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F OURTH PROFESSIONAL MBBS, SEMESTERVII 3 4 REGULAR/UNIT TEST/RESIT EXAMINATION PAPERS SPECIAL PATHOLOGY typically found in whic Nae e Aonuma eee A Microscopiepol ye Micescopicpolyaasits Sfcmrnion | 7 Ages penlnass 7 (ONS B Gincclwerse © Takapes ores ‘Which one of the following statement isnot true regarding the Reed Sternberg cell: Ap Itis thought to be of B-cell lineage D__Itusually expresses CD-15 & CD-30 E. Foundin Hodgkin's lymphome ‘Which of the following hepatitis B profile pattern is most consistent with an asymptomatic 6 ALS Thom Bbc mnltimclote Was Bem Aromas te esi ofaptona QQ OG. The eetina symptom of cron brone I teeny He, Hey ve Aniits xe CANT 9, ‘Anti-HBe —ve B. HBsAg-‘ve, HBeAg ive AntiHBs we & ‘Anti-HBe —ve C. HBsAg-ve, HBeAg tve, Anti HBs ve & Anti-HBe “ve (of HBsAg +ve, HBeAg —ve, Anti-HBs —ve & ‘AntL-HBe “ve E. HBsAg-ve, HBeAg—ve, Anti HBs tve & ‘AniL-HBe “ve i ngtea a fr Wnt thalassemia major: eel OR age Sete te as 1 Hemoglbi leciophores shows milly pemerr Mot of he pei in pooed a tage oft years Rima D. Tis ually ausedby dee of Pobin i aula aed mist A3 cmyellow tan mass is found in the tip of appendix. Histopathological diagnosis is carcinoid tumor, Which one of the following is ‘ellt origin ofthis tumor 3 Soothe GL T C. Fibroblast E, Macin secreting epithelial cells ‘Anew born ls o pass meconus X-ray show lated colon above narrow segment of siemoid calor, meet ey gr be racer B. Colonic stain Qt. Cece Eros disease ———> sistent productive cough Infections © Arvaymimce — @ 9 RB E._ Blue color of nose The key processesin the development of aherosclerais: (AE “Tofimal thickening and lipid accumulation 10. B. Migration of smooth muscle cells and lipid accumulation C. Intimal thickesing and chronic endothelial injury D. Achesion of blood monocytes and platelets E_ Adhesion of platelets and chronic endothelial injary AS ‘Dyspnea, orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea are the characteristic clinical features CNS es eet sided heat faite B. Right sided heart failure C. Hypoxic encephalopathy D. Prerenal azotemia E. Ascites 1/ PME 1. Following are the preferred biomarkers of E._ Short am of chromosome 22 to long am of smypcardial damage: chromosome 9 A LDH B. Cresinioe plorpate = ail cw Froponin-I & troponin 7 Pare 17. The most common histological type of cervical 12. Alll of the following are causes of iron deficiency anemia except: Paroxysmal aoctural hemoglcbinaria —® “42 C. Celiac sprue Ei comer cas Good 13, A S0-years ld en dof i fa ecgaed persistent nonproductive cough. Cytological Caamisation of die BroneHEl washings revealed smoker coi ‘small uniform looking neoplastie ‘oval 19. Which one of the following is not correct. soto ih ta sed econ ie association of tamor marker with corresponding figures. Which of the following is the most likely tumor: Seto edi ell tumor — Androgen Cle faesiis Algta green Ses Ge adeancersanea —CATIS Gannon cll tet Esxogea tule. Dysgermnoms Beta HCG ed tcc = be >. Seneca E_ Squamous cell carcinoma room 20. Which one ofthe following isa good prognostic factor in acute rmphoblastic leukemia: ‘A. Presentation in infans less than OF year old BL High presenting white cell count C. Tell ALL in children Diana ceepoone Quod iperdiphoidy(¢) © aac wor*| 21. A 28-years old man develops malaise, fatigue ‘and loss of appetite, On physical examination he hhas mild scleral icterus and right upper quadrant tenderness. Which of the following, 15, Which one ofthe following swt» cause of serologic test revuts is most likely to be positive thre tee | ue fA Beats see Stase \—> “V °- AL AnteHBs Cutt - Grenicinteioss QY gg 3 Am HB: Chronic iron deficency ©. AnieHCV D. Portoperstie D. eM anscHDV = ae uaon PAtat ans HAV 16. In CML ¢(9:22) results from translocation of: 22. The clinical combination of hyperthyroidism, ‘A. Short arm of chromosome 9 to short arm of cxophthalmes and pretibial aces irmost moma iikely to be seen in an individual with which of Tiaag man of casi 915 aio the type ofante-anibodies: ‘aeewente7 ee ee comanceny EVVAO Long am of chrvesieoene 91 thet ann of B._TSitrecepor blocking antibodies chromosome 22 C._Asti-miochondsialsaibodies D. Short erm of chromosome 9 to long am 5 ecepior stimulations antibodies Chromosome 22 Vt TE Ani-smmoth scl atibodies 2\P 23. A SS.years old man presents with painless 29. Pap smear is commonly used for the detection of ia. On cystoscopy apapillary mass is early cellitng dysplasia in gissue seriping from: = rot lowing pat ischaracer ts eon: 3 Vega RO Miee ihcty Speen tia alent C Belyet B. Occurs only D. Ue © Mates cc E Fallopis te D . Ura pesctze of sent ects Pte 30, Whichof the folowing ts oftindngs is most OD tumor often associated with lobar pneumoni: = so cSammalty sured Bjeoplana Hodgha's 24, Which ofthe folowing categorized as small diese vegal cal = 1. Congeial Ecol, ematue nice of cae ais ao if heel caren C._ ppl sin etait, Postoperative C. Kawasaki disease Communit sd. S. aia, § Renee CNS Acot eSPms De4 Ro © Gimvell weigh aomued/S aire, ADS Shi 28. What are the four most important retble ty axes sama its primarily ates oe a clogs! _ AP is ssckangypertenson, diabetes, YO Sema Sasa ‘mellitus S% Joint capsules B. Hypertension diabetes mating, CR) oo Wroed hypercholesterolemia, high carbohydrate ‘Synovium ie C. Disbtes mets, typercholeserleni, ih onus ee ._Hypercoleserslnin high cabot i, occas E None ofthe sbove ‘A.O2 years old boy with visible abdominal 26. Continued progression of which of the following disease leads to the formation of gangrene in inngs: A Tuberculosis B. Chronic bronchitis Qerte 33. Which one of the following organism doe: not , Spmyema cause ulcerative leson of GTF rang ices i ected tubeless Ano 3. Este lye C Candidaatbiews-~ Cg 1, D. Salmonella typ E Vial infection aM. 28, After myocardial infarction lab reports shows an elevation of CK DH. What is the time Erie , Pa : = : 12 hours oN s E a yom poe eet CemQome 32- —MUner- pr? Gece Cy fecic — eUnWe- aip v GS 4s-rane! ‘Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura mone 38, The virus implicated in the pathogenesis of 41. Chgndrosarcoma i Hodgkin's lymphoma is: Hoi a ce Blood ze ee se: AS mun prepa female preset wi 42, 07 arse pees wih and vomiting. hypoalbuminemia, edema, hyperlipidemia and found examinatiggf shows grape like cystic proteinwaig, The patient is givgu steroid therapy st Ukely dlagnoss: morphological ce patients disease: A. Destniction of B. Destruction act ‘membrane a™ D. tes E_ Fusion of the foot processes T 37. Which one of the fotorng {Ste a (sqtece \* ‘Prostaglandin (PG) important in allergic chronic extravascular ring (fate asthma is: ‘A Raised coum conjagaied bliin on : eee we ce) Geto DPF Eallistones D. Prostacyclin E. Lowreticulocyte count E. PGE? 38. The translocation that puts the IgH{ locus on 44. The most important diagnostic microscopic chromosome 14 and the BCL? locus on chromosome 18 together, isa trademark of which disease: A. Hodgkia’s lymphoma Bed B. Burkit’s lymphoma C._ Splenic marginal cell leukemia 139 mm Hg Sustained diastolic > 95 mun of Hg or sustained systolic > 145 mm Hg C. Sustained diastolic > 89 mm of Hg or sustained systolic > 135 mm He D. Sustained diastolic > 100 mmm of Hg or sustained systolic > 150 mm mmHg E. Sustained diastolic > 105 mun of Hg or sustained systolic 155 mm Hg avs ‘54. A 65-years old man presents with dysphagia, ‘weightloss and anorexis. Biopsy of esophageal Iesion is done which shows squamous cell carcinoma. Which of the following is true, Aetigarette smoking &chronie alcohol use are associated risk factors ‘This cancer is characterized by indolent course & long survival is common C. Histological include disordered back to back submucosal glands ‘D. Most frequently arises in lower third of esophagus E. