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Maternal and Paternal Lineages

b. Father The Father works as a family driver to support the family. As a father, he was strict in his relationship to his children. He would speak to his children whenever they do something incorrect and he will spank his children as a discipline to them. Hes closest child is his only son GB. He disciplined him more and he always monitor the things his son has been doing. The Father died early with stroke and leave the 3 children in the custody of the mother. c. Mother The mother worked at Agri supply. She was pregnant at the age of 26. She and his husband thought that they could not have baby so they adopted their first child but after a long time they were blessed by a baby boy. The mother says that she brought her children up in discipline and love; she said she doesnt spank her children because it does them no good. Unlike the father, she doesnt believed in punishing her children through spanking and the like when they do something wrong. She always give what the children want specifically GB and always tolerate GBS attitude. 1

d. Siblings The family is composed of three siblings. Two of them are adopted child Roselyn the eldest adopted child and the third informant, followed by Glenn, the second child then by Rhea Mae, the youngest adopted sister and the fourth informant. GBs relationship with his siblings is good. As a child, he plays with them and he shares his thoughts with them. Furthermore, when they grew up and the illness took place, the siblings gradually got worried with him because of his hostility towards others.

III. Personality History a. Prenatal

b. Birth GB was born primagravida full term through normal spontaneous vaginal delivery. Before the birth of GB, his parents had encountered a stressful problem. His father pregnated a 12 years old girl. The father and mother decided to go far away to avoid the problem.

c. Infancy and Childhood Characteristics GB was mixd bottle fed and breast fed. Her mother started to wean him when he was___months old with___as the first solid food taken by the client. This was also the time his deciduous teeth erupted. He started walking and talking mama when he was___months old. GB was not toilet trained and he was reprimanded whenever he committed mistakes during the process. GB was a good son according to her mother and follows instructions without complain. But sometimes as boys are he is also a kulit child to the family 2

GB was 11 years old when his father died. At a young age, he was gravely affected by this loss. GB was 11 years old when he started to use rugby and eventually at the age of 16 he then uses high drugs such as marijuanas and injectibles. He was termed as barkadista by his mother.

d. Psychosexual History GBs sexual awareness started when he was 16 years old. It was on his time that he started having a crush and actually had a girlfriend who after sometime broke up with him. This break-up with his girlfriend triggered him to indulge in high addictive substances such as expired syrups and marijuana. Later on GB then like someone but unfortunately he was ignored so he continue on using drugs to think that he would catch the attention of the girl but in dismay he did not succeed. d. Play Life GB does not engage so much in cooperative play and prefers solitary play but he has a lot of friends in his neighborhood. He would only sit by himself and compose rap songs. As a child, he is active and his neighbors find him friendly. e. School History GB was an average student, having average grade every year. He was not actively involved in extra-curricular. It was also in school and outside the school, brought about by peer pressure that he learned to indulge in smoking, drinking alcoholic beverage, and drug abuse. GB was 12 years old when he tried smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, and using rugby; vices in which he eventually got addicted to and eventually learned to use injectables and marijuana until he was admitted at SPMC last 2004.

f. Religious and Social Adaptability The family is a Roman Catholic. He is a type of person who is not used to visit the church but he is religiously keeping the religion by reading the bible and memorizing memory verses. He sees God as the creator and salvation of life. He is a God fearing person. g. Occupational History GB stopped studying during his second year in high school; GB was engaged in a gang and uses rugby, syrups and marijuanas frequently. GB sometimes had a fight with the other gang and the people he sees in the road. He sometimes fetches water for the others and also sells some of their belongings just to buy expired syrups, rugby, injectibles and marijuana. h. Marital History GB is single. However, he is looking forward to marrying someday. According to him, he wants to be married so badly and have a child to take care of. GB feels dismay because he thinks no one would like to marry him because of his situation thats why he diverted his attention in using drugs but he again failed to be loved by someone he liked. i. Onset of the present illness Patient had been previously admitted in Southern Philippines Medical Center Psychiatric section for couple of times. Patient was brought in this institution and kept week for regular follow up check up with meds Cyclopine. 1 day prior to admission, patient allegedly punched a neighbor with provocation and was

brought on the said institution. At ER patient tried to punch a P.O Lieutenant and the latter was able to dodge. Patient then subjected for admission.

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