Key 3rd Year Ospe LUMHS

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Q.1 Define carcinoma and sarcoma ?

Q.2 Name any 03 benign tumors arise from epithelial lining of glands or ducts along with their
malignant counterpart.
Q.3 Write any 03 characteristics of an anaplastic cell.
Ans. 1. Carcinoma malignant neoplasm of epithelial cell origin. Sarcoma malignant neoplasm of
mesenchymal cell origin.
Ans. 2. Adenoma/Adenocarcinoma, Papilloma/ Papillary Carcinoma,
Ans.3 Pleomorphism, Loss of structural and functional differentiation of normal cells,
Hyperchromatic and large nuclei, Nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio of 1:1, Numerous and atypical

1) Define mixed tumor?
2) Name any 04 malignant mesenchymal tumors?
3) Write any 03 Skin Cancer which can occur due to exposure of ultraviolet rays derived
from the Sun.
1) A mixed tumor is a tumor composed of more than one parenchymal cell representative
one germ- cell layer. Or The neoplastic progenitor cell may undergo divergent
differentiation ie more than one of neoplastic cell type, representative of
one Germ-cell layer. These are termed as mixed tumors.
2) Fibrosarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Liposarcoma, Osteosarcoma, Leiomyosarcoma.
3) Squamous cell carcinoma, Basal cell Carcinoma, Melanoma of the skin
1) Name any two appoptic regulatory genes
2) Name any two tumors suppressor genes
3) What are the functions of tumors suppression gene.

1) BCL2, ii BCL XL iii. MCL-1 iv. BAD v. BAK

2) i. P53 gene ii. Retinoblastoma gene iii. APC gene iv. BRCA-1 gene v. BRCA-2 gene vi.
PTEN gene.
3) i. It inhibits proliferation at G1 to S Phase ii. It regulates repair iii. It regulates apoptosis
iv. It regulates cellular senescence.


1) Define Shock?
2) What are the 4 causes of cardiogenic shock?
3) What is the clinical triad of septic shock?


1) It is a state in which diminished cardiac output or reduce effective circulating blood volume
impairs tissue perfusion and impaired cellular metabolism leads to cellular hypoxia.
2) Myocardial infarction, ventricular rupture, Arrhythmia, cardiac temponade, pulmonary
3) Hypotension, DIC, Metabolic disturbances.
1) What is anasarca?
2) Write any 03 pathophysiological causes of edema?
3) Write any 04 causes of reduced plasma osmotic pressure?


1) Anasarca is a serious condition in which there is a generalized accumulation of fluid in

the interstitial space.
2) Increased hydrostatic pressure, Reduced plasma osmotic pressure, Lymphatic
3) Protein-losing glomerulopathies (nephrotic syndrome), Liver cirrhosis, Malnutrition,
Protein-losing gastroenteropathy.

1) Describe the type of emboli in this picture?
2) Define Pulmonary Embolism?
3) What are the risk factors of Pulmonary Embolism?

1) Saddle emboli
2) Pulmonary emboli originate from deep venous thromboses and are the most common
form of thromboembolic disease
3) Patient age and diagnosis (i.e., surgery, pregnancy, and malignancy all increase


1) What are the types of chromosome abnormalities?

2) Name 03 diseases having chromosomal abnormalities?
3) Define translocation?

1) Numerical (Polyploidy and aneuploidy) and structural (Deletions, duplication,

translocation and inversion).
2) Down syndrome, Klinefilter syndrome, Turner syndrome.
3) Transfer of part of a chromosome to a different position especially on a nonhomologous
chromosome OR the exchange of parts between nonhomologous chromosomes.

1) Identify the defect in above karyogram marked by arrow?

2) Name 02 cytogenetic diseases involving autosomes?
3) Mention clinical presentation of Down syndrome?
1) Trisomy 21
2) Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), Trisomy 13 (Patau’s syndrome).
3) Short stature, Delayed mental and physical growth, Flat face, Oblique palperbral fissures
and Simian crease.

1) What are the types of immunoglobulins?
2) What is the function of variable and constant regions?
3) What are the functions of IgG?

1) IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE, IgD.

2) Variable regions of both the light and heavy chain are responsible for antigen-binding,
whereas the constant region of the heavy chain is responsible for various biologic
functions like complement activation and binding to cell surface receptors.
3) Predominant antibody in secondary immune response, can cross the placenta, most
abundant immunoglobulin in new borns, capability of opsonization.

1) What are the skin & intestinal tract manifestations of Type-I hypersensitivity reaction?
2) Give any two examples of Type-II hypersensitivity reaction
3) Give any two examples of Type-III hypersensitivity reaction.

1) Urticaria(hives), Eczema(atopic dermatitis), allergic gastroenteropathy

2) HDN,Autoimmuneanemia,ITP,Goodpasturesyndrome,acute rheumatic fever,myasthenia
gravis, Grave’s disease,Insulin resistant DM, Pernicious anaemia
3) Glomerulonephritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.