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease & barrette’s esophagus are risk factors art * ‘55. More than 90% cases of MIL are due to: A DIC ons. B. Hemolytic uremic syndrome c sd endocarditis rasdlerotic coronary arterial 56. A25-yenrs female comes tothe cinician with ©, sani eons ieee gan, OOO Histopathological esamination reveals Iymph node metastasized by papillary carcinoma of thyroid. Which of the fllowing isnot» feature of papillary carcinoma of thyroid: ‘A Dopllery processes wi Steet eeu B. Orphan sie eye melt C. Petmomma bodies D ‘aclasion ilar processes without Sibrovascular core (esendopapilae) S| Page 57. A12years old girl has numerous freckles on upper trunk and face. Which of the 63. ‘58. Aschoff bodies are the characteristic morphological feature of which of the following condition: A. Marfan syndrome B. lnfective endocarditis CSE 2 Rcumatic fever E. Mitral degeneration os 59. A 50-years female presents with proteinuria and 6. Focal segmeatal glomerulosclerosis 60. A 53-years old man comes to the emergency department because of marked hematemesis that has continued for the past.03 hours ‘a distended abdomen with a fluid wave and the spleen tnd palpable, What iver diseases angst Lig to be prea in this patient ‘ines ait 'B. Cholangiocarcinoma 66. C. Massive hepatic necrosis, D. Fanty change E. HAV infections 61. A 60-yearsold lady with lethargy, nausea and reskaces aie Seisbotreyia inshore normal and cortisol isbelow_normal. What is jeecdayeer ‘AL Cushing's disease Endo Bh Eetopis cantictogin piating tama Secondary renal insufficiency. D_ Congenital adrenal hyperplasia PA Astien's dare 62. A patient presents with increased serum iron’ decreased TIBC, increased percentage — saturation and increased S ferritin Most ikely shes Cirood emia major B. Sideroblastic anemia C.ron deficiency anemia D. Anemia of chronic disease ( Aver overload C_ Hspen! alee E. Inspissation of colloid E. Sickle cell disease ATLyears old man presents with a slowly xgwing, ulcerated lesion located on the pinna of A 67-years old man has had increasing ‘weakness, fatigue and backache. ESRis markedly raised and CBC shows anemia. Bone marrow biopsy show4yliffuse inflation by tas Vhat isthe most kel dig ee idteuens B_ Waldensorm macrogiouiemia ood © Clronic myeloid leukemia D._ Karyotype with t(14:18) translocation @7 Multiple myeloma A 30-years old female presents with thyroid swelling. Her FNAC reported as follicular neoplasm. Which of the following is single best histology criteria to differentiate between benign and malignant follicular neoplasia: 1A Preseaceof apa Endo B. Number of mitosie asia of follicles E. Focal segmented glonerlesclersis ) 68. A pathologist performing an autopsy notices the ‘grayish brown and firmer appearance of lower lobe of the lung. Histological sections from same area shows progressive disintegration of RBCs and presence of a fibrinosuppurative exudate, ‘Such features are consistent with which of the toy oe © Redieatzaion @ eno E. Resolution 9, A SSyearsold man noted tohave cancer of dower third of exphagus-Te is nensinoher accaconally drink alcohol, Whats histological of this cancer Adenocarcinoma B. Melaona ar . Metastatic cancer D. Sarcoma E_ Squamous cell carcinoma 70. Adenocarcinoma of lng arises from which of a the following precurser lesion: 3 AY Sauamots dysplana é B. Carcinome ia site D. Hemelytc meme syodrome ._Dittse idiopathic pulmonary sewoendoctiag E Tombtic thrombocytopenic purpura cell iyperpaia D, Jung abscess Aenko 7162) Circumferential subendocardial infarcts are Appia adenomaous hyperplasia typical acensequenceof 2 Comers pee TL, A 6byearsold man wiois aoa 4B. Insdequite anastomotic circulation hnypectensive and diabetic, develops sudden! Dilatation ofascenting aorta nemo mcm ification of aortic valve 'D. Ruphune of aortic valve E. Vegetation of the aortic valve 93. Which one of the following is most likely the ‘common sequel resulting from acute as well as common sl ae cae fe ae creaicomliin, Cohn =. ecco CE CRs 94, Regarding complete mole: E Discotlcd tae a egnaney 95. A.30 years female complains of swelling in the neck On examination it was a thyroid swelling. ‘Histepathological examination reveals follicular adenoma. Which is the characteristic features of {llialar adenoma which differentiate it from fieuraren “Arens of fibrosis B. Areas of calcification C._ Invasion of capsule and extra thyroidal tissue ‘neoplastic cells Presence of intact well-formed capsule completely encircling the tumcr E. Invasion of capsular vessels and vessels ‘beyond the capsule 96. A 38-years old male is awakened at night by severe lower abdominal pain radiating to groin. ‘The pain is very intense and comes in waves. He developed hematuria in the next morning. tract does he of the following 97. A female patient was operated for breast cancer. During the procedure mobile axillary nodes were found on the samg side of the tumor A. Stage B c. D. E 98. A 27-year-old male presents with a testicular amass, which is resected and diagnosed as being a Alkaline phosphatase B-luman chorionic gonadotropin (B-hG) Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) 99. st likely to be Serous tumor of the ovary ‘Smooth-muscle tumor of the uterus 100.A diabetic patient presents with proteim ‘edema and symptoms of renal insufficiency. ‘There appears to be nodular hyaline mace: in the glomerulus of the kidney. These lesions are called Kimmelsteil-wilson nodules. They are lodular glomerular sclerosis 'B. Membranous plomerslopatiy C. Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis D. IgA neptropathy E. Focal segmental glomerulosclersis 101. Which of the following a ¢ clinical C. Potyuria D. Moderate proteinusia E. Urinary urgency 1102, Which of the following genetic mutation occurs in Hashimoto's thyroiditi eat 8 PEND! P53 BRCA1 aa! KRAS FI6 hop 103, Which of the following is the antibody of grave's disease: ae ‘TSI antibody (C. Anti-nentrophil cytoplasmic antibodies D. Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies E. Anti adrenal antibodies 105.During a routine physical examination, an old ‘man is found to have a small mass in his abdomen. Angiograph reveals aneurysmal dilation (about § cm) of aorta distal to renal. arteries. Which of the folloving isthe most - x Tots = 'B. A previous syphilitic infection C. Hypertension D. A congenital defect E. Trauma evs 106.4 3S.years old female develops ocular ‘disturbance and cold with numbness of fingers. pe inflammation of tunics media with giant celle, ‘Ths gost probable diagnosis will be: Takayasu's arteritis beeen CG D. Thromboangitisoblitrane E. PAN Endo we E. Hypertension 108.4 61 years old man hada ction ‘Lear ago, which was the first major illness of His life. He now wants to prevent ano myocardial infareon and is advised to begin a program of exercise and to change his diet. A eduction in the level afschich of the follossing Serum laboratory findings 1 year later would best indicate the successaf this diet and exercise IDL chatestera CNS HDL cholesterol Potassium Renin Calcium, ryop 109.4 70 years old woman has been bedridden for ‘ng ena manth. Physical examination now shows some swelling and tenderness of the rightleg, ee Tmoves the leg. Which of te following terms best describes the grit nas 4) Pema intravascular coagulopathy Thromiophiciis NG ‘D. Thrombcangilitisobliterans E. Varicose veins Tsien nent aoa ete T1L.A 50 years female with 3 20 years history of ppe-2 diabetes mellitus. On renal biopsy diagnosed as diabetic neuropathy. What i the a aS nephropathy ‘AY Crescent function in glomeruli on light sicroscopy Tniramenbranons and ep membranous complex deposits in glomerular basement ‘membraze on electron micioscopy fodular accumulates of mesangial matix on ligt microscopy D. Sclerosis of same glcmerul and only parts of affects glomeruli and light microscopy E, Where long abaormalites from imme complex deposits and thickness of glomerular basement membrane on light microscopy 101? 112. 30 years old male suffering from testicular swelling. Histopathological examination reveals, sheets are separa immunohistochemi: D. Iinmatwe teratoma E. Spermatocytic seminoma 113. 