Xunzi - Discourse On Music-1

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Xunzi | At THE COMPLETE TEXT ‘TRANSLATED AND WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY Eric L. Hutton jee RTMAREOT ‘When the disciple has achieved success and prof ‘en he graeflly thinks of his teacher. a aS an — med Uh se weet er oaucona — ido ‘an mai 6 8 eben Se AL Re sid ring. ft peck pining. 208 cna sax moe s0t4 ay oe nl eee ONT rie once ge ie te Unie Steno Aen Contents Aetnoadgnets Inerdction A Trdtonal Tineine of Early Chinese Hig CGnarrent: An Exhortation to Learning CCuarren 2: Cultivating Once, (Cuarten: Nothing Improper cnarrex «On Honor and Disgrace ‘Garren: AginstPhysiognomy Curren : Against the Twelve Masters Ccnarrex 7 On Confucive CCuarren The Achievements ofthe Re CCuarrens: The Rule ofa Tie King. (Curren i Enriching the State (Carre ue he Tue King and the Hegemon ‘Cuarrens: The Way to Bea Lord ‘Caarrens: The Way to Bea Minister CChaeren st: On Atractng Men of Wort Curren s: A Debate on Miltary Afi Cuprren The Strong State Carma. Discourse on Heaven Garr w: Corset Judgents Grarrew: Discourse on Ritual Charrenso: Discourse on Music Ghinrsex2%: Undoing Fixation Ginrren ze: Coret Naming Grarran ss: Human Nature Is Bad Pharen 24: The Gentleman a 13 ui 16 3 a8 26 28 CGnarren 2s Working Songs Caren 26: Fa CCunrren 27 The Grand Digest CCuarren as: The Righe Hand Vesse! CCnarren 2: The Way to Bea Son ‘Grarven.o: "The Proper Mode and Proper Conduct (Cnarrenat: Duke A Charen a: Yao Asked Anos: Important ‘Terms and Names Arrawons 2: Croa-Reference Est eu ots Bitiogrephy Index 22 a7 8 sts 5 30 ey 2 a 39 sas oa AckNnowLepoments 1 began this translation project in 1896. Over the eighteen yeas that [ave worked oni it has benefited from the insights and sugges ‘ions ofa wemendous numberof people, nchding my teachers ents, clasinats, colleagues, lends and fellow scholars. Thereby ‘ost gratefully acknovsledge their help and hope that they wil be pleased with the final prod. Toul like to extend special recognition to the following nd viduals and instiutons.Eany on, signilesnt pordons of this work ‘were published 2s par of Readings in Clasea? Chinese Phitsoply (Faces, 2008), and the manuscript was greatly improved by com ‘ent ftom the eitors, Bryan Van Norden and FJ Tvanhoe ms he tine sine then, J has ato given me valuable feedback on every potion of his text and him Towe gratitude beyond all words. At Doin along the way, T have spent many enjoyable hours dissecting he Chine text inthe company of ack Kline, Michael lan Ht ‘hich Loy std Et Hari hours that have conerbuted fomensely tomyunderstanding of the el and to this warsaion. Also, discus Sons with Aaron Stalnaker, Miranda Brown, David Else, Eric Setuitaebel, Marke Cakszentsnaly, Ted Slingeviand, stn T: veld, Erin Cline, and Bryan Van Norden have likewise enced this ‘wor When a substantial portion of the tanelation had een com pled, Gordon Mower read thraggh the lengthy draft and wletied Inuy places where ould be improved In 2008, Stephen Angle and Michael Slote used selected chapters fom the manuscript in elt [EH summer seminar on Confucianism and contemporary virtoe thc, and rceve very helpal suggestions from them tnd the Seminar participate. During the 200010 academic yea, Twas able ‘oak Sgnieant progres toward fishing che manoserpe thanks to seppor from dhe Univesity of Utah in the form ofa Vil C. Al ‘ich Reyeaoh Fellowship from the Tanner Humanities Cetera 1 Faulty Fellow Avard from the University Research Commies Tala wish o express my gratitude toa number of people involved 4a he ast sages lening to this publiation. In partic, Lehn Templo at Princeton University Pres for hi wemendous sup a well as three anonymous reviewers for the press who offered ging and help feedback. Deborah Mower and Rochelle fe enthusasieally advocated fr this translation, which 1 ited very much. visited Berkeley nthe summer of 013, and Giksznthalyi provided some cucal research assistance that period. Toai Le Capossels esd shrug the whole ma Discourse on Music avoidable human diposion, So, people ant a they fel fy, ym EXPT such tha ‘ohusan beings ee eee ‘completely contained in Sot be thot