1) Name diseases caused by Neisseria meningitidis?
2) Name the selective media used for diagnosis of Neisseria meningitidis?
3) What is Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome?

1) Pyogenic meningitis, meningococcemia, meningococcal arthritis.

2) Thayer martin Medium.
3) Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome is characterized by the abrupt onset of
fever, petechiae, septic shock, and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and
adrenal insufficiency.
1) Write down any 04 diseases caused by Streptococcus pyogenes?
2) Name 02 important antigens of beta-hemolytic streptococci?
3) Name any 04 important toxins and hemolysins produced by group-A streptococci?

1) Pharyngitis, Cellulitis, Impetigo, Necrotizing fasciitis, Streptococcal toxic shock

syndrome, Rheumatic fever, Acute glomerulonephritis.
2) C-carbohydrate, M-protein.
3) Erythrogenic toxin, Streptolysin-O, Streptolysin-S, Pyrogenic exotoxin-A, Exotoxin-B.

1) Which bacteria is most likely to be cause of this condition?
2) How is the capsule of identifying bacteria different from that of most other bacteria?
3) What is the appearance of bacteria on gram stained smear?

1) Bacillus anthracis
2) Capsule is composed of D. glutamate (this is unique), Capsule of other bacteria’s are
composed of polysaccharide.
3) Large gram positive rods with square ends arranged in chains.

1) Write down the 03 strains of E. Coli?
2) Which strain of E. Coli is associated with Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome?
3) Name the diseases caused by E. Coli?

1) Enterotoxigenic E. Coli, Enterohemorrhagic E. Coli, Enteroinvasive E. Coli,

Enteroaggregative E. Coli, Entropathogenic E. Coli.
2) Enterohemorrhagic E. Coli, O157:H7.
3) Traveler’s diarrhea, Neonatal meningitis, Urinary Tract Infection, Hemolytic Uremic
Syndrome, Blood diarrhea.
1) What is the appearance of Cornybacterium diphtheria on gram staining?
2) Name the virulence factor of Cornybacterium diphtheriae and what is its mechanisms of
3) What are 03 important complications of Cornybacterium diphtheriae?

1) Club shaped gram +ve rods with beaded appearance arranged in palisade or in V or L
shape form.
2) Diphtheriae toxin, An exotoxin (A-B), Inhibits protein synthesis.
3) Extension of pseudomembrane into larynx and trachea causing airway obstruction.
Myocarditis accompanied by arrhythmias & circulatory collapse. Cranial nerves
weakness or paralysis.


1) Name the staining procedure used for detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis??

2) Define tubercle?
3) Name the atypical mycobacteria?

1) Z. N Stain.
2) A tubercle is a granuloma surrounded by fibrous tissue that has undergone central
caseation necrosis.
3) Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex, Mycobacterium kansasii.
Q.1 Name 03 structural genes of HIV virus?
Ans. Gag, pol, Env genes.
Q.2 What is the function of gp 120 and gp 41 in env gene
Ans. Gp 120 Attachment to CD4 cells
Gp 41 Fusion and entry into the host cell
Q.3 Enlist common opportunistic organisms in late stage of AIDS?
Ans. Mycobaterium TB, Pneumocystis carnii, Candida albican, Herpes simplex virus I, Epstein
Barr virus, Cytomegalo virus, Varicella zoster virus, Human herpes 8, Toxoplasma gondii,
Cryptococcous neoformans.

Q.1 Mention 02 types of genes involved in tumorigenesis by viruses?
Ans. Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.
Q.2 Name 04 DNA oncogenic viruses?
Ans. Human papilloma virus, Herpes simplex virus-II, Epstein barr virus, Hepatitis B virus,
Human herpes virus 8.
Q.3 Name 04 cancers caused by these viruses?
Ans Cervical cancer, Burkitt’s lymphoma, Hepatocellular carcinoma, Kaposi sarcoma,
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma and B-cell lymphoma.

Q.1 Name the viruses belong to Herpes virus family?

Ans. i. Varicella – Zoster virus (VZV).
ii. Cytomegalovirus (CMV).
iii. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).
iv. Herpes simplex virus-1
v. Herpes simplex virus-2
vi. Human Herpes virus-8 (Kaposi Sarcoma Virus)
Q.2 What is Tegument
Ans. It is a cluster of proteins that lines the space between the envelope and nucleocapsid of all
Q.3 Name 2 diseases caused by Varicella zoster virus
Ans Chicken pox and Herpes zoster

1) Name 03 genera of fungi which may cause this type of infection?
2) Mention 04 types of dermatophyte infection?
3) Name 02 diagnostic method for lab diagnosis of fungus?

1) Epidermaphytom, Tricophytom, Microsporum species.

2) Tinea corporis, Tinea pedis, Tinea cruris, Tinea capitis, Tinea barbae, Tinea unguium.
3) Microscopic examination with KOH and Calcoflour white stain. Culture on Sabouraud’s

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