30 years married woman admitted in ward ‘with C/O headache, lethargy, drowsiness with xno swelling of thyroid gland. Doctor / consultant suspected Hashimoto’s thyroiditie, What is best investigation for Hashimoto's thyroiditis; A. Anti-nérenal antibodies Sa do By Todd rote OM snt-tiyroid peroxidase antibodies D. Serumealeium E. SerumTSH 114.4 30 years female complains of secon infertility and presents with colicky diqand dysmenorrhea. Whi ‘solid and cystic ovarian tumor a ascitemlich one of the fol 117.A 60 years diabetic and hypertensive female ‘complains of postmenopausal byetding. What is moomE 118.430 years lady comes to niin with compan of weling he nee, excessive sweating and weight ls. On examination Ey 6 teat kas achyetdnpapiadon and Protrcon of eyeball. Clinical patent wat guned ws cn Gene's deme Which Inorator invertigton favor he dingnos: 1 Deceit need TS oe 3 Inrensed SH sa T3 aT evel Sap 8a end To fee TS ad fie Tad decreased Tettenl Ines eT and fie and TSH evel 119.4 30 years female complains of severe colicky pain and dysmenorrhea. On 121 122.In lactating mother most common cause of 125.A 50 years female had fever and flank pain for ‘past 02 days urine analysis shows no protein, ‘glucose on ketones, microscopic examination of seins shes exons pelernie ood B. & D. E. Cryptococcus neoformins 126.Bilateral polycystic kidney AN utes B. recessive G D_ fhon-hers EY Hereditary 127.Cgrrelate the most appropriate statement repiqgling germ cell tumors of testi: B. fea occur in adults c is most common up to 03 D. cell tumors are E. nal carcinoma Usually occurs in 128.Surgical repositioning of testicle in case of eryptorchoidism is preferably indicated by age 129.All of the following are associated with a poor prognosis for breast cancer, except: ‘A primary tumor of (6 ga in diameter c. D. = E_ Serouf tumors appear on gross examunstion as cyte lation 1233.4 60 years female complaints of bilateral partly solid and cystic ovarian tumor and present with ch one of the following is most 12 | 1134, Which one of the following tests assessing the best regarding thyroid functional status: Be teal T eve En do tal T4 level TSH level D. Radioiodine scan E_ Fine needle aspiration 135 Which one ofthe following i estrogen 137.The most common type of prostatitis in these daysig, A al B. Acute abi C. Chronic D. terial ER 138.Prognosis is most likely better in prostatic ‘cancer, when tumor cells a A. Diploid D. Metastatic non-ovarian cancer E. Surface epithelial cell tumors 141.A 60 years old male comes to clinician with complaint of retention of urine. Ultrasound 142.A.25 years female cies to the clinician with complains of swelling in the cervical region. Histepatholegisal ateaiian reveals mp je metastasized by papillary carcinoma of fvroid, Which ofthe following is nota feature. of papillary carcinoma of thyroid: ‘AdiBerlle pet eiendi pits Bteomrilat cone B. Orphan annie eye muclet © Peamomma bodies D. ‘acusion processes without fbrovascular core (eudopapillae) ee CoS oi rN 144.4 30 years old lady is suffering from Grave's disease. Which laboratory test favors Grave's amyloid: ‘A. Follicular adenoma B. Follicular carcinoma C. Papillary carcizoma “Anaplastic carcinoma ‘Medullary carcinoma —> ds Decreased level office 3 and fee TS B. Increased level T4 of TSH and decreased C. Decreased level of T3 and T4 and increased vel of TSH eased level of free T3 and T4 and decreased level of TSH E__ Increased level of TSH free T3 and free T4 145, Which of the following disease is not caused by mutations in CTLAA and PTPN22 gene: A. Grave's disease Sok BL Hashimoto's thyroiditis D__ Addison's disease Ziroc (De Quervain thyroiditis) C. Type diabetes mellitus 431 NCA | 1» Sado} oO 1146. Which of the following shows an inverse relationship to the risk for developing’ “High density lipoprotein B. Low density lipoprotein C. Very low density lipoprotein D. Cholesterol E. Triglycerides Cus 147.4 6-year-old boy have a 2-cm spongy, dulled, ‘Seema Kei x fe shee rth Tae scised, and its microscopic appearance ‘Noms dated, eadaihsundinal space fled veith EECs. Most likely diagnosis is: A cea CNS B. Angiosarcoma C. Lympbangioma ‘elangiectasia “Hemangioma a aes swelling and tenderness of the right leg. which Soe oes Which of the following terms best describes the a Std a pay —e Sc = 2 60 year old male complains of retention of 150.4 20-year-old woman had painful thrombosis of the superficial vei ler fingers become blue and cold. One tor becomes gangrenous and is amputated, diagnosed as a «cave of dromboaneits alissans Which ofthe following is associated with this disease: A. Hyperlipidemia Cy re B. Hypertension D. ‘vitamins and zine intake igarette smoking CC. Decrease intake of fruits 151.A 3 years old girl presents with generalized edema, shorily after recovering from upper respiratory tract infection. Lab study reveals 155.The Jones major criteria for diagnosing rheumatic fever include all of the following, cys “A. ,Caditis PF Acstitic 5. the sntiitchontia antibody (AMA) teen transaminases are notated nd Sieimgloghyrunremarlable The met ¢ eyes ennai se teas Netter U2 -Ghie treat of trp € Chronic see epatts D, Primary blir crcosis AZ Chri psi hepatitis ewer: q ° is and has a risk 162.4 male suffering from arthritis of long duration. ‘Now he developed symptoms of Cushing's syndrome, What ie the moct likely cause: teem ConhO BR. Ectopis ACTH proviuetion C. Adrenal adenoma D_ Pituitary adenoma Corticosteroid therapy 163, Which of the following group of drugs are E. Steroids 164.Acate coronary syndrome inclade all ofthe following exeept Aco Ml B. Ustablean & Uettenge,, CNS Acs PP Site azina E Alloftie above Unk Los.whichof the folloing pe of angina eco acuuaaae ee premade Aisacage ONS ‘D. Simple angina E Compound angina 166.Following are causes of sudden cardiac death, se ons CAnecke ‘B. Mitral valve prolapsed 167-Ring abscess, systemic emboli and septic infarets all are the complication of which of the following disease: as ‘A. Rheumatic heart disease B. Libman sacks endocarditis C. Nonbacterial thrombotic endocariitis 169.4 35 years ol female develope ocular startances anf cold With eveiace of Sapére: presale get ern inftsmmaton of eniea media with giant cell most probable diagnosis wll be yess ates B Gina cell areas CNS ©. Wegeser’s reaulomstous D. Thrombeansstsobitane BE PAN 171. Organisms involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatic fever is: reptococcus viridians Streptccoccis pyogenes CX) % ©. Streptococcus agalictiae D. Staphylococens aureus E. Paeumococcus 172.4 60 years old woman dies of tumor that had 173.4 10 years old boy is brought to the physician or a Youtine heala maintenance ceaminaton: ‘Tae physician nates a2 ca spongy, dll red Clrcunseribed lesion on the upper outer lft ru The parent state tat this state has beea prevent sae infancy. The lesion i excsed and To nicrescopic appearance naming cad ine spaces it ith BBC Which ofthe folowing isthe maT iaguosts: ‘A. Rapes asia cus i Agro C. Lymptangiona Dy Telangiecanre Z Hemangioms: 174.4 30 yearsold woman has smoked one pack of jgarettes per day since she was a teenager. She hhas had painful thrombosis of the superfici veins ofthe lower agrTar UT month ord cpitedes daring which her fingers become blue and col RET TERT she Tevelops chronic, poorly healing ulcerations of her feet. One toe becomes gangrenous andis amputated. ‘Histologically atthe sesection margin. there is an acute and chronic vasculi ‘medium-sized arteries, with segmental involvaiest Wha te tloag ic dicment inet Vile en So (ws C. Corticosteroid therapy D. Antibiotic therapy for syphilis E. Insulin therapy 175.Which ofthe following is nota feature of atherosclerosis: A. Lipid deposited in smooth muscles B. Enessie collagen deposited itinae CNG C. Calcification occurs D._ Contraction oftlood vessels occurs Disintegration of internal elastic Inmina pS” OF ¢ 176.4 boy brought to emergency ward, after a road ‘waffle accident, presents with hypovolemic Thrombotic thramborytopenic purpura 177 Acate left ventrictlar failure is accompanied by A. Decrease in pulmonary blood value ees ae CNG D._Askle edema edema 178.UTI due to B, Proteus most likey produces 179.4 50-years old man has a 2-year history of Jina pectoris that occurs during exercise. On pijatel examinatoa; Hs Blood presureis 135/75 mm Hg, and his heart rate is Z2/zpin and Sightly irregular. Coronary angiography shows a fixed 7504 narrowing of the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery. Which of the following types of