studies (i.e., [50–52]; and [30]).
Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295
Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

Fig. A.1. Structure of CGE model in terms of supply- and demand-sides.

<Source: Authors’ own elaboration>

Fig. A.2. Production structures of R&D investment goods and final goods.
<Source: Authors’ own elaboration>

Fig. A.3. Endogenous interaction between innovation and human capital accumulation.
<Source: Authors’ own elaboration>

Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

Fig. A.4. Relationships between changes in labor supply and production function.
<Source: Authors’ own elaboration>

Fig. A.5. Constructed policy scenarios for the analysisa (BAU, SCN1, SCN2, SCN3).
<Source: Authors’ own elaboration>.
The gross changes in exogenous R&D and educational investment intensities in SCN1, SCN2, and SCN3 are all the same, that is, a 1%p increase
relative to the BAU scenario.

Appendix B. Key equations of CGE model

The model in this paper is run by GAMS (General Algebraic Modelling System). For the sake of convenience, CES (constant elasticity of substi­
tution) functions are denoted by CES(�), and Leontief functions by LT(�). In addition, for the sake of simplicity, time period index t is added to the
equations associated with the dynamics of factor inputs, while i and rdt indices represent industry type, and R&D sector type, respectively. Table B.1
indicates the sectoral classifications considered in the model. Furthermore, Table B.2 summarizes the information of parameters and variables used in
the model, and Table B.3 represents the key parameters’ values with references.

Table B.1
Sectoral classifications.

No. Sectoral classifications

S01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing

S02 Mining and quarrying
(continued on next page)

Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

Table B.1 (continued )

No. Sectoral classifications

S03 Food, beverages and tobacco products

S04 Textile and apparel
S05 Wood and paper products
S06 Printing and reproduction of recorded media
S07 Petroleum and coal products
S08 Chemicals, drugs and medicines products
S09 Non-metallic mineral products
S10 Basic metal products
S11 Fabricated metal products except machinery and furniture
S12 General machinery and equipment
S13 Electronic and electrical equipment
S14 Precision instruments
S15 Transportation equipment
S16 Furniture and other manufactured products
S17 Electricity, gas, steam and water supply
S18 Construction
S19 Wholesale and retail trade
S20 Accommodation and food services
S21 Transportation
S22 Communications and broadcasting
S23 Finance and insurance
S24 Real estate and business services
S25 Public administration and defense
S26 Education
S27 Health and social work services
S28 Other services

Table B.2
Key parameters and variables in CGE model.

Sets and indices

i,j Sectors and goods

rdt Type of R&D (public and private)
hh Type of household
type Type of skills (u: low-skilled(1); s: skilled(2); h: high-skilled(3))
t Time (year)
Activity variables
L1(i) Low-skilled labor of sector i
L2(i) Skilled labor of sector i
L3(i) High skilled labor of sector i
K(i) Physical capital of sector i
H(i) Knowledge capital of sector i
X(j,i) Intermediate goods for sector i produced in sector j
VA(i) Value-added composite of sector i
HLK(j) Composite factor from L3, K and H in sector j
Z(i) Final output of sector j
XG(i) Government consumption of sector i
INVK(t) Demand for capital investment
RK(rdt) Physical capital inputs in R&D investment of sector rdt
RL1(rdt) Low-skilled labor inputs in R&D investment of sector rdt
RL2(rdt) Skilled labor inputs in R&D investment of sector rdt
RL3(rdt) High-skilled labor inputs in R&D investment of sector rdt
RVA(rdt) Composite factor from RHK, RLS1, and RLS2 in sector rdt
RHK(rdt) Composite factor from RLS3 and RK in sector rdt
XVRD(rdt,i) Intermediate inputs for R&D sector rdt
RDZ(rdt,t) R&D investment goods produced by sector rdt
IR(i,t) R&D investment demand by sector i
SPCOEFF(i) Spillover coefficients in sector i
INTINDST(i) Inter-industrial spillover in sector i
SG Government saving
LS(s) Newly educated workers from low-skilled to skilled labor
LS(h) Newly educated workers from skilled to high-skilled labor
EDU Total educational investments in time t
L1(t) Low-skilled labor stock in time t
L2(t) Skilled labor stock in time t
L3(t) High-skilled labor stock in time t
LS(t) Total labor stock in time t
KS(t) Capital stock in time t
H(i,t) Knowledge stock for industry i in time t
H(public,t) Public knowledge stock in time t
Price variables
PL1 Factor price(wage) of low-skilled labor
PL2 Factor price(wage) of skilled labor
PL3 Factor price(wage) of high skilled labor
(continued on next page)

Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

Table B.2 (continued )