oy an nov Shape bur if takes shape and Joes 4 Muses joys & a Sean dead movement, 05 people : chaos. The former ‘hoy Fea tne etme. he Forme cod wih a ed sce hey eased te aun oii nde ed ce 10 oe ut being degenerate They cases he tere ei yey ancy of we mB ence leon rn lem Te ereand oa ed mom a ese are core yee former ngs rete mS oe 1 temple and the ‘Moz doing emusic performed inthe ancestral ple cae and aly pen, When ie petormed wi ices betaine tore ne vilage and od and young peopl et 2 Pete fa to become harmoniously oar a harmony, brings Lope nee sanard in der fo i i AMON PoE & i “Fong ane itentions a ing notions, appearance Deo ir dance and ceasing ocd ft arabada eat igo te ming anon as See Rin cenorming to che Py of «hei rank and formations become ordered, and thei advance and rita become uniform, Ando, muse omeching one vest cove uct punitive military expediions abroad, and it & something one ses 0 practice courteous deference and yielding t home, Cordoce, ing punitive liar expeditions and pracilagourtenes dence and yielding have one andthe sme purpose If one toes mae te conduct punt military expeditions abwvad then thece wile ose ho do nos submit Fone uses to practice courteous doerenee ed yielding a home, then there wl be tone who donot comply. Hees sic brings great uniformity tall under Heaven. eis theley bass see and harmony and something that the dapononec hrc ee ngs cant avo. This the method by whith the former King one ted thee mutc, and 0 what Moa! doing denouncing kf Moreove, mses the means by which ie former ings adoened ‘hl happiness. Miltary campalgarandarmamentsare the meae by 5 hich dhe former kings edorned hr anger The happineeandontee Of the former kings achieved a uniform meawure ia hese tale Therefore, when they were happs,allunderHesven haratonzea ooh thm, and when they were angry, then violent and disorderly espe fered them. Ritual nd music ate precy the height of thewey fe 85. lore by the ores kings, and 0 whats Most doing denouecog then? Thus Tay: Moni understanding ofthe Way ike thera Bind person toward black and white, ov Ike that of a deaf peso ‘pr high nd low sound, o lke someane who wants to go be Goa Batsecks by going north! ‘Sounds and music ener nt uly. Therefore the fore i “ not disolute. Imrie solemn antares then the people wil be uniformly ordered and not cane chose, @8 =the people are harmonious and uniformly ordre, then the Ssoaies will be vigorous andi fortifications willbe sole ann aes wil not dare to couch e+ When the stuation i ike ths, ‘he common people will ll est secure in their dweingy sod In their villages, such as to provide sulin forthe tapes 70 “Then thet superioc's fame wil be clear, hs gly wil be gre all che people within the fou sas will want eave mas ree or. This the begining of being a uc king, {fuses disolue and dangerous, then the people will be div 2ouant, vulgar, and base If they ae discute and arrogant 75. they wil ause chaos. If they ate vulgar and base shen they all with each other If dheyeause chaos a struggle with each ren then the a's sold wil be weak and it fofatons vu a val sates wl pot them in danger. When te sation reife ni then the common people wil ot rea ecu the 1 He alg in the lage, ae wl not provide x eng espn An oo when ual and musi are di Been Jone ane ae, hn nthe oot cose for he superoe {arse nage, dgrace and having his estoy dine, aan eagle sual and musicand considered dv Tae ashe aeady sid in The Prope Orde for Of 2 as oro the Msi Master to cule government rep 2d aes to eep watch over poet ad ric fom sa ere usd to smoohly cuae hee kt at he rom Fees so to prsen arbaan, gat and deviant ‘eee frm daring odor the refined Pie to a ein ersething that he sage Kings denounced tat ect and hsv an tor on thei part” The gently aoe ace Nanci something in which the ages delighted fx tee rcrto make god the heart ofthe people to nuance ichas ihe Poveg a veorn cnc manners and cat with ci ra er nes Lngsgided the people wi ual and mung a Cpecme bamontous and congenial For the people Hae onto and dike bingy bi they ae allowed hve dino ins tor, then there wi be chaos. The one ings apy rg do tey elated the condita sin ove sae Maal under Heaven became peasy