cells fs the initial & clonal iN a C. Platelets D. rophils thelial cells wre: ch yaa a ec are found to play a significant role in the Saas seer ain Sect gl pacers Tice Semiotics, Te ‘Gpedinatal aoe Braisrapets Which Ti gitar eee iro et et biologic consequence of these factors: a ee Ca Pane cide = ‘Srninscftepsic prota ieee Sees, CNS Nie ea sks eae Soec moo 181A 4 years female child presented with polypoid ‘mass projecting through v ‘transplant suffer from chronic ipffammation of bladder. Histopatholg@{cal examination macrophages. The A. Chronic cyst E. Acute cystitis are present. A. Seminoma 186, B. Spermatocytic seminoma C. Embryonal carcinoma D. Yolk sactumor FE, Inmature teratoma 185.1 patient ha: TSH decreased, T4 normal and 13 ‘normal, What is your diagnosis: A. Byperthyroidiem Endo 1B, , Hypothyroidism SF Sooclinical hyperthyroidism ‘D. Subclinical hypothyroidism E. Report is normal 70 years old male comes to clinician with plain of dysuria and difficulty in starting or ‘bacterial prostatitis D. Chronic abacterial prostatitis E, Benign prostate hyperplasia 187.Which one ofthe following tumor marker is used for prognosis of surface tumors 188.4 50 years old lady suffering from thyroid swelling. Histopathologial examination reveals (hyroid tissue inflated by lymphocytes, plasma cells am i foliles wi Frominent germinal venters The thyroid follicular cells show marble cell change and fibrosis. These features favor which ofthe following disease: SAB stare thimcto's thyroiditis © Sobseteymptocte ride D. Gramilomatonsthyrciits ndo E_ Riedel tyroidts 189.440 years female complains gfirregular D. Human papilloma virus infection E. Adenomyosis 1190.All of the following disorders of thyrotexicosis, ‘are not associated with hyperthyroidism, except: Endo A. Strauma ovasii ranulomatous thyroiditis e's disease D. Subacute lymphocytic thyroiditis E. Riedel thyroiditis 191.4 30 years old lady comes to clinician with ‘complains of swelling in the neck. Clinical ccxamination reveals thyroid swelling, Laboratory investigations increased TSELlevel and decreased T4 level. The patient is suffering from ‘AL Grave's diverse ‘ppothyroidism S-ndlo © Toxie adenoma D._ TSH secreting pituitary alenoma E_ Toxic multinodular goiter 192. 25 yearsol suffering from thyroid ‘swelling. Laboratory investigation reveals normal TSand TA ee and increased SHE level Histopathological examination reve hyperplastic and colloid containing follicles. The re Endo “Multinodulas goiter B. Simple (Nontoxic) goiter C. Adenoma D. Hashimoto's thyroiditis E. Subacute lymphocytic thyroiditis 193.4 27 years old female requests a mammogram, ‘edemg, shortly after recovering from upper iNgry tract infectiongbab study reveals 195.4 25 years old man presents with hematuria, periorbital edema, hypertension and hemoptysis. He also experienced nausea, sr and chills, Serological test is +ve ‘Tram trak appearance of glomer ar basement ‘membrane on electron microscopy 196.A patient presents with hematuria, proteinuria ‘and edema. C3 levels arc low. Basement 197.A patient presents with malar rash, photosensitivity, oral ulcers, arthritis and signs Test samples reve ANA, and RNA. fe against DNA, 199.4 61-year-old man had a myocardial infarction, ‘Lyear ago, which was the first major illness in his life, He now wants to prevent another myocardial infarction and is advised to begin a program of exercise and to change his diet. A seduction in the level of which of the following ‘serumTaboratory ‘Lyear later would CNG 181 best indicate the success of this diet and exercise CNS AL Glucose B. Potassium SEs E. Calcium 200.4 10-year old boy is brought to the physician for ‘a routine health maintenance examination. The physician notes a 2 cm spongy, dull red circumscribed lesion on the upper outer left ‘arm. The parents state that this lesion has been present since infancy. The lesion is excised and its microscopic appearance shows dilated, ‘endothelium lined spaces filled with RBCs. Most Some oe wipeeeres 3 Auoacon’ = =CNS ©. tynptanginn glee ‘Hemangioma 201.4 50-year old man has a 2-year history of ‘angina pectoris that occurs during exercise. On physical examination, his blood pressure is, 135/75 mm He, and his heart rate is 79/min and slightly irregular. Coronary angiography shows a fixed 75% narrowing of the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery. ‘Which of the following cells is the initial target in the pathogenesis ofthis arterial esto ee Sel emi cas © Paces cve =o Total cells aun s5year a when i ne te eresing ‘prowincuce of dilated superciat cinfooer both fowerlegs for the past Syears. Physical cxamfnation shows temperature of 37°C, pulse of 70/mnin, respirations of 14/min and blood presiure of 125/85 mam Hg. There ie no pain, swelling os tenderness in either lawer leg. Which ofthe following complications isyost likely froceurara consequence of tis SEE cemninafunicer GEVG B. Gangrenovs across ofthe lover le Pulmonary thromboembolism D. Disseminated intravascular coagulation E_ Atrophy of the lower leg muscles 203.4 36-year-old min is known to have been HLV- positive for the past 10 y. ‘examination shows several skin lesions associated with Kaposi sarcoma. These lesions w. Pusil” CVG ave been slowly increasing for the past year. infects Jays a role in the development of these skin lesions Ts: A. Epstein Barr virus Most likel B. Cytomegalovirus juman herpes virus-3 D. Hepatitis B vis E. Adenovims un 204.After a mastectomy witht axillary clearance for Wreesd cancer UL Wear ago. A47 year old woman tas developed persistent swelling and puifiness ine kta discolored She developed celats in thelet tm.03 mous agp Best term deseribes these findings A Tirombophlctits B Sobelavin arterial Grombons ee Se e x zt ios eanent ope of princi ANS "AL, Setous pericarditis —3> th ha Leas 4 CN 207.Which one of the following are the key processes, jevelopment of atherosclerosis: thickening and lipid accumulation Migration of emooth muscle cells and lipid accumulation Total thickening and chronic endothaiat Cy ind zB ie D. E 208.4 An yoars old female consults a doctor. complaining of tachycardia, palpitation and © elo protrusion of eyeball (exophthalmas). [aberatoryinvestgations reveal increased level of tree 3 and free TH The most likely diagnosis A. Toxic adenoma B. Neonatal thyrotoxicosis associated with auternal Grave's disease -ymphedema ‘Fibrinous pericarditis (C. Suppuratve pericard "4 D. Hemorrhagic pericardit ~Y E. Caseous pericarditis o iS errs, «(CNS S eee 2 ees ‘Adhesion of blood monocytes and platelets Achesion of platelets and chronic endothelial “The araaTs not paintul or cvg e Ak yD 19|Page 2 wianenemaiain Di font cticodale poise wre 208.4 10yearsol eid is diagnosed asa case of jothyroidism. Laboratory investigatior hepfilin the dlaguosis reveal: Pado eas TSH level and decreased Ti tee Decreased TSH level and increased TM level fescue Tosoed nal arenes Tore Increased T3 evel and imsensedTlevel Decremed T level and sessed Pevel hoop 210.4 40 years old obese persons suffering from ‘Type TL diabetesimelltus. The insulin resistance erent ig fins fe A Decree eve off ty acids ang increaed level of adiponectin swdo “CB? Increased level of fee faty acids and decreased level of adiponectin CC. Increased secretion of GIP GLP-1 hommones D._Decressed level offiee fatty acids ani decreased level of adiponectin E. Decreased level of cytokines and macrophazes D. The neoplastic glands are variable sized ssranged into nodules E. There is no perineural invasion 212.4 20 years old lady is saffering from enlarged thyroid. Histopathological report reveals a Well ‘circumscribed lesion of thyroid with well. formed intact capsule. The most likely diagnosis A. Poplin carinom ofdyrid) © 3 feliedrcucisom oftired LO C. Medullary carcinoma of thyroid ultinadular goiter of thyroid ‘Adenoma of thyroid 213.A.17 year young lady came to doctor with a ‘complaint of swelling in the cervical region of neck Swelling was excised, histopathological report reveals lymph node showing papillary process with fibrovascular core lined by cuboidal epithelium. The cells contain Orphan, See features are in favor of: arcana of dial atest: Medullary