Sets and indices

PK Factor price of physical capital

PH(i) Factor price of knowledge capital in sector i
Tax and income variables
Total(Tz) Total production tax collected from sectors
Total(Tinc) Total income tax collected from households
Total(Tcor) Total corporate tax collected from sectors
Total(Ttar) Total import tariffs collected from imports
TG(hh) Government transfer to household hh
Bg Government debt
Ginc Government income
HLINC(u) Total household income from low-skilled labor
HLINC(s) Total household income from skilled labor
HLINC(h) Total household income from high-skilled labor
HKINC Total household income from physical capital
HHINC Total household income from knowledge capital
ava0(i) Value-added composite requirement coefficients for sector i
AVA(i) Value-added requirement coefficient of sector i
σ1 Elasticity of substitution for L3, K, and H in HLK production function
σ2 Elasticity of substitution for L1, L2, and HLK in VA production function
σ3 Elasticity of substitution for RL3 and RK
σ4 Elasticity of substitution for RHK, RL1 and RL2
μ0ðiÞ Government consumption share parameter for sector i
other0(j,i) Interindustry spillover stock weight
spc0(i) Scale parameter in interindustry spillover function
rdelas(i) Interindustry R&D stock elasticity in interindustry spillover function
grdelas(i) Public R&D stock elasticity in interindustry spillover function
ir Interest rate
ρE Labor supply elasticity from educational investments
∅1 Scale parameter for educational investments in labor supply function
∅2 Scale parameter for relative wages in labor supply function
gl(t) Population growth rate
δcap Physical capital depreciation rate
δknow Knowledge capital depreciation rate
labdep Human capital depreciation rate

Table B.3
Lists of key parameters with references.

Sectors Value Reference

σ1 (Elasticity of substitution for L3, K, and H in HLK production function)

All sectors 0.67 [30,59]
σ2 (Elasticity of substitution for L1, L2, and HLK in VA production function)
All sectors 1.67 [30,57,58]
σ3 (Elasticity of substitution for RL3 and RK in RHK production function)
All R&D sectors 0.67 [30,57,58]
σ4 (Elasticity of substitution for RHK, RL1 and RL2 in RVA production function)
All R&D sectors 1.67 [30,57,58]
rdelas(i) (Interindustry R&D stock elasticity in interindustry spillover function)
S01 0.013 [30,51,52]
S02 0.010
S03 0.013
S04 0.152
S05 0.073
S06 0.061
S07 0.008
S08 0.060
S09 0.076
S10 0.037
S11 0.074
S12 0.087
S13 0.097
S14 0.074
S15 0.124
S16 0.140
S17 0.100
S18 0.100
S19 0.010
S20 0.010
S21 0.010
S22 0.150
S23 0.010
S24 0.010
S25 0.010
(continued on next page)

Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

Table B.3 (continued )

Sectors Value Reference

S26 0.010
S27 0.010
S28 0.010
grdelas(i) (Public R&D stock elasticity in interindustry spillover function)
All R&D sectors 0.250 [30,51,52]
ρE (Labor supply elasticity from educational investments)
- 0.500 [65,66]
labdep (Human capital depreciation rate)
- 0.015 [48]

Production of final goods in industrial sectors

Zi ¼ LT VAi ; Xj;i (B.1)

HLKi ¼ CESðL3i ; Ki ; Hi ; σ 1 Þ (B.2)

VAi ¼ CESðHLKi ; L2i ; L1i ; σ 2 Þ (B.3)

Production of R&D investment goods in R&D sectors
RDZrdt ¼ LTðRVArdt ; XVRDrdt Þ (B.4)

RHKrdt ¼ CESðRL3rdt ; RKrdt ; σ3 Þ (B.5)

RVArdt ¼ CESðRHKrdt ; RL2rdt ; RL1rdt ; σ 4 Þ (B.6)

Hpublic; t ¼ ð1 δknow Þ ⋅ Hpublic;t 1 þ RDZpublic;t 1 (B.7)

Hi; t ¼ ð1 δknow Þ ⋅ Hi;t 1 þ IRi;t 1 (B.8)

KS t ¼ ð1 δCAP Þ ⋅ KSt 1 þ INVKt (B.9)

Productivity improvements from knowledge spillover effects
INTINDSTi ¼ other0j;i ⋅Hj (B.10)

SPCOEFFi ¼ spc0i ⋅INTINDSTirdelasi ⋅Hpublic (B.11)

AVAi ¼ ava0i =SPCOEFFi (B.12)

Human capital formation and its endogenous interaction with innovation
� �� �
� 1 þ gt
LSu;t ¼ ∅1 ⋅ EDUtρE þ ∅2 ⋅ PLut 1 PLl ⋅ (B.13)
t 1 1 þ ir

LStþ1 ¼ ð1 þ glt Þ ⋅ LSt where ​ LSt ¼ L1t þ L2t þ L3t (B.14)

L1tþ1 ¼ ​ ð1 labdepÞ ⋅ L1t LSs;t L2tþ1 ¼ ð1 labdepÞ ⋅ L2t þ LSs;t LSh;t L3tþ1 ¼ ð1 labdepÞ ⋅ L3t þ LSh;t (B.15)

Institutions: Households and government

X � X �
HLINCtype ¼ Li;type ⋅ PLtype þ RLrdt;type ⋅ PLtype (B.16)
i rdt

HKINC ¼ ðKi ⋅ PKÞ þ ðRKrdt ⋅ PKÞ (B.17)
i rdt

HHINC ¼ ðHi ⋅ PHi Þ (B.18)

Ginc ¼ TotalTZ þ TotalTinc þ TotalTcor þ TotalTtar þ Bg þ TGhh (B.19)

XGi ¼ μ0i ⋅ðGinc SGÞ=PQi (B.20)

Appendix C. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

Y. Yeo and J.-D. Lee Technology in Society 62 (2020) 101295

Author contributions statement

All authors worked collectively and significantly contributed to this paper. Yeongjun Yeo provided a thorough literature review, designed the
research, implemented the methodological development, and conducted policy simulations for the analysis. Jeong-Dong Lee supervised its analysis,
interpreted the results, and derived the policy implications. All authors discussed the results and implications and commented on the manuscript at all

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