compliant by hese thing “ES mourning grments and the sounds of weeping mile pees hens tds Top on art dona hele nd sing he Peo ie peoples hears emboldened. isle cstons ad he aa oP ej make peop shear esos Puting sae te bars copa dancing the Shao an sing thei ears nvgorted. And sy the geile aaa ee ticeniou sounds Hix cyes wilot look yponse Jenna mouth wil ot ue foul doen. Tes hee {Mngt the gentieran eae aboot "MR wtnton sound rosea person, pervs eee tn, When Ga perese aks orm, te <0 ym But when proper vonds arouse x person, 2 comp ra et them om in, When tis compliant 7K {Retgod xi om Tow, gn el Bae Both atch each oer, and goodness and badness in eae eth Therefore the genteman secu aboot = sand what ne res nest. ‘Te gentleman guides sgn gules hs inteon wi bead ri ; with the gin and e He move with abled ee He decorates hs dance wth eather and pms Hef with stone chines and pi th brodnas semble he Earth ead tag Sees eee veka rsnblancetothe our sasmn, "7 Me POE a lames. He follows ap plumes, He follows up When mu yet gin py. They make on ens ace an aes Rega one bloodand bine andiarmogy $e eaiy customs and they alter habits sa ihe lop im be weber ne, ad those who ae tad hove who are fod and fine delight in ah ote. pani tay: Music jy The geneman aksjoy natningthe ty man akes oy in atainng the objet of his deste Ir oe takes the Wy to regia one cry he My 0 regite one dens then one wil Be py a forgets the Way for he she of one ste one willbe Cot ad app Adv ee ant gle one's joy Thenaramens mide free sae sik we the means to guide one’s virtue. When mn peed then the people wil turn toward what is conect has op, but Moti denounces 5 unchanging krinony, and tual is unalterable Su sth eight of oreing “To penetnte to the TFSI fo the oo and asp change thi fon of music? To make cleat integrity Set cr erin et rata fem hewlett iSrycioec recreate at Sia cow ds mst a ‘Your studies and not be confused. . . eo ype thers “The phenomena of sounds and muse ar hese! he drm great and megnfeent Te bel expnaive and ull The ste ce are Tied and order. Tejon aoe oa, uae ee Fc and vibrant, Thane are ling and undulating. The ifstenc and ge. The is of and geile Songs pc and enc ‘On the reaning. ‘of the dance: The way of Heaven is all. ‘ssompasing Tetum th lord of the moni stn? Thu he ferent Heaven, The bel sel Earth The tone chines ‘Semi waterTheyu tg, nb guan, od ure thesn, Ihoon, and tare oy ho fg ing, ad a resenble the Mid reactc: Hw does ove tw the mea of the dance? yh yen do ot hemseler sel and the cars Go not tenses art Norden console te posts, gestures, dean, Ta spent Whensllthe ance se resaned and ode evetg iSite mone the suength of thir bones and sinew to atch the shyt of drum and Be vounding coger, and no ones ut ot epi how nytt the meaning oil group gateingt ‘inen oben te ellage drinking ceemony, iow how cy and care te way of tee ing iT how pessoal} goss ‘Pee the gut of honor snd tne gers of szond rank anal the Ee gets low ten, When they come to fut ouside the ge ‘hee bows tolcome thr gust of honorand the gest eo lnk and hen al the other ests eneron tee own, Th wba jot tenable an the lows prope dire ‘Re owt ace eres polly hey ome tothe ea cnc hon ts offre yield he wa, he fcend whe gus oor, The host bows thm upon aeiving at the hall and im vines which te guest of hon eapond wih a tony tare the eguatins for tern and yelling are elaborate, they ave abevinted fr che gus of second ank. When tothe re ofthe guest thy ascend and recive wine, They a Ser asa rom but ad od Then, without oe steam they descend. Thus wat fo he exe andthe is Sataguthed + The ce tet hi ara nde et meat bn Rec tiergmiin estan Wem Gr aa Te sisal {eee mon fduseone hoon ng aout Pe fi oo Sets see np eect wie Te nec ‘musicians take turns pecforming sTeeea i le eta iene ret and sing tre son ay thee fnior ad cn ‘They descend oemove thc ahocsand Seer econ tot in oa without eae gate TH _gulton fo dking win ae the fone Se see ‘mothng, and if doneintheevening, ose, nthe gus of honor dep the hee eiseted, then all under Heaven z when Tobe hen taty and ace he way ofa we ee fered age are these: Men GB cae ee Aone ed ages the opposite ofall his,

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