cacnoms of thrid mtartatic ©, C. Follcula’carcnoma of thyroid metastatic. ‘D. Anaplastic carcinoma of thyroid metastatic E_ Follicular adenoma of thyroid 214.Histopathologial report of 40 years old female reveals a neoplastic lesion of thyroid exhibiting thiform and small folices, The neeplasi ells Capsule and tata Folda uot sue. The most ely diagnosis is: A. Ample cenisbim of thyroid Ey AD B Papillary carcinoma of thyoid ©. Hinhimcass droits llicaia beamed Epoad TE. Maltinodola iter 215.4 60 years old male is suffering from painless hematuria. CT scan reveals growthin the ary bladder. Histopathol Papillary urothelial neoplastic of low malignant potential 216.4 50 year old males suffering from severe abdoininal pain with complain of nausea and ing. Clinically, the case is diagnosed as acute pancreatis. Which following laboratory gation will hep inthe diagnosis: Fresnel jevel of eran nylase Qt B. Decreased level of serum amylase CC. Decreased level of cerum lipase ‘D. Increased serum insulin level E. Tncrensed level of ghicokinase ar right breast ‘tang. not associated 20|Page 218.4 36 year breast feeding mother complains of a 218.Fat necrosis of the breast is characterized by all, ‘of the following, except: yep e 220.A lesion from the breast of a 60-year-old woman ‘contains a firm area 3 cm in diameter with irregular, ill-defined margins. The lesion is 228.A patient with moon like face, buffalo b (deposition of fat on back and neck), with the clinical manifestation of hypertension and ‘weight gain. What will be most common ee dee FC. sHierene Endo ——s c oe Dentin 229.A patient comes to physician with the complaint A. Doe to hyperpituitarism to onic adrenocertic to primary chr octieal SN, 21 [Page C. Due tohypothyroidism D. Due tohyperthyroidism E. Due tohypercortisolism 230.Pure glucocorticoid hormone or cortisol hormone is secreted from: ee B Himtay iad = Edo C, Part nd ‘land E. oe 251:Funconatparthyrithonaone st segulat the twine aes auirpaay acca 3. Sarton fem sre! nd peemm. Lado Serco fe petit LP Rega these cli sel 232.Which one ofthe following testicolar tumors is 2A male of 42 years age dcreloped itary ‘adenoma. Which of te following types s most likely microadenomna at the time of clinical 1 Roliaoom Endo ‘omatotroph adenema (CTH adenoma D. Silent adenoma E. Gonadotroph adenoma 235.A patient with pituitary adenoma develops headache when tumor expands: rene a Sera. Endo Flay Checle - 236,Which of the following pituitary adenomas is rn A. Prolacinoms B. Somatotroph adenoma SY Rebbin ae i pci jth mene aati tr doom dre cones Are s : E. Inferiorly Sit a nitmcashh coin - Endo A Deacti ofld procean 3 Enlargement ofmandible Canora state D. Dibetesmelin E Biaaal henianopia 230.425 year old female patient with secondary inferiity and galsetarriea brought fo OFD. Which ofthe following is mos likely he exe: IA. Mid elevation athe esuopea level BUGmbiog Hadrome Sado ©. Addison's disease D._ Somatotophicadencma faction 240.4 42 years old man complains of recently having to change his shoe size from9 to 10%, and he also says that his hands and jaw are now Inrger. The disorder is most likely mediated by: Endo D. FSH E. Thyrotropsin 241.An adult developed GH adenoma with elevated (GH may be associated with all of the following Enargenea! of alla trcice Endo ieee aad hyperplasia of soft tissue throughout body D. Impaired Glucose Tolerance Excessive growth of acral parts 242.Which one statement is notappropriate regarding diabetes inspidus: Endo A larity increased sased ADH in all cases . Dehydration D. Low specific gravity of urine E. One cause is head trauma 22 [Page 243.Rithke cleft cystis I 244,All are the causes of transient hypometabolic Polycystic ovarian syndrome 248.Which ofthe following most likely causes Ibyperthyreidism: A Hashimoto's thyroiditis Bo adiatons End C. Surgery © D__ Silent pituitary adenor EE Seom ova Ectagic T4Ty dé Atare themes hypertyrssn aS A Seciepeinion Endo oe os 2 pee 247.High dose of corticosteroid was given in ease of ‘immune mediated disease. The patient developed symptoms including nervousness, palpitation, diarrhea and heat intolerance. ‘These symptoms are best explained by: A ortsosal dane Ww thyroxine binding globulin C._ Raised blood sugar D. Elctslyicimbalac® = Cece E. Underlying isease ant riniving RM aint a eee an fe 2 hime §=odo ¢ Beene ee 248. All are dietary goitrogens, except: ‘A. Cabbage B Tump ©. Cassava D_ Mustard seeds (Pickle) PA Cant Endo 250. Which of the following is most likely the cause 251.All are the causes of superior vena cava syndrome, except: A. Bronchogenic carcinoma B. Mediastiaal lymphoma fultinodular goiter ‘Esophageal carcinoma E. Thyroid carcinoma CNEL 252-ldiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis may be associated with which of the following types of thyroiditis: A Fibrosing Hashimoto's thyroiditis B._ Painless thyroiditi« s thyroiditis D._Sub-acute (gramslomatons) thyroiditis E. Infections thyroiditis 253. Which of the following helminth mest commonly cause myocarditis: A. Ascaris B. Echinococcus E Taenea Cvs 254.ln morphologic evaluation of myocardial infarction, red.gray depressed infarct borders Teer ¢ Tonto Gadi curs mosey by nay, age Ste oo“ v TB 2+ days CN © SEES, a aden dag ST vests Lat te 255.A 2-year old fale prevents to cine complaining of eudden encet of flank tendernest that was fluctuating and radiating ato her groin, Laboratory analysis reveale a serum calcium of 12. (normal 8.4-10.2) and a serum phosphorus of 2.5 (normal 2.7-4.5) and a ‘loride: phosphorus ratio >33. You suspect primary byperthsraidism. ‘Which of the jowing mechanisms is responsible for current condition: ‘AL PTH binding to receptors a osteoclasts, By. Parafollicuar oC cell synthesis of calcitonin 0 Increased RANKL production D. Decreased M-CSF production E. Increased synthesis of osteoid by osteoblasts 23 [Page Endo woleretaar 5 Wash caltypeplatin ima aly ce Endo AD Adrenal gland B. Anterior pituitary gland C._ Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland E. Endocrine pancreas 257, Which ofthe following findings are appropriate in tnt ry A PTHY Cat Puosy 2. rhur cay pect Ende PTET Cag Phos PTET Cat Phost E. PTH Canomnal or| PhosT 258. Which of the following findings are appropriate in secondary hy ALPTET Cat Phort Cal Phost Endo © PTHT Cal Phos] D. PTHY Cat Phost E_ PTHT Ca normal or! Phost 259. Which of the following findings are appropriate in primary hyperparathyroidism: it Cat Phos} B. PTHT Cal Phost . PTHT Cal Phos! Ende D. PTHT Cat Phost E. PTHT Ca normal or| Phost 260, Solitary parathyroid adenoma most commoniy A Right su uperior parathyroid gland 'B. Right inferior parathyroid glane Exdo Left superior parathyroid gland D_ Left inferior peratytoid gland E, Anypanthyroid gland = C4ae che 261. Which ofthe following findings are appropriate in bpapestlgage A_PTHI Cat Phos} Pando i Cal Phost CC. PTHI Cal Phos! we D. PTHI Cat Phost ner E. PTHT Ca normal or| Phost 262. Which ofthe following findings are appropriate in pseudo-hypoparathyroidism: A PTHt Cat Phos} B. PTH Cal Phost C. PTH| Cal Phos! D. L| Cat Phost it Cal Phost 263. Which one of the following is most ikely not, associated with nares ABone cysts AD Hypotension . Caleium deposits in renal tubular cells D. Anorexia E_ Carcinoma of parathyroid 264.Adenoviral infection most likely associated with ‘which of the following types of thyroiditis: B. Painless thyroiditis Endo Radel yous c BF Subacute (gramulomntous) thyroiditis E. Infectious thyroiditis 265-Presence of Hurthle cells and lymph ‘with prominent germinal centers are microscopic diagnostic features of which of the ea “Hashimoto's thyroiditie B. Painless thyroiditis CC Reidels thyroiditis D. Sub-acute (graaulomatous) thyroiditis E. Infectious thyroiditis follicles 266 Medium size ves enesed in reas tisue tend and the walls se inflrcd by cone iuecciry om Giger et diagnose etre of which af he low ag types roi FP piece hatha 's yi By Panlectyots GAD ads are D. Subecur (raulatos) thyriis F Innate Sra 267A female after he 7% day of delivery develops mild diffuse goiter with manifestations of yruidsms Which ofthe following s most Gary s dows 2 Sov-acute lymphocytic (painless) thyroiditis C. Reidels thyroiditis D. Snbacute (granulomatous) thyroiditis E. Infectious thyroiditis 268.Which one of the following types of thyroiditis, shows increased incidence in summer season: ‘A. Hashimoto's thyroiditis B. Sub-acute lymphocytic (painless) thyroiditis c thyroiditis cute (granulomatous) thyroiditis E. Infections thyroiditis Cade 24 [Page adel 269, Which one ofthe following can cause “Mysedems coma: 3 Kavanced progresion ofkypotiytidism B. End-stage grve's disease En do C._Overdse ofpropyitioucl D. Vacontolled dates E. lnfectious trode 270.Which one ofthe following s the most common ‘cause of eypothrroidion: ae eo Endo <= Fashimoto's thyroiditis ©. Radiowctve oduuceapose D. Thyrodectomy E Jafetnus depois 271.Which one of the following types of mutation: amos key noted in. pap lary carcinoma of — A Feat ation of RAS ea do arrangement of RET gene D. PAXS-PPARG fasion E_ Inactivation of P53 272, Which one set malignant tumors of be capsulated: A tingid En Topi caraom and medoary cacazomn Folia cucinoma and medley ecg Medullary cinoma and uniflrcaated Folly cacinoma and unifeenined Folica cucioma anpaplry B. c D. 273.The diagnostic feature of medullary carcinoma at yrs A. Lane nop Matin fe pollen Fondo symptoms B. Solitary nodule in one lobe C._ Nests end corde of spindle chaped celle ly history of medullary carcinoma at 274.Rulky masses, extend beyond capsule and microscopically spindle cell with sarcomatous appearance are diagnostic features of which of B. Follicular carcinoma the following thyroid carcinoma: A. Papillary carcinoma fi Leper matlyexsomn é Undifferentiated carcinoma ‘E, Familial medullary thyroid carcinoma 275. patent is having complains of srspesia for ‘06 months. Serum calc Pa shows a radio opague mass in neck. The patient is moa tkely uttering Fome Endo ‘A. Malignant thymoma B. Sympathetic tumor fedullary carcinoma of thyroid Primary byperparathyroidism E. Esophageal cascinoma 276.4 36 years old patient with diabetes mellitus ‘took insulin for glycemic control. After examination diagnosis of osteoporozis wat made. Which of the following most likely taustagentenpoross in spent Tasulin Sado faces Calcium? . Pa Cw 2rd eel tag pee ee Bi Meesventceaar ep ect intake rep op cH atrial hypertrophy ‘D. Over-riding of aorta E. Cyanosis 286.Urinalysis results include proteinuria, many red ‘blood cells and red blood cell casts, and 1-2 white blood cells per high power field. Which of 288-Rapidly progressive glomerulonephitis is a group of disorders associated with severe Papillary necrosis Obstructive uropathy 289.A 70-years male becomes hypertensive. As time sep cus My Sasuke bbutpuconeyiomere fan 120, He developed Darn thes fs urine salpetieatore, Whats te Wo menpbouall fame ofan A Foal winded. uate Fitcinoid accreain inten T ( Haute fa * D Enbchimfrmtion (CXS AIC E Tirombue formation 2190. Alteacierenisa generic form fer thickening and loss of elasticity of arterial wall Which Peirce evar te inten Hf the Yess A Hyaline arteriosclerosis B. Hyperplastic arteriosclerosis, AS CAMonkberg medial excite sclerosis gn T E. Senile arteriosclerosis 291.4 40-years old female has diffuse symmetrical soiter. Histopathological examination reveal hrthle cells fibrosis, lymphoid follicles with prominent germinal — and infiltration by Iymphocytes and plasins cells. The case diagnosed as: A. Granulomatous thyroiditis B._Reidels thyroiditis Hashimoto's thyroiditis T D. Subacute lymphocytic thyroiditis E. Multinodular goiter 292.4 30-years ld Indy has enlarged thyroid eee bet ot erem ser was a arranged into nodules, thc nodule are Son ees ee Tope aia eae ‘1 Simple poiter qn (3% Maltinodalar goiter T C Grave's disease 261° 293.A middle age female complains of painless mass at right side of neck. The patient was operated and histopathological report reveals tumor ‘composed of thyroid follicles containing colloid in their Iumen and intact capsule encircling the ‘tumor. What is the diagno: E. Anaplastic carcinoma 294A years emtepresn on yr ‘reling Htopateaiecaiaon reves aS eae pound gs nln nen eee a Pll en ee Sado € itehinyencices 27 ae Folia cs 295.4 43-years old femaleis diagnosed as a case of follicular carcinoma of thyroid. Which of the following histopathological features favors the dingnosis: ‘A. Intact well-formed capsule surrounding the BA Capa snd scl invasion T Ply ope hoped cele and syd , Pomptic and iypercrom cle nd gamle pny ine witli slow i ej ale 296.4 25:years old iy ters rm elarged thyroid. lisa i evel cw areal i fatlerenge med czopLdhalgn Eaborsieey sigation reveal ese trce TS and Ty vel nal decrnsein _ Tiina aml ase ‘ne's dite Tonk adeno Sado ©. Gnes D. Multinodular goiter E. Simple goiter 297.Am obese adult male is suffering from typeI “diabetes mellitus, Which one of the following et oes on ocr Berea ty acids sad decase cpa co te endo DL Armin E. Glycogen hormone 298.After meal the GIP and GLP-Iincretin hormones are released from K— of GIT. The fonction of increta _}UYedecere mun eacten fons increas inalin secroon So cls C. Toincrease release of fee fatty acids Ene D. Toincrease release of adipokines E_ Todecrease release of adipokines 299 Insulin hormone causes peripheral uptake of glucose and glycogen. Insulin hormone is Pbeete ste rons acl ee Hes suffering from increased level of hormone since childhood. What will be the diagno ‘A. Acromegaly 27Gemim T Endo Addison's dsexse D. Cashing disease E Dvarfsm 301. Approzimately 40% of somatotrophic adenoma shows persistent generation of CAMP and unchecked cellular proliferation. This lesion occurs due to mutation of following gene: A. MEN-Igene B. P53 gene © RBgene yeline D1 gene GNAS gene T 302. Acute intratumoral hemorrhage a sudden hemorrhage which occur in pituitary adenoma isanidt be: cade ‘A. Posterior pituitary exisis B. Somatotroph pituitary adenoma Lactotroph pituitary adenoma Pituitary apoplexy T E. ACTH pituitary adenoma 303.4 36-years female is coming to the clinical attention with moon face, buffalo harp (deposition of fat on back of neck and back) due to Cushing syndrome. Itis due to increased cutie oe Endo A. Growth hormone B. Lactotroph hormone C. Genadotroph hormone D, Tlyyroid stimulating hormone ‘Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) T 2([Page E. Fibroadenoma 310.A 60-years-old female with HiO hypertension. and dighetes melitus complains of A 50-years-old female had right mastectomy for lump and she was diagnosed as a case of B. c D. Membranous glomerulopathy E, 312.4 25-years-old female complains of infertility. ‘She is obese and has male voice. On ultrasound E. Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia 309.4 2S.years old female stariyd breastfeeding to her bi she developed tender An breast with fever. ‘Which one’ ving is most common A. Chronic Bo Intradh E. Adenomyosis D. Sedentary lifestyle 315.A 28-year-old female with history of 02 months x, complains of va; jcular tissue > than 1.5 pay) 317.8410-years-old child has slow physical and ‘mental activity. Patient complain: of cold, intolerance and is overweight. Heis diagnosed as a case of Hypo! dem). ‘Which one of the following laboratory investigation is helpful in the diagnosis of nee icueintstien F-AhO Docs in TSH vel € Thsrese ia TS level D. cree 4 level E._lnrea in ee T evel emcee ae ZIRLRCNS : a ¢ Saree : a 319.A 30.years.old schoolteacher is known to be 2 ‘triet dieiplinatian inthe clacrronm. She hax angina pectoris @f O6smontis duration. On physical examination her Bod pressure is 138/35 mm Hg, She is 168 em (Sf inch) tall and weight $2 Ke G2MI 29), Coronary Moeety oe tv arene at with hepa fiboss anterior descending Branch ofthe left coronary D, Acne! cysts sees socio artery. Angioplasty with stent placement ‘eit re ell areas performed. Which of the following is the major E. Simple cysts have no clinical significance _sDofecer asec wih ee tg ‘with these findings: ‘Obesity Typed personality CNS ©. Dabetes malts 326.Regarding glomerular injury choose the wrong statement: ‘A. Anti-GBM antibody induced nephritis characterized by diffuse linear pattem of staining to antibodies Ricumsodd afatisand efoammune bepais subepithelial aspect of st membrane in. 332. Acute tubular necrosis is associated with all of E. Circulating complex nephritis associated with SLE, Hepatitis B virus & “Hepatitis C virus aatigens. 327.The important laboratory finding for diagnosis ‘of poststreptococcal glomerslonephritis is: 328. Minimal change disease is jstologically by: 335. Which one of the following is aot the principle ‘component of atherosclerotic plaque: C. Macrophages Cc NIN E_ Intracellular and extracellular lipids 386.Which on ofthe following isnot the isk factors for atherosclerosis: _— i epee 3, Ggaeteenotog = CUS Hahproca une D. Cllanydn poromenia = Comyn SMC E Hagen eS MAO 337.Which one of the following is not associated ‘with hypertension: A. Lack of physical activity and obesity B. Heavy consumption of salt o/ decreased ening oftech outs C-N|C oa ees RO aT soe tein inbri Sees Baa eas Citgo CO Sapa eepaene : See B enters CONG 339..Varicose veins usually involve which of the A. Deep veins ofthe upper leg B. Deep veins ofthe lower leg D. veins of the arm Superficial veins of the upper and lower deg 340. Which of the following trisomy is the most eee <7 2 beni ols Be © eacarencenat syndrome) » ey NG a eee c TSG oe nda SG hy GL an Oe accrveecnas 8 evn pee 0 inl 2 cheer endeion ct ngtogeae pene kimepayine 5 iar pen on ee et eae nae =n C. Lantana Oa CNS : 2 agra Macc cca ae on ee £ See, C. Cardiac dilation CNS See rca Soe 344.4 30 years old female preseyge with vaginal E. Septicemia 348. Which one of the following is most common jem causing pelvicii tory disease: 346.4 30 years female had Pap smear test. Which, ‘one of the following condition is diagnosed by 311? 351. Which one of the following is most common ‘cause of chronic specific end 453.4 3S-yearsold female had history of painfal ‘menstrual cramping pain. On laparoscopic ‘examination shows multiple darkbrowa areas in ovaries and uterine lig: 355.A 04-years female child presents with irregular ppolypoidal mass projects through vagina look & moon ‘bout exstrophy of bladder: mo A wp 387.Cystitis cystica glandularis: AS B c. D. E_ It shows apoptosis of covering epithelium 358.High grade urothelial grcinoma have much of: is Somictops EMA P>.. \ aa ect A Metaplasia of pituitary pO an Leena Dodo ee 361 Increase secretion of ACTH shows: hdl ee Endo B. Hypoglycemia Cushing disease D._Dwarfism ‘All of the above 362.Diabetes insipidusis caused by: ‘A. Deficiency of growth hormone B. Deficiency of ACTH hormone C. Lactotroph hormone ‘Thyroid stinmlating hormone ‘Antidiuretic hormone Endo 363. Anterior pituitary constitute about: ‘A. 10% af pituitary gland tee ede FE occa’ Ca — Crooye 364.Melanocyte stimulating hormone is secreted by: "A. Somatotioph cells of anterior pituitary B. Lactotroph cells of anterior pituitary SES, Cade E. Allofthe above 32|P 368.Bjesfary dwarfism is due to: pho Defcienryefgowthhomose TC Deficiency of thyroid stmulatiag homove Deficiency of adrenocortcotropic homone acti) Deficiency of lactotroph hormene Allofthe above mo fw 2608 sind pire aes en et Selig epee wear Tons, co alee saa notin ea meat nee op ela eee visual problens aisicoet Riaiy tobe consed by Cee ee aaeeluee ace Sra en 3 Fumaiglnd Ce Drones E Temper be 367.4. 42-yearsold man presents with increasing ‘fatigie and occasional headaches. He states that recently he has had to change his shoe size from 9 ta 10 and he also thinks that his hands and ie tot iaiv ret Lee ala increas cose. Which of the followin eoreuteeinaar = E constellation of clinical findings: "Acromegaly Apoplexy_ Gretinisan Diabetes Gigantism hoop 368. Most characteristic clinical manifestation to differentiate nephrotic syndromgérom others as diagnostig one in glomerular Linear deposits of IgG on immune- fluorescence studies C3 and factor-B deposits on immane- fluorescence technique 378.The important diagnostic microscopic features in carcinoma of prostate £381.Prognosis is most likely better in prostatic cancer of whichDNA pig of amor cl wr is higher in patients S84. eng maybe sated ith Toit of pero ena cm 2 feta S.ndo a nN Dyno i oe 284. Which ofthe folowing ptitary adenoma is tort sty lcrondenoma at thet of elinial diagnose: ‘k "Prolactizoma ina male dp ‘Somatotioph afenoms Pat ‘ACTH adenoma D. Sika! sdewuae E Gomdotopi adenoma 386.Whichof the flloning itary adenomas ene gaenn ee, oa Dac ra ed ACTH adenoma Vado D. ‘Tiptotepic sesona By Gesell omen SNe Nin pisaryadeaem deco pea vac ose vies a 41 4% Aseriorly Endo cS 2 eer 387.4 30-yearscl female died due to subarachnoid Temofrnage Autopsy reveals rupture of 1 berry aneuryam. The pathogensis of this vascular abnormality is most likely related to: Ton 1K” Cyts mual across 3, Eanuntisctte rea vescun ONS ‘ongenital defect ofthe arterial wall ‘D. Arcerial wall defect due to diabetes E. Atherosclerosis 388. Which of the following statement i breast cancer in men: E. Its often preceded by atypical eithetil hyperplasia 389.Estrogen receptors are more common i sinus tumor Wi Dysgermi roop intraepithelial ne’ A. Caitus at ear e Intravaginal contraceptives 398.Which ofthe following epithelia is most raletaa to gates A ia pre gyal picts B. VaptgtcagAlly matore women c D E End. Falipiaa tube 392.Antony type arteries are seen in which of the following tumors: Pigment& neuroectdMermal tumor of infancy 395.Which ofthe following tumors mast likely does ‘not produce secondaries: A. Clear cell of kidney B. Carcinoid C. Cat cell car tung E_ Adenocarcinoma of prostate 396.Schillex Duval bodies aye/pathognomonic of: ‘A. Clear cel of cervix E. Schiller-Duval bodies 403.The following statements regarding endometrial hyperplasia are true, except: A’ Atypical hyperplasia may be premalignant ‘Complex hyperplasia is also called ges and broken microscopic muld be probable diagnosis R c D. Choodlate eyst E. Serous cyst adenoma 405 Right rest lumpectomy performed ona young 406.Endometrial biopsy for unrecorded cause was, ‘performed on 60-years old lady which showed atrophic endometrium. A decade later this lady developed bleeding P/V and endometrial biopsy revealed malignancy wiglPS3 suppression on 407-Young female with enlarged thyri ‘cervical lymphadenopathy, when biopsied of thyroid showed malignancy comprising of pleomorphic ces with orphan annie eye nuclei. ‘What would be most ikely agnosis in such a LP vicina css c i? B. Follicular carcinoma C. Medullary carcinoma D. Anaplastic carcinoma E. Metastasis 408.Frequent site of tuberculosis i c D. F E 409.Very rare congenital cardinc malformation is: xD CNS Tor, 410.Highly malignant vascular tumor is: emit CxS ASD Pulmonary stenosis Tricuspid atresia Acti stenosis PyomP Rakes BF Basiosarcoma D. Hemangio endathetioma E. Cystic hygrom MR So jpenie dtn o neigh oe cae: ere See Ee CNR es ay 412.Basal endothelial cell state is observed with: "A. Increased expression of precoagulants B._ Increased expression of adhesion molecule C. Increased expression of pro inflammatory 2A Tninas bod Sow cvs Hypoxia 413.2.ANCA is typically found in: “AL Wegener granulomatosis ‘Clairg Stesucs syndrome C. Good pasture syndrome D. Cryoglobutinemia E, Henoch schonlein pwpura sternal grave’ leads to neonatal: Hpi B._ Euthyroidism Hyperthyroidism: pee E. Depends upon degree of hyperthyroidism CNS 4. 361? 415. Which of the following is direct antibody oe CNS ‘Kawastki disease B. Churg strauss syndeome C. Sting induced vasculitis D. Cryoglobulinemia E. SLE ateritis 16: Whieh ofthe folowing sth most common, ‘complication of heart failure, orm * arohors ay Qh - AY % Yocunotirsx a ws tian =C 2 Gylotoat 417.Ditated cardiomyopathy occur in al, except: AL Sarcoidosis ase “Aenyloidesis. ——>» 444. Which ofthe following statementis mast sebcapats ropieing potyavieci aadoes A Occur in old individuals ciel paleemerySavcbial ‘Hepatitis B antigen association sS 1D. Heart vessel involvement is most common cause of death E. Association with ANCA. 452. Which one of the following is not component of wtheroscerode plate A.” Smooth muscle cells ce B. Macroptages Os “Atherosclerosis C. Neovascularization == SEY LS ‘Wétonmane complex mediated vascaltis include all’ __-453.Whichof the following organism is involved in arene owing the moet ull woul bet vnopas asain ter ‘A Hepais BC indocd ass I Stepocoom vide Spo eicglitcned G eb Cinp Amrepreneet & € Daeaiectewcie CD eerie C pine o aoe cnt te F Pasumocoorus A113 comma Dahon te in of mina change zs: Ul tumor of ovary Popp a 391? 462.Which one of the ytrobial agentis not profile: E HPV 463.30 years female complains of severe colicky 465 Failure of uterus to develop is directly related to the failure of which one of the following. 467.Growth hormone is secreted from anterior pituitary by: A Clromimafian cells wy B,, Parfolicalar cells Somntotopic ells ‘D. Stratified squamous epithelial cells E. Columnar epithelial calle 468.The most common cause of hypothyroidism i: A. Colloid goiter By Grave's disease tas Hashimoto thyroiditis D. Follicular carcinoma E. Medullary carcinoms pica clear cells, B. Cells show pleomorphism and increased mitosis, 40 |? C. Formation of closely packed acini D. Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis E. Calcification 470.40% of Somatotroph (Growth hormone) pituitary adenoma bears: A. P53 mutation oe? B. MEN-I mutation an GNAS mutation E. Mutation ofall above Sind ee eins ene omnes soa 5 eee Ende Sas 2 ee i eee ne ae Cake ‘Small cell carcinoma of lang En —— ——— sina mmm a arena = i nae ate —™ oo 474,Calcitonin hormone is secreted by following ‘cells ‘A. Stratified squamous epithelial cells B. cytes Parafollicular or “C” cells ‘D. Columaar epithelial celle E. Follicular cells Gnde 476.4 50-years diabetic was taking Gibenclamide for 5 years. Recently he brought to casualty EodP ys department for sudden unconsciousness. What treet stl you de Endo A. Usine DR B. ECG Epes Blood sugar level E Fundoscopy. 477 Semosiderin- aden macrophages (Heart flare cell) most commonly seen in polmnary edema ef which of te folowing catst on: A Highline 3, Seog setbeat fitxe — CNS 478.4 56 years old obese female presents in ICU after being found unconscious by her daughter. Faramedies report that the female is found in stuporsas condition cavered with vomit. On survival she is clammy and her BP is 85/50 mm 2. Her serum amvlase is raised, Which ofthe following is the most likely cause of hypotension’ ‘AP Alpha cel tumor of pancress ‘Acute hemoringic pancretts D. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma E. Cystic fibrosis Qt 481 Aschoff’s nodules shows the presence of: A Ccagulation necrosis Gee 2 Augen vp & yetienecte CC Fei Biel eecemiadind sre Stopes ONG . eee 41[Page D. Treponema pallidum E_ Schistosoma mansoni 483.On physical examination of a 35-year old male, ‘ou palpate a left inguinal mass which is Perform a chromosome analysis 484, A patient came to the emergency ward with ‘complaint of retention of urine & low urine show small crowded glands containing cells with prominent nucleoli in the nuclei, stroma at places infiltrated by lymphocytes and macrophages. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis: Adenocarcinoma of the prostate Benign prostatic hyperplasia (Chronic prostatitis ‘Metastatic urothelial carcinoma Recent infarction of prostate Popp 488.4 30-years old man presents with acute chronic 489. Which of the following statements is not appropriately related to pathogenesis of benign hyperplasia of prostate: QHT (dikvdrotestosterone), a metabolite Goals the transcription of growth factors E. “The estrogen also appears to playa role 4490. Wich of the following statements is most app a B. tis, culture secretions ¢ D. Inghcterial prostatitis the micr ufvally implanted vis blood E. Causative organisms in bacterial prostatitis are usually gram positive bacteria 491.The growth factor involve tate hyperplasia is: endo jn causing benign room 492.Which laboratory test helps to distinguish E. Androgen receptors with over expression of PTEN gene 494.Most benign prostate hyperplasia takes origin 495.Most carcinomas of prostate takes origin from: ‘A. Region of nei Sibrooyetir soma 496. 497.1n case of testicular tumors about: A. 0% ae composed of mere than 1 pure pattern diza 1 pure pattern than 1 pwe patiern E. Staphylococci 499. Which of the following is not a differentiating 1s characteristic of endometriosi ‘501.All ofthe following are typicals of carcinoma of ‘vulva, except: A. Peak incidence occurs in premenopausal ‘Squamow rm po fumors without lymph node involvement have a good prognosis '502.A 36-years old male with familial hypercholesterolemia has the greatest risk of death from: A. Hyaline arteriosclerosis By ‘mesenteric artery thrombosis Rupture aortic aneurysm D. Moukeberg’s medial calcific sclerosis E,_ Hypesplastic arteriosclerosis, £0-The medullary carcinoma of thyroid gland ee ee ee oe Spe ae ee ees Aes oe is es Endo C. Infiltration of lymphocytes D. Replacement of thyroid with fibrinous tumor E. Psammoma bodies Cvs 504.Papillary carcinomas of the reng)-pelvis are 505.4 30-years female on ultrasound examination had solid ovarian mass. On histopgshological ‘of transitional epithelium chiller duvel bodies '506,Which is the most important feature which lori che agnosie genome: 9 PEs Tee c. icchange Tntegrity of the capsule E. Hemorrhage '507.Which of the following feature is the ‘characteristic feature of Hashimoto's Hurtiecsand boss §— Edo B. Necrosis C. Calcification D. Hemorhage E. Cysticchange ‘508. Granulomatous thyroiditis is triggered by: rpm me Enho B. Bacterial infection C._Fungal infection '509.Papillary carcinoma shows all of the following features, except: fea icon © Asin ee 3 Ground Gu aie ©. intmclenrgoows >, Endo D._Psammoma bodies ‘oid deposits 510.The most important diagnostic feature of Tellcalarcarciaoman ‘A Eye al Endo B. mitosis wwasion of capsular vessels and vascular spaces beyond the capsule D. Calcification E. Fibrosis 511.Paraneoplastic syndrome caused by secretion of a hp E. Anaplastic carcinoma 512. of he falling th ost common Tpgeet vss nau raped Koma dew C Waeanimnss CVG 2 Chega gue E Taste masts '513.During a routine pelvic examination, a 25 year female was found tohave an enlarged us. Ultrasound report showed, A ic ‘acute adrenocortical insufficiencies C. Secondary acute adrenocortical insufficiencies D. Chronic adrenocortical insufficieacies €, nde E Allott above 515.60 t0 70% of cases of Adasons disease are tausedby: ‘2 Stasi cancer to aden gland SAlmemne ents Ends ©. Chronic inflammation D. Acute primary adrenal insufficiencies E. Allofthe above '516.Most common clinical sign of Cushing rte Ende ‘A. Increase weight B. Swelling on foot C__Hypotension Se anon ump E. Diabetes mellitus cells do not produce Endo D. Delta cells E. Pancreatic polypeptide cells a4 [Page 18.10 type? eabetes metus, nga restancein obesity is caused ring, E Reed gee ‘24 B Adiplines do C. Inflammation ~~ D._Perorvomes poliration sctivted receptor oe A Vira infections 518-Types diabetes melts ian avoimumane acs aware yy eer mall ene Benen dexncaon ©. Gam cll destruction Dress popeeniar aaa E_ Dalisell dmcton 520, Which ofthe following laboratory investigation Ihelpsin the diagnosis of dinbetes mellitus ‘Random glucose level greater-than,200 mg/dl with classic signs and symptom BB. Fasting glucose level less than 126 mg/dl C._ Oral glucose tolerance test showing blood slucose level less than 200 mgidl 2 hours after standard glucose ad D. Fasting glucose level less than 100 mz/al E. Random glucose level less than 200 prvi £21 Inirative ophthalmopathy with protrsion of Speba oproay occas 2 paltntaler peter edie Endo Adenoma D. Simple goer E_ Geeubeuntos tyros 522.4 20-years female in her fifteenth week of On fo fetal parts are ‘most likely E. Placemal site trophoblastic tumor '523, Which one of the following is not correct, ‘association of tumor marker with corresponding Endo 2» ‘526.4 25 years feanale deliver a baby but fal to er placenta and followed by severe hemorthage. Whi 27. According to courvoiser’s law, a pancreatic cancer located inthe end of pancreas sould be supeced fine following clinical signs: Cav eae, Fen : Obstructive jaundice and a non-palpable gall bladder ‘D. Steatorthea and a non-tender gall bladder E. Stestorthea and a tender gall bladder £28. aie panerenite which one ofthe flowing Serum amlase nie i sobs air C. Stepioknase D. Styne E Bytvondace 